* NTRU Cryptography Reference Source Code
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, by Security Innovation, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Security Innovation
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package com.securityinnovation.jNeo.ntruencrypt;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.util.Arrays;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.OID;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.Random;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.RandomExtractor;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.NtruException;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.CiphertextBadLengthException;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.DecryptionFailureException;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.FormatNotSupportedException;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.PlaintextBadLengthException;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.NoPrivateKeyException;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.ObjectClosedException;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.ParamSetNotSupportedException;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.math.FullPolynomial;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.math.MGF_TP_1;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.math.BPGM3;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.math.BitPack;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.inputstream.MGF1;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.inputstream.IGF2;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.ntruencrypt.encoder.NtruEncryptKeyNativeEncoder;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.ntruencrypt.encoder.RawKeyData;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.ntruencrypt.encoder.KeyFormatterUtil;
* This class represents NtruEncrypt keys. An instance may hold
* a public/private keypair or just the public key.
public class NtruEncryptKey
* The parameter set for this key.
protected KeyParams keyParams = null;
* The public key.
protected FullPolynomial h = null;
* The private key f (= 1+p*F). For public-key-only objects this
* will be null.
protected FullPolynomial f = null;
* Generate a new keypair for the specified parameter set.
* (see com.securityinnovation.jNeo.OID for a list of parameter set identifiers).
public static NtruEncryptKey genKey(
OID oid,
Random prng)
throws ParamSetNotSupportedException
if (oid == null)
throw new NullPointerException("oid is null");
if (prng == null)
throw new NullPointerException("prng is null");
return genKey(oid, RandomExtractor.extractRNG(prng));
* Generate a new keypair for the specified parameter set
* using the supplied InputStream as a source of randomness.
static NtruEncryptKey genKey(
OID oid,
InputStream prng)
throws ParamSetNotSupportedException
KeyParams keyParams = KeyParams.getKeyParams(oid);
IGF2 igf = new IGF2(keyParams.N, keyParams.c, prng);
// Generate trinomial g that is invertible
FullPolynomial g = null;
boolean gIsInvertible = false;
while (!gIsInvertible)
g = BPGM3.genTrinomial(
keyParams.N, keyParams.dg+1, keyParams.dg, igf);
FullPolynomial gInv = keyParams.polyInverter.invert(g);
gIsInvertible = (gInv != null);
// Create F, f=1+p*F, and f^-1 mod q
FullPolynomial F = null, f = null, fInv = null;
boolean fIsInvertible = false;
while (!fIsInvertible)
// Generate random F
F = BPGM3.genTrinomial(
keyParams.N, keyParams.df, keyParams.df, igf);
// Calculate f = 1+p*f
f = new FullPolynomial(keyParams.N);
for (int i=0; i<keyParams.N; i++)
f.p[i] = (short) (keyParams.p*F.p[i]);
// Compute f^-1 mod q. Check whether the operation succeeded.
fInv = keyParams.polyInverter.invert(f);
fIsInvertible = (fInv != null);
// Calculate h = f^-1 * g * p mod q
FullPolynomial h = FullPolynomial.convolution(fInv, g);
for (int i=0; i<h.p.length; i++)
h.p[i] = (short) ((h.p[i] * keyParams.p) % keyParams.q);
if (h.p[i] < 0)
h.p[i] += keyParams.q;
return new NtruEncryptKey(keyParams, h, f);
* Initialize the NtruEncryptKey with the key parameters.
KeyParams _keyParams,
FullPolynomial _h,
FullPolynomial _f)
keyParams = _keyParams;
h = _h;
f = _f;
* Create a new key from the supplied keyblob. The key blob
* can be either a public or private key blob generated with
* <code>getPubKey()</code> or <code>getPrivKey()</code>.
public NtruEncryptKey(
byte keyBlob[])
throws FormatNotSupportedException, ParamSetNotSupportedException
NtruEncryptKeyNativeEncoder encoder = new NtruEncryptKeyNativeEncoder();
RawKeyData rawKey = encoder.decodeKeyBlob(keyBlob);
keyParams = rawKey.keyParams;
h = rawKey.h;
f = rawKey.f;
* Create an empty key object associated with the supplied parameter
* set. This is for use in unit testing where the key material is
* not used.
