* Copyright 2004 The Closure Compiler Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.javascript.jscomp;
import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.CompilerOptions.LanguageMode;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.IR;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.InputId;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Node;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Token;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import java.util.List;
public class CodePrinterTest extends TestCase {
// If this is set, ignore parse warnings and only fail the test
// for parse errors.
private boolean allowWarnings = false;
private boolean trustedStrings = true;
private boolean preserveTypeAnnotations = false;
private Compiler lastCompiler = null;
private LanguageMode languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT5;
@Override public void setUp() {
allowWarnings = false;
preserveTypeAnnotations = false;
trustedStrings = true;
lastCompiler = null;
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT5;
Node parse(String js) {
return parse(js, false);
Node parse(String js, boolean checkTypes) {
Compiler compiler = new Compiler();
lastCompiler = compiler;
CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions();
options.preserveTypeAnnotations = preserveTypeAnnotations;
// Allow getters and setters.
Node n = compiler.parseTestCode(js);
if (checkTypes) {
DefaultPassConfig passConfig = new DefaultPassConfig(null);
CompilerPass typeResolver = passConfig.resolveTypes.create(compiler);
Node externs = new Node(Token.SCRIPT);
externs.setInputId(new InputId("externs"));
Node externAndJsRoot = new Node(Token.BLOCK, externs, n);
typeResolver.process(externs, n);
CompilerPass inferTypes = passConfig.inferTypes.create(compiler);
inferTypes.process(externs, n);
checkUnexpectedErrorsOrWarnings(compiler, 0);
return n;
private void checkUnexpectedErrorsOrWarnings(
Compiler compiler, int expected) {
int actual = compiler.getErrors().length;
if (!allowWarnings) {
actual += compiler.getWarnings().length;
if (actual != expected) {
String msg = "";
for (JSError err : compiler.getErrors()) {
msg += "Error:" + err + "\n";
if (!allowWarnings) {
for (JSError err : compiler.getWarnings()) {
msg += "Warning:" + err + "\n";
assertEquals("Unexpected warnings or errors.\n " + msg, expected, actual);
String parsePrint(String js, CompilerOptions options) {
return new CodePrinter.Builder(parse(js)).setCompilerOptions(options).build();
CompilerOptions newCompilerOptions(boolean prettyprint, int lineThreshold) {
CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions();
options.preserveTypeAnnotations = preserveTypeAnnotations;
return options;
CompilerOptions newCompilerOptions(boolean prettyprint, int lineThreshold, boolean lineBreak) {
CompilerOptions options = newCompilerOptions(prettyprint, lineThreshold);
return options;
String parsePrint(String js, boolean prettyprint, int lineThreshold) {
return parsePrint(js, newCompilerOptions(prettyprint, lineThreshold));
String parsePrint(String js, boolean prettyprint, boolean lineBreak, int lineThreshold) {
return parsePrint(js, newCompilerOptions(prettyprint, lineThreshold, lineBreak));
String parsePrint(String js, boolean prettyprint, boolean lineBreak,
boolean preferLineBreakAtEof, int lineThreshold) {
CompilerOptions options = newCompilerOptions(prettyprint, lineThreshold, lineBreak);
return parsePrint(js, options);
String parsePrint(String js, boolean prettyprint, boolean lineBreak, int lineThreshold,
boolean outputTypes) {
return new CodePrinter.Builder(parse(js, true))
.setCompilerOptions(newCompilerOptions(prettyprint, lineThreshold, lineBreak))
String parsePrint(String js, boolean prettyprint, boolean lineBreak,
int lineThreshold, boolean outputTypes,
boolean tagAsStrict) {
return new CodePrinter.Builder(parse(js, true))
.setCompilerOptions(newCompilerOptions(prettyprint, lineThreshold, lineBreak))
String printNode(Node n) {
CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions();
return new CodePrinter.Builder(n).setCompilerOptions(options).build();
void assertPrintNode(String expectedJs, Node ast) {
assertEquals(expectedJs, printNode(ast));
public void testPrint() {
assertPrint("10 + a + b", "10+a+b");
assertPrint("10 + (30*50)", "10+30*50");
assertPrint("with(x) { x + 3; }", "with(x)x+3");
assertPrint("\"aa'a\"", "\"aa'a\"");
assertPrint("\"aa\\\"a\"", "'aa\"a'");
assertPrint("function foo()\n{return 10;}", "function foo(){return 10}");
assertPrint("a instanceof b", "a instanceof b");
assertPrint("typeof(a)", "typeof a");
"var foo = x ? { a : 1 } : {a: 3, b:4, \"default\": 5, \"foo-bar\": 6}",
"var foo=x?{a:1}:{a:3,b:4,\"default\":5,\"foo-bar\":6}");
// Safari: needs ';' at the end of a throw statement
assertPrint("function foo(){throw 'error';}",
"function foo(){throw\"error\";}");
// Safari 3 needs a "{" around a single function
assertPrint("if (true) function foo(){return}",
"if(true){function foo(){return}}");
assertPrint("var x = 10; { var y = 20; }", "var x=10;var y=20");
assertPrint("while (x-- > 0);", "while(x-- >0);");
assertPrint("x-- >> 1", "x-- >>1");
assertPrint("(function () {})(); ",
// Associativity
assertPrint("var a,b,c,d;a || (b&& c) && (a || d)",
"var a,b,c,d;a||b&&c&&(a||d)");
assertPrint("var a,b,c; a || (b || c); a * (b * c); a | (b | c)",
"var a,b,c;a||(b||c);a*(b*c);a|(b|c)");
assertPrint("var a,b,c; a / b / c;a / (b / c); a - (b - c);",
"var a,b,c;a/b/c;a/(b/c);a-(b-c)");
// Nested assignments
assertPrint("var a,b; a = b = 3;",
"var a,b;a=b=3");
assertPrint("var a,b,c,d; a = (b = c = (d = 3));",
"var a,b,c,d;a=b=c=d=3");
assertPrint("var a,b,c; a += (b = c += 3);",
"var a,b,c;a+=b=c+=3");
assertPrint("var a,b,c; a *= (b -= c);",
"var a,b,c;a*=b-=c");
// Precedence
assertPrint("a ? delete b[0] : 3", "a?delete b[0]:3");
assertPrint("(delete a[0])/10", "delete a[0]/10");
// optional '()' for new
// simple new
assertPrint("new A", "new A");
assertPrint("new A()", "new A");
assertPrint("new A('x')", "new A(\"x\")");
// calling instance method directly after new
assertPrint("new A().a()", "(new A).a()");
assertPrint("(new A).a()", "(new A).a()");
// this case should be fixed
assertPrint("new A('y').a()", "(new A(\"y\")).a()");
// internal class
assertPrint("new A.B", "new A.B");
assertPrint("new A.B()", "new A.B");
assertPrint("new A.B('z')", "new A.B(\"z\")");
// calling instance method directly after new internal class
assertPrint("(new A.B).a()", "(new A.B).a()");
assertPrint("new A.B().a()", "(new A.B).a()");
// this case should be fixed
assertPrint("new A.B('w').a()", "(new A.B(\"w\")).a()");
// Operators: make sure we don't convert binary + and unary + into ++
assertPrint("x + +y", "x+ +y");
assertPrint("x - (-y)", "x- -y");
assertPrint("x++ +y", "x++ +y");
assertPrint("x-- -y", "x-- -y");
assertPrint("x++ -y", "x++-y");
// Label
assertPrint("foo:for(;;){break foo;}", "foo:for(;;)break foo");
assertPrint("foo:while(1){continue foo;}", "foo:while(1)continue foo");
// Object literals.
assertPrint("({})", "({})");
assertPrint("var x = {};", "var x={}");
assertPrint("({}).x", "({}).x");
assertPrint("({})['x']", "({})[\"x\"]");
assertPrint("({}) instanceof Object", "({})instanceof Object");
assertPrint("({}) || 1", "({})||1");
assertPrint("1 || ({})", "1||{}");
assertPrint("({}) ? 1 : 2", "({})?1:2");
assertPrint("0 ? ({}) : 2", "0?{}:2");
assertPrint("0 ? 1 : ({})", "0?1:{}");
assertPrint("typeof ({})", "typeof{}");
assertPrint("f({})", "f({})");
// Anonymous function expressions.
