package Question18_13;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import CtCILibrary.AssortedMethods;
import CtCILibrary.Trie;
public class Question {
private int maxWordLength;
private WordGroup[] groupList ;
private Trie trieList[];
public Question(String[] list) {
groupList = WordGroup.createWordGroups(list);
maxWordLength = groupList.length;
// Initialize trieList to store trie of groupList[i] at ith position.
trieList = new Trie[maxWordLength];
/* This function finds a rectangle of letters of the largest
* possible area (length x breadth) such that every row forms a
* word (reading left to right) from the list and every column
* forms a word (reading top to bottom) from the list.
public Rectangle maxRectangle() {
// The dimensions of the largest possible rectangle.
int maxSize = maxWordLength * maxWordLength;
for (int z = maxSize; z > 0; z--) {
// Find out all pairs i,j less than maxWordLength
// such that i * j = z
for (int i = 1; i <= maxWordLength; i ++ ) {
if (z % i == 0) {
int j = z / i;
if (j <= maxWordLength) {
// Check if a Rectangle of length i and height
// j can be created.
Rectangle rectangle = makeRectangle(i,j);
if (rectangle != null) {
return rectangle;
return null;
/* This function takes the length and height of a rectangle as
* arguments. It tries to form a rectangle of the given length and
* height using words of the specified length as its rows, in which
* words whose length is the specified height form the columns. It
* returns the rectangle so formed, and null if such a rectangle
* cannot be formed.
private Rectangle makeRectangle(int length, int height) {
if (groupList[length - 1] == null || groupList[height - 1] == null) {
return null;
if (trieList[height - 1] == null) {
ArrayList<String> words = groupList[height - 1].getWords();
trieList[height - 1] = new Trie(words);
return makePartialRectangle(length, height, new Rectangle(length));
/* This function recursively tries to form a rectangle with words
* of length l from the dictionary as rows and words of length h
* from the dictionary as columns. To do so, we start with an empty
* rectangle and add in a word with length l as the first row. We
* then check the trie of words of length h to see if each partial
* column is a prefix of a word with length h. If so we branch
* recursively and check the next word till we've formed a complete
* rectangle. When we have a complete rectangle check if every
* column is a word in the dictionary.
private Rectangle makePartialRectangle(int l, int h, Rectangle rectangle) {
// Check if we have formed a complete rectangle by seeing if each column
// is in the dictionary
if (rectangle.height == h) {
if (rectangle.isComplete(l, h, groupList[h - 1])) {
return rectangle;
} else {
return null;
// If the rectangle is not empty, validate that each column is a
// substring of a word of length h in the dictionary using the
// trie of words of length h.
if (!rectangle.isPartialOK(l, trieList[h - 1])) {
return null;
// For each word of length l, try to make a new rectangle by adding
// the word to the existing rectangle.
for (int i = 0; i < groupList[l-1].length(); i++) {
Rectangle orgPlus = rectangle.append(groupList[l-1].getWord(i));
Rectangle rect = makePartialRectangle(l, h, orgPlus);
if (rect != null) {
return rect;
return null;
// Test harness.
public static void main(String[] args) {
Question dict = new Question(AssortedMethods.getListOfWords());
Rectangle rect = dict.maxRectangle();
if (rect != null) {
} else {
System.out.println ("No rectangle exists");