OID oid)
throws ParamSetNotSupportedException
keyParams = KeyParams.getKeyParams(oid);
* Signal that this app is finished using this key. This clears
* all sensitive memory stored by the object and makes the object
* unusable.
public void close()
if (h != null)
java.util.Arrays.fill(h.p, (byte)0);
h = null;
if (f != null)
java.util.Arrays.fill(f.p, (byte)0);
f = null;
* Return the blob of the public key.
public byte[] getPubKey()
throws ObjectClosedException
if (h == null)
throw new ObjectClosedException();
NtruEncryptKeyNativeEncoder encoder = new NtruEncryptKeyNativeEncoder();
return encoder.encodePubKey(keyParams, h);
* Return the blob of the private key.
public byte[] getPrivKey()
throws ObjectClosedException, NoPrivateKeyException
if (h == null)
throw new ObjectClosedException();
if (f == null)
throw new NoPrivateKeyException();
NtruEncryptKeyNativeEncoder encoder = new NtruEncryptKeyNativeEncoder();
return encoder.encodePrivKey(keyParams, h, f);
* Encrypt message and return the ciphertext.
* @param message the plaintext
* @param prng the PRNG to use as a source of randomness during encryption.
public byte[] encrypt(
byte message[],
Random prng)
throws ObjectClosedException, PlaintextBadLengthException
if (prng == null)
throw new NullPointerException("NtruEncrypt input PRNG is NULL");
return encrypt(message, RandomExtractor.extractRNG(prng));
/* encrypt
* Encrypt message into ciphertext using the supplied inputstream
* as a source of randomness.
protected byte[] encrypt(
byte message[],
InputStream rng)
throws ObjectClosedException, PlaintextBadLengthException
if (h == null)
throw new ObjectClosedException();
// Sanity check input
if (message == null)
throw new NullPointerException("NtruEncrypt input plaintext is NULL");
// Check input length
if (keyParams.maxMsgLenBytes < message.length)
throw new PlaintextBadLengthException(
message.length, keyParams.maxMsgLenBytes);
FullPolynomial mPrime, R;
do {
// Form M = b | len | message | p0
byte M[] = generateM(message, rng);
// Form Mtrin = trinary poly derived from M
FullPolynomial Mtrin = new FullPolynomial(
convPolyBinaryToTrinary(keyParams.N, M));
// Form sData = OID | m | b | hTrunc
byte sData[] = form_sData(message, 0, message.length, M, 0);
// Form r from sData.
IGF2 igf = new IGF2(
keyParams.N, keyParams.c, keyParams.igfHash, keyParams.minCallsR,
sData, 0, sData.length);
FullPolynomial r = BPGM3.genTrinomial(
keyParams.N, keyParams.dr, keyParams.dr, igf);
// Calculate R = r * h mod q
R = FullPolynomial.convolution(r, h, keyParams.q);
// calculate R4 = R mod 4, form octet string
// calc mask = MGF1(R4, N, minCallsMask)
FullPolynomial mask = calcEncryptionMask(R);
// calc m' = M + mask mod p
mPrime =
FullPolynomial.addAndRecenter(Mtrin, mask, keyParams.p, -1);
// count #1s, #0s, #-1s in m', discard if less than dm0
} while (!check_dm0(mPrime, keyParams.dm0));
// e = R + m' mod q
FullPolynomial e = FullPolynomial.add(R, mPrime, keyParams.q);
// Bit-pack e into the ciphertext and return.
int cLen = BitPack.pack(e.p.length, keyParams.q);
byte ciphertext[] = new byte[cLen];
BitPack.pack(e.p.length, keyParams.q, e.p, 0, ciphertext, 0);
return ciphertext;
* Decrypt a ciphertext and return the plaintext. On error an
* exception is thrown.