assertPrint("(function(){})", "(function(){})");
assertPrint("(function(){})()", "(function(){})()");
assertPrint("(function(){})instanceof Object",
"(function(){})instanceof Object");
assertPrint("var x = function() { };", "var x=function(){}");
assertPrint("var x = function() { }();", "var x=function(){}()");
assertPrint("(function() {}), 2", "(function(){}),2");
// Name functions expression.
assertPrint("(function f(){})", "(function f(){})");
// Function declaration.
assertPrint("function f(){}", "function f(){}");
// Make sure we don't treat non-Latin character escapes as raw strings.
assertPrint("({ 'a': 4, '\\u0100': 4 })", "({\"a\":4,\"\\u0100\":4})");
assertPrint("({ a: 4, '\\u0100': 4 })", "({a:4,\"\\u0100\":4})");
// Test if statement and for statements with single statements in body.
assertPrint("if (true) { alert();}", "if(true)alert()");
assertPrint("if (false) {} else {alert(\"a\");}",
"if(false);else alert(\"a\")");
assertPrint("for(;;) { alert();};", "for(;;)alert()");
assertPrint("do { alert(); } while(true);",
"do alert();while(true)");
assertPrint("myLabel: { alert();}",
assertPrint("myLabel: for(;;) continue myLabel;",
"myLabel:for(;;)continue myLabel");
// Test nested var statement
assertPrint("if (true) var x; x = 4;", "if(true)var x;x=4");
// Non-latin identifier. Make sure we keep them escaped.
assertPrint("\\u00fb", "\\u00fb");
assertPrint("\\u00fa=1", "\\u00fa=1");
assertPrint("function \\u00f9(){}", "function \\u00f9(){}");
assertPrint("x.\\u00f8", "x.\\u00f8");
assertPrint("x.\\u00f8", "x.\\u00f8");
assertPrint("abc\\u4e00\\u4e01jkl", "abc\\u4e00\\u4e01jkl");
// Test the right-associative unary operators for spurious parens
assertPrint("! ! true", "!!true");
assertPrint("!(!(true))", "!!true");
assertPrint("typeof(void(0))", "typeof void 0");
assertPrint("typeof(void(!0))", "typeof void!0");
assertPrint("+ - + + - + 3", "+-+ +-+3"); // chained unary plus/minus
assertPrint("+(--x)", "+--x");
assertPrint("-(++x)", "-++x");
// needs a space to prevent an ambiguous parse
assertPrint("-(--x)", "- --x");
assertPrint("!(~~5)", "!~~5");
assertPrint("~(a/b)", "~(a/b)");
// Preserve parens to overcome greedy binding of NEW
assertPrint("new (foo.bar()).factory(baz)", "new (foo.bar().factory)(baz)");
assertPrint("new (bar()).factory(baz)", "new (bar().factory)(baz)");
assertPrint("new (new foobar(x)).factory(baz)",
"new (new foobar(x)).factory(baz)");
// Make sure that HOOK is right associative
assertPrint("a ? b : (c ? d : e)", "a?b:c?d:e");
assertPrint("a ? (b ? c : d) : e", "a?b?c:d:e");
assertPrint("(a ? b : c) ? d : e", "(a?b:c)?d:e");
// Test nested ifs
assertPrint("if (x) if (y); else;", "if(x)if(y);else;");
// Test comma.
assertPrint("a,b,c", "a,b,c");
assertPrint("(a,b),c", "a,b,c");
assertPrint("a,(b,c)", "a,b,c");
assertPrint("x=a,b,c", "x=a,b,c");
assertPrint("x=(a,b),c", "x=(a,b),c");
assertPrint("x=a,(b,c)", "x=a,b,c");
assertPrint("x=a,y=b,z=c", "x=a,y=b,z=c");
assertPrint("x=(a,y=b,z=c)", "x=(a,y=b,z=c)");
assertPrint("x=[a,b,c,d]", "x=[a,b,c,d]");
assertPrint("x=[(a,b,c),d]", "x=[(a,b,c),d]");
assertPrint("x=[(a,(b,c)),d]", "x=[(a,b,c),d]");
assertPrint("x=[a,(b,c,d)]", "x=[a,(b,c,d)]");
assertPrint("var x=(a,b)", "var x=(a,b)");
assertPrint("var x=a,b,c", "var x=a,b,c");
assertPrint("var x=(a,b),c", "var x=(a,b),c");
assertPrint("var x=a,b=(c,d)", "var x=a,b=(c,d)");
assertPrint("foo(a,b,c,d)", "foo(a,b,c,d)");
assertPrint("foo((a,b,c),d)", "foo((a,b,c),d)");
assertPrint("foo((a,(b,c)),d)", "foo((a,b,c),d)");
assertPrint("f(a+b,(c,d,(e,f,g)))", "f(a+b,(c,d,e,f,g))");
assertPrint("({}) , 1 , 2", "({}),1,2");
assertPrint("({}) , {} , {}", "({}),{},{}");
// EMPTY nodes
assertPrint("if (x){}", "if(x);");
assertPrint("if(x);", "if(x);");
assertPrint("if(x)if(y);", "if(x)if(y);");
assertPrint("if(x){if(y);}", "if(x)if(y);");
assertPrint("if(x){if(y){};;;}", "if(x)if(y);");
assertPrint("if(x){;;function y(){};;}", "if(x){function y(){}}");
public void testPrintArrayPatternVar() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("var []=[]");
assertPrintSame("var [a]=[1]");
assertPrintSame("var [a,b]=[1,2]");
assertPrintSame("var [a,...b]=[1,2]");
assertPrintSame("var [,b]=[1,2]");
assertPrintSame("var [,,,,,,g]=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]");
assertPrintSame("var [a,,c]=[1,2,3]");
assertPrintSame("var [a,,,d]=[1,2,3,4]");
assertPrintSame("var [a,,c,,e]=[1,2,3,4,5]");
public void testPrintArrayPatternLet() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("let []=[]");
assertPrintSame("let [a]=[1]");
assertPrintSame("let [a,b]=[1,2]");
assertPrintSame("let [a,...b]=[1,2]");
assertPrintSame("let [,b]=[1,2]");
assertPrintSame("let [,,,,,,g]=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]");
assertPrintSame("let [a,,c]=[1,2,3]");
assertPrintSame("let [a,,,d]=[1,2,3,4]");
assertPrintSame("let [a,,c,,e]=[1,2,3,4,5]");
public void testPrintArrayPatternConst() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("const []=[]");
assertPrintSame("const [a]=[1]");
assertPrintSame("const [a,b]=[1,2]");
assertPrintSame("const [a,...b]=[1,2]");
assertPrintSame("const [,b]=[1,2]");
assertPrintSame("const [,,,,,,g]=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]");
assertPrintSame("const [a,,c]=[1,2,3]");
assertPrintSame("const [a,,,d]=[1,2,3,4]");
assertPrintSame("const [a,,c,,e]=[1,2,3,4,5]");
public void testPrintArrayPatternAssign() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
public void testPrintArrayPatternWithInitializer() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
public void testPrintNestedArrayPattern() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("var [a,[b,c],d]=[1,[2,3],4]");
assertPrintSame("var [[[[a]]]]=[[[[1]]]]");
public void testPrintObjectPatternVar() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("var {a}=foo()");
assertPrintSame("var {a,b}=foo()");
assertPrintSame("var {a:a,b:b}=foo()");
public void testPrintObjectPatternLet() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("let {a}=foo()");
assertPrintSame("let {a,b}=foo()");
assertPrintSame("let {a:a,b:b}=foo()");
public void testPrintObjectPatternConst() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("const {a}=foo()");
assertPrintSame("const {a,b}=foo()");
assertPrintSame("const {a:a,b:b}=foo()");
public void testPrintObjectPatternAssign() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
public void testPrintNestedObjectPattern() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
public void testPrintObjectPatternInitializer() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
public void testPrintMixedDestructuring() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
public void testPrintDestructuringInParamList() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("function f([a]){}");
assertPrintSame("function f([a,b]){}");
assertPrintSame("function f([a,b]=c()){}");
assertPrintSame("function f({a}){}");
assertPrintSame("function f({a,b}){}");
assertPrintSame("function f({a,b}=c()){}");
assertPrintSame("function f([a,{b,c}]){}");
assertPrintSame("function f({a,b:[c,d]}){}");
public void testBreakTrustedStrings() {
// Break scripts
assertPrint("'<script>'", "\"<script>\"");
assertPrint("'</script>'", "\"\\x3c/script>\"");
assertPrint("\"</script> </SCRIPT>\"", "\"\\x3c/script> \\x3c/SCRIPT>\"");
assertPrint("'-->'", "\"--\\x3e\"");
assertPrint("']]>'", "\"]]\\x3e\"");
assertPrint("' --></script>'", "\" --\\x3e\\x3c/script>\"");
assertPrint("/--> <\\/script>/g", "/--\\x3e <\\/script>/g");
// Break HTML start comments. Certain versions of WebKit
// begin an HTML comment when they see this.
