// RTree.java
// Java Spatial Index Library
// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Infomatiq Limited
// Copyright (C) 2008-2010 aled@users.sourceforge.net
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package net.sf.jsi.rtree;
import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList;
import gnu.trove.map.hash.TIntObjectHashMap;
import gnu.trove.procedure.TIntProcedure;
import gnu.trove.stack.TIntStack;
import gnu.trove.stack.array.TIntArrayStack;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import net.sf.jsi.BuildProperties;
import net.sf.jsi.Point;
import net.sf.jsi.Rectangle;
import net.sf.jsi.PriorityQueue;
import net.sf.jsi.SpatialIndex;
* <p>This is a lightweight RTree implementation, specifically designed
* for the following features (in order of importance):
* <ul>
* <li>Fast intersection query performance. To achieve this, the RTree
* uses only main memory to store entries. Obviously this will only improve
* performance if there is enough physical memory to avoid paging.</li>
* <li>Low memory requirements.</li>
* <li>Fast add performance.</li>
* </ul></p>
* <p>The main reason for the high speed of this RTree implementation is the
* avoidance of the creation of unnecessary objects, mainly achieved by using
* primitive collections from the trove4j library.</p>
public class RTree implements SpatialIndex, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5946232781609920309L;
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RTree.class);
private static final Logger deleteLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RTree.class.getName() + "-delete");
// parameters of the tree
private final static int DEFAULT_MAX_NODE_ENTRIES = 50;
private final static int DEFAULT_MIN_NODE_ENTRIES = 20;
int maxNodeEntries;
int minNodeEntries;
// map of nodeId -> node object
// TODO eliminate this map - it should not be needed. Nodes
// can be found by traversing the tree.
private TIntObjectHashMap<Node> nodeMap = new TIntObjectHashMap<Node>();
// internal consistency checking - set to true if debugging tree corruption
private final static boolean INTERNAL_CONSISTENCY_CHECKING = false;
// used to mark the status of entries during a node split
private final static int ENTRY_STATUS_ASSIGNED = 0;
private final static int ENTRY_STATUS_UNASSIGNED = 1;
private byte[] entryStatus = null;
private byte[] initialEntryStatus = null;
// stacks used to store nodeId and entry index of each node
// from the root down to the leaf. Enables fast lookup
// of nodes when a split is propagated up the tree.
private TIntStack parents = new TIntArrayStack();
private TIntStack parentsEntry = new TIntArrayStack();
// initialisation
private int treeHeight = 1; // leaves are always level 1
private int rootNodeId = 0;
private int size = 0;
// Enables creation of new nodes
private int highestUsedNodeId = rootNodeId;
// Deleted node objects are retained in the nodeMap,
// so that they can be reused. Store the IDs of nodes
// which can be reused.
private TIntStack deletedNodeIds = new TIntArrayStack();
* Constructor. Use init() method to initialize parameters of the RTree.
public RTree() {
return; // NOP
// public implementation of SpatialIndex interface:
// init(Properties)
// add(Rectangle, int)
// delete(Rectangle, int)
// nearest(Point, TIntProcedure, float)
// intersects(Rectangle, TIntProcedure)
// contains(Rectangle, TIntProcedure)
// size()
* <p>Initialize implementation dependent properties of the RTree.
* Currently implemented properties are:
* <ul>
* <li>MaxNodeEntries</li> This specifies the maximum number of entries
* in a node. The default value is 10, which is used if the property is
* not specified, or is less than 2.
* <li>MinNodeEntries</li> This specifies the minimum number of entries
* in a node. The default value is half of the MaxNodeEntries value (rounded
* down), which is used if the property is not specified or is less than 1.
* </ul></p>
* @see net.sf.jsi.SpatialIndex#init(Properties)
public void init(Properties props) {
if (props == null) {
// use sensible defaults if null is passed in.
} else {
maxNodeEntries = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("MaxNodeEntries", "0"));
minNodeEntries = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("MinNodeEntries", "0"));
// Obviously a node with less than 2 entries cannot be split.
// The node splitting algorithm will work with only 2 entries
// per node, but will be inefficient.
if (maxNodeEntries < 2) {
log.warn("Invalid MaxNodeEntries = " + maxNodeEntries + " Resetting to default value of " + DEFAULT_MAX_NODE_ENTRIES);
// The MinNodeEntries must be less than or equal to (int) (MaxNodeEntries / 2)
if (minNodeEntries < 1 || minNodeEntries > maxNodeEntries / 2) {
log.warn("MinNodeEntries must be between 1 and MaxNodeEntries / 2");
minNodeEntries = maxNodeEntries / 2;
entryStatus = new byte[maxNodeEntries];
initialEntryStatus = new byte[maxNodeEntries];
for (int i = 0; i < maxNodeEntries; i++) {
initialEntryStatus[i] = ENTRY_STATUS_UNASSIGNED;
Node root = new Node(rootNodeId, 1, maxNodeEntries);
nodeMap.put(rootNodeId, root);
log.debug("init() " + " MaxNodeEntries = " + maxNodeEntries + ", MinNodeEntries = " + minNodeEntries);
* @see net.sf.jsi.SpatialIndex#add(Rectangle, int)
public void add(Rectangle r, int id) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Adding rectangle " + r + ", id " + id);
add(r.minX, r.minY, r.maxX, r.maxY, id, 1);
* Adds a new entry at a specified level in the tree
private void add(float minX, float minY, float maxX, float maxY, int id, int level) {
// I1 [Find position for new record] Invoke ChooseLeaf to select a
// leaf node L in which to place r
Node n = chooseNode(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, level);
Node newLeaf = null;
// I2 [Add record to leaf node] If L has room for another entry,
// install E. Otherwise invoke SplitNode to obtain L and LL containing
// E and all the old entries of L
if (n.entryCount < maxNodeEntries) {
n.addEntry(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, id);
} else {
newLeaf = splitNode(n, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, id);
// I3 [Propagate changes upwards] Invoke AdjustTree on L, also passing LL
// if a split was performed
Node newNode = adjustTree(n, newLeaf);
// I4 [Grow tree taller] If node split propagation caused the root to
// split, create a new root whose children are the two resulting nodes.
