package net.sacredlabyrinth.phaed.simpleclans;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.JSONValue;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
* @author phaed
public class ClanPlayer implements Serializable, Comparable<ClanPlayer>
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private UUID uniqueId;
private String displayName;
private boolean leader;
private boolean trusted;
private String tag;
private Clan clan;
private boolean friendlyFire;
private int neutralKills;
private int rivalKills;
private int civilianKills;
private int deaths;
private long lastSeen;
private long joinDate;
private HashSet<String> pastClans = new HashSet<String>();
private VoteResult vote;
private Channel channel;
private boolean useChatShortcut = false;
private boolean globalChat = true;
private boolean allyChat = true;
private boolean clanChat = true;
private boolean bbEnabled = true;
private boolean tagEnabled = true;
private boolean capeEnabled = true;
private String rank = "";
public ClanPlayer()
this.tag = ""; = Channel.NONE;
* @param playerName
public ClanPlayer(String playerName)
this.displayName = playerName;
this.lastSeen = (new Date()).getTime();
this.joinDate = (new Date()).getTime();
this.neutralKills = 0;
this.rivalKills = 0;
this.civilianKills = 0;
this.tag = ""; = Channel.NONE;
* @param playerUniqueId
public ClanPlayer(UUID playerUniqueId)
this.uniqueId = playerUniqueId;
Player OnlinePlayer = Helper.matchOnePlayer(playerUniqueId);
if (OnlinePlayer != null)
this.displayName = OnlinePlayer.getName();
} else
OfflinePlayer OfflinePlayer = SimpleClans.getInstance().getServer().getOfflinePlayer(playerUniqueId);
this.displayName = OfflinePlayer.getName();
this.lastSeen = (new Date()).getTime();
this.joinDate = (new Date()).getTime();
this.neutralKills = 0;
this.rivalKills = 0;
this.civilianKills = 0;
this.tag = ""; = Channel.NONE;
public int hashCode()
return getName().hashCode() >> 13;
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (!(obj instanceof ClanPlayer))
return false;
ClanPlayer other = (ClanPlayer) obj;
return other.getName().equals(this.getName());
public int compareTo(ClanPlayer other)
if (SimpleClans.getInstance().hasUUID())
return this.getUniqueId().compareTo(other.getUniqueId());
} else
return this.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(other.getName());
public String toString()
return displayName;
* (used internally)
* @return the name
public String getName()
return displayName;
* (used internally)
* @return the uniqueId
public UUID getUniqueId()
return uniqueId;
* Returns the clean name for this player (lowercase)
* @return the name
public String getCleanName()
return displayName.toLowerCase();
* (used internally)
* @param name the name to set
public void setName(String name)
this.displayName = name;
* (used internally)
* @param uniqueId the name to set
public void setUniqueId(UUID uniqueId)
this.uniqueId = uniqueId;
* Whether this player is a leader or not
* @return the leader
public boolean isLeader()
return leader;
* Sets this player as a leader (does not update clanplayer to db)
* @param leader the leader to set
public void setLeader(boolean leader)
if (leader)
trusted = leader;
this.leader = leader;
* Check whether the player is an ally with another player
* @param player
* @return
public boolean isAlly(Player player)
ClanPlayer allycp = SimpleClans.getInstance().getClanManager().getClanPlayer(player);
if (allycp != null)
return allycp.getClan().isAlly(tag);
return false;
* Check whether the player is an rival with another player
* @param player
* @return
public boolean isRival(Player player)
ClanPlayer allycp = SimpleClans.getInstance().getClanManager().getClanPlayer(player);
if (allycp != null)
return allycp.getClan().isRival(tag);
return false;
* Returns the last seen date for this player in milliseconds
* @return the lastSeen
public long getLastSeen()
return lastSeen;
* (used internally)
* @param lastSeen the lastSeen to set
public void setLastSeen(long lastSeen)
this.lastSeen = lastSeen;
* Updates last seen date to today
public void updateLastSeen()
this.lastSeen = (new Date()).getTime();
* Returns a verbal representation of how many days ago a player was last seen
* @return
public String getLastSeenDaysString()
double days = Dates.differenceInDays(new Timestamp(lastSeen), new Timestamp((new Date()).getTime()));
if (days < 1)
return SimpleClans.getInstance().getLang("today");
else if (Math.round(days) == 1)
return MessageFormat.format(SimpleClans.getInstance().getLang(""), ChatColor.GRAY);
return MessageFormat.format(SimpleClans.getInstance().getLang("many.color.days"), Math.round(days), ChatColor.GRAY);
* Returns number of days since the player was last seen
* @return
public double getLastSeenDays()
return Dates.differenceInDays(new Timestamp(lastSeen), new Timestamp((new Date()).getTime()));
* Returns the number of rival kills this player has
* @return the rivalKills
public int getRivalKills()
return rivalKills;
* (used internally)
* @param rivalKills the rivalKills to set
public void setRivalKills(int rivalKills)
