// Spatial Index Library
// Copyright (C) 2002 Navel Ltd.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License aint with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Contact information:
// Mailing address:
// Marios Hadjieleftheriou
// University of California, Riverside
// Department of Computer Science
// Surge Building, Room 310
// Riverside, CA 92521
// Email:
// marioh@cs.ucr.edu
package sil.rtree;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Stack;
import sil.spatialindex.INode;
import sil.spatialindex.IShape;
import sil.spatialindex.SpatialIndex;
import sil.spatialindex.Region;
abstract class Node implements INode
protected RTree m_pTree = null;
// Parent of all nodes.
protected int m_level = -1;
// The level of the node in the tree.
// Leaves are always at level 0.
protected int m_identifier = -1;
// The unique ID of this node.
protected int m_children = 0;
// The number of children pointed by this node.
protected int m_capacity = -1;
// Specifies the node capacity.
protected Region m_nodeMBR = null;
// The minimum bounding region enclosing all data contained in the node.
protected byte[][] m_pData = null;
// The data stored in the node.
protected Region[] m_pMBR = null;
// The corresponding data MBRs.
protected int[] m_pIdentifier = null;
// The corresponding data identifiers.
protected int[] m_pDataLength = null;
int m_totalDataLength = 0;
// Abstract methods
protected abstract Node chooseSubtree(Region mbr, int level, Stack pathBuffer);
protected abstract Leaf findLeaf(Region mbr, int id, Stack pathBuffer);
protected abstract Node[] split(byte[] pData, Region mbr, int id);
// IEntry interface
public int getIdentifier()
return m_identifier;
public IShape getShape()
return (IShape) m_nodeMBR.clone();
// INode interface
public int getChildrenCount()
return m_children;
public int getChildIdentifier(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
if (index < 0 || index >= m_children) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("" + index);
return m_pIdentifier[index];
public IShape getChildShape(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
if (index < 0 || index >= m_children) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("" + index);
return new Region(m_pMBR[index]);
public int getLevel()
return m_level;
public boolean isLeaf()
return (m_level == 0);
public boolean isIndex()
return (m_level != 0);
// Internal
protected Node(RTree pTree, int id, int level, int capacity)
m_pTree = pTree;
m_level = level;
m_identifier = id;
m_capacity = capacity;
m_nodeMBR = (Region) pTree.m_infiniteRegion.clone();
m_pDataLength = new int[m_capacity + 1];
m_pData = new byte[m_capacity + 1][];
m_pMBR = new Region[m_capacity + 1];
m_pIdentifier = new int[m_capacity + 1];
protected void insertEntry(byte[] pData, Region mbr, int id) throws IllegalStateException
if (m_children >= m_capacity) throw new IllegalStateException("m_children >= m_nodeCapacity");
m_pDataLength[m_children] = (pData != null) ? pData.length : 0;
m_pData[m_children] = pData;
m_pMBR[m_children] = mbr;
m_pIdentifier[m_children] = id;
m_totalDataLength += m_pDataLength[m_children];
Region.combinedRegion(m_nodeMBR, mbr);
protected void deleteEntry(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
if (index < 0 || index >= m_children) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("" + index);
boolean touches = m_nodeMBR.touches(m_pMBR[index]);
m_totalDataLength -= m_pDataLength[index];
m_pData[index] = null;
if (m_children > 1 && index != m_children - 1)
m_pDataLength[index] = m_pDataLength[m_children - 1];
m_pData[index] = m_pData[m_children - 1];
m_pData[m_children - 1] = null;
m_pMBR[index] = m_pMBR[m_children - 1];
m_pMBR[m_children - 1] = null;
m_pIdentifier[index] = m_pIdentifier[m_children - 1];
if (m_children == 0)
m_nodeMBR = (Region) m_pTree.m_infiniteRegion.clone();
else if (touches)
for (int cDim = 0; cDim < m_pTree.m_dimension; cDim++)
m_nodeMBR.m_pLow[cDim] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
m_nodeMBR.m_pHigh[cDim] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (int cChild = 0; cChild < m_children; cChild++)