if (newNode != null) {
int oldRootNodeId = rootNodeId;
Node oldRoot = getNode(oldRootNodeId);
rootNodeId = getNextNodeId();
Node root = new Node(rootNodeId, treeHeight, maxNodeEntries);
root.addEntry(newNode.mbrMinX, newNode.mbrMinY, newNode.mbrMaxX, newNode.mbrMaxY, newNode.nodeId);
root.addEntry(oldRoot.mbrMinX, oldRoot.mbrMinY, oldRoot.mbrMaxX, oldRoot.mbrMaxY, oldRoot.nodeId);
nodeMap.put(rootNodeId, root);
* @see net.sf.jsi.SpatialIndex#delete(Rectangle, int)
public boolean delete(Rectangle r, int id) {
// FindLeaf algorithm inlined here. Note the "official" algorithm
// searches all overlapping entries. This seems inefficient to me,
// as an entry is only worth searching if it contains (NOT overlaps)
// the rectangle we are searching for.
// Also the algorithm has been changed so that it is not recursive.
// FL1 [Search subtrees] If root is not a leaf, check each entry
// to determine if it contains r. For each entry found, invoke
// findLeaf on the node pointed to by the entry, until r is found or
// all entries have been checked.
Node n = null;
int foundIndex = -1; // index of entry to be deleted in leaf
while (foundIndex == -1 && parents.size() > 0) {
n = getNode(parents.peek());
int startIndex = parentsEntry.peek() + 1;
if (!n.isLeaf()) {
deleteLog.debug("searching node " + n.nodeId + ", from index " + startIndex);
boolean contains = false;
for (int i = startIndex; i < n.entryCount; i++) {
if (Rectangle.contains(n.entriesMinX[i], n.entriesMinY[i], n.entriesMaxX[i], n.entriesMaxY[i],
r.minX, r.minY, r.maxX, r.maxY)) {
parentsEntry.push(i); // this becomes the start index when the child has been searched
contains = true;
break; // ie go to next iteration of while()
if (contains) {
} else {
foundIndex = n.findEntry(r.minX, r.minY, r.maxX, r.maxY, id);
} // while not found
if (foundIndex != -1 && n != null) {
// shrink the tree if possible (i.e. if root node has exactly one entry,and that
// entry is not a leaf node, delete the root (it's entry becomes the new root)
Node root = getNode(rootNodeId);
while (root.entryCount == 1 && treeHeight > 1)
root.entryCount = 0;
rootNodeId = root.ids[0];
root = getNode(rootNodeId);
// if the tree is now empty, then set the MBR of the root node back to it's original state
// (this is only needed when the tree is empty, as this is the only state where an empty node
// is not eliminated)
if (size == 0) {
root.mbrMinX = Float.MAX_VALUE;
root.mbrMinY = Float.MAX_VALUE;
root.mbrMaxX = -Float.MAX_VALUE;
root.mbrMaxY = -Float.MAX_VALUE;
return (foundIndex != -1);
* @see net.sf.jsi.SpatialIndex#nearest(Point, TIntProcedure, float)
public void nearest(Point p, TIntProcedure v, float furthestDistance) {
Node rootNode = getNode(rootNodeId);
float furthestDistanceSq = furthestDistance * furthestDistance;
TIntArrayList nearestIds = new TIntArrayList();
nearest(p, rootNode, furthestDistanceSq, nearestIds);
private void createNearestNDistanceQueue(Point p, int count, PriorityQueue distanceQueue, float furthestDistance) {
// return immediately if given an invalid "count" parameter
if (count <= 0) {
TIntStack parents = new TIntArrayStack();
TIntStack parentsEntry = new TIntArrayStack();
TIntArrayList savedValues = new TIntArrayList();
float savedPriority = 0;
// TODO: possible shortcut here - could test for intersection with the
// MBR of the root node. If no intersection, return immediately.
float furthestDistanceSq = furthestDistance * furthestDistance;
while (parents.size() > 0) {
Node n = getNode(parents.peek());
int startIndex = parentsEntry.peek() + 1;
if (!n.isLeaf()) {
// go through every entry in the index node to check
// if it could contain an entry closer than the farthest entry
// currently stored.
boolean near = false;
for (int i = startIndex; i < n.entryCount; i++) {
if (Rectangle.distanceSq(n.entriesMinX[i], n.entriesMinY[i],
n.entriesMaxX[i], n.entriesMaxY[i],
p.x, p.y) <= furthestDistanceSq) {
parentsEntry.push(i); // this becomes the start index when the child has been searched
near = true;
break; // ie go to next iteration of while()
if (near) {
} else {
// go through every entry in the leaf to check if
// it is currently one of the nearest N entries.
