* NTRU Cryptography Reference Source Code
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, by Security Innovation, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Security Innovation
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package com.securityinnovation.jNeo.ntruencrypt;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.OID;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.Random;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.NtruException;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.CiphertextBadLengthException;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.PlaintextBadLengthException;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.DecryptionFailureException;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.NoPrivateKeyException;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.ObjectClosedException;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.FormatNotSupportedException;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.ParamSetNotSupportedException;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.ntruencrypt.NtruEncryptKey;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.inputstream.IGF2;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.math.FullPolynomial;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.math.PolynomialInverterModPrime;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.math.BPGM3;
import com.securityinnovation.testvectors.NtruEncryptTestVector;
// Tests:
// - genKey
// - null OID
// - null PRNG
// - positive known-value test for each OID.
// - constructor from public/private key blob
// - null blob
// - bad blob tag
// - unsupported OID
// - corrupt blob (bad length)
// - positive public key test for each OID
// - positive private key test for each OID
// - getPubKey
// - closed object
// - known-value test for each OID.
// - getPrivKey
// - closed object
// - no private key
// - known-value test for each OID.
// - encrypt
// - closed object
// - null pt
// - null prng
// - pt too long
// - known-value test for each OID.
// - decrypt
// - closed object
// - null ct
// - invalid ct len
// - invalid ct data
// - no private key
// - known-value test for each OID.
public class NtruEncryptKeyBBTestCase {
byte defaultSeed[] = new byte[32];
Random defaultPrng = new Random(defaultSeed);
// Get the master list of test vectors
NtruEncryptTestVector tests[] = NtruEncryptTestVector.getTestVectors();
// Test genKey
// Implements test case NGK-2.
public void test_genKey_nullOID()
throws NtruException
NtruEncryptKey.genKey(null, defaultPrng);
// Implements test case NGK-3.
public void test_genKey_nullRandom()
throws NtruException
NtruEncryptKey.genKey(OID.ees401ep1, (Random) null);
// Implements test case NGK-1.
@Test public void test_genKey_knownInput()
throws NtruException
for (OID oid : OID.values())
NtruEncryptTestVector test = findTest(oid);
Random prng = new Random(test.keygenSeed);
NtruEncryptKey keys = NtruEncryptKey.genKey(oid, prng);
assertArrayEquals(getPrivKeyBlob(test), keys.getPrivKey());
// Test constructor
// Implements test case NEK-1.
public void test_constructor_keyBlob_null()
throws NtruException
new NtruEncryptKey((byte[])null);
// Implements test case NEK-2.
public void test_constructor_bad_tag()
throws NtruException
byte blob[] = null;
try {
// Get test vector
NtruEncryptTestVector test = tests[0];
// get public key blob
blob = getPubKeyBlob(test);
// change tag
blob[0] = 41;
catch (Throwable t)
fail("Unexpected exception " + t);
// Import
new NtruEncryptKey(blob);
// Implements test case NEK-3.
public void test_constructor_bad_oid()
throws NtruException
byte blob[] = null;
try {
// Get test vector
NtruEncryptTestVector test = tests[0];
// get public key blob
blob = getPubKeyBlob(test);
// change the OID
blob[1] = 41;
catch (Throwable t)
fail("Unexpected exception " + t);
// Import
new NtruEncryptKey(blob);
// Implements test case NEK-4.
public void test_constructor_blob_short()
throws NtruException
byte blob[] = null;
try {
// Get test vector
NtruEncryptTestVector test = tests[0];
// get public key blob
byte blob2[] = getPubKeyBlob(test);
// Make a short copy
blob = new byte[blob2.length-2];
System.arraycopy(blob2, 0, blob, 0, blob.length);
catch (Throwable t)
fail("Unexpected exception " + t);
// Import
new NtruEncryptKey(blob);
// Implements test case NEK-5.
public void test_constructor_blob_long()
throws NtruException
byte blob[] = null;
try {
// Get test vector
NtruEncryptTestVector test = tests[0];
// get public key blob
byte blob2[] = getPubKeyBlob(test);
// Make a short copy
blob = new byte[blob2.length+2];
System.arraycopy(blob2, 0, blob, 0, blob2.length);
blob[blob2.length] = blob[blob2.length+1] = 0;
catch (Throwable t)
fail("Unexpected exception " + t);
// Import
new NtruEncryptKey(blob);
// constructor: positive public key test for each OID
// covered by test_encrypt_known_value() below.
// constructor: positive private key test for each OID
// covered by test_decrypt_known_value() below.
// Test the close method
// Implements test cases NCL-1 and NCL-2.
