* NTRU Cryptography Reference Source Code
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, by Security Innovation, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Security Innovation
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package com.securityinnovation.jNeo.ntruencrypt;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.OID;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.OIDMap;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.ParamSetNotSupportedException;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.digest.DigestAlgorithm;
import static com.securityinnovation.jNeo.digest.DigestAlgorithm.*;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.math.PolynomialInverter;
import com.securityinnovation.jNeo.math.PolynomialInverterModPowerOfPrime;
* <p>A class to collect information on an encryption parameter set.
* An instance of this class holds the data for a single parameter set
* in its public members.
* <p>The static function getKeyParams() can be used to retrieve the
* KeyParams object associated with a particular parameter set (using
* the OID as an identifier). The returned object is static and should
* be treated as read-only.
public class KeyParams
public final OID OIDEnum;
public final byte OIDBytes[];
public final short N;
public final short p;
public final short q;
public final short df;
public final short dg;
public final short lLen;
public final short db;
public final short maxMsgLenBytes;
public final short bufferLenBits;
public final short bufferLenTrits;
public final short dm0;
// Mask generation params, used in the generation of mask from R mod 4.
public final DigestAlgorithm mgfHash;
// BPGM3 params
public final DigestAlgorithm igfHash;
public final short dr;
public final short c;
public final short minCallsR;
public final short minCallsMask;
public final int pkLen;
// The code to use to find the inverse of a polynomial.
public final PolynomialInverter polyInverter;
* Returns the KeyParams object for the specified OID, as
* represented by a byte array.
* @param paramSet a byte array holding the OID.
* @throws ParamsetNotSupportedException if the OID is not known.
public static KeyParams getKeyParams(
byte[] paramSet)
throws ParamSetNotSupportedException
if (numParamSets == 0)
for (int i=0; i<numParamSets; i++)
if (java.util.Arrays.equals(paramSets[i].OIDBytes, paramSet))
return paramSets[i];
throw new ParamSetNotSupportedException(paramSet);
* Returns the KeyParams object for the specified OID, as
* represented by a byte array.
* @param paramSet the OID identifying the parameter set.
* @throws ParamsetNotSupportedException if the OID is not known.
public static KeyParams getKeyParams(
OID paramSet)
throws ParamSetNotSupportedException
if (numParamSets == 0)
for (int i=0; i<numParamSets; i++)
if (paramSet == paramSets[i].OIDEnum)
return paramSets[i];
throw new ParamSetNotSupportedException(paramSet);
* Constructor.
private KeyParams(
OID _oidEnum,
int _N,
int _p,
int _q,
int _df,
int _dg,
int _lLen,
int _db,
int _maxMsgLenBytes,
int _bufferLenBits,
int _bufferLenTrits,
int _dm0,
DigestAlgorithm _mgfHash,
DigestAlgorithm _igfHash,
int _dr,
int _c,
int _minCallsR,
int _minCallsMask,
int _pkLen)
OIDEnum = _oidEnum;
OIDBytes = OIDMap.getOIDBytes(OIDEnum);
N = (short) _N;
p = (short) _p;
q = (short) _q;
df = (short) _df;
dg = (short) _dg;
lLen = (short) _lLen;
db = (short) _db;
maxMsgLenBytes = (short) _maxMsgLenBytes;
bufferLenBits = (short) _bufferLenBits;
bufferLenTrits = (short) _bufferLenTrits;
dm0 = (short) _dm0;
mgfHash = _mgfHash;
igfHash = _igfHash;
dr = (short) _dr;
c = (short) _c;
minCallsR = (short) _minCallsR;
minCallsMask = (short) _minCallsMask;
pkLen = _pkLen;
// This should be derived from q. But for now all parameter sets use
// q = 2048.
polyInverter = inverterMod2048;
// An object to find the inverse of a polynomial mod 2048
// and a table of inverses mod 2 needed to construct the inverter.
private static short invMod2[] = {0, 1};
private static PolynomialInverter inverterMod2048 =
new PolynomialInverterModPowerOfPrime(2048, 2, invMod2);
// The master list of parameter sets.