for (int i = 0; i < n.entryCount; i++) {
float entryDistanceSq = Rectangle.distanceSq(n.entriesMinX[i], n.entriesMinY[i],
n.entriesMaxX[i], n.entriesMaxY[i],
p.x, p.y);
int entryId = n.ids[i];
if (entryDistanceSq <= furthestDistanceSq) {
distanceQueue.insert(entryId, entryDistanceSq);
while (distanceQueue.size() > count) {
// normal case - we can simply remove the lowest priority (highest distance) entry
int value = distanceQueue.getValue();
float distanceSq = distanceQueue.getPriority();
// rare case - multiple items of the same priority (distance)
if (distanceSq == distanceQueue.getPriority()) {
savedPriority = distanceSq;
} else {
// if the saved values have the same distance as the
// next one in the tree, add them back in.
if (savedValues.size() > 0 && savedPriority == distanceQueue.getPriority()) {
for (int svi = 0; svi < savedValues.size(); svi++) {
distanceQueue.insert(savedValues.get(svi), savedPriority);
// narrow the search, if we have already found N items
if (distanceQueue.getPriority() < furthestDistanceSq && distanceQueue.size() >= count) {
furthestDistanceSq = distanceQueue.getPriority();
* @see net.sf.jsi.SpatialIndex#nearestNUnsorted(Point, TIntProcedure, int, float)
public void nearestNUnsorted(Point p, TIntProcedure v, int count, float furthestDistance) {
// This implementation is designed to give good performance
// where
// o N is high (100+)
// o The results do not need to be sorted by distance.
// Uses a priority queue as the underlying data structure.
// Note that more than N items will be returned if items N and N+x have the
// same priority.
PriorityQueue distanceQueue = new PriorityQueue(PriorityQueue.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING);
createNearestNDistanceQueue(p, count, distanceQueue, furthestDistance);
while (distanceQueue.size() > 0) {
* @see net.sf.jsi.SpatialIndex#nearestN(Point, TIntProcedure, int, float)
public void nearestN(Point p, TIntProcedure v, int count, float furthestDistance) {
PriorityQueue distanceQueue = new PriorityQueue(PriorityQueue.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING);
createNearestNDistanceQueue(p, count, distanceQueue, furthestDistance);
while (distanceQueue.size() > 0) {
* @see net.sf.jsi.SpatialIndex#intersects(Rectangle, TIntProcedure)
public void intersects(Rectangle r, TIntProcedure v) {
Node rootNode = getNode(rootNodeId);
intersects(r, v, rootNode);
* @see net.sf.jsi.SpatialIndex#contains(Rectangle, TIntProcedure)
public void contains(Rectangle r, TIntProcedure v) {
// find all rectangles in the tree that are contained by the passed rectangle
// written to be non-recursive (should model other searches on this?)
TIntStack parents = new TIntArrayStack();
TIntStack parentsEntry = new TIntArrayStack();
// TODO: possible shortcut here - could test for intersection with the
// MBR of the root node. If no intersection, return immediately.
while (parents.size() > 0) {
Node n = getNode(parents.peek());
int startIndex = parentsEntry.peek() + 1;
if (!n.isLeaf()) {
// go through every entry in the index node to check
// if it intersects the passed rectangle. If so, it
// could contain entries that are contained.
boolean intersects = false;
for (int i = startIndex; i < n.entryCount; i++) {
if (Rectangle.intersects(r.minX, r.minY, r.maxX, r.maxY,
n.entriesMinX[i], n.entriesMinY[i], n.entriesMaxX[i], n.entriesMaxY[i])) {
parentsEntry.push(i); // this becomes the start index when the child has been searched
intersects = true;
break; // ie go to next iteration of while()
if (intersects) {
} else {
// go through every entry in the leaf to check if
// it is contained by the passed rectangle
for (int i = 0; i < n.entryCount; i++) {
if (Rectangle.contains(r.minX, r.minY, r.maxX, r.maxY,
n.entriesMinX[i], n.entriesMinY[i], n.entriesMaxX[i], n.entriesMaxY[i])) {
if (!v.execute(n.ids[i])) {
* @see net.sf.jsi.SpatialIndex#size()
public int size() {
return size;
* @see net.sf.jsi.SpatialIndex#getBounds()
public Rectangle getBounds() {
Rectangle bounds = null;
Node n = getNode(getRootNodeId());
if (n != null && n.entryCount > 0) {
bounds = new Rectangle();
bounds.minX = n.mbrMinX;
bounds.minY = n.mbrMinY;
bounds.maxX = n.mbrMaxX;
bounds.maxY = n.mbrMaxY;
return bounds;
* @see net.sf.jsi.SpatialIndex#getVersion()
public String getVersion() {
return "RTree-" + BuildProperties.getVersion();
// end of SpatialIndex methods
* Get the next available node ID. Reuse deleted node IDs if
* possible
private int getNextNodeId() {
int nextNodeId = 0;
if (deletedNodeIds.size() > 0) {
nextNodeId = deletedNodeIds.pop();
} else {
nextNodeId = 1 + highestUsedNodeId++;
return nextNodeId;
* Get a node object, given the ID of the node.
public Node getNode(int id) {
return nodeMap.get(id);
* Get the highest used node ID
public int getHighestUsedNodeId() {
return highestUsedNodeId;
* Get the root node ID
public int getRootNodeId() {
return rootNodeId;
* Split a node. Algorithm is taken pretty much verbatim from
* Guttman's original paper.