m_nodeMBR.m_pLow[cDim] = Math.min(m_nodeMBR.m_pLow[cDim], m_pMBR[cChild].m_pLow[cDim]);
m_nodeMBR.m_pHigh[cDim] = Math.max(m_nodeMBR.m_pHigh[cDim], m_pMBR[cChild].m_pHigh[cDim]);
protected boolean insertData(byte[] pData, Region mbr, int id, Stack pathBuffer, boolean[] overflowTable)
if (m_children < m_capacity)
boolean adjusted = false;
boolean b = m_nodeMBR.contains(mbr);
insertEntry(pData, mbr, id);
if (! b && ! pathBuffer.empty())
int cParent = ((Integer) pathBuffer.pop()).intValue();
Index p = (Index) m_pTree.readNode(cParent);
p.adjustTree(this, pathBuffer);
adjusted = true;
return adjusted;
else if (m_pTree.m_treeVariant == SpatialIndex.RtreeVariantRstar && ! pathBuffer.empty() && overflowTable[m_level] == false)
overflowTable[m_level] = true;
ArrayList vReinsert = new ArrayList(), vKeep = new ArrayList();
reinsertData(pData, mbr, id, vReinsert, vKeep);
int lReinsert = vReinsert.size();
int lKeep = vKeep.size();
byte[][] reinsertdata = new byte[lReinsert][];
Region[] reinsertmbr = new Region[lReinsert];
int[] reinsertid = new int[lReinsert];
int[] reinsertlen = new int[lReinsert];
byte[][] keepdata = new byte[m_capacity + 1][];
Region[] keepmbr = new Region[m_capacity + 1];
int[] keepid = new int[m_capacity + 1];
int[] keeplen = new int[m_capacity + 1];
int cIndex;
for (cIndex = 0; cIndex < lReinsert; cIndex++)
int i = ((Integer) vReinsert.get(cIndex)).intValue();
reinsertlen[cIndex] = m_pDataLength[i];
reinsertdata[cIndex] = m_pData[i];
reinsertmbr[cIndex] = m_pMBR[i];
reinsertid[cIndex] = m_pIdentifier[i];
for (cIndex = 0; cIndex < lKeep; cIndex++)
int i = ((Integer) vKeep.get(cIndex)).intValue();
keeplen[cIndex] = m_pDataLength[i];
keepdata[cIndex] = m_pData[i];
keepmbr[cIndex] = m_pMBR[i];
keepid[cIndex] = m_pIdentifier[i];
m_pDataLength = keeplen;
m_pData = keepdata;
m_pMBR = keepmbr;
m_pIdentifier = keepid;
m_children = lKeep;
m_totalDataLength = 0;
for (int cChild = 0; cChild < m_children; cChild++) m_totalDataLength += m_pDataLength[cChild];
for (int cDim = 0; cDim < m_pTree.m_dimension; cDim++)
m_nodeMBR.m_pLow[cDim] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
m_nodeMBR.m_pHigh[cDim] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (int cChild = 0; cChild < m_children; cChild++)
m_nodeMBR.m_pLow[cDim] = Math.min(m_nodeMBR.m_pLow[cDim], m_pMBR[cChild].m_pLow[cDim]);
m_nodeMBR.m_pHigh[cDim] = Math.max(m_nodeMBR.m_pHigh[cDim], m_pMBR[cChild].m_pHigh[cDim]);
// Divertion from R*-Tree algorithm here. First adjust
// the path to the root, then start reinserts, to avoid complicated handling
// of changes to the same node from multiple insertions.
int cParent = ((Integer) pathBuffer.pop()).intValue();
Index p = (Index) m_pTree.readNode(cParent);
p.adjustTree(this, pathBuffer);
for (cIndex = 0; cIndex < lReinsert; cIndex++)
m_level, overflowTable);
return true;
Node[] nodes = split(pData, mbr, id);
Node n = nodes[0];
Node nn = nodes[1];
if (pathBuffer.empty())
n.m_identifier = -1;
nn.m_identifier = -1;
Index r = new Index(m_pTree, m_pTree.m_rootID, m_level + 1);
r.insertEntry(null, (Region) n.m_nodeMBR.clone(), n.m_identifier);
r.insertEntry(null, (Region) nn.m_nodeMBR.clone(), nn.m_identifier);
m_pTree.m_stats.m_nodesInLevel.set(m_level, new Integer(2));
m_pTree.m_stats.m_nodesInLevel.add(new Integer(1));
m_pTree.m_stats.m_treeHeight = m_level + 2;
n.m_identifier = m_identifier;
nn.m_identifier = -1;
int cParent = ((Integer) pathBuffer.pop()).intValue();
Index p = (Index) m_pTree.readNode(cParent);
p.adjustTree(n, nn, pathBuffer, overflowTable);
return true;
protected void reinsertData(byte[] pData, Region mbr, int id, ArrayList reinsert, ArrayList keep)
ReinsertEntry[] v = new ReinsertEntry[m_capacity + 1];
m_pDataLength[m_children] = (pData != null) ? pData.length : 0;
m_pData[m_children] = pData;
m_pMBR[m_children] = mbr;
m_pIdentifier[m_children] = id;
double[] nc = m_nodeMBR.getCenter();
for (int cChild = 0; cChild < m_capacity + 1; cChild++)
ReinsertEntry e = new ReinsertEntry(cChild, 0.0f);
double[] c = m_pMBR[cChild].getCenter();
// calculate relative distance of every entry from the node MBR (ignore square root.)