* @param ciphertext the input ciphertext.
* @return the decrypted plaintext.
public byte[] decrypt(
byte ciphertext[])
throws NoPrivateKeyException, CiphertextBadLengthException,
ObjectClosedException, DecryptionFailureException
if (ciphertext == null)
throw new NullPointerException("NtruDecrypt input ciphertext is NULL");
if (h == null)
throw new ObjectClosedException();
if (f == null)
throw new NoPrivateKeyException();
int expectedCTLength = BitPack.pack(keyParams.N, keyParams.q);
if (ciphertext.length != expectedCTLength)
throw new CiphertextBadLengthException(
ciphertext.length, expectedCTLength);
boolean fail = false;
// Unpack ciphertext into the polynomial e.
FullPolynomial e = new FullPolynomial(keyParams.N);
int numUnpacked = BitPack.unpack(
keyParams.N, keyParams.q, ciphertext, 0, e.p, 0);
if (numUnpacked != ciphertext.length)
throw new CiphertextBadLengthException(
ciphertext.length, BitPack.pack(keyParams.N, keyParams.q));
// a = f*e with coefficients reduced to range [A..A+q-1], where
// A = lower bound decryption coefficient (-q/2 in all param sets)
FullPolynomial ci = FullPolynomial.convolution(f, e, keyParams.q);
for (int i=0; i<ci.p.length; i++)
if (ci.p[i] >= keyParams.q/2)
ci.p[i] -= keyParams.q;
// Calculate ci = message candidate = a mod p in [-1,0,1]
for (int i=0; i<keyParams.N; i++)
ci.p[i] = (byte) (ci.p[i] % keyParams.p);
if (ci.p[i] == 2)
ci.p[i] = -1;
else if (ci.p[i] == -2)
ci.p[i] = 1;
// Count the number of 1's, -1's, and 0's in ci. Fail if any
// count is less than dm0.
if (!check_dm0(ci, keyParams.dm0))
fail = true;
// Calculate the candidate for r*h: cR = e - ci;
FullPolynomial cR = FullPolynomial.subtract(e, ci, keyParams.q);
// Calculate cR4 = cR mod 4
// Generate masking polynomial mask by calling the given MGF with
// inputs (cR4, N, minCallsMask
FullPolynomial mask = calcEncryptionMask(cR);
// Form cMtrin by polynomial subtraction of cm' and mask mod p
// Note: cm' is actually called ci everywhere else in the spec.
FullPolynomial cMtrin =
FullPolynomial.subtractAndRecenter(ci, mask, keyParams.p, -1);
// Convert cMtrin to cMbin. Discard trailing bits
byte cM[] = convPolyTrinaryToBinary(cMtrin);
// Parse cMbin as b || l || m || p0. Fail if does not match.
int mOffset = (keyParams.db)/8 + keyParams.lLen;
int mLen = verifyMFormat(cM);
if (mLen < 0)
// Set mLen to 1 so that later steps won't have to deal
// with an invalid value.
mLen = 1;
fail = true;
// Form sData from OID, m, b, hTrunc
// Note: b is the leading bytes of cM.
byte sData[] = form_sData(cM, mOffset, mLen, cM, 0);
// Calc cr from sData
IGF2 igf = new IGF2(
keyParams.N, keyParams.c, keyParams.igfHash, keyParams.minCallsR,
sData, 0, sData.length);
FullPolynomial cr = BPGM3.genTrinomial(
keyParams.N, keyParams.dr, keyParams.dr, igf);
// Calculate cR' = h * cr mod q
FullPolynomial cRPrime = FullPolynomial.convolution(cr, h, keyParams.q);
// If cR != cR', fail
if (!cR.equals(cRPrime))
fail = true;
if (fail)
throw new DecryptionFailureException();
// Return message
byte message[] = new byte[mLen];
System.arraycopy(cM, mOffset, message, 0, mLen);
return message;
/* generateM
* Calculate M = b | mLen | m | p0.