* @return new node object.
private Node splitNode(Node n, float newRectMinX, float newRectMinY, float newRectMaxX, float newRectMaxY, int newId) {
// [Pick first entry for each group] Apply algorithm pickSeeds to
// choose two entries to be the first elements of the groups. Assign
// each to a group.
// debug code
float initialArea = 0;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
float unionMinX = Math.min(n.mbrMinX, newRectMinX);
float unionMinY = Math.min(n.mbrMinY, newRectMinY);
float unionMaxX = Math.max(n.mbrMaxX, newRectMaxX);
float unionMaxY = Math.max(n.mbrMaxY, newRectMaxY);
initialArea = (unionMaxX - unionMinX) * (unionMaxY - unionMinY);
System.arraycopy(initialEntryStatus, 0, entryStatus, 0, maxNodeEntries);
Node newNode = null;
newNode = new Node(getNextNodeId(), n.level, maxNodeEntries);
nodeMap.put(newNode.nodeId, newNode);
pickSeeds(n, newRectMinX, newRectMinY, newRectMaxX, newRectMaxY, newId, newNode); // this also sets the entryCount to 1
// [Check if done] If all entries have been assigned, stop. If one
// group has so few entries that all the rest must be assigned to it in
// order for it to have the minimum number m, assign them and stop.
while (n.entryCount + newNode.entryCount < maxNodeEntries + 1) {
if (maxNodeEntries + 1 - newNode.entryCount == minNodeEntries) {
// assign all remaining entries to original node
for (int i = 0; i < maxNodeEntries; i++) {
if (entryStatus[i] == ENTRY_STATUS_UNASSIGNED) {
if (n.entriesMinX[i] < n.mbrMinX) n.mbrMinX = n.entriesMinX[i];
if (n.entriesMinY[i] < n.mbrMinY) n.mbrMinY = n.entriesMinY[i];
if (n.entriesMaxX[i] > n.mbrMaxX) n.mbrMaxX = n.entriesMaxX[i];
if (n.entriesMaxY[i] > n.mbrMaxY) n.mbrMaxY = n.entriesMaxY[i];
if (maxNodeEntries + 1 - n.entryCount == minNodeEntries) {
// assign all remaining entries to new node
for (int i = 0; i < maxNodeEntries; i++) {
if (entryStatus[i] == ENTRY_STATUS_UNASSIGNED) {
newNode.addEntry(n.entriesMinX[i], n.entriesMinY[i], n.entriesMaxX[i], n.entriesMaxY[i], n.ids[i]);
n.ids[i] = -1; // an id of -1 indicates the entry is not in use
// [Select entry to assign] Invoke algorithm pickNext to choose the
// next entry to assign. Add it to the group whose covering rectangle
// will have to be enlarged least to accommodate it. Resolve ties
// by adding the entry to the group with smaller area, then to the
// the one with fewer entries, then to either. Repeat from S2
pickNext(n, newNode);
// check that the MBR stored for each node is correct.
Rectangle nMBR = new Rectangle(n.mbrMinX, n.mbrMinY, n.mbrMaxX, n.mbrMaxY);
if (!nMBR.equals(calculateMBR(n))) {
log.error("Error: splitNode old node MBR wrong");
Rectangle newNodeMBR = new Rectangle(newNode.mbrMinX, newNode.mbrMinY, newNode.mbrMaxX, newNode.mbrMaxY);
if (!newNodeMBR.equals(calculateMBR(newNode))) {
log.error("Error: splitNode new node MBR wrong");
// debug code
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
float newArea = Rectangle.area(n.mbrMinX, n.mbrMinY, n.mbrMaxX, n.mbrMaxY) +
Rectangle.area(newNode.mbrMinX, newNode.mbrMinY, newNode.mbrMaxX, newNode.mbrMaxY);
float percentageIncrease = (100 * (newArea - initialArea)) / initialArea;
log.debug("Node " + n.nodeId + " split. New area increased by " + percentageIncrease + "%");
return newNode;
* Pick the seeds used to split a node.
* Select two entries to be the first elements of the groups
private void pickSeeds(Node n, float newRectMinX, float newRectMinY, float newRectMaxX, float newRectMaxY, int newId, Node newNode) {
// Find extreme rectangles along all dimension. Along each dimension,
// find the entry whose rectangle has the highest low side, and the one
// with the lowest high side. Record the separation.
float maxNormalizedSeparation = -1; // initialize to -1 so that even overlapping rectangles will be considered for the seeds
int highestLowIndex = -1;
int lowestHighIndex = -1;
// for the purposes of picking seeds, take the MBR of the node to include
// the new rectangle aswell.