assertPrint("'<!-- I am a string -->'",
"\"\\x3c!-- I am a string --\\x3e\"");
assertPrint("'<=&>'", "\"<=&>\"");
public void testBreakUntrustedStrings() {
trustedStrings = false;
// Break scripts
assertPrint("'<script>'", "\"\\x3cscript\\x3e\"");
assertPrint("'</script>'", "\"\\x3c/script\\x3e\"");
assertPrint("\"</script> </SCRIPT>\"", "\"\\x3c/script\\x3e \\x3c/SCRIPT\\x3e\"");
assertPrint("'-->'", "\"--\\x3e\"");
assertPrint("']]>'", "\"]]\\x3e\"");
assertPrint("' --></script>'", "\" --\\x3e\\x3c/script\\x3e\"");
assertPrint("/--> <\\/script>/g", "/--\\x3e <\\/script>/g");
// Break HTML start comments. Certain versions of WebKit
// begin an HTML comment when they see this.
assertPrint("'<!-- I am a string -->'",
"\"\\x3c!-- I am a string --\\x3e\"");
assertPrint("'<=&>'", "\"\\x3c\\x3d\\x26\\x3e\"");
assertPrint("/(?=x)/", "/(?=x)/");
public void testHtmlComments() {
assertPrint("3< !(--x)", "3< !--x");
assertPrint("while (x-- > 0) {}", "while(x-- >0);");
public void testPrintArray() {
assertPrint("[void 0, void 0]", "[void 0,void 0]");
assertPrint("[undefined, undefined]", "[undefined,undefined]");
assertPrint("[ , , , undefined]", "[,,,undefined]");
assertPrint("[ , , , 0]", "[,,,0]");
public void testHook() {
assertPrint("a ? b = 1 : c = 2", "a?b=1:c=2");
assertPrint("x = a ? b = 1 : c = 2", "x=a?b=1:c=2");
assertPrint("(x = a) ? b = 1 : c = 2", "(x=a)?b=1:c=2");
assertPrint("x, a ? b = 1 : c = 2", "x,a?b=1:c=2");
assertPrint("x, (a ? b = 1 : c = 2)", "x,a?b=1:c=2");
assertPrint("(x, a) ? b = 1 : c = 2", "(x,a)?b=1:c=2");
assertPrint("a ? (x, b) : c = 2", "a?(x,b):c=2");
assertPrint("a ? b = 1 : (x,c)", "a?b=1:(x,c)");
assertPrint("a ? b = 1 : c = 2 + x", "a?b=1:c=2+x");
assertPrint("(a ? b = 1 : c = 2) + x", "(a?b=1:c=2)+x");
assertPrint("a ? b = 1 : (c = 2) + x", "a?b=1:(c=2)+x");
assertPrint("a ? (b?1:2) : 3", "a?b?1:2:3");
public void testPrintInOperatorInForLoop() {
// Check for in expression in for's init expression.
// Check alone, with + (higher precedence), with ?: (lower precedence),
// and with conditional.
assertPrint("var a={}; for (var i = (\"length\" in a); i;) {}",
"var a={};for(var i=(\"length\"in a);i;);");
assertPrint("var a={}; for (var i = (\"length\" in a) ? 0 : 1; i;) {}",
"var a={};for(var i=(\"length\"in a)?0:1;i;);");
assertPrint("var a={}; for (var i = (\"length\" in a) + 1; i;) {}",
"var a={};for(var i=(\"length\"in a)+1;i;);");
assertPrint("var a={};for (var i = (\"length\" in a|| \"size\" in a);;);",
"var a={};for(var i=(\"length\"in a)||(\"size\"in a);;);");
assertPrint("var a={};for (var i = (a || a) || (\"size\" in a);;);",
"var a={};for(var i=a||a||(\"size\"in a);;);");
// Test works with unary operators and calls.
assertPrint("var a={}; for (var i = -(\"length\" in a); i;) {}",
"var a={};for(var i=-(\"length\"in a);i;);");
assertPrint("var a={};function b_(p){ return p;};" +
"for(var i=1,j=b_(\"length\" in a);;) {}",
"var a={};function b_(p){return p}" +
"for(var i=1,j=b_(\"length\"in a);;);");
// Test we correctly handle an in operator in the test clause.
assertPrint("var a={}; for (;(\"length\" in a);) {}",
"var a={};for(;\"length\"in a;);");
// Test we correctly handle an in operator inside a comma.
assertPrintSame("for(x,(y in z);;)foo()");
assertPrintSame("for(var x,w=(y in z);;)foo()");
// And in operator inside a hook.
assertPrintSame("for(a=c?0:(0 in d);;)foo()");
public void testForOf() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("for(a of b)c");
assertPrintSame("for(var a of b)c");
public void testLetFor() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("for(let a=0;a<5;a++)b");
assertPrintSame("for(let a in b)c");
assertPrintSame("for(let a of b)c");
public void testConstFor() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("for(const a=5;b<a;b++)c");
assertPrintSame("for(const a in b)c");
assertPrintSame("for(const a of b)c");
public void testLiteralProperty() {
assertPrint("(64).toString()", "(64).toString()");
private void assertPrint(String js, String expected) {
parse(expected); // validate the expected string is valid JS
parsePrint(js, false, CodePrinter.DEFAULT_LINE_LENGTH_THRESHOLD));
private void assertPrintSame(String js) {
assertPrint(js, js);
// Make sure that the code generator doesn't associate an
// else clause with the wrong if clause.
public void testAmbiguousElseClauses() {
new Node(Token.IF,
Node.newString(Token.NAME, "x"),
new Node(Token.BLOCK,
new Node(Token.IF,
Node.newString(Token.NAME, "y"),
new Node(Token.BLOCK),
// ELSE clause for the inner if
new Node(Token.BLOCK)))));
new Node(Token.IF,
Node.newString(Token.NAME, "x"),
new Node(Token.BLOCK,
new Node(Token.IF,
Node.newString(Token.NAME, "y"),
new Node(Token.BLOCK))),
// ELSE clause for the outer if
new Node(Token.BLOCK)));
new Node(Token.IF,
Node.newString(Token.NAME, "x"),
new Node(Token.BLOCK,
new Node(Token.IF,
Node.newString(Token.NAME, "y"),
new Node(Token.BLOCK),
new Node(Token.BLOCK,
new Node(Token.IF,
Node.newString(Token.NAME, "z"),
new Node(Token.BLOCK))))),
// ELSE clause for the outermost if
new Node(Token.BLOCK)));
public void testLineBreak() {
// line break after function if in a statement context
assertLineBreak("function a() {}\n" +
"function b() {}",
"function a(){}\n" +
"function b(){}\n");
// line break after ; after a function
assertLineBreak("var a = {};\n" +
"a.foo = function () {}\n" +
"function b() {}",
"var a={};a.foo=function(){};\n" +
"function b(){}\n");
// break after comma after a function
assertLineBreak("var a = {\n" +
" b: function() {},\n" +
" c: function() {}\n" +
"};\n" +
"var a={b:function(){},\n" +
"c:function(){}};\n" +
private void assertLineBreak(String js, String expected) {
parsePrint(js, false, true,
public void testPreferLineBreakAtEndOfFile() {
// short final line, no previous break, do nothing
// short final line, shift previous break to end
"\"123456789012345678901234567890\"; \"1234567890\";\n");
"var12345678901234567890123456 instanceof Object;",
"var12345678901234567890123456 instanceof\nObject",
"var12345678901234567890123456 instanceof Object;\n");
// long final line, no previous break, add a break at end
// long final line, previous break, add a break at end
private void assertLineBreakAtEndOfFile(String js,
String expectedWithoutBreakAtEnd, String expectedWithBreakAtEnd) {
parsePrint(js, false, false, false, 30));
parsePrint(js, false, false, true, 30));
public void testPrettyPrinter() {
// Ensure that the pretty printer inserts line breaks at appropriate
// places.