this.rivalKills = rivalKills;
* Adds one rival kill to this player (does not update clanplayer to db)
public void addRivalKill()
setRivalKills(getRivalKills() + 1);
* Returns the number of civilian kills this player has
* @return the civilianKills
public int getCivilianKills()
return civilianKills;
* (used internally)
* @param civilianKills the civilianKills to set
public void setCivilianKills(int civilianKills)
this.civilianKills = civilianKills;
* Adds one civilian kill to this player (does not update clanplayer to db)
public void addCivilianKill()
setCivilianKills(getCivilianKills() + 1);
* Returns the number of neutral kills this player has
* @return the neutralKills
public int getNeutralKills()
return neutralKills;
* (used internally)
* @param neutralKills the neutralKills to set
public void setNeutralKills(int neutralKills)
this.neutralKills = neutralKills;
* Adds one civilian kill to this player (does not update clanplayer to db)
public void addNeutralKill()
setNeutralKills(getNeutralKills() + 1);
* Whether this player is allowing friendly fire
* @return the friendlyFire
public boolean isFriendlyFire()
return friendlyFire;
* Sets whether this player is allowing friendly fire (does not update clanplayer to db)
* @param friendlyFire the friendlyFire to set
public void setFriendlyFire(boolean friendlyFire)
this.friendlyFire = friendlyFire;
* (used internally)
* @return the vote
public VoteResult getVote()
return vote;
* (used internally)
* @param vote the vote to set
public void setVote(VoteResult vote)
{ = vote;
* Returns the number of deaths this player has
* @return the deaths
public int getDeaths()
return deaths;
* (used internally)
* @param deaths the deaths to set
public void setDeaths(int deaths)
this.deaths = deaths;
* Adds one death to this player (does not update clanplayer to db)
public void addDeath()
setDeaths(getDeaths() + 1);
* Returns weighted kill score for this player (kills multiplied by the different weights)
* @return
public double getWeightedKills()
SimpleClans plugin = SimpleClans.getInstance();
return (((double) rivalKills * plugin.getSettingsManager().getKwRival()) + ((double) neutralKills * plugin.getSettingsManager().getKwNeutral()) + ((double) civilianKills * plugin.getSettingsManager().getKwCivilian()));
* Returns weighted-kill/death ratio
* @return
public float getKDR()
int totalDeaths = getDeaths();
if (totalDeaths == 0)
totalDeaths = 1;
return ((float) getWeightedKills()) / ((float) totalDeaths);
* Returns the player's join date to his current clan in milliseconds, 0 if not in a clan
* @return the joinDate
public long getJoinDate()
return joinDate;
* (used internally)
* @param joinDate the joinDate to set
public void setJoinDate(long joinDate)
this.joinDate = joinDate;
* Returns a string representation of the join date, blank if not in a clan
* @return
public String getJoinDateString()
if (joinDate == 0)
return "";
return new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd, ''yy h:mm a").format(new Date(this.joinDate));
* Returns a string representation of the last seen date
* @return
public String getLastSeenString()
return new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd, ''yy h:mm a").format(new Date(this.lastSeen));
* Returns the number of days the player has been inactive
* @return
public int getInactiveDays()
Timestamp now = new Timestamp((new Date()).getTime());
return (int) Math.floor(Dates.differenceInDays(new Timestamp(getLastSeen()), now));
* (used internally)
* @return the PackedPastClans
public String getPackedPastClans()
String PackedPastClans = "";
HashSet<String> pt = getPastClans();
for (String pastClan : pt)
PackedPastClans += pastClan + "|";
return Helper.stripTrailing(PackedPastClans, "|");
* (used internally)
* @param PackedPastClans the PackedPastClans to set
public void setPackedPastClans(String PackedPastClans)
this.pastClans = Helper.fromArray2(PackedPastClans.split("[|]"));
* Adds a past clan to the player (does not update the clanplayer to db)
* @param tag
public void addPastClan(String tag)
* Removes a past clan from the player (does not update the clanplayer to db)
* @param tag is the clan's colored tag
public void removePastClan(String tag)
* Returns a separator delimited string with the color tags for all past clans this player has been in
* @param sep
* @return
public String getPastClansString(String sep)
String out = "";
for (String pastClan : getPastClans())
out += pastClan + sep;
out = Helper.stripTrailing(out, sep);
if (out.trim().isEmpty())
return SimpleClans.getInstance().getLang("none");
return out;
* Returns a list with all past clans color tags this player has been in
* @return the pastClans
public HashSet<String> getPastClans()
HashSet<String> pc = new HashSet<String>();
return pc;
* Returns this player's clan
* @return the clan
public Clan getClan()
return clan;
* (used internally)
* @param clan the clan to set
public void setClan(Clan clan)
if (clan == null)
this.tag = "";
this.tag = clan.getTag();
this.clan = clan;
* Returns this player's clan's tag. Empty string if he's not in a clan.
* @return the tag
public String getTag()
return tag;
* Returns this player's clan's tag label. Empty string if he's not in a clan.
* @return the tag
public String getTagLabel()
if (clan == null)
return "";
return clan.getTagLabel();
* Returns this player's trusted status
* @return the trusted
public boolean isTrusted()
return leader || trusted;
* Sets this player's trusted status (does not update the clanplayer to db)
* @param trusted the trusted to set
public void setTrusted(boolean trusted)
this.trusted = trusted;
* Return the list of flags and their data as a json string
* @return the flags
public String getFlags()
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
// the player's rank inside his clan
if (rank != null)
json.put("rank", rank);
// writing the list of flags to json
json.put("channel", channel.toString());
// writing the channel state settings flags
List<Boolean> settings = new LinkedList<Boolean>();
json.put("channel-state", settings);
// couple of toggles
json.put("chat-shortcut", useChatShortcut);
json.put("bb-enabled", bbEnabled);
json.put("hide-tag", tagEnabled);
json.put("cape-enabled", capeEnabled);
return json.toString();
* Read the list of flags in from a json string
* @param flagString the flags to set
public void setFlags(String flagString)
if (flagString != null && !flagString.isEmpty())
Object obj = JSONValue.parse(flagString);
JSONObject flags = (JSONObject) obj;
if (flags != null)
for (Object flag : flags.keySet())
if (flag.equals("rank"))
if(flags.get(flag) == null)
rank = flags.get(flag).toString();
if (flag.equals("channel"))
String chn = flags.get(flag).toString();
if (chn != null && !chn.isEmpty())
if (chn.equalsIgnoreCase("clan"))
channel = Channel.CLAN;
else if (chn.equalsIgnoreCase("ally"))
channel = Channel.ALLY;
channel = Channel.NONE;
if (flag.equals("channel-state"))
JSONArray settings = (JSONArray) flags.get(flag);
if (settings != null && !settings.isEmpty())
globalChat = (Boolean) settings.get(0);
allyChat = (Boolean) settings.get(1);
clanChat = (Boolean) settings.get(2);
if (flag.equals("bb-enabled"))
bbEnabled = (Boolean) flags.get(flag);
if (flag.equals("hide-tag"))
tagEnabled = (Boolean) flags.get(flag);
if (flag.equals("cape-enabled"))
capeEnabled = (Boolean) flags.get(flag);
if (flag.equals("chat-shortcut"))
useChatShortcut = (Boolean) flags.get(flag);
catch (Exception ex)
for (StackTraceElement el : ex.getStackTrace())
System.out.print("Failed reading flag: " + flag);
System.out.print("Value: " + flags.get(flag));
public Channel getChannel()
return channel;
public boolean isGlobalChat()
return globalChat;
public boolean isAllyChat()
return allyChat;
public boolean isClanChat()
return clanChat;
public void setGlobalChat(boolean globalChat)
this.globalChat = globalChat;
public void setAllyChat(boolean allyChat)
this.allyChat = allyChat;
public void setClanChat(boolean clanChat)
this.clanChat = clanChat;
public void setChannel(Channel channel)
{ = channel;
public boolean isBbEnabled()
return bbEnabled;
public void setBbEnabled(boolean bbEnabled)
this.bbEnabled = bbEnabled;
public boolean isCapeEnabled()
return capeEnabled;
public void setCapeEnabled(boolean capeEnabled)
this.capeEnabled = capeEnabled;
public boolean isTagEnabled()
return tagEnabled;
public void setTagEnabled(boolean tagEnabled)
this.tagEnabled = tagEnabled;
public boolean isUseChatShortcut()
return useChatShortcut;
public String getRank()
return rank;
public void setRank(String rank)
this.rank = rank;
public enum Channel
public Player toPlayer()
if (this.uniqueId != null)
return Helper.matchOnePlayer(this.uniqueId);
} else
return Helper.matchOnePlayer(this.displayName);