if (newRectMinX < n.mbrMinX) n.mbrMinX = newRectMinX;
if (newRectMinY < n.mbrMinY) n.mbrMinY = newRectMinY;
if (newRectMaxX > n.mbrMaxX) n.mbrMaxX = newRectMaxX;
if (newRectMaxY > n.mbrMaxY) n.mbrMaxY = newRectMaxY;
float mbrLenX = n.mbrMaxX - n.mbrMinX;
float mbrLenY = n.mbrMaxY - n.mbrMinY;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("pickSeeds(): NodeId = " + n.nodeId);
float tempHighestLow = newRectMinX;
int tempHighestLowIndex = -1; // -1 indicates the new rectangle is the seed
float tempLowestHigh = newRectMaxX;
int tempLowestHighIndex = -1; // -1 indicates the new rectangle is the seed
for (int i = 0; i < n.entryCount; i++) {
float tempLow = n.entriesMinX[i];
if (tempLow >= tempHighestLow) {
tempHighestLow = tempLow;
tempHighestLowIndex = i;
} else { // ensure that the same index cannot be both lowestHigh and highestLow
float tempHigh = n.entriesMaxX[i];
if (tempHigh <= tempLowestHigh) {
tempLowestHigh = tempHigh;
tempLowestHighIndex = i;
// PS2 [Adjust for shape of the rectangle cluster] Normalize the separations
// by dividing by the widths of the entire set along the corresponding
// dimension
float normalizedSeparation = mbrLenX == 0 ? 1 : (tempHighestLow - tempLowestHigh) / mbrLenX;
if (normalizedSeparation > 1 || normalizedSeparation < -1) {
log.error("Invalid normalized separation X");
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Entry " + i + ", dimension X: HighestLow = " + tempHighestLow +
" (index " + tempHighestLowIndex + ")" + ", LowestHigh = " +
tempLowestHigh + " (index " + tempLowestHighIndex + ", NormalizedSeparation = " + normalizedSeparation);
// PS3 [Select the most extreme pair] Choose the pair with the greatest
// normalized separation along any dimension.
// Note that if negative it means the rectangles overlapped. However still include
// overlapping rectangles if that is the only choice available.
if (normalizedSeparation >= maxNormalizedSeparation) {
highestLowIndex = tempHighestLowIndex;
lowestHighIndex = tempLowestHighIndex;
maxNormalizedSeparation = normalizedSeparation;
// Repeat for the Y dimension
tempHighestLow = newRectMinY;
tempHighestLowIndex = -1; // -1 indicates the new rectangle is the seed
tempLowestHigh = newRectMaxY;
tempLowestHighIndex = -1; // -1 indicates the new rectangle is the seed
for (int i = 0; i < n.entryCount; i++) {
float tempLow = n.entriesMinY[i];
if (tempLow >= tempHighestLow) {
tempHighestLow = tempLow;
tempHighestLowIndex = i;
} else { // ensure that the same index cannot be both lowestHigh and highestLow
float tempHigh = n.entriesMaxY[i];
if (tempHigh <= tempLowestHigh) {
tempLowestHigh = tempHigh;
tempLowestHighIndex = i;
// PS2 [Adjust for shape of the rectangle cluster] Normalize the separations
// by dividing by the widths of the entire set along the corresponding
// dimension
float normalizedSeparation = mbrLenY == 0 ? 1 : (tempHighestLow - tempLowestHigh) / mbrLenY;
if (normalizedSeparation > 1 || normalizedSeparation < -1) {
log.error("Invalid normalized separation Y");
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Entry " + i + ", dimension Y: HighestLow = " + tempHighestLow +
" (index " + tempHighestLowIndex + ")" + ", LowestHigh = " +
tempLowestHigh + " (index " + tempLowestHighIndex + ", NormalizedSeparation = " + normalizedSeparation);
// PS3 [Select the most extreme pair] Choose the pair with the greatest
// normalized separation along any dimension.
// Note that if negative it means the rectangles overlapped. However still include
// overlapping rectangles if that is the only choice available.
if (normalizedSeparation >= maxNormalizedSeparation) {
highestLowIndex = tempHighestLowIndex;
lowestHighIndex = tempLowestHighIndex;
maxNormalizedSeparation = normalizedSeparation;
// At this point it is possible that the new rectangle is both highestLow and lowestHigh.
// This can happen if all rectangles in the node overlap the new rectangle.
// Resolve this by declaring that the highestLowIndex is the lowest Y and,
// the lowestHighIndex is the largest X (but always a different rectangle)
if (highestLowIndex == lowestHighIndex) {
highestLowIndex = -1;
float tempMinY = newRectMinY;
lowestHighIndex = 0;
float tempMaxX = n.entriesMaxX[0];
for (int i = 1; i < n.entryCount; i++) {
if (n.entriesMinY[i] < tempMinY) {
tempMinY = n.entriesMinY[i];
highestLowIndex = i;
else if (n.entriesMaxX[i] > tempMaxX) {
tempMaxX = n.entriesMaxX[i];
lowestHighIndex = i;
// highestLowIndex is the seed for the new node.
if (highestLowIndex == -1) {
newNode.addEntry(newRectMinX, newRectMinY, newRectMaxX, newRectMaxY, newId);
} else {
newNode.addEntry(n.entriesMinX[highestLowIndex], n.entriesMinY[highestLowIndex],
n.entriesMaxX[highestLowIndex], n.entriesMaxY[highestLowIndex],
n.ids[highestLowIndex] = -1;
// move the new rectangle into the space vacated by the seed for the new node
n.entriesMinX[highestLowIndex] = newRectMinX;
n.entriesMinY[highestLowIndex] = newRectMinY;
n.entriesMaxX[highestLowIndex] = newRectMaxX;
n.entriesMaxY[highestLowIndex] = newRectMaxY;
n.ids[highestLowIndex] = newId;
// lowestHighIndex is the seed for the original node.
if (lowestHighIndex == -1) {
lowestHighIndex = highestLowIndex;
entryStatus[lowestHighIndex] = ENTRY_STATUS_ASSIGNED;
n.entryCount = 1;
n.mbrMinX = n.entriesMinX[lowestHighIndex];
n.mbrMinY = n.entriesMinY[lowestHighIndex];
n.mbrMaxX = n.entriesMaxX[lowestHighIndex];
n.mbrMaxY = n.entriesMaxY[lowestHighIndex];
* Pick the next entry to be assigned to a group during a node split.
