* Copyright 2013 sourceforge.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.layer;
import org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.Bounds;
import org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.util.JDoubleArray;
import org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.util.JSObject;
import org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.util.JSObjectWrapper;
* @author Edwin Commandeur - Atlis EJS
* @author Giuseppe La Scaleia - CNR IMAA geoSDI Group
* @email giuseppe.lascaleia@geosdi.org
* Find out about OpenLayers: Why doesn't Layer have a setOptions method like
* Map? Is the addOptions method comparable?
public class LayerOptions extends JSObjectWrapper {
// TODO: support ... (shared by all layers)
// -displayOutsideMaxExtent
// -minScale
// -maxScale
// -resolutions
// -scales
protected LayerOptions(JSObject jsObject) {
public LayerOptions() {
* Display or hide the name of a Layer in the LayerSwitcher Control. By
* default a Layer is displayed in the LayerSwitcher Control.
* @param display - true to display the layer in the LayerSwitcher control,
* false to hide the layer
public void setDisplayInLayerSwitcher(boolean display) {
getJSObject().setProperty("displayInLayerSwitcher", display);
* To specify if the layer is a BaseLayer. Only one BaseLayer can be active
* at a time,
* IS THIS TRUE?: if a BaseLayer is active it cannot be made invisible
* {@link Layer}.
* If there is more than one BaseLayer then it is possible to choose between
* BaseLayers in the LayerSwitcher.
* The default value for isBaseLayer depends on the type of layer. By
* default isBaseLayer is true for WMS layers, ... .
* Since OL 2.8 it is possible to specify on the map that only overlays
* should be used (will this overrule isBaseLayer property of layer?).
public void setIsBaseLayer(boolean isBaseLayer) {
getJSObject().setProperty("isBaseLayer", isBaseLayer);
* Sets an attribution block on the map. For example: "This map is provided
* by <a href="url">company X</a>."
* @param attribution - the attribution text
public void setAttribution(String attribution) {
getJSObject().setProperty("attribution", attribution);
* A floating point number between 1.0 and 0.0 that specifies the opacity of
* a Layer.
* @param opacity - 1.0 = completely opaque, 0.0 = completely non-opaque
public void setLayerOpacity(double opacity) {
getJSObject().setProperty("opacity", opacity);
* see {@link Layer}.
* @param visibility - Visibility of the layer on the map. Default is true.
public void setVisibility(boolean visibility) {
getJSObject().setProperty("visibility", visibility);
public void setNumZoomLevels(int numZoomLevels) {
getJSObject().setProperty("numZoomLevels", numZoomLevels);
* @param displayOutsideMaxExtent - Set true to request map tiles outside
* the maxExtent of the Layer, default is false.
public void setDisplayOutsideMaxExtent(boolean displayOutsideMaxExtent) {
* @param applyAlphaHack - Set true to enable IE6 alpha hack for transparent
* PNGs. Default is false, because of performance overhead.
public void setApplyAlphaHack(boolean applyAlphaHack) {
getJSObject().setProperty("alpha", applyAlphaHack);
public void setAlwaysInRange(boolean alwaysInRange) {
getJSObject().setProperty("alwaysInRange", alwaysInRange);
* @param gutter - The width in pixels of the gutter around the image. The
* gutter is ignored. <br/> From OpenLayers API: "By setting this property
* to a non-zero value, images will be requested that are wider and taller
* than the tile size by a value of 2 x gutter. This allows artifacts of
* rendering at tile edges to be ignored. Set a gutter value that is equal
* to half the size of the widest symbol that needs to be displayed.
* Defaults to zero. Non-tiled layers always have zero gutter."
public void setGutter(float gutter) {
getJSObject().setProperty("alwaysInRange", gutter);
* @param projection - see
* {@link org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.MapOptions}
public void setProjection(String projection) {
getJSObject().setProperty("projection", projection);
* @param units - see {@link org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.MapOptions}
public void setUnits(String units) {
getJSObject().setProperty("units", units);
* @param maxExtent - see
* {@link org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.MapOptions#setMaxExtent(Bounds)}
public void setMaxExtent(Bounds maxExtent) {
getJSObject().setProperty("maxExtent", maxExtent.getJSObject());
* @return Bounds
public Bounds getMaxExtent() {
return Bounds.narrowToBounds(getJSObject().getProperty("maxExtent"));
* @param minExtent - see
* {@link org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.MapOptions#setMinExtent(Bounds)}
public void setMinExtent(Bounds minExtent) {
getJSObject().setProperty("minExtent", minExtent.getJSObject());
* @param maxResolution - see
* {@link org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.MapOptions#setMaxResolution(float)}
public void setMaxResolution(float maxResolution) {
getJSObject().setProperty("maxResolution", maxResolution);
* @param minResolution - see
* {@link org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.MapOptions#setMinResolution(float)}
public void setMinResolution(float minResolution) {
getJSObject().setProperty("minResolution", minResolution);
public void setMaxScale(float maxScale) {
getJSObject().setProperty("maxScale", maxScale);
public void setMinScale(float minScale) {
getJSObject().setProperty("minScale", minScale);
public void setScales(float[] scales) {
// does this work?
JSObject scaleArray = JSObject.createJSArray().cast();
for (int i = 0, max = scales.length; i < max; i++) {
scaleArray.setProperty(Integer.toString(i), scales[i]);
getJSObject().setProperty("scales", scaleArray);
* @param transition - document supported transition effects here
* @deprecated - use setTransitionEffect(TransitionEffect)
public void setTransitionEffect(String transition) {
getJSObject().setProperty("transitionEffect", transition);
public void setTransitionEffect(TransitionEffect transition) {
getJSObject().setProperty("transitionEffect", transition.toString());
* For information on how OpenLayers can be configured to use different
* scales/resolutions, see: <br/>
* http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/SettingZoomLevels
* @param resolutions -array of resolutions
public void setResolutions(double[] resolutions) {
JDoubleArray array = JDoubleArray.create(resolutions);
getJSObject().setProperty("resolutions", array.getJSObject());