* Copyright 2011 The Closure Compiler Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.javascript.jscomp;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.IR;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Node;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
* Just to fold known methods when they are called with constants.
class PeepholeReplaceKnownMethods extends AbstractPeepholeOptimization{
// The LOCALE independent "locale"
private static final Locale ROOT_LOCALE = new Locale("");
private final boolean late;
* @param late When late is true, this mean we are currently running after
* most of the other optimizations. In this case we avoid changes that make
* the code larger (but otherwise easier to analyze - such as using string
* splitting).
PeepholeReplaceKnownMethods(boolean late) {
this.late = late;
Node optimizeSubtree(Node subtree) {
if (subtree.isCall()){
return tryFoldKnownMethods(subtree);
return subtree;
private Node tryFoldKnownMethods(Node subtree) {
// For now we only support string methods .join(),
// .indexOf(), .substring() and .substr()
// and numeric methods parseInt() and parseFloat().
subtree = tryFoldArrayJoin(subtree);
if (subtree.isCall()) {
Node callTarget = subtree.getFirstChild();
if (callTarget == null) {
return subtree;
if (NodeUtil.isGet(callTarget)) {
subtree = tryFoldKnownStringMethods(subtree);
} else {
subtree = tryFoldKnownNumericMethods(subtree);
return subtree;
* Try to evaluate known String methods
* .indexOf(), .substr(), .substring()
private Node tryFoldKnownStringMethods(Node subtree) {
// check if this is a call on a string method
// then dispatch to specific folding method.
Node callTarget = subtree.getFirstChild();
if (callTarget == null) {
return subtree;
if (!NodeUtil.isGet(callTarget)) {
return subtree;
Node stringNode = callTarget.getFirstChild();
Node functionName = stringNode.getNext();
if ((!stringNode.isString()) ||
(!functionName.isString())) {
return subtree;
String functionNameString = functionName.getString();
Node firstArg = callTarget.getNext();
if (functionNameString.equals("split")) {
subtree = tryFoldStringSplit(subtree, stringNode, firstArg);
} else if (firstArg == null) {
if (functionNameString.equals("toLowerCase")) {
subtree = tryFoldStringToLowerCase(subtree, stringNode);
} else if (functionNameString.equals("toUpperCase")) {
subtree = tryFoldStringToUpperCase(subtree, stringNode);
return subtree;
} else if (NodeUtil.isImmutableValue(firstArg)) {
if (functionNameString.equals("indexOf") ||
functionNameString.equals("lastIndexOf")) {
subtree = tryFoldStringIndexOf(subtree, functionNameString,
stringNode, firstArg);
} else if (functionNameString.equals("substr")) {
subtree = tryFoldStringSubstr(subtree, stringNode, firstArg);
} else if (functionNameString.equals("substring")) {
subtree = tryFoldStringSubstring(subtree, stringNode, firstArg);
} else if (functionNameString.equals("charAt")) {
subtree = tryFoldStringCharAt(subtree, stringNode, firstArg);
} else if (functionNameString.equals("charCodeAt")) {
subtree = tryFoldStringCharCodeAt(subtree, stringNode, firstArg);
return subtree;
* Try to evaluate known Numeric methods
* .parseInt(), parseFloat()
private Node tryFoldKnownNumericMethods(Node subtree) {
if (isASTNormalized()) {
// check if this is a call on a string method
// then dispatch to specific folding method.
Node callTarget = subtree.getFirstChild();
if (!callTarget.isName()) {
return subtree;
String functionNameString = callTarget.getString();
Node firstArgument = callTarget.getNext();
if ((firstArgument != null) &&
(firstArgument.isString() ||
firstArgument.isNumber())) {
if (functionNameString.equals("parseInt") ||
functionNameString.equals("parseFloat")) {
subtