* Copyright 2007 The Closure Compiler Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.javascript.jscomp;
import static com.google.javascript.jscomp.LightweightMessageFormatter.LineNumberingFormatter;
import com.google.debugging.sourcemap.proto.Mapping.OriginalMapping;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Node;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class LightweightMessageFormatterTest extends TestCase {
private static final DiagnosticType FOO_TYPE =
DiagnosticType.error("TEST_FOO", "error description here");
private static final String ORIGINAL_SOURCE_FILE = "original/source.html";
private static final OriginalMapping ORIGINAL_SOURCE = OriginalMapping.newBuilder()
public void testNull() throws Exception {
public void testOneLineRegion() throws Exception {
assertEquals(" 5| hello world", format(region(5, 5, "hello world")));
public void testTwoLineRegion() throws Exception {
assertEquals(" 5| hello world\n" +
" 6| foo bar", format(region(5, 6, "hello world\nfoo bar")));
public void testThreeLineRegionAcrossNumberRange() throws Exception {
String region = format(region(9, 11, "hello world\nfoo bar\nanother one"));
assertEquals(" 9| hello world\n" +
" 10| foo bar\n" +
" 11| another one", region);
public void testThreeLineRegionEmptyLine() throws Exception {
String region = format(region(7, 9, "hello world\n\nanother one"));
assertEquals(" 7| hello world\n" +
" 8| \n" +
" 9| another one", region);
public void testOnlyOneEmptyLine() throws Exception {
assertNull(format(region(7, 7, "")));
public void testTwoEmptyLines() throws Exception {
assertEquals(" 7| ", format(region(7, 8, "\n")));
public void testThreeLineRemoveLastEmptyLine() throws Exception {
String region = format(region(7, 9, "hello world\nfoobar\n"));
assertEquals(" 7| hello world\n" +
" 8| foobar", region);
public void testFormatErrorSpaces() throws Exception {
Node n = Node.newString("foobar", 5, 8);
JSError error = JSError.make(n, FOO_TYPE);
LightweightMessageFormatter formatter = formatter(" if (foobar) {");
assertEquals("javascript/complex.js:5: ERROR - error description here\n" +
" if (foobar) {\n" +
" ^\n", formatter.formatError(error));
public void testFormatErrorTabs() throws Exception {
Node n = Node.newString("foobar", 5, 6);
JSError error = JSError.make(n, FOO_TYPE);
LightweightMessageFormatter formatter = formatter("\t\tif (foobar) {");
assertEquals("javascript/complex.js:5: ERROR - error description here\n" +
"\t\tif (foobar) {\n" +
"\t\t ^\n", formatter.formatError(error));
public void testFormatErrorSpaceEndOfLine1() throws Exception {
JSError error = JSError.make("javascript/complex.js",
1, 10, FOO_TYPE);
LightweightMessageFormatter formatter = formatter("assert (1;");
assertEquals("javascript/complex.js:1: ERROR - error description here\n" +
"assert (1;\n" +
" ^\n", formatter.formatError(error));
public void testFormatErrorSpaceEndOfLine2() throws Exception {
JSError error = JSError.make("javascript/complex.js",
6, 7, FOO_TYPE);
LightweightMessageFormatter formatter = formatter("if (foo");
assertEquals("javascript/complex.js:6: ERROR - error description here\n" +
"if (foo\n" +
" ^\n", formatter.formatError(error));
public void testFormatErrorOriginalSource() throws Exception {
Node n = Node.newString("foobar", 5, 8);
JSError error = JSError.make(n, FOO_TYPE);
LightweightMessageFormatter formatter =
formatter(" if (foobar) {", "<div ng-show='(foo'>");
"javascript/complex.js:5: \n" +
"Originally at:\n" +
"original/source.html:3: ERROR - error description here\n" +
"<div ng-show='(foo'>\n" +
" ^\n",
private LightweightMessageFormatter formatter(String string) {
return formatter(string, null);
private LightweightMessageFormatter formatter(String string,
String originalSource) {
return new LightweightMessageFormatter(source(string, originalSource));
private SourceExcerptProvider source(final String source,
final String originalSource) {
return new SourceExcerptProvider() {
public String getSourceLine(String sourceName, int lineNumber) {
if (sourceName.equals(ORIGINAL_SOURCE_FILE)) {
return originalSource;
return source;
public Region getSourceRegion(String sourceName, int lineNumber) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public OriginalMapping getSourceMapping(String sourceName,
int lineNumber, int columnNumber) {
if (originalSource != null) {
return null;
private String format(Region region) {
return new LineNumberingFormatter().formatRegion(region);
private Region region(final int startLine, final int endLine,
final String source) {
return new SimpleRegion(startLine, endLine, source);