for (int cDim = 0; cDim < m_pTree.m_dimension; cDim++)
double d = nc[cDim] - c[cDim];
e.m_dist += d * d;
v[cChild] = e;
// sort by increasing order of distances.
Arrays.sort(v, new ReinsertEntryComparator());
int cReinsert = (int) Math.floor((m_capacity + 1) * m_pTree.m_reinsertFactor);
int cCount;
for (cCount = 0; cCount < cReinsert; cCount++)
reinsert.add(new Integer(v[cCount].m_id));
for (cCount = cReinsert; cCount < m_capacity + 1; cCount++)
keep.add(new Integer(v[cCount].m_id));
protected void rtreeSplit(byte[] pData, Region mbr, int id, ArrayList group1, ArrayList group2)
int cChild;
int minimumLoad = (int) Math.floor(m_capacity * m_pTree.m_fillFactor);
// use this mask array for marking visited entries.
boolean[] mask = new boolean[m_capacity + 1];
for (cChild = 0; cChild < m_capacity + 1; cChild++) mask[cChild] = false;
// insert new data in the node for easier manipulation. Data arrays are always
// by one larger than node capacity.
m_pDataLength[m_capacity] = (pData != null) ? pData.length : 0;
m_pData[m_capacity] = pData;
m_pMBR[m_capacity] = mbr;
m_pIdentifier[m_capacity] = id;
// initialize each group with the seed entries.
int[] seeds = pickSeeds();
group1.add(new Integer(seeds[0]));
group2.add(new Integer(seeds[1]));
mask[seeds[0]] = true;
mask[seeds[1]] = true;
// find MBR of each group.
Region mbr1 = (Region) m_pMBR[seeds[0]].clone();
Region mbr2 = (Region) m_pMBR[seeds[1]].clone();
// count how many entries are left unchecked (exclude the seeds here.)
int cRemaining = m_capacity + 1 - 2;
while (cRemaining > 0)
if (minimumLoad - group1.size() == cRemaining)
// all remaining entries must be assigned to group1 to comply with minimun load requirement.
for (cChild = 0; cChild < m_capacity + 1; cChild++)
if (mask[cChild] == false)
group1.add(new Integer(cChild));
mask[cChild] = true;
else if (minimumLoad - group2.size() == cRemaining)
// all remaining entries must be assigned to group2 to comply with minimun load requirement.
for (cChild = 0; cChild < m_capacity + 1; cChild++)
if (mask[cChild] == false)
group2.add(new Integer(cChild));
mask[cChild] = true;
// For all remaining entries compute the difference of the cost of grouping an
// entry in either group. When done, choose the entry that yielded the maximum
// difference. In case of linear split, select any entry (e.g. the first one.)
int sel = -1;
double md1 = 0.0f, md2 = 0.0f;
double m = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
double d1, d2, d;
double a1 = mbr1.getArea();
double a2 = mbr2.getArea();
for (cChild = 0; cChild < m_capacity + 1; cChild++)
if (mask[cChild] == false)
Region a = mbr1.combinedRegion(m_pMBR[cChild]);
d1 = a.getArea() - a1;
Region b = mbr2.combinedRegion(m_pMBR[cChild]);
d2 = b.getArea() - a2;
d = Math.abs(d1 - d2);
if (d > m)
m = d;
md1 = d1; md2 = d2;
sel = cChild;
if (m_pTree.m_treeVariant== SpatialIndex.RtreeVariantLinear || m_pTree.m_treeVariant == SpatialIndex.RtreeVariantRstar) break;
// determine the group where we should add the new entry.