* [Determine cost of putting each entry in each group] For each
* entry not yet in a group, calculate the area increase required
* in the covering rectangles of each group
private int pickNext(Node n, Node newNode) {
float maxDifference = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
int next = 0;
int nextGroup = 0;
maxDifference = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
for (int i = 0; i < maxNodeEntries; i++) {
if (entryStatus[i] == ENTRY_STATUS_UNASSIGNED) {
if (n.ids[i] == -1) {
log.error("Error: Node " + n.nodeId + ", entry " + i + " is null");
float nIncrease = Rectangle.enlargement(n.mbrMinX, n.mbrMinY, n.mbrMaxX, n.mbrMaxY,
n.entriesMinX[i], n.entriesMinY[i], n.entriesMaxX[i], n.entriesMaxY[i]);
float newNodeIncrease = Rectangle.enlargement(newNode.mbrMinX, newNode.mbrMinY, newNode.mbrMaxX, newNode.mbrMaxY,
n.entriesMinX[i], n.entriesMinY[i], n.entriesMaxX[i], n.entriesMaxY[i]);
float difference = Math.abs(nIncrease - newNodeIncrease);
if (difference > maxDifference) {
next = i;
if (nIncrease < newNodeIncrease) {
nextGroup = 0;
} else if (newNodeIncrease < nIncrease) {
nextGroup = 1;
} else if (Rectangle.area(n.mbrMinX, n.mbrMinY, n.mbrMaxX, n.mbrMaxY) < Rectangle.area(newNode.mbrMinX, newNode.mbrMinY, newNode.mbrMaxX, newNode.mbrMaxY)) {
nextGroup = 0;
} else if (Rectangle.area(newNode.mbrMinX, newNode.mbrMinY, newNode.mbrMaxX, newNode.mbrMaxY) < Rectangle.area(n.mbrMinX, n.mbrMinY, n.mbrMaxX, n.mbrMaxY)) {
nextGroup = 1;
} else if (newNode.entryCount < maxNodeEntries / 2) {
nextGroup = 0;
} else {
nextGroup = 1;
maxDifference = difference;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Entry " + i + " group0 increase = " + nIncrease + ", group1 increase = " + newNodeIncrease +
", diff = " + difference + ", MaxDiff = " + maxDifference + " (entry " + next + ")");
entryStatus[next] = ENTRY_STATUS_ASSIGNED;
if (nextGroup == 0) {
if (n.entriesMinX[next] < n.mbrMinX) n.mbrMinX = n.entriesMinX[next];
if (n.entriesMinY[next] < n.mbrMinY) n.mbrMinY = n.entriesMinY[next];
if (n.entriesMaxX[next] > n.mbrMaxX) n.mbrMaxX = n.entriesMaxX[next];
if (n.entriesMaxY[next] > n.mbrMaxY) n.mbrMaxY = n.entriesMaxY[next];
} else {
// move to new node.
newNode.addEntry(n.entriesMinX[next], n.entriesMinY[next], n.entriesMaxX[next], n.entriesMaxY[next], n.ids[next]);
n.ids[next] = -1;
return next;
* Recursively searches the tree for the nearest entry. Other queries
* call execute() on an IntProcedure when a matching entry is found;
* however nearest() must store the entry Ids as it searches the tree,
* in case a nearer entry is found.
* Uses the member variable nearestIds to store the nearest
* entry IDs (it is an array, rather than a single value, in case
* multiple entries are equally near)
private float nearest(Point p, Node n, float furthestDistanceSq, TIntArrayList nearestIds) {
for (int i = 0; i < n.entryCount; i++) {
float tempDistanceSq = Rectangle.distanceSq(n.entriesMinX[i], n.entriesMinY[i], n.entriesMaxX[i], n.entriesMaxY[i], p.x, p.y);
if (n.isLeaf()) { // for leaves, the distance is an actual nearest distance
if (tempDistanceSq < furthestDistanceSq) {
furthestDistanceSq = tempDistanceSq;
if (tempDistanceSq <= furthestDistanceSq) {
} else { // for index nodes, only go into them if they potentially could have
// a rectangle nearer than actualNearest
if (tempDistanceSq <= furthestDistanceSq) {
// search the child node
furthestDistanceSq = nearest(p, getNode(n.ids[i]), furthestDistanceSq, nearestIds);
return furthestDistanceSq;
* Recursively searches the tree for all intersecting entries.
* Immediately calls execute() on the passed IntProcedure when
* a matching entry is found.