private static KeyParams paramSets[];
private static byte numParamSets = 0;
private static void initParamSets()
paramSets = new KeyParams[12];
paramSets[numParamSets++] =
new KeyParams(
OID.ees401ep1, 401, 3, 2048, // id, N, p, q
113, 133, 1, 112, // df, dg. lLen, db
60, // maxMsgLenBytes,
600, 400, // bufferLenBits, bufferLenTrits
113, // dm0
sha1, sha1, // mgfHash, igfHash
113, 11, 32, 9, // dr, c, minCallsR, minCallsMask
112); // pkLen
paramSets[numParamSets++] =
new KeyParams(
OID.ees449ep1, 449, 3, 2048, // id, N, p, q
134, 149, 1, 128, // df, dg. lLen, db
67, // maxMsgLenBytes,
672, 448, // bufferLenBits, bufferLenTrits
134, // dm0
sha1, sha1, // mgfHash, igfHash
134, 9, 31, 9, // dr, c, minCallsR, minCallsMask
128); // pkLen
paramSets[numParamSets++] =
new KeyParams(
OID.ees677ep1, 677, 3, 2048, // id, N, p, q
157, 225, 1, 192, // df, dg. lLen, db
101, // maxMsgLenBytes,
1008, 676, // bufferLenBits, bufferLenTrits
157, // dm0
sha256, sha256, // mgfHash, igfHash
157, 11, 27, 9, // dr, c, minCallsR, minCallsMask
192); // pkLen
paramSets[numParamSets++] =
new KeyParams(
OID.ees1087ep2, 1087, 3, 2048, // id, N, p, q
120, 362, 1, 256, // df, dg. lLen, db
170, // maxMsgLenBytes,
1624, 1086, // bufferLenBits, bufferLenTrits
120, // dm0
sha256, sha256, // mgfHash, igfHash
120, 13, 25, 14, // dr, c, minCallsR, minCallsMask
256); // pkLen
paramSets[numParamSets++] =
new KeyParams(
OID.ees541ep1, 541, 3, 2048, // id, N, p, q
49, 180, 1, 112, // df, dg. lLen, db
86, // maxMsgLenBytes,
808, 540, // bufferLenBits, bufferLenTrits
49, // dm0
sha1, sha1, // mgfHash, igfHash
49, 12, 15, 11, // dr, c, minCallsR, minCallsMask
112); // pkLen
paramSets[numParamSets++] =
new KeyParams(
OID.ees613ep1, 613, 3, 2048, // id, N, p, q
55, 204, 1, 128, // df, dg. lLen, db
97, // maxMsgLenBytes,
912, 612, // bufferLenBits, bufferLenTrits
55, // dm0
sha1, sha1, // mgfHash, igfHash
55, 11, 16, 13, // dr, c, minCallsR, minCallsMask
128); // pkLen
paramSets[numParamSets++] =
new KeyParams(
OID.ees887ep1, 887, 3, 2048, // id, N, p, q
81, 295, 1, 192, // df, dg. lLen, db
141, // maxMsgLenBytes,
1328, 886, // bufferLenBits, bufferLenTrits
81, // dm0
sha256, sha256, // mgfHash, igfHash
81, 10, 13, 12, // dr, c, minCallsR, minCallsMask
192); // pkLen
paramSets[numParamSets++] =
new KeyParams(
OID.ees1171ep1, 1171, 3, 2048, // id, N, p, q
106, 390, 1, 256, // df, dg. lLen, db
186, // maxMsgLenBytes,
1752, 1170, // bufferLenBits, bufferLenTrits
106, // dm0
sha256, sha256, // mgfHash, igfHash
106, 12, 20, 15, // dr, c, minCallsR, minCallsMask
256); // pkLen
paramSets[numParamSets++] =
new KeyParams(
OID.ees659ep1, 659, 3, 2048, // id, N, p, q
38, 219, 1, 112, // df, dg. lLen, db
108, // maxMsgLenBytes,
984, 658, // bufferLenBits, bufferLenTrits
38, // dm0
sha1, sha1, // mgfHash, igfHash
38, 11, 11, 14, // dr, c, minCallsR, minCallsMask
112); // pkLen
paramSets[numParamSets++] =
new KeyParams(
OID.ees761ep1, 761, 3, 2048, // id, N, p, q
42, 253, 1, 128, // df, dg. lLen, db
125, // maxMsgLenBytes,
1136, 760, // bufferLenBits, bufferLenTrits
42, // dm0
sha1, sha1, // mgfHash, igfHash
42, 12, 13, 16, // dr, c, minCallsR, minCallsMask
128); // pkLen
paramSets[numParamSets++] =
new KeyParams(
OID.ees1087ep1, 1087, 3, 2048, // id, N, p, q
63, 362, 1, 192, // df, dg. lLen, db
178, // maxMsgLenBytes,
1624, 1086, // bufferLenBits, bufferLenTrits
63, // dm0
sha256, sha256, // mgfHash, igfHash
63, 13, 13, 14, // dr, c, minCallsR, minCallsMask
192); // pkLen
paramSets[numParamSets++] =
new KeyParams(
OID.ees1499ep1, 1499, 3, 2048, // id, N, p, q
79, 499, 1, 256, // df, dg. lLen, db
247, // maxMsgLenBytes,
2240, 1498, // bufferLenBits, bufferLenTrits
79, // dm0
sha256, sha256, // mgfHash, igfHash
79, 13, 17, 19, // dr, c, minCallsR, minCallsMask
256); // pkLen