package controllers.account;
import controllers.Application;
import models.User;
import models.utils.AppException;
import models.utils.Hash;
import models.utils.Mail;
import org.apache.commons.mail.EmailException;
import play.Configuration;
import play.Logger;
import play.i18n.Messages;
import play.mvc.Controller;
import play.mvc.Result;
import views.html.account.signup.confirm;
import views.html.account.signup.create;
import views.html.account.signup.created;
import java.util.UUID;
import static;
* Signup to PlayStartApp : save and send confirm mail.
* <p/>
* User: yesnault
* Date: 31/01/12
public class Signup extends Controller {
* Display the create form.
* @return create form
public static Result create() {
return ok(create.render(form(Application.Register.class)));
* Display the create form only (for the index page).
* @return create form
public static Result createFormOnly() {
return ok(create.render(form(Application.Register.class)));
* Save the new user.
* @return Successfull page or created form if bad
public static Result save() {
Form<Application.Register> registerForm = form(Application.Register.class).bindFromRequest();
if (registerForm.hasErrors()) {
return badRequest(create.render(registerForm));
Application.Register register = registerForm.get();
Result resultError = checkBeforeSave(registerForm,;
if (resultError != null) {
return resultError;
try {
User user = new User(); =;
user.fullname = register.fullname;
user.passwordHash = Hash.createPassword(register.inputPassword);
user.confirmationToken = UUID.randomUUID().toString();;
return ok(created.render());
} catch (EmailException e) {
Logger.debug(" Cannot send email", e);
flash("error", Messages.get(""));
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(" error", e);
flash("error", Messages.get("error.technical"));
return badRequest(create.render(registerForm));
* Check if the email already exists.
* @param registerForm User Form submitted
* @param email email address
* @return Index if there was a problem, null otherwise
private static Result checkBeforeSave(Form<Application.Register> registerForm, String email) {
// Check unique email
if (User.findByEmail(email) != null) {
flash("error", Messages.get(""));
return badRequest(create.render(registerForm));
return null;
* Send the welcome Email with the link to confirm.
* @param user user created
* @throws EmailException Exception when sending mail
private static void sendMailAskForConfirmation(User user) throws EmailException, MalformedURLException {
String subject = Messages.get("mail.confirm.subject");
String urlString = "http://" + Configuration.root().getString("server.hostname");
urlString += "/confirm/" + user.confirmationToken;
URL url = new URL(urlString); // validate the URL, will throw an exception if bad.
String message = Messages.get("mail.confirm.message", url.toString());
Mail.Envelop envelop = new Mail.Envelop(subject, message,;
* Valid an account with the url in the confirm mail.
* @param token a token attached to the user we're confirming.
* @return Confirmationpage
public static Result confirm(String token) {
User user = User.findByConfirmationToken(token);
if (user == null) {
flash("error", Messages.get(""));
return badRequest(confirm.render());
if (user.validated) {
flash("error", Messages.get("error.account.already.validated"));
return badRequest(confirm.render());
try {
if (User.confirm(user)) {
flash("success", Messages.get("account.successfully.validated"));
return ok(confirm.render());
} else {
Logger.debug("Signup.confirm cannot confirm user");
flash("error", Messages.get("error.confirm"));
return badRequest(confirm.render());
} catch (AppException e) {
Logger.error("Cannot signup", e);
flash("error", Messages.get("error.technical"));
} catch (EmailException e) {
Logger.debug("Cannot send email", e);
flash("error", Messages.get(""));
return badRequest(confirm.render());
* Send the confirm mail.
* @param user user created
* @throws EmailException Exception when sending mail
private static void sendMailConfirmation(User user) throws EmailException {
String subject = Messages.get("mail.welcome.subject");
String message = Messages.get("mail.welcome.message");
Mail.Envelop envelop = new Mail.Envelop(subject, message,;