@Test public void test_close()
NtruEncryptKey k = null;
NtruEncryptTestVector test = findTest(OID.ees401ep1);
k = new NtruEncryptKey(getPubKeyBlob(test));
catch (Throwable t)
fail("Unexpected exception " + t);
// Test getPubKey
// Implements test case GPB-2.
public void test_getPubKey_closed()
throws NtruException
NtruEncryptKey k = null;
NtruEncryptTestVector test = findTest(OID.ees401ep1);
k = new NtruEncryptKey(getPubKeyBlob(test));
catch (Throwable t)
fail("Unexpected exception " + t);
// Implements test case GPB-1.
@Test public void test_getPubKey_known_value()
throws NtruException
for (OID oid : OID.values())
NtruEncryptTestVector test = findTest(oid);
byte blob[] = getPubKeyBlob(test);
NtruEncryptKey k = new NtruEncryptKey(blob);
byte blob2[] = k.getPubKey();
assertArrayEquals(blob2, blob);
if (oid == OID.ees401ep1)
assertEquals(blob.length, 556);
else if (oid == OID.ees449ep1)
assertEquals(blob.length, 622);
else if (oid == OID.ees677ep1)
assertEquals(blob.length, 935);
else if (oid == OID.ees1087ep2)
assertEquals(blob.length, 1499);
else if (oid == OID.ees541ep1)
assertEquals(blob.length, 748);
else if (oid == OID.ees613ep1)
assertEquals(blob.length, 847);
else if (oid == OID.ees887ep1)
assertEquals(blob.length, 1224);
else if (oid == OID.ees1171ep1)
assertEquals(blob.length, 1615);
else if (oid == OID.ees659ep1)
assertEquals(blob.length, 911);
else if (oid == OID.ees761ep1)
assertEquals(blob.length, 1051);
else if (oid == OID.ees1087ep1)
assertEquals(blob.length, 1499);
else if (oid == OID.ees1499ep1)
assertEquals(blob.length, 2066);
// Test getPrivKey
// Implements test case GPR-3.
public void test_getPrivKey_closed()
throws NtruException
NtruEncryptKey k = null;
NtruEncryptTestVector test = findTest(OID.ees401ep1);
k = new NtruEncryptKey(getPrivKeyBlob(test));
catch (Throwable t)
fail("Unexpected exception " + t);
// Implements test case GPR-2.
public void test_getPrivKey_noPrivKey()
throws NtruException
NtruEncryptKey k = null;
NtruEncryptTestVector test = findTest(OID.ees401ep1);
k = new NtruEncryptKey(getPubKeyBlob(test));
catch (Throwable t)
fail("Unexpected exception " + t);
// Implements test case GPR-1.
@Test public void test_getPrivKey_known_value()
throws NtruException
for (OID oid : OID.values())
NtruEncryptTestVector test = findTest(oid);
byte blob[] = getPrivKeyBlob(test);
NtruEncryptKey k = new NtruEncryptKey(blob);
byte blob2[] = k.getPrivKey();
assertArrayEquals(blob2, blob);
// Test encrypt
// Implements test case NEP-4.
public void test_encrypt_closed()
throws NtruException
NtruEncryptKey k = null;
NtruEncryptTestVector test = findTest(OID.ees401ep1);
k = new NtruEncryptKey(getPubKeyBlob(test));
catch (Throwable t)
fail("Unexpected exception " + t);
k.encrypt(defaultSeed, defaultPrng);
// Implements test case NEP-2.
public void test_encrypt_nullPlaintext()
throws NtruException
NtruEncryptKey k = null;
NtruEncryptTestVector test = findTest(OID.ees401ep1);
k = new NtruEncryptKey(getPubKeyBlob(test));
catch (Throwable t)
fail("Unexpected exception " + t);
k.encrypt(null, defaultPrng);
// Implements test case NEP-5.
public void test_encrypt_nullPrng()
throws NtruException
NtruEncryptKey k = null;
NtruEncryptTestVector test = findTest(OID.ees401ep1);
k = new NtruEncryptKey(getPubKeyBlob(test));
catch (Throwable t)
fail("Unexpected exception " + t);
k.encrypt(defaultSeed, (Random)null);
// Implements test case NEP-3.
public void test_encrypt_messageTooLong()
throws NtruException
NtruEncryptKey k = null;
NtruEncryptTestVector test = findTest(OID.ees401ep1);
k = new NtruEncryptKey(getPubKeyBlob(test));
catch (Throwable t)
fail("Unexpected exception " + t);
byte b[] = new byte[2*1024];
k.encrypt(b, defaultPrng);
// Implements test case NEP-1.
public void test_encrypt_known_value()
throws NtruException
for (OID oid : OID.values())
NtruEncryptTestVector test = findTest(oid);
NtruEncryptKey k = new NtruEncryptKey(getPubKeyBlob(test));
assertArrayEquals(test.packedE, k.encrypt(test.m, defaultPrng));
// Test decrypt
// Implements test case NDC-7.