int group = -1;
if (md1 < md2)
group1.add(new Integer(sel));
group = 1;
else if (md2 < md1)
group2.add(new Integer(sel));
group = 2;
else if (a1 < a2)
group1.add(new Integer(sel));
group = 1;
else if (a2 < a1)
group2.add(new Integer(sel));
group = 2;
else if (group1.size() < group2.size())
group1.add(new Integer(sel));
group = 1;
else if (group2.size() < group1.size())
group2.add(new Integer(sel));
group = 2;
group1.add(new Integer(sel));
group = 1;
mask[sel] = true;
if (group == 1)
Region.combinedRegion(mbr1, m_pMBR[sel]);
Region.combinedRegion(mbr2, m_pMBR[sel]);
protected void rstarSplit(byte[] pData, Region mbr, int id, ArrayList group1, ArrayList group2)
RstarSplitEntry[] dataLow = new RstarSplitEntry[m_capacity + 1];;
RstarSplitEntry[] dataHigh = new RstarSplitEntry[m_capacity + 1];;
m_pDataLength[m_children] = (pData != null) ? pData.length : 0;
m_pData[m_capacity] = pData;
m_pMBR[m_capacity] = mbr;
m_pIdentifier[m_capacity] = id;
int nodeSPF = (int) (Math.floor((m_capacity + 1) * m_pTree.m_splitDistributionFactor));
int splitDistribution = (m_capacity + 1) - (2 * nodeSPF) + 2;
int cChild, cDim, cIndex;
for (cChild = 0; cChild < m_capacity + 1; cChild++)
RstarSplitEntry e = new RstarSplitEntry(m_pMBR[cChild], cChild, 0);
dataLow[cChild] = e;
dataHigh[cChild] = e;
double minimumMargin = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
int splitAxis = -1;
int sortOrder = -1;
// chooseSplitAxis.
for (cDim = 0; cDim < m_pTree.m_dimension; cDim++)
Arrays.sort(dataLow, new RstarSplitEntryComparatorLow());
Arrays.sort(dataHigh, new RstarSplitEntryComparatorHigh());
// calculate sum of margins and overlap for all distributions.
double marginl = 0.0;
double marginh = 0.0;
for (cChild = 1; cChild <= splitDistribution; cChild++)
int l = nodeSPF - 1 + cChild;
Region[] tl1 = new Region[l];
Region[] th1 = new Region[l];
for (cIndex = 0; cIndex < l; cIndex++)
tl1[cIndex] = dataLow[cIndex].m_pRegion;
th1[cIndex] = dataHigh[cIndex].m_pRegion;
Region bbl1 = Region.combinedRegion(tl1);
Region bbh1 = Region.combinedRegion(th1);
Region[] tl2 = new Region[m_capacity + 1 - l];
Region[] th2 = new Region[m_capacity + 1 - l];
int tmpIndex = 0;
for (cIndex = l; cIndex < m_capacity + 1; cIndex++)
tl2[tmpIndex] = dataLow[cIndex].m_pRegion;
th2[tmpIndex] = dataHigh[cIndex].m_pRegion;
Region bbl2 = Region.combinedRegion(tl2);
Region bbh2 = Region.combinedRegion(th2);
marginl += bbl1.getMargin() + bbl2.getMargin();
marginh += bbh1.getMargin() + bbh2.getMargin();
} // for (cChild)
double margin = Math.min(marginl, marginh);
// keep minimum margin as split axis.
if (margin < minimumMargin)
minimumMargin = margin;
splitAxis = cDim;
sortOrder = (marginl < marginh) ? 0 : 1;
// increase the dimension according to which the data entries should be sorted.
