Package org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.protocol

Source Code of org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.protocol.WFSProtocol

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package org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.protocol;

import org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.feature.VectorFeature;
import org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.layer.WMS;
import org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.util.JObjectArray;

* WFS Protocol for Vector Layers - intentionally deviates from OpenLayers name.
* This is basically OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS
* @author davek<at>komacke<dot>com
* @author Mikael Couzic
* @author Giuseppe La Scaleia - CNR IMAA geoSDI Group
* @email
public class WFSProtocol extends Protocol {

     * @param options - WFSProtocolOptions used to configure this protocol
     * @return WFSProtocol object
    public WFSProtocol(WFSProtocolOptions options) {

     * Implements the convenience method OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.fromWMSLayer().
     * Since it's really a constructor we'll call it the proper java constructor
     * name with a layer object.
     * The convenience method uses a WMS Layer to populate a bunch of values
     * under the assumption that the WFS query will be done to the same layer at
     * the server
     * @param layer - WMS Layer to get properties from to configure protocol
     * @param options - WFSProtocolOptions used to configure this protocol
     * @return WFSProtocol object
    public WFSProtocol(WMS layer,
            WFSProtocolOptions options) {
        super(WFSProtocolImpl.create(layer.getJSObject(), options.getJSObject()));

     * Performs a GetFeature request on the WFS service.
     * Due to the asymetric callback system, the return type of the method has
     * been set to void. The results are accessed by the
     * <code>Callback.computeResult()</code> method.
     * @param options - Options object, encapsulating the callback
    public void read(CRUDOptions options) {, options.getJSObject());

     * @param url - the url of the WFS
    public void setUrl(String url) {
        getJSObject().setProperty("url", url);

     * @param geometryName - set the geometry name
    public void setGeometryName(String geometryName) {
        getJSObject().setProperty("geometryName", geometryName);

     * @param feature namespace - the namespace of the feature schema
    public void setFeatureNameSpace(String featureNS) {
        getJSObject().setProperty("featureNS", featureNS);

     * @param feature type - the type of feature, for example: roads, lakes,
     * cities
    public void setFeatureType(String featureType) {
        getJSObject().setProperty("featureType", featureType);

     * @return url - the url of the WFS
    public String getUrl() {
        return getJSObject().getPropertyAsString("url");

     * @return geometryName - the name of the geometry
    public String getGeometryName() {
        return getJSObject().getPropertyAsString("geometryName");

     * @return feature namespace - the namespace of the feature schema
    public String getFeatureNameSpace() {
        return getJSObject().getPropertyAsString("featureNS");

     * @return feature type - the type of feature, for example: roads, lakes,
     * cities
    public String getFeatureType() {
        return getJSObject().getPropertyAsString("featureType");

     * Given a list of feature, assemble a batch request for update, create, and
     * delete transactions. A commit call on the prototype amounts to writing a
     * WFS transaction - so the write method on the format is used.
     * @param features
     * @param options
    public void commit(VectorFeature[] features,
            CRUDOptions options) {
                               (new JObjectArray(features)).getJSObject(),

     * @param feature
     * @param options
    public void commit(VectorFeature feature,
            CRUDOptions options) {
        VectorFeature[] features = new VectorFeature[1];
        features[0] = feature;
                               (new JObjectArray(features)).getJSObject(),

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