assertPrettyPrint("(function(){})();", "(function() {\n})();\n");
assertPrettyPrint("var a = (function() {});alert(a);",
"var a = function() {\n};\nalert(a);\n");
// Check we correctly handle putting brackets around all if clauses so
// we can put breakpoints inside statements.
assertPrettyPrint("if (1) {}",
"if (1) {\n" +
assertPrettyPrint("if (1) {alert(\"\");}",
"if (1) {\n" +
" alert(\"\");\n" +
assertPrettyPrint("if (1)alert(\"\");",
"if (1) {\n" +
" alert(\"\");\n" +
assertPrettyPrint("if (1) {alert();alert();}",
"if (1) {\n" +
" alert();\n" +
" alert();\n" +
// Don't add blocks if they weren't there already.
assertPrettyPrint("label: alert();",
"label: alert();\n");
// But if statements and loops get blocks automagically.
assertPrettyPrint("if (1) alert();",
"if (1) {\n" +
" alert();\n" +
assertPrettyPrint("for (;;) alert();",
"for (;;) {\n" +
" alert();\n" +
assertPrettyPrint("while (1) alert();",
"while (1) {\n" +
" alert();\n" +
// Do we put else clauses in blocks?
assertPrettyPrint("if (1) {} else {alert(a);}",
"if (1) {\n" +
"} else {\n alert(a);\n}\n");
// Do we add blocks to else clauses?
assertPrettyPrint("if (1) alert(a); else alert(b);",
"if (1) {\n" +
" alert(a);\n" +
"} else {\n" +
" alert(b);\n" +
// Do we put for bodies in blocks?
assertPrettyPrint("for(;;) { alert();}",
"for (;;) {\n" +
" alert();\n" +
assertPrettyPrint("for(;;) {}",
"for (;;) {\n" +
assertPrettyPrint("for(;;) { alert(); alert(); }",
"for (;;) {\n" +
" alert();\n" +
" alert();\n" +
// How about do loops?
assertPrettyPrint("do { alert(); } while(true);",
"do {\n" +
" alert();\n" +
"} while (true);\n");
// label?
assertPrettyPrint("myLabel: { alert();}",
"myLabel: {\n" +
" alert();\n" +
// Don't move the label on a loop, because then break {label} and
// continue {label} won't work.
assertPrettyPrint("myLabel: for(;;) continue myLabel;",
"myLabel: for (;;) {\n" +
" continue myLabel;\n" +
assertPrettyPrint("var a;", "var a;\n");
// There must be a space before and after binary operators.
assertPrettyPrint("var foo = 3+5;",
"var foo = 3 + 5;\n");
// There should be spaces between the ternary operator
assertPrettyPrint("var foo = bar ? 3 : null;",
"var foo = bar ? 3 : null;\n");
// Ensure that string literals after return and throw have a space.
assertPrettyPrint("function foo() { return \"foo\"; }",
"function foo() {\n return \"foo\";\n}\n");
assertPrettyPrint("throw \"foo\";",
"throw \"foo\";");
// Test that loops properly have spaces inserted.
assertPrettyPrint("do{ alert(); } while(true);",
"do {\n alert();\n} while (true);\n");
assertPrettyPrint("while(true) { alert(); }",
"while (true) {\n alert();\n}\n");
public void testPrettyPrinter2() {
"if(true) f();",
"if (true) {\n" +
" f();\n" +
"if (true) { f() } else { g() }",
"if (true) {\n" +
" f();\n" +
"} else {\n" +
" g();\n" +
"if(true) f(); for(;;) g();",
"if (true) {\n" +
" f();\n" +
"}\n" +
"for (;;) {\n" +
" g();\n" +
public void testPrettyPrinter3() {
"try {} catch(e) {}if (1) {alert();alert();}",
"try {\n" +
"} catch (e) {\n" +
"}\n" +
"if (1) {\n" +
" alert();\n" +
" alert();\n" +
"try {} finally {}if (1) {alert();alert();}",
"try {\n" +
"} finally {\n" +
"}\n" +
"if (1) {\n" +
" alert();\n" +
" alert();\n" +
"try {} catch(e) {} finally {} if (1) {alert();alert();}",
"try {\n" +
"} catch (e) {\n" +
"} finally {\n" +
"}\n" +
"if (1) {\n" +
" alert();\n" +
" alert();\n" +
public void testPrettyPrinter4() {
"function f() {}if (1) {alert();}",
"function f() {\n" +
"}\n" +
"if (1) {\n" +
" alert();\n" +
"var f = function() {};if (1) {alert();}",
"var f = function() {\n" +
"};\n" +
"if (1) {\n" +
" alert();\n" +
"(function() {})();if (1) {alert();}",
"(function() {\n" +
"})();\n" +
"if (1) {\n" +
" alert();\n" +
"(function() {alert();alert();})();if (1) {alert();}",
"(function() {\n" +
" alert();\n" +
" alert();\n" +
"})();\n" +
"if (1) {\n" +
" alert();\n" +
public void testTypeAnnotations() {
"/** @constructor */ function Foo(){}",
"/**\n * @constructor\n */\n"
+ "function Foo() {\n}\n");
public void testTypeAnnotationsTypeDef() {
// TODO(johnlenz): It would be nice if there were some way to preserve
// typedefs but currently they are resolved into the basic types in the
// type registry.