for (cChild = 0; cChild < m_capacity + 1; cChild++)
dataLow[cChild].m_sortDim = cDim + 1;
} // for (cDim)
for (cChild = 0; cChild < m_capacity + 1; cChild++)
dataLow[cChild].m_sortDim = splitAxis;
if (sortOrder == 0)
Arrays.sort(dataLow, new RstarSplitEntryComparatorLow());
Arrays.sort(dataLow, new RstarSplitEntryComparatorHigh());
double ma = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double mo = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
int splitPoint = -1;
for (cChild = 1; cChild <= splitDistribution; cChild++)
int l = nodeSPF - 1 + cChild;
Region[] t1 = new Region[l];
for (cIndex = 0; cIndex < l; cIndex++)
t1[cIndex] = dataLow[cIndex].m_pRegion;
Region bb1 = Region.combinedRegion(t1);
Region[] t2 = new Region[m_capacity + 1 - l];
int tmpIndex = 0;
for (cIndex = l; cIndex < m_capacity + 1; cIndex++)
t2[tmpIndex] = dataLow[cIndex].m_pRegion;
Region bb2 = Region.combinedRegion(t2);
double o = bb1.getIntersectingArea(bb2);
if (o < mo)
splitPoint = cChild;
mo = o;
ma = bb1.getArea() + bb2.getArea();
else if (o == mo)
double a = bb1.getArea() + bb2.getArea();
if (a < ma)
splitPoint = cChild;
ma = a;
} // for (cChild)
int l1 = nodeSPF - 1 + splitPoint;
for (cIndex = 0; cIndex < l1; cIndex++)
group1.add(new Integer(dataLow[cIndex].m_id));
for (cIndex = l1; cIndex <= m_capacity; cIndex++)
group2.add(new Integer(dataLow[cIndex].m_id));
protected int[] pickSeeds()
double separation = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
double inefficiency = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
int cDim, cChild, cIndex, i1 = 0, i2 = 0;
switch (m_pTree.m_treeVariant)
case SpatialIndex.RtreeVariantLinear:
case SpatialIndex.RtreeVariantRstar:
for (cDim = 0; cDim < m_pTree.m_dimension; cDim++)
double leastLower = m_pMBR[0].m_pLow[cDim];
double greatestUpper = m_pMBR[0].m_pHigh[cDim];
int greatestLower = 0;
int leastUpper = 0;
double width;
for (cChild = 1; cChild < m_capacity + 1; cChild++)
if (m_pMBR[cChild].m_pLow[cDim] > m_pMBR[greatestLower].m_pLow[cDim]) greatestLower = cChild;
if (m_pMBR[cChild].m_pHigh[cDim] < m_pMBR[leastUpper].m_pHigh[cDim]) leastUpper = cChild;
leastLower = Math.min(m_pMBR[cChild].m_pLow[cDim], leastLower);
greatestUpper = Math.max(m_pMBR[cChild].m_pHigh[cDim], greatestUpper);
width = greatestUpper - leastLower;
if (width <= 0) width = 1;
double f = (m_pMBR[greatestLower].m_pLow[cDim] - m_pMBR[leastUpper].m_pHigh[cDim]) / width;
if (f > separation)
i1 = leastUpper;
i2 = greatestLower;
separation = f;
} // for (cDim)
if (i1 == i2)
i2 = (i2 != m_capacity) ? i2 + 1 : i2 - 1;
case SpatialIndex.RtreeVariantQuadratic:
// for each pair of Regions (account for overflow Region too!)
for (cChild = 0; cChild < m_capacity; cChild++)
double a = m_pMBR[cChild].getArea();
for (cIndex = cChild + 1; cIndex < m_capacity + 1; cIndex++)
// get the combined MBR of those two entries.
Region r = m_pMBR[cChild].combinedRegion(m_pMBR[cIndex]);
// find the inefficiency of grouping these entries together.
double d = r.getArea() - a - m_pMBR[cIndex].getArea();
if (d > inefficiency)
inefficiency = d;
i1 = cChild;
i2 = cIndex;
} // for (cIndex)
} // for (cChild)
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown RTree variant.");
int[] ret = new int[2];
ret[0] = i1;
ret[1] = i2;
return ret;
protected void condenseTree(Stack toReinsert, Stack pathBuffer)
int minimumLoad = (int) (Math.floor(m_capacity * m_pTree.m_fillFactor));
if (pathBuffer.empty())
// eliminate root if it has only one child.
if (m_level != 0 && m_children == 1)
Node n = m_pTree.readNode(m_pIdentifier[0]);
n.m_identifier = m_pTree.m_rootID;
m_pTree.m_stats.m_nodesInLevel.remove(m_pTree.m_stats.m_nodesInLevel.size() - 1);
m_pTree.m_stats.m_treeHeight -= 1;
// HACK: pending deleteNode for deleted child will decrease nodesInLevel, later on.
m_pTree.m_stats.m_nodesInLevel.set(m_pTree.m_stats.m_treeHeight - 1, new Integer(2));
int cParent = ((Integer) pathBuffer.pop()).intValue();
Index p = (Index) m_pTree.readNode(cParent);
// find the entry in the parent, that points to this node.
int child;
for (child = 0; child != p.m_children; child++)
if (p.m_pIdentifier[child] == m_identifier) break;
if (m_children < minimumLoad)
// used space less than the minimum
// 1. eliminate node entry from the parent. deleteEntry will fix the parent's MBR.