* TODO rewrite this to be non-recursive? Make sure it
* doesn't slow it down.
private boolean intersects(Rectangle r, TIntProcedure v, Node n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n.entryCount; i++) {
if (Rectangle.intersects(r.minX, r.minY, r.maxX, r.maxY, n.entriesMinX[i], n.entriesMinY[i], n.entriesMaxX[i], n.entriesMaxY[i])) {
if (n.isLeaf()) {
if (!v.execute(n.ids[i])) {
return false;
} else {
Node childNode = getNode(n.ids[i]);
if (!intersects(r, v, childNode)) {
return false;
return true;
* Used by delete(). Ensures that all nodes from the passed node
* up to the root have the minimum number of entries.
* Note that the parent and parentEntry stacks are expected to
* contain the nodeIds of all parents up to the root.
private void condenseTree(Node l) {
// CT1 [Initialize] Set n=l. Set the list of eliminated
// nodes to be empty.
Node n = l;
Node parent = null;
int parentEntry = 0;
TIntStack eliminatedNodeIds = new TIntArrayStack();
// CT2 [Find parent entry] If N is the root, go to CT6. Otherwise
// let P be the parent of N, and let En be N's entry in P
while (n.level != treeHeight) {
parent = getNode(parents.pop());
parentEntry = parentsEntry.pop();
// CT3 [Eliminiate under-full node] If N has too few entries,
// delete En from P and add N to the list of eliminated nodes
if (n.entryCount < minNodeEntries) {
} else {
// CT4 [Adjust covering rectangle] If N has not been eliminated,
// adjust EnI to tightly contain all entries in N
if (n.mbrMinX != parent.entriesMinX[parentEntry] ||
n.mbrMinY != parent.entriesMinY[parentEntry] ||
n.mbrMaxX != parent.entriesMaxX[parentEntry] ||
n.mbrMaxY != parent.entriesMaxY[parentEntry]) {
float deletedMinX = parent.entriesMinX[parentEntry];
float deletedMinY = parent.entriesMinY[parentEntry];
float deletedMaxX = parent.entriesMaxX[parentEntry];
float deletedMaxY = parent.entriesMaxY[parentEntry];
parent.entriesMinX[parentEntry] = n.mbrMinX;
parent.entriesMinY[parentEntry] = n.mbrMinY;
parent.entriesMaxX[parentEntry] = n.mbrMaxX;
parent.entriesMaxY[parentEntry] = n.mbrMaxY;
parent.recalculateMBRIfInfluencedBy(deletedMinX, deletedMinY, deletedMaxX, deletedMaxY);
// CT5 [Move up one level in tree] Set N=P and repeat from CT2
n = parent;
// CT6 [Reinsert orphaned entries] Reinsert all entries of nodes in set Q.
// Entries from eliminated leaf nodes are reinserted in tree leaves as in
// Insert(), but entries from higher level nodes must be placed higher in
// the tree, so that leaves of their dependent subtrees will be on the same
// level as leaves of the main tree
while (eliminatedNodeIds.size() > 0) {
Node e = getNode(eliminatedNodeIds.pop());
for (int j = 0; j < e.entryCount; j++) {
add(e.entriesMinX[j], e.entriesMinY[j], e.entriesMaxX[j], e.entriesMaxY[j], e.ids[j], e.level);
e.ids[j] = -1;
e.entryCount = 0;
* Used by add(). Chooses a leaf to add the rectangle to.
private Node chooseNode(float minX, float minY, float maxX, float maxY, int level) {
// CL1 [Initialize] Set N to be the root node
Node n = getNode(rootNodeId);
// CL2 [Leaf check] If N is a leaf, return N
while (true) {
if (n == null) {
log.error("Could not get root node (" + rootNodeId + ")");
if (n.level == level) {
return n;
// CL3 [Choose subtree] If N is not at the desired level, let F be the entry in N
// whose rectangle FI needs least enlargement to include EI. Resolve
// ties by choosing the entry with the rectangle of smaller area.
float leastEnlargement = Rectangle.enlargement(n.entriesMinX[0], n.entriesMinY[0], n.entriesMaxX[0], n.entriesMaxY[0],
minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
int index = 0; // index of rectangle in subtree
for (int i = 1; i < n.entryCount; i++) {
float tempMinX = n.entriesMinX[i];
float tempMinY = n.entriesMinY[i];
float tempMaxX = n.entriesMaxX[i];
float tempMaxY = n.entriesMaxY[i];
float tempEnlargement = Rectangle.enlargement(tempMinX, tempMinY, tempMaxX, tempMaxY,
minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
if ((tempEnlargement < leastEnlargement) ||
((tempEnlargement == leastEnlargement) &&
(Rectangle.area(tempMinX, tempMinY, tempMaxX, tempMaxY) <
Rectangle.area(n.entriesMinX[index], n.entriesMinY[index], n.entriesMaxX[index], n.entriesMaxY[index])))) {
index = i;
leastEnlargement = tempEnlargement;
// CL4 [Descend until a leaf is reached] Set N to be the child node
// pointed to by Fp and repeat from CL2
n = getNode(n.ids[index]);
* Ascend from a leaf node L to the root, adjusting covering rectangles and
* propagating node splits as necessary.
private Node adjustTree(Node n, Node nn) {
// AT1 [Initialize] Set N=L. If L was split previously, set NN to be
// the resulting second node.