"/** @typedef {Array<number>} */ goog.java.Long;\n"
+ "/** @param {!goog.java.Long} a*/\n"
+ "function f(a){};\n",
+ "/**\n"
+ " * @param {(Array<number>|null)} a\n"
+ " * @return {undefined}\n"
+ " */\n"
+ "function f(a) {\n}\n");
public void testTypeAnnotationsAssign() {
assertTypeAnnotations("/** @constructor */ var Foo = function(){}",
"/**\n * @constructor\n */\n"
+ "var Foo = function() {\n};\n");
public void testTypeAnnotationsNamespace() {
assertTypeAnnotations("var a = {};"
+ "/** @constructor */ a.Foo = function(){}",
"var a = {};\n"
+ "/**\n * @constructor\n */\n"
+ "a.Foo = function() {\n};\n");
public void testTypeAnnotationsMemberSubclass() {
assertTypeAnnotations("var a = {};"
+ "/** @constructor */ a.Foo = function(){};"
+ "/** @constructor \n @extends {a.Foo} */ a.Bar = function(){}",
"var a = {};\n"
+ "/**\n * @constructor\n */\n"
+ "a.Foo = function() {\n};\n"
+ "/**\n * @extends {a.Foo}\n"
+ " * @constructor\n */\n"
+ "a.Bar = function() {\n};\n");
public void testTypeAnnotationsInterface() {
assertTypeAnnotations("var a = {};"
+ "/** @interface */ a.Foo = function(){};"
+ "/** @interface \n @extends {a.Foo} */ a.Bar = function(){}",
"var a = {};\n"
+ "/**\n * @interface\n */\n"
+ "a.Foo = function() {\n};\n"
+ "/**\n * @extends {a.Foo}\n"
+ " * @interface\n */\n"
+ "a.Bar = function() {\n};\n");
public void testTypeAnnotationsMultipleInterface() {
assertTypeAnnotations("var a = {};"
+ "/** @interface */ a.Foo1 = function(){};"
+ "/** @interface */ a.Foo2 = function(){};"
+ "/** @interface \n @extends {a.Foo1} \n @extends {a.Foo2} */"
+ "a.Bar = function(){}",
"var a = {};\n"
+ "/**\n * @interface\n */\n"
+ "a.Foo1 = function() {\n};\n"
+ "/**\n * @interface\n */\n"
+ "a.Foo2 = function() {\n};\n"
+ "/**\n * @extends {a.Foo1}\n"
+ " * @extends {a.Foo2}\n"
+ " * @interface\n */\n"
+ "a.Bar = function() {\n};\n");
public void testTypeAnnotationsMember() {
assertTypeAnnotations("var a = {};"
+ "/** @constructor */ a.Foo = function(){}"
+ "/** @param {string} foo\n"
+ " * @return {number} */\n"
+ "a.Foo.prototype.foo = function(foo) { return 3; };"
+ "/** @type {string|undefined} */"
+ "a.Foo.prototype.bar = '';",
"var a = {};\n"
+ "/**\n * @constructor\n */\n"
+ "a.Foo = function() {\n};\n"
+ "/**\n"
+ " * @param {string} foo\n"
+ " * @return {number}\n"
+ " */\n"
+ "a.Foo.prototype.foo = function(foo) {\n return 3;\n};\n"
+ "/** @type {string} */\n"
+ "a.Foo.prototype.bar = \"\";\n");
public void testTypeAnnotationsImplements() {
assertTypeAnnotations("var a = {};"
+ "/** @constructor */ a.Foo = function(){};\n"
+ "/** @interface */ a.I = function(){};\n"
+ "/** @interface */ a.I2 = function(){};\n"
+ "/** @constructor \n @extends {a.Foo}\n"
+ " * @implements {a.I} \n @implements {a.I2}\n"
+ "*/ a.Bar = function(){}",
"var a = {};\n"
+ "/**\n * @constructor\n */\n"
+ "a.Foo = function() {\n};\n"
+ "/**\n * @interface\n */\n"
+ "a.I = function() {\n};\n"
+ "/**\n * @interface\n */\n"
+ "a.I2 = function() {\n};\n"
+ "/**\n * @extends {a.Foo}\n"
+ " * @implements {a.I}\n"
+ " * @implements {a.I2}\n * @constructor\n */\n"
+ "a.Bar = function() {\n};\n");
public void testTypeAnnotationsDispatcher1() {
"var a = {};\n" +
"/** \n" +
" * @constructor \n" +
" * @javadispatch \n" +
" */\n" +
"a.Foo = function(){}",
"var a = {};\n" +
"/**\n" +
" * @constructor\n" +
" * @javadispatch\n" +
" */\n" +
"a.Foo = function() {\n" +
public void testTypeAnnotationsDispatcher2() {
"var a = {};\n" +
"/** \n" +
" * @constructor \n" +
" */\n" +
"a.Foo = function(){}\n" +
"/**\n" +
" * @javadispatch\n" +
" */\n" +
"a.Foo.prototype.foo = function() {};",
"var a = {};\n" +
"/**\n" +
" * @constructor\n" +
" */\n" +
"a.Foo = function() {\n" +
"};\n" +
"/**\n" +
" * @return {undefined}\n" +
" * @javadispatch\n" +
" */\n" +
"a.Foo.prototype.foo = function() {\n" +
public void testU2UFunctionTypeAnnotation1() {
"/** @type {!Function} */ var x = function() {}",
"/** @type {!Function} */\n" +
"var x = function() {\n};\n");
public void testU2UFunctionTypeAnnotation2() {
// TODO(johnlenz): we currently report the type of the RHS which is not
// correct, we should export the type of the LHS.
"/** @type {Function} */ var x = function() {}",
"/** @type {!Function} */\n" +
"var x = function() {\n};\n");
public void testEmitUnknownParamTypesAsAllType() {
"var a = function(x) {}",
"/**\n" +
" * @param {?} x\n" +
" * @return {undefined}\n" +
" */\n" +
"var a = function(x) {\n};\n");
public void testOptionalTypesAnnotation() {
"/**\n" +
" * @param {string=} x \n" +
" */\n" +
"var a = function(x) {}",
"/**\n" +
" * @param {string=} x\n" +
" * @return {undefined}\n" +
" */\n" +
"var a = function(x) {\n};\n");
public void testVariableArgumentsTypesAnnotation() {
"/**\n" +
" * @param {...string} x \n" +
" */\n" +
"var a = function(x) {}",
"/**\n" +
" * @param {...string} x\n" +
" * @return {undefined}\n" +
" */\n" +
"var a = function(x) {\n};\n");
public void testTempConstructor() {
"var x = function() {\n/**\n * @constructor\n */\nfunction t1() {}\n" +
" /**\n * @constructor\n */\nfunction t2() {}\n" +
" t1.prototype = t2.prototype}",
"/**\n * @return {undefined}\n */\nvar x = function() {\n" +
" /**\n * @constructor\n */\n" +
"function t1() {\n }\n" +
" /**\n * @constructor\n */\n" +
"function t2() {\n }\n" +
" t1.prototype = t2.prototype;\n};\n"
public void testEnumAnnotation1() {
"/** @enum {string} */ var Enum = {FOO: 'x', BAR: 'y'};",
"/** @enum {string} */\nvar Enum = {FOO:\"x\", BAR:\"y\"};\n");
public void testEnumAnnotation2() {
"var goog = goog || {};" +
"/** @enum {string} */ goog.Enum = {FOO: 'x', BAR: 'y'};" +
"/** @const */ goog.Enum2 = goog.x ? {} : goog.Enum;",
"var goog = goog || {};\n" +
"/** @enum {string} */\ngoog.Enum = {FOO:\"x\", BAR:\"y\"};\n" +
"/** @type {(Object|{})} */\ngoog.Enum2 = goog.x ? {} : goog.Enum;\n");
private void assertPrettyPrint(String js, String expected) {
parsePrint(js, true, false,
private void assertTypeAnnotations(String js, String expected) {
parsePrint(js, true, false,
public void testSubtraction() {
Compiler compiler = new Compiler();
Node n = compiler.parseTestCode("x - -4");
assertEquals(0, compiler.getErrorCount());
"x- -4",
public void testFunctionWithCall() {
"var user = new function() {"
+ "alert(\"foo\")}",
"var user=new function(){"
+ "alert(\"foo\")}");
"var user = new function() {"
+ "this.name = \"foo\";"
+ "this.local = function(){alert(this.name)};}",
"var user=new function(){"
+ "this.name=\"foo\";"
+ "this.local=function(){alert(this.name)}}");
public void testLineLength() {
// list
assertLineLength("var aba,bcb,cdc",
"var aba,bcb," +
// operators, and two breaks
"\"foo\"+\"bar,baz,bomb\"+" +
"\n\"whee\"+\";long-string\"+" +
// assignment
assertLineLength("var abazaba=1234",
"var abazaba=" +