public void test_decrypt_closed()
throws NtruException
NtruEncryptKey k = null;
byte ct[] = null;
NtruEncryptTestVector test = findTest(OID.ees401ep1);
k = new NtruEncryptKey(getPrivKeyBlob(test));
ct = test.m;
catch (Throwable t)
fail("Unexpected exception " + t);
// Implements test case NDC-2.
public void test_decrypt_nullCipherText()
throws NtruException
NtruEncryptKey k = null;
NtruEncryptTestVector test = findTest(OID.ees401ep1);
k = new NtruEncryptKey(getPrivKeyBlob(test));
catch (Throwable t)
fail("Unexpected exception " + t);
// Implements test case NDC-3.
public void test_decrypt_ciphertext_short()
throws NtruException
NtruEncryptTestVector test = tests[0];
NtruEncryptKey k = new NtruEncryptKey(getPrivKeyBlob(test));
byte ct[] = new byte[test.packedE.length-1];
System.arraycopy(test.packedE, 0, ct, 0, ct.length);
public void test_decrypt_ciphertext_long()
throws NtruException
NtruEncryptTestVector test = tests[0];
NtruEncryptKey k = new NtruEncryptKey(getPrivKeyBlob(test));
byte ct[] = new byte[test.packedE.length+1];
System.arraycopy(test.packedE, 0, ct, 0, test.packedE.length);
ct[ct.length-1] = 0;
// Implements test case NDC-5.
public void test_decrypt_bad_ciphertext()
throws NtruException
NtruEncryptTestVector test = tests[0];
NtruEncryptKey k = new NtruEncryptKey(getPrivKeyBlob(test));
byte ct[] = new byte[test.packedE.length];
System.arraycopy(test.packedE, 0, ct, 0, ct.length);
// Implements test case NDC-6.
public void test_decrypt_bad_key()
throws NtruException
NtruEncryptTestVector test = tests[0];
// Generate a new key. The test vector key was generated with
// test.keygenSeed, so for this new key we will seed the PRNG
// with test.encryptSeed, which should != keygenSeed.
Random r = new Random(test.encryptSeed);
NtruEncryptKey k = NtruEncryptKey.genKey(test.oid, r);
// Implements test case NDC-4.
public void test_decrypt_noPrivateKey()
throws NtruException
NtruEncryptTestVector test = tests[0];
NtruEncryptKey k = new NtruEncryptKey(getPubKeyBlob(test));
// Implements test case NDC-1.
@Test public void test_decrypt_known_value()
throws NtruException
for (OID oid : OID.values())
NtruEncryptTestVector test = findTest(oid);
NtruEncryptKey k = new NtruEncryptKey(getPrivKeyBlob(test));
assertArrayEquals(test.m, k.decrypt(test.packedE));
// Positive test for a parameter set: verify that
// a key can be generated and successfully used to encrypt
// and decrypt successfully.
// Returns true if the decrypt output matches the encrypt input,
// false otherwise.
// throws exception on error.
boolean runFullTest(
OID oid)
throws NtruException
NtruEncryptKey keys = NtruEncryptKey.genKey(oid, defaultPrng);
// Do encryption.
byte m[] = new byte[10];
byte ciphertext[] = keys.encrypt(m, defaultPrng);
// Do decryption.
byte m2[] = keys.decrypt(ciphertext);
// Compare
return Arrays.equals(m, m2);
// Run a full test for each parameter set.
@Test public void test_positive()
throws NtruException
for (OID oid : OID.values())
// Find a test vector for the specified parameter set.
NtruEncryptTestVector findTest(
OID oid)
for (int i=0; i<tests.length; i++)
if (oid == tests[i].oid)
return tests[i];
return null;
// Get a public key blob formatted with data from this test vector
byte[] getPubKeyBlob(
NtruEncryptTestVector tv)
byte b[] = new byte[1 + tv.oidBytes.length + tv.packedH.length];
b[0] = 1; // tag
System.arraycopy(tv.oidBytes, 0, b, 1, tv.oidBytes.length);
System.arraycopy(tv.packedH, 0, b, 1+tv.oidBytes.length, tv.packedH.length);
return b;
// Get a private key blob formatted with data from this test vector
byte[] getPrivKeyBlob(
NtruEncryptTestVector tv)
byte encodedF[] = null;
if (tv.packedF.length < tv.packedListedF.length)
encodedF = tv.packedF;
encodedF = tv.packedListedF;
int len = 1 + tv.oidBytes.length + tv.packedH.length + encodedF.length;
byte b[] = new byte[len];
int off = 0;
b[off] = 2; // tag
System.arraycopy(tv.oidBytes, 0, b, off, tv.oidBytes.length);
off += tv.oidBytes.length;
System.arraycopy(tv.packedH, 0, b, off, tv.packedH.length);
off += tv.packedH.length;
System.arraycopy(encodedF, 0, b, off, encodedF.length);
off += encodedF.length;
return b;