byte[] generateM(
byte message[],
InputStream rng)
// For now assume keyParams.lLen == 1
// For now leave out RNG.
int db = keyParams.db >> 3; // convert numBits to numBytes.
int MLen = db + keyParams.lLen + keyParams.maxMsgLenBytes + 1;
byte M[] = new byte[MLen];
try {rng.read(M, 0, db);}
catch (IOException e)
{throw new InternalError("PRNG was unable to generate data");}
M[db] = (byte) message.length;
System.arraycopy(message, 0, M, db+keyParams.lLen, message.length);
Arrays.fill(M, db+keyParams.lLen+message.length, M.length, (byte)0);
return M;
/* convPolyBinaryToTrinaryHelper(
* Convert 3 bits into 2 trits.
* The input bits are the least significant bits of b.
* The outputs are stored in poly[offset] and poly[offset+1],
* but in no case will anything be stored at an offset larger
* than maxOffset.
void convPolyBinaryToTrinaryHelper(
int maxOffset,
int offset,
short poly[],
int b)
byte a1 = 0, a2 = 0;
switch (b & 0x07)
case (0) : a1 = 0; a2 = 0; break;
case (1) : a1 = 0; a2 = 1; break;
case (2) : a1 = 0; a2 = -1; break;
case (3) : a1 = 1; a2 = 0; break;
case (4) : a1 = 1; a2 = 1; break;
case (5) : a1 = 1; a2 = -1; break;
case (6) : a1 = -1; a2 = 0; break;
case (7) : a1 = -1; a2 = 1; break;
if (offset < maxOffset)
poly[offset++] = a1;
if (offset < maxOffset)
poly[offset] = a2;
/* convPolyBinaryToTrinaryHelper2(
* Convert 24 bits stored in bits24 into 8 trits.
* The trits will be stored in poly[offset,...,offset+7], but
* in no case will anything be written beyond maxOffset.
void convPolyBinaryToTrinaryHelper2(
int maxOffset,
int offset,
short poly[],
int bits24)
for (int i=0; ((i<24) && (offset < maxOffset)); i+=3)
int shift = 24-(i+3);
maxOffset, offset, poly, (bits24 >> shift));
offset += 2;
/* convPolyBinaryToTrinary(
* Convert a binary polynomial stored as a bit-packed array
* into a trinomial with coefficients [-1, 0, 1] stored as an
* array of shorts. Return the trinomial array.
short[] convPolyBinaryToTrinary(
int outputDegree,
byte bin[])
short tri[] = new short[outputDegree];
// Perform the bulk of the conversion in 3-byte blocks.
// 3 bytes == 24 bits --> 16 trits.
int blocks = bin.length / 3;
int remainder = bin.length % 3;
for (int i=0; i<blocks; i++)
int val = (((0xff & bin[i*3]) << 16) |
((0xff & bin[i*3+1]) << 8) |
( 0xff & bin[i*3+2]));
convPolyBinaryToTrinaryHelper2(outputDegree, 16*i, tri, val);
// Convert any partial block left at the end of the input buffer
int val = 0;
if (remainder > 0)
val |= (0xff & bin[blocks*3] << 16);
if (remainder > 1)
val |= (0xff & bin[blocks*3+1] << 8);
convPolyBinaryToTrinaryHelper2(outputDegree, 16*blocks, tri, val);
// This shouldn't happen: if we need more trits than can be
// generated from bin, pad with 0s.
if (16*blocks < outputDegree)
java.util.Arrays.fill(tri, 16*blocks, outputDegree, (short)0);
return tri;
/* convPolyTrinaryToBinaryHelper
* Convert 2 trits to 3 bits, using mapping defined in X9.92,
* in the definition of the decryption algorithm.