// statements
assertLineLength("var abab=1;var bab=2",
"var abab=1;" +
"\nvar bab=2");
// don't break regexes
assertLineLength("var a=/some[reg](ex),with.*we?rd|chars/i;var b=a",
"var a=/some[reg](ex),with.*we?rd|chars/i;" +
"\nvar b=a");
// don't break strings
assertLineLength("var a=\"foo,{bar};baz\";var b=a",
"var a=\"foo,{bar};baz\";" +
"\nvar b=a");
// don't break before post inc/dec
assertLineLength("var a=\"a\";a++;var b=\"bbb\";",
"var a=\"a\";a++;\n" +
"var b=\"bbb\"");
private void assertLineLength(String js, String expected) {
parsePrint(js, false, true, 10));
public void testParsePrintParse() {
testReparse("var a = b;");
testReparse("var x, y, z;");
testReparse("try { foo() } catch(e) { bar() }");
testReparse("try { foo() } catch(e) { bar() } finally { stuff() }");
testReparse("try { foo() } finally { stuff() }");
testReparse("throw 'me'");
testReparse("function foo(a) { return a + 4; }");
testReparse("function foo() { return; }");
testReparse("var a = function(a, b) { foo(); return a + b; }");
testReparse("b = [3, 4, 'paul', \"Buchhe it\",,5];");
testReparse("v = (5, 6, 7, 8)");
testReparse("d = 34.0; x = 0; y = .3; z = -22");
testReparse("d = -x; t = !x + ~y;");
testReparse("'hi'; /* just a test */ stuff(a,b) \n" +
" foo(); // and another \n" +
" bar();");
testReparse("a = b++ + ++c; a = b++-++c; a = - --b; a = - ++b;");
testReparse("a++; b= a++; b = ++a; b = a--; b = --a; a+=2; b-=5");
testReparse("a = (2 + 3) * 4;");
testReparse("a = 1 + (2 + 3) + 4;");
testReparse("x = a ? b : c; x = a ? (b,3,5) : (foo(),bar());");
testReparse("a = b | c || d ^ e " +
"&& f & !g != h << i <= j < k >>> l > m * n % !o");
testReparse("a == b; a != b; a === b; a == b == a;" +
" (a == b) == a; a == (b == a);");
testReparse("if (a > b) a = b; if (b < 3) a = 3; else c = 4;");
testReparse("if (a == b) { a++; } if (a == 0) { a++; } else { a --; }");
testReparse("for (var i in a) b += i;");
testReparse("for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++){ b /= 2;" +
" if (b == 2)break;else continue;}");
testReparse("for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) a /= 2;");
testReparse("for (;;) a++;");
testReparse("while(true) { blah(); }while(true) blah();");
testReparse("do stuff(); while(a>b);");
testReparse("[0, null, , true, false, this];");
testReparse("s.replace(/absc/, 'X').replace(/ab/gi, 'Y');");
testReparse("new Foo; new Bar(a, b,c);");
testReparse("with(foo()) { x = z; y = t; } with(bar()) a = z;");
testReparse("delete foo['bar']; delete foo;");
testReparse("var x = { 'a':'paul', 1:'3', 2:(3,4) };");
testReparse("switch(a) { case 2: case 3: stuff(); break;" +
"case 4: morestuff(); break; default: done();}");
testReparse("x = foo['bar'] + foo['my stuff'] + foo[bar] + f.stuff;");
testReparse("a.v = b.v; x['foo'] = y['zoo'];");
testReparse("'test' in x; 3 in x; a in x;");
testReparse("'foo\"bar' + \"foo'c\" + 'stuff\\n and \\\\more'");
private void testReparse(String code) {
Compiler compiler = new Compiler();
Node parse1 = parse(code);
Node parse2 = parse(new CodePrinter.Builder(parse1).build());
String explanation = parse1.checkTreeEquals(parse2);
assertNull("\nExpected: " + compiler.toSource(parse1) +
"\nResult: " + compiler.toSource(parse2) +
"\n" + explanation, explanation);
public void testDoLoopIECompatiblity() {
// Do loops within IFs cause syntax errors in IE6 and IE7.
assertPrint("function f(){if(e1){do foo();while(e2)}else foo()}",
"function f(){if(e1){do foo();while(e2)}else foo()}");
assertPrint("function f(){if(e1)do foo();while(e2)else foo()}",
"function f(){if(e1){do foo();while(e2)}else foo()}");
assertPrint("if(x){do{foo()}while(y)}else bar()",
"if(x){do foo();while(y)}else bar()");
assertPrint("if(x)do{foo()}while(y);else bar()",
"if(x){do foo();while(y)}else bar()");
"if(x){do foo();while(y)}");
"if(x){do foo();while(y)}");
"if(x){A:do foo();while(y)}");
assertPrint("var i = 0;a: do{b: do{i++;break b;} while(0);} while(0);",
"var i=0;a:do{b:do{i++;break b}while(0)}while(0)");
public void testFunctionSafariCompatiblity() {
// Functions within IFs cause syntax errors on Safari.
assertPrint("function f(){if(e1){function goo(){return true}}else foo()}",
"function f(){if(e1){function goo(){return true}}else foo()}");
assertPrint("function f(){if(e1)function goo(){return true}else foo()}",
"function f(){if(e1){function goo(){return true}}else foo()}");
assertPrint("if(e1){function goo(){return true}}",
"if(e1){function goo(){return true}}");
assertPrint("if(e1)function goo(){return true}",
"if(e1){function goo(){return true}}");
assertPrint("if(e1)A:function goo(){return true}",
"if(e1){A:function goo(){return true}}");
public void testExponents() {
assertPrintNumber("1", 1);
assertPrintNumber("10", 10);
assertPrintNumber("100", 100);
assertPrintNumber("1E3", 1000);
assertPrintNumber("1E4", 10000);
assertPrintNumber("1E5", 100000);
assertPrintNumber("-1", -1);
assertPrintNumber("-10", -10);
assertPrintNumber("-100", -100);
assertPrintNumber("-1E3", -1000);
assertPrintNumber("-12341234E4", -123412340000L);
assertPrintNumber("1E18", 1000000000000000000L);
assertPrintNumber("1E5", 100000.0);
assertPrintNumber("100000.1", 100000.1);
assertPrintNumber("1E-6", 0.000001);
assertPrintNumber("-0x38d7ea4c68001", -0x38d7ea4c68001L);
assertPrintNumber("0x38d7ea4c68001", 0x38d7ea4c68001L);
assertPrintNumber("-1.01", -1.01);
assertPrintNumber("-.01", -0.01);
assertPrintNumber(".01", 0.01);
assertPrintNumber("1.01", 1.01);
// Make sure to test as both a String and a Node, because
// negative numbers do not parse consistently from strings.
private void assertPrintNumber(String expected, double number) {
assertPrint(String.valueOf(number), expected);
assertPrintNode(expected, Node.newNumber(number));
private void assertPrintNumber(String expected, int number) {
assertPrint(String.valueOf(number), expected);
assertPrintNode(expected, Node.newNumber(number));
public void testDirectEval() {
assertPrint("eval('1');", "eval(\"1\")");
public void testIndirectEval() {
Node n = parse("eval('1');");
assertPrintNode("eval(\"1\")", n);
Node.DIRECT_EVAL, false);
assertPrintNode("(0,eval)(\"1\")", n);
public void testFreeCall1() {
assertPrint("foo(a);", "foo(a)");
assertPrint("x.foo(a);", "x.foo(a)");
public void testFreeCall2() {
Node n = parse("foo(a);");
assertPrintNode("foo(a)", n);
Node call = n.getFirstChild().getFirstChild();
call.putBooleanProp(Node.FREE_CALL, true);
assertPrintNode("foo(a)", n);
public void testFreeCall3() {
Node n = parse("x.foo(a);");
assertPrintNode("x.foo(a)", n);
Node call = n.getFirstChild().getFirstChild();
call.putBooleanProp(Node.FREE_CALL, true);
assertPrintNode("(0,x.foo)(a)", n);
public void testPrintScript() {
// Verify that SCRIPT nodes not marked as synthetic are printed as
// blocks.