// AT2 [Check if done] If N is the root, stop
while (n.level != treeHeight) {
// AT3 [Adjust covering rectangle in parent entry] Let P be the parent
// node of N, and let En be N's entry in P. Adjust EnI so that it tightly
// encloses all entry rectangles in N.
Node parent = getNode(parents.pop());
int entry = parentsEntry.pop();
if (parent.ids[entry] != n.nodeId) {
log.error("Error: entry " + entry + " in node " +
parent.nodeId + " should point to node " +
n.nodeId + "; actually points to node " + parent.ids[entry]);
if (parent.entriesMinX[entry] != n.mbrMinX ||
parent.entriesMinY[entry] != n.mbrMinY ||
parent.entriesMaxX[entry] != n.mbrMaxX ||
parent.entriesMaxY[entry] != n.mbrMaxY) {
parent.entriesMinX[entry] = n.mbrMinX;
parent.entriesMinY[entry] = n.mbrMinY;
parent.entriesMaxX[entry] = n.mbrMaxX;
parent.entriesMaxY[entry] = n.mbrMaxY;
// AT4 [Propagate node split upward] If N has a partner NN resulting from
// an earlier split, create a new entry Enn with Ennp pointing to NN and
// Enni enclosing all rectangles in NN. Add Enn to P if there is room.
// Otherwise, invoke splitNode to produce P and PP containing Enn and
// all P's old entries.
Node newNode = null;
if (nn != null) {
if (parent.entryCount < maxNodeEntries) {
parent.addEntry(nn.mbrMinX, nn.mbrMinY, nn.mbrMaxX, nn.mbrMaxY, nn.nodeId);
} else {
newNode = splitNode(parent, nn.mbrMinX, nn.mbrMinY, nn.mbrMaxX, nn.mbrMaxY, nn.nodeId);
// AT5 [Move up to next level] Set N = P and set NN = PP if a split
// occurred. Repeat from AT2
n = parent;
nn = newNode;
parent = null;
newNode = null;
return nn;
* Check the consistency of the tree.
* @return false if an inconsistency is detected, true otherwise.
public boolean checkConsistency() {
return checkConsistency(rootNodeId, treeHeight, null);
private boolean checkConsistency(int nodeId, int expectedLevel, Rectangle expectedMBR) {
// go through the tree, and check that the internal data structures of
// the tree are not corrupted.
Node n = getNode(nodeId);
if (n == null) {
log.error("Error: Could not read node " + nodeId);
return false;
// if tree is empty, then there should be exactly one node, at level 1
// TODO: also check the MBR is as for a new node
if (nodeId == rootNodeId && size() == 0) {
if (n.level != 1) {
log.error("Error: tree is empty but root node is not at level 1");
return false;
if (n.level != expectedLevel) {
log.error("Error: Node " + nodeId + ", expected level " + expectedLevel + ", actual level " + n.level);
return false;
Rectangle calculatedMBR = calculateMBR(n);
Rectangle actualMBR = new Rectangle();
actualMBR.minX = n.mbrMinX;
actualMBR.minY = n.mbrMinY;
actualMBR.maxX = n.mbrMaxX;
actualMBR.maxY = n.mbrMaxY;
if (!actualMBR.equals(calculatedMBR)) {
log.error("Error: Node " + nodeId + ", calculated MBR does not equal stored MBR");
if (actualMBR.minX != n.mbrMinX) log.error(" actualMinX=" + actualMBR.minX + ", calc=" + calculatedMBR.minX);
if (actualMBR.minY != n.mbrMinY) log.error(" actualMinY=" + actualMBR.minY + ", calc=" + calculatedMBR.minY);
if (actualMBR.maxX != n.mbrMaxX) log.error(" actualMaxX=" + actualMBR.maxX + ", calc=" + calculatedMBR.maxX);
if (actualMBR.maxY != n.mbrMaxY) log.error(" actualMaxY=" + actualMBR.maxY + ", calc=" + calculatedMBR.maxY);
return false;
if (expectedMBR != null && !actualMBR.equals(expectedMBR)) {
log.error("Error: Node " + nodeId + ", expected MBR (from parent) does not equal stored MBR");
return false;
// Check for corruption where a parent entry is the same object as the child MBR
if (expectedMBR != null && actualMBR.sameObject(expectedMBR)) {
log.error("Error: Node " + nodeId + " MBR using same rectangle object as parent's entry");
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < n.entryCount; i++) {
if (n.ids[i] == -1) {
log.error("Error: Node " + nodeId + ", Entry " + i + " is null");
return false;
if (n.level > 1) { // if not a leaf
if (!checkConsistency(n.ids[i], n.level - 1, new Rectangle(n.entriesMinX[i], n.entriesMinY[i], n.entriesMaxX[i], n.entriesMaxY[i]))) {
return false;
return true;
* Given a node object, calculate the node MBR from it's entries.
* Used in consistency checking
private Rectangle calculateMBR(Node n) {
Rectangle mbr = new Rectangle();
for (int i = 0; i < n.entryCount; i++) {
if (n.entriesMinX[i] < mbr.minX) mbr.minX = n.entriesMinX[i];
if (n.entriesMinY[i] < mbr.minY) mbr.minY = n.entriesMinY[i];
if (n.entriesMaxX[i] > mbr.maxX) mbr.maxX = n.entriesMaxX[i];
if (n.entriesMaxY[i] > mbr.maxY) mbr.maxY = n.entriesMaxY[i];
return mbr;