* Returns -1 if the input is not valid.
byte convPolyTritToBitHelper(
int t1,
int t2)
if (t1 == -1)
t1 = 2;
if (t2 == -1)
t2 = 2;
int t = ((t1 << 2) | t2);
switch (t)
case (0) : return 0x00; // (t1,t2)=( 0, 0) ==> t = 0000
case (1) : return 0x01; // (t1,t2)=( 0, 1) ==> t = 0001
case (2) : return 0x02; // (t1,t2)=( 0, -1) ==> t = 0010
case (4) : return 0x03; // (t1,t2)=( 1, 0) ==> t = 0100
case (5) : return 0x04; // (t1,t2)=( 1, 1) ==> t = 0101
case (6) : return 0x05; // (t1,t2)=( 1, -1) ==> t = 0110
case (8) : return 0x06; // (t1,t2)=(-1, 0) ==> t = 1000
case (9) : return 0x07; // (t1,t2)=(-1, 1) ==> t = 1001
default : return -1; // (t1,t2)=(-1, -1) ==> t = 1010
/* convPolyTritToBitHelper
* Pull two trits out of the array of trits and convert them to a 3
* bit value.
byte convPolyTritToBitHelper(
int offset,
short trit[])
short t1 = 0, t2 = 0;
if (offset < trit.length)
t1 = trit[offset];
if (offset+1 < trit.length)
t2 = trit[offset+1];
return convPolyTritToBitHelper(t1, t2);
boolean convPolyTrinaryToBinaryBlockHelper(
int tOffset,
short trit[],
int bOffset,
byte bits[])
byte a1 = convPolyTritToBitHelper(tOffset, trit); tOffset += 2;
byte a2 = convPolyTritToBitHelper(tOffset, trit); tOffset += 2;
byte a3 = convPolyTritToBitHelper(tOffset, trit); tOffset += 2;
byte a4 = convPolyTritToBitHelper(tOffset, trit); tOffset += 2;
byte a5 = convPolyTritToBitHelper(tOffset, trit); tOffset += 2;
byte a6 = convPolyTritToBitHelper(tOffset, trit); tOffset += 2;
byte a7 = convPolyTritToBitHelper(tOffset, trit); tOffset += 2;
byte a8 = convPolyTritToBitHelper(tOffset, trit); tOffset += 2;
// Make sure there were no invalid trit combinations.
if ((a1 | a2 | a3 | a4 | a5 | a6 | a7 | a8) == -1)
return false;
// Pack the 8 3-bit values into a single 32-bit integer.
// This makes it easier to pull off bytes later.
int val = ((a1 << 21) | (a2 << 18) | (a3 << 15) | (a4 << 12) |
(a5 << 9) | (a6 << 6) | (a7 << 3) | a8);
// Break the integer into bytes and put into the bits[] array.
if (bOffset < bits.length)
bits[bOffset++] = (byte)(val >> 16);
if (bOffset < bits.length)
bits[bOffset++] = (byte)(val >> 8);
if (bOffset < bits.length)
bits[bOffset++] = (byte)(val);
return true;
byte[] convPolyTrinaryToBinary(
FullPolynomial trin)
// The output of this operation is supposed to have
// the form (b | mLen | m | p0) so we can
// calculate how many bytes that is supposed to be.
int numBytes = (keyParams.db/8 + keyParams.lLen +
keyParams.maxMsgLenBytes + 1);
byte b[] = new byte[numBytes];
int i=0, j=0;
while (j<numBytes)
convPolyTrinaryToBinaryBlockHelper(i, trin.p, j, b);
i += 16;
j += 3;
return b;
/* form_sData
* Form the byte sequence sDaa = <OID | m | b | hTrunc>,
* where hTrunc is a prefix of the bit-packed representtion of the
* public key h.