Node ast = new Node(Token.SCRIPT,
new Node(Token.EXPR_RESULT, Node.newString("f")),
new Node(Token.EXPR_RESULT, Node.newString("g")));
String result = new CodePrinter.Builder(ast).setPrettyPrint(true).build();
assertEquals("\"f\";\n\"g\";\n", result);
public void testObjectLit() {
assertPrint("({x:1})", "({x:1})");
assertPrint("var x=({x:1})", "var x={x:1}");
assertPrint("var x={'x':1}", "var x={\"x\":1}");
assertPrint("var x={1:1}", "var x={1:1}");
assertPrint("({},42)+0", "({},42)+0");
public void testObjectLit2() {
assertPrint("var x={1:1}", "var x={1:1}");
assertPrint("var x={'1':1}", "var x={1:1}");
assertPrint("var x={'1.0':1}", "var x={\"1.0\":1}");
assertPrint("var x={1.5:1}", "var x={\"1.5\":1}");
public void testObjectLit3() {
assertPrint("var x={3E9:1}",
"var x={3E9:1}");
assertPrint("var x={'3000000000':1}", // More than 31 bits
"var x={3E9:1}");
assertPrint("var x={'3000000001':1}",
"var x={3000000001:1}");
assertPrint("var x={'6000000001':1}", // More than 32 bits
"var x={6000000001:1}");
assertPrint("var x={\"12345678901234567\":1}", // More than 53 bits
"var x={\"12345678901234567\":1}");
public void testObjectLit4() {
// More than 128 bits.
"var x={\"123456789012345671234567890123456712345678901234567\":1}",
"var x={\"123456789012345671234567890123456712345678901234567\":1}");
public void testExtendedObjectLit() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("var a={b}");
assertPrintSame("var a={b,c}");
assertPrintSame("var a={b,c:d,e}");
assertPrintSame("var a={b,c(){},d,e:f}");
public void testComputedProperties() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("var a={[b]:c}");
assertPrintSame("var a={[b+3]:c}");
assertPrintSame("var a={[b](){}}");
assertPrintSame("var a={[b](){alert(foo)}}");
assertPrintSame("var a={*[b](){yield\"foo\"}}");
assertPrintSame("var a={[b]:(()=>c)}");
assertPrintSame("var a={get [b](){return null}}");
assertPrintSame("var a={set [b](val){window.b=val}}");
public void testComputedPropertiesClassMethods() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("class C{[m](){}}");
assertPrintSame("class C{[\"foo\"+bar](){alert(1)}}");
public void testGetter() {
assertPrint("var x = {}", "var x={}");
assertPrint("var x = {get a() {return 1}}", "var x={get a(){return 1}}");
"var x = {get a() {}, get b(){}}",
"var x={get a(){},get b(){}}");
"var x = {get 'a'() {return 1}}",
"var x={get \"a\"(){return 1}}");
"var x = {get 1() {return 1}}",
"var x={get 1(){return 1}}");
"var x = {get \"()\"() {return 1}}",
"var x={get \"()\"(){return 1}}");
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT5;
assertPrintSame("var x={get function(){return 1}}");
public void testGetterInEs3() {
// Getters and setters and not supported in ES3 but if someone sets the
// the ES3 output mode on an AST containing them we still produce them.
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT3;
Node getter = Node.newString(Token.GETTER_DEF, "f");
getter.addChildToBack(IR.function(IR.name(""), IR.paramList(), IR.block()));
assertPrintNode("({get f(){}})",
public void testSetter() {
assertPrint("var x = {}", "var x={}");
"var x = {set a(y) {return 1}}",
"var x={set a(y){return 1}}");
"var x = {get 'a'() {return 1}}",
"var x={get \"a\"(){return 1}}");
"var x = {set 1(y) {return 1}}",
"var x={set 1(y){return 1}}");
"var x = {set \"(x)\"(y) {return 1}}",
"var x={set \"(x)\"(y){return 1}}");
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT5;
assertPrintSame("var x={set function(x){}}");
public void testSetterInEs3() {
// Getters and setters and not supported in ES3 but if someone sets the
// the ES3 output mode on an AST containing them we still produce them.
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT3;
Node getter = Node.newString(Token.SETTER_DEF, "f");
IR.name(""), IR.paramList(IR.name("a")), IR.block()));
assertPrintNode("({set f(a){}})",
public void testNegCollapse() {
// Collapse the negative symbol on numbers at generation time,
// to match the Rhino behavior.
assertPrint("var x = - - 2;", "var x=2");
assertPrint("var x = - (2);", "var x=-2");
public void testStrict() {
String result = parsePrint("var x", false, false, 0, false, true);
assertEquals("'use strict';var x", result);
public void testArrayLiteral() {
assertPrint("var x = [,];", "var x=[,]");
assertPrint("var x = [,,];", "var x=[,,]");
assertPrint("var x = [,s,,];", "var x=[,s,,]");
assertPrint("var x = [,s];", "var x=[,s]");
assertPrint("var x = [s,];", "var x=[s]");
public void testZero() {
assertPrint("var x ='\\0';", "var x=\"\\x00\"");
assertPrint("var x ='\\x00';", "var x=\"\\x00\"");
assertPrint("var x ='\\u0000';", "var x=\"\\x00\"");
assertPrint("var x ='\\u00003';", "var x=\"\\x003\"");
public void testOctalInString() {
assertPrint("var x ='\\0';", "var x=\"\\x00\"");
assertPrint("var x ='\\07';", "var x=\"\\u0007\"");
// Octal 12 = Hex 0A = \n
assertPrint("var x ='\\012';", "var x=\"\\n\"");
// Octal 13 = Hex 0B = \v, but we print it as \x0B. See issue 601.
assertPrint("var x ='\\013';", "var x=\"\\x0B\"");
// Octal 34 = Hex 1C
assertPrint("var x ='\\034';", "var x=\"\\u001c\"");
// 8 and 9 are not octal digits
assertPrint("var x ='\\08';", "var x=\"\\x008\"");
assertPrint("var x ='\\09';", "var x=\"\\x009\"");
// Only the first two digits are part of the octal literal.
assertPrint("var x ='\\01234';", "var x=\"\\n34\"");
public void testOctalInStringNoLeadingZero() {
assertPrint("var x ='\\7';", "var x=\"\\u0007\"");
// Octal 12 = Hex 0A = \n
assertPrint("var x ='\\12';", "var x=\"\\n\"");
// Octal 13 = Hex 0B = \v, but we print it as \x0B. See issue 601.
assertPrint("var x ='\\13';", "var x=\"\\x0B\"");
// Octal 34 = Hex 1C
assertPrint("var x ='\\34';", "var x=\"\\u001c\"");
// Octal 240 = Hex A0
assertPrint("var x ='\\240';", "var x=\"\\u00a0\"");
// Only the first three digits are part of the octal literal.
assertPrint("var x ='\\2400';", "var x=\"\\u00a00\"");
// Only the first two digits are part of the octal literal because '8'
// is not an octal digit.
// Octal 67 = Hex 37 = "7"
assertPrint("var x ='\\6789';", "var x=\"789\"");
// 8 and 9 are not octal digits. '\' is ignored and the digit
// is just a regular character.
assertPrint("var x ='\\8';", "var x=\"8\"");
assertPrint("var x ='\\9';", "var x=\"9\"");
// Only the first three digits are part of the octal literal.