// 2. add this node to the stack in order to reinsert its entries.
// adjust the entry in 'p' to contain the new bounding region of this node.
p.m_pMBR[child] = (Region) m_nodeMBR.clone();
// global recalculation necessary since the MBR can only shrink in size,
// due to data removal.
for (int cDim = 0; cDim < m_pTree.m_dimension; cDim++)
p.m_nodeMBR.m_pLow[cDim] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
p.m_nodeMBR.m_pHigh[cDim] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (int cChild = 0; cChild < p.m_children; cChild++)
p.m_nodeMBR.m_pLow[cDim] = Math.min(p.m_nodeMBR.m_pLow[cDim], p.m_pMBR[cChild].m_pLow[cDim]);
p.m_nodeMBR.m_pHigh[cDim] = Math.max(p.m_nodeMBR.m_pHigh[cDim], p.m_pMBR[cChild].m_pHigh[cDim]);
// write parent node back to storage.
p.condenseTree(toReinsert, pathBuffer);
protected void load(byte[] data) throws IOException
m_nodeMBR = (Region) m_pTree.m_infiniteRegion.clone();
DataInputStream ds = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));
// skip the node type information, it is not needed.
m_level = ds.readInt();
m_children = ds.readInt();
for (int cChild = 0; cChild < m_children; cChild++)
m_pMBR[cChild] = new Region();
m_pMBR[cChild].m_pLow = new double[m_pTree.m_dimension];
m_pMBR[cChild].m_pHigh = new double[m_pTree.m_dimension];
for (int cDim = 0; cDim < m_pTree.m_dimension; cDim++)
m_pMBR[cChild].m_pLow[cDim] = ds.readDouble();
m_pMBR[cChild].m_pHigh[cDim] = ds.readDouble();
m_pIdentifier[cChild] = ds.readInt();
m_pDataLength[cChild] = ds.readInt();
if (m_pDataLength[cChild] > 0)
m_totalDataLength += m_pDataLength[cChild];
m_pData[cChild] = new byte[m_pDataLength[cChild]];
m_pData[cChild] = null;
Region.combinedRegion(m_nodeMBR, m_pMBR[cChild]);
protected byte[] store() throws IOException
ByteArrayOutputStream bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream ds = new DataOutputStream(bs);
int type;
if (m_level == 0) type = SpatialIndex.PersistentLeaf;
else type = SpatialIndex.PersistentIndex;
for (int cChild = 0; cChild < m_children; cChild++)
for (int cDim = 0; cDim < m_pTree.m_dimension; cDim++)
if (m_pDataLength[cChild] > 0) ds.write(m_pData[cChild]);
return bs.toByteArray();
class ReinsertEntry
int m_id;
double m_dist;
public ReinsertEntry(int id, double dist) { m_id = id; m_dist = dist; }
} // ReinsertEntry
class ReinsertEntryComparator implements Comparator
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
if (((ReinsertEntry) o1).m_dist < ((ReinsertEntry) o2).m_dist) return -1;
if (((ReinsertEntry) o1).m_dist > ((ReinsertEntry) o2).m_dist) return 1;
return 0;
} // ReinsertEntryComparator
class RstarSplitEntry
Region m_pRegion;
int m_id;
int m_sortDim;
RstarSplitEntry(Region r, int id, int dimension) { m_pRegion = r; m_id = id; m_sortDim = dimension; }
class RstarSplitEntryComparatorLow implements Comparator
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
RstarSplitEntry e1 = (RstarSplitEntry) o1;
RstarSplitEntry e2 = (RstarSplitEntry) o2;
if (e1.m_pRegion.m_pLow[e1.m_sortDim] < e2.m_pRegion.m_pLow[e2.m_sortDim]) return -1;
if (e1.m_pRegion.m_pLow[e1.m_sortDim] > e2.m_pRegion.m_pLow[e2.m_sortDim]) return 1;
return 0;
class RstarSplitEntryComparatorHigh implements Comparator
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
RstarSplitEntry e1 = (RstarSplitEntry) o1;
RstarSplitEntry e2 = (RstarSplitEntry) o2;
if (e1.m_pRegion.m_pHigh[e1.m_sortDim] < e2.m_pRegion.m_pHigh[e2.m_sortDim]) return -1;
if (e1.m_pRegion.m_pHigh[e1.m_sortDim] > e2.m_pRegion.m_pHigh[e2.m_sortDim]) return 1;
return 0;