byte[] form_sData(
byte m[],
int mOffset,
int mLen,
byte b[],
int bOffset)
int bLen = keyParams.db >> 3; // convert numBits to numBytes
int hLen = keyParams.pkLen >> 3; // convert numBits to numBytes
byte sData[] = new byte[
keyParams.OIDBytes.length + mLen + bLen + hLen];
int offset = 0;
System.arraycopy(keyParams.OIDBytes, 0, sData, offset,keyParams.OIDBytes.length);
offset += keyParams.OIDBytes.length;
System.arraycopy(m, mOffset, sData, offset, mLen);
offset += mLen;
System.arraycopy(b, bOffset, sData, offset, bLen);
offset += bLen;
BitPack.pack(keyParams.N, keyParams.q, hLen,
h.p, 0, sData, offset);
return sData;
/* calcPolyMod4Packed(
* Calculate R mod 4 and return the result as a bit-packed byte
* array.
byte[] calcPolyMod4Packed(
FullPolynomial R)
// Calc R4 = R mod 4, 2 bits per element, 4 elements per byte
byte R4[] = new byte[(R.p.length+3)/4];
int i, j;
for (i=0, j=0; i<R4.length-1; i++, j+=4)
R4[i] = (byte) (((R.p[j] & 0x03) << 6) |
((R.p[j+1] & 0x03) << 4) |
((R.p[j+2] & 0x03) << 2) |
((R.p[j+3] & 0x03)));
int remElements = R.p.length % 4;
R4[i] = 0;
if (remElements > 0)
R4[i] |= (byte) ((R.p[j++] & 0x03) << 6);
if (remElements > 1)
R4[i] |= (byte) ((R.p[j++] & 0x03) << 4);
if (remElements > 2)
R4[i] |= (byte) ((R.p[j++] & 0x03) << 2);
return R4;
/* calcEncryptionMask
* Calculate the trinomial 'mask' using a bit-packed 'R mod 4' as
* the seed of the MGF_TP_1 algorithm.
FullPolynomial calcEncryptionMask(
FullPolynomial R)
byte R4[] = calcPolyMod4Packed(R);
MGF1 mgf = new MGF1(keyParams.mgfHash, keyParams.minCallsMask, true,
R4, 0, R4.length);
FullPolynomial p = MGF_TP_1.genTrinomial(keyParams.N, mgf);
return p;
/* check_dm0
* Verify that the trinomial p has at least dm0 -1's,
* at least dm0 0's, and at least dm0 1's.
boolean check_dm0(
FullPolynomial p,
int dm0)
int numOnes=0, numNegOnes=0;
for (int i=0; i<p.p.length; i++)
short s = p.p[i];
if (s == -1)
else if (s == 1)
numOnes += 1;
if ((numOnes < dm0) ||
(numNegOnes < dm0) ||
(p.p.length - (numOnes+numNegOnes) < dm0))
return false;
return true;
int parseMsgLengthFromM(
byte M[])
int db = keyParams.db >> 3; // bits to bytes
if (M.length < db + keyParams.lLen)
return 0;
int len = 0;
for (int i=db; i<db + keyParams.lLen; i++)
len = ((len << 8) | (M[i] & 0xff));
return len;
int verifyMFormat(
byte M[])
boolean ok = true;
int db = keyParams.db>>3;
// This is the number of bytes in the formatted message:
int numBytes = (db + keyParams.lLen + keyParams.maxMsgLenBytes + 1);
if (M.length != numBytes)
ok = false;
// 1) First db bytes are random data. Nothing to check there.
// 2) Next lLen bytes are the message length. Decode this and
// verify it is valid.
int mLen = 0;
if (M.length >= db + keyParams.lLen)
mLen = parseMsgLengthFromM(M);
if ((mLen < 0) || (mLen >= keyParams.maxMsgLenBytes))
// Set mLen to 1 so that later steps won't have to worry
// about invalid values.
mLen = 1;
ok = false;
// 3) Next mLen bytes are m. Nothing to verify there
// 4) Remaining bytes are p0. Make sure they are all 0.
for (int i=db + keyParams.lLen + mLen; (i<M.length); i++)
if (M[i] != 0)
ok = false;
if (ok)
return mLen;
return -1;