// Octal 123 = Hex 53 = "S"
assertPrint("var x ='\\1234';", "var x=\"S4\"");
public void testUnicode() {
assertPrint("var x ='\\x0f';", "var x=\"\\u000f\"");
assertPrint("var x ='\\x68';", "var x=\"h\"");
assertPrint("var x ='\\x7f';", "var x=\"\\u007f\"");
// Separate from testNumericKeys() so we can set allowWarnings.
public void testOctalNumericKey() {
allowWarnings = true;
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrint("var x = {010: 1};", "var x={8:1}");
public void testNumericKeys() {
assertPrint("var x = {'010': 1};", "var x={\"010\":1}");
assertPrint("var x = {0x10: 1};", "var x={16:1}");
assertPrint("var x = {'0x10': 1};", "var x={\"0x10\":1}");
// I was surprised at this result too.
assertPrint("var x = {.2: 1};", "var x={\"0.2\":1}");
assertPrint("var x = {'.2': 1};", "var x={\".2\":1}");
assertPrint("var x = {0.2: 1};", "var x={\"0.2\":1}");
assertPrint("var x = {'0.2': 1};", "var x={\"0.2\":1}");
public void testIssue582() {
assertPrint("var x = -0.0;", "var x=-0");
public void testIssue942() {
assertPrint("var x = {0: 1};", "var x={0:1}");
public void testIssue601() {
assertPrint("'\\v' == 'v'", "\"\\v\"==\"v\"");
assertPrint("'\\u000B' == '\\v'", "\"\\x0B\"==\"\\v\"");
assertPrint("'\\x0B' == '\\v'", "\"\\x0B\"==\"\\v\"");
public void testIssue620() {
assertPrint("alert(/ / / / /);", "alert(/ // / /)");
assertPrint("alert(/ // / /);", "alert(/ // / /)");
public void testIssue5746867() {
assertPrint("var a = { '$\\\\' : 5 };", "var a={\"$\\\\\":5}");
public void testCommaSpacing() {
assertPrint("var a = (b = 5, c = 5);",
"var a=(b=5,c=5)");
assertPrettyPrint("var a = (b = 5, c = 5);",
"var a = (b = 5, c = 5);\n");
public void testManyCommas() {
int numCommas = 10000;
List<String> numbers = Lists.newArrayList("0", "1");
Node current = new Node(Token.COMMA, Node.newNumber(0), Node.newNumber(1));
for (int i = 2; i < numCommas; i++) {
current = new Node(Token.COMMA, current);
// 1000 is printed as 1E3, and screws up our test.
int num = i % 1000;
String expected = Joiner.on(",").join(numbers);
String actual = printNode(current).replace("\n", "");
assertEquals(expected, actual);
public void testManyAdds() {
int numAdds = 10000;
List<String> numbers = Lists.newArrayList("0", "1");
Node current = new Node(Token.ADD, Node.newNumber(0), Node.newNumber(1));
for (int i = 2; i < numAdds; i++) {
current = new Node(Token.ADD, current);
// 1000 is printed as 1E3, and screws up our test.
int num = i % 1000;
String expected = Joiner.on("+").join(numbers);
String actual = printNode(current).replace("\n", "");
assertEquals(expected, actual);
public void testMinusNegativeZero() {
// Negative zero is weird, because we have to be able to distinguish
// it from positive zero (there are some subtle differences in behavior).
assertPrint("x- -0", "x- -0");
public void testStringEscapeSequences() {
// From the SingleEscapeCharacter grammar production.
assertPrintSame("var x=\"\\b\"");
assertPrintSame("var x=\"\\f\"");
assertPrintSame("var x=\"\\n\"");
assertPrintSame("var x=\"\\r\"");
assertPrintSame("var x=\"\\t\"");
assertPrintSame("var x=\"\\v\"");
assertPrint("var x=\"\\\"\"", "var x='\"'");
assertPrint("var x=\"\\\'\"", "var x=\"'\"");
// From the LineTerminator grammar
assertPrint("var x=\"\\u000A\"", "var x=\"\\n\"");
assertPrint("var x=\"\\u000D\"", "var x=\"\\r\"");
assertPrintSame("var x=\"\\u2028\"");
assertPrintSame("var x=\"\\u2029\"");
// Now with regular expressions.
assertPrintSame("var x=/\\b/");
assertPrintSame("var x=/\\f/");
assertPrintSame("var x=/\\n/");
assertPrintSame("var x=/\\r/");
assertPrintSame("var x=/\\t/");
assertPrintSame("var x=/\\v/");
assertPrintSame("var x=/\\u000A/");
assertPrintSame("var x=/\\u000D/");
assertPrintSame("var x=/\\u2028/");
assertPrintSame("var x=/\\u2029/");
public void testKeywordProperties1() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT5;
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT3;
public void testKeywordProperties1a() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT5;
Node nodes = parse("x.function=2");
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT3;
assertPrintNode("x[\"function\"]=2", nodes);
public void testKeywordProperties2() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT5;
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT3;
public void testKeywordProperties2a() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT5;
Node nodes = parse("x={function:2}");
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT3;
assertPrintNode("x={\"function\":2}", nodes);
public void testIssue1062() {
public void testPreserveTypeAnnotations() {
preserveTypeAnnotations = true;
assertPrintSame("/**@type {foo} */var bar");
"function/** void */f(/** string */s,/** number */n){}");
preserveTypeAnnotations = false;
assertPrint("/** @type {foo} */\nvar bar;", "var bar");
public void testDefaultParameters() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("function f(a=0){}");
assertPrintSame("function f(a,b=0){}");
public void testRestParameters() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("function f(...args){}");
assertPrintSame("function f(first,...rest){}");
public void testDefaultParametersWithRestParameters() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("function f(first=0,...args){}");
assertPrintSame("function f(first,second=0,...rest){}");
public void testSpreadExpression() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
public void testClass() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("class C{}");
assertPrintSame("(class C{})");
assertPrintSame("class C extends D{}");
assertPrintSame("class C{static member(){}}");
assertPrintSame("class C{member(){}get f(){}}");
assertPrintSame("var x=class C{}");
public void testClassPretty() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
"class C{}",
"class C {\n}\n");
// TODO(johnlenz): fix line breaks
"class C{member(){}get f(){}}",
"class C {\n" +
" member() {\n" +
" }get f() {\n" +
" }\n" +
"var x=class C{}",
"var x = class C {\n};\n");
public void testSuper() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("class C extends foo(){}");
assertPrintSame("class C extends m.foo(){}");
assertPrintSame("class C extends D{member(){super.foo()}}");
public void testGeneratorYield1() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("function*f(){yield 1}");
assertPrintSame("function*f(){yield 1?0:2}");
assertPrintSame("function*f(){yield 1,0}");
assertPrintSame("function*f(){1,yield 0}");
assertPrintSame("function*f(){a=yield 0}");
assertPrintSame("function*f(){(yield 1)+(yield 1)}");
public void testMemberGeneratorYield1() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("class C{*member(){(yield 1)+(yield 1)}}");
assertPrintSame("var obj={*member(){(yield 1)+(yield 1)}}");
public void testArrowFunction() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrint("()=>1", "(()=>1)");
assertPrint("()=>{}", "(()=>{})");
assertPrint("a=>b", "((a)=>b)");
assertPrint("(a,b)=>b", "((a,b)=>b)");
public void testDeclarations() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("let x");
assertPrintSame("let x,y");
assertPrintSame("let x=1");
assertPrintSame("let x=1,y=2");
assertPrintSame("if(a){let x}");
assertPrintSame("const x=1");
assertPrintSame("const x=1,y=2");
assertPrintSame("if(a){const x=1}");
assertPrintSame("function f(){}");
assertPrintSame("if(a){function f(){}}");
assertPrintSame("class f{}");
assertPrintSame("if(a){class f{}}");
public void testImports() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrintSame("import x from\"foo\"");
assertPrintSame("import x,{a as b}from\"foo\"");
assertPrintSame("import{a as b,c as d}from\"foo\"");
assertPrintSame("import x,{a}from\"foo\"");
assertPrintSame("import x,*as f from\"foo\"");
assertPrintSame("import*as f from\"foo\"");
public void testExports() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
// export declarations
assertPrintSame("export var x=1");
assertPrintSame("export let x=1");
assertPrintSame("export const x=1");
assertPrintSame("export function f(){}");
assertPrintSame("export class f{}");
// export all from
assertPrint("export * from 'a.b.c'", "export*from\"a.b.c\"");
// from
assertPrintSame("export{a as x}from\"a.b.c\"");
assertPrintSame("export{a as x,b as y}from\"a.b.c\"");
assertPrintSame("export{a as x}");
assertPrintSame("export{a as x,b as y}");
// export default
assertPrintSame("export default x");
assertPrintSame("export default 1");
public void testTemplateLiteral() {
languageMode = LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6;
assertPrint("`hel\rlo`", "`hel\nlo`");
assertPrint("`hel\r\nlo`", "`hel\nlo`");
assertPrintSame("`hello${world} ${name}!`");
assertPrintSame("`hello${(function(){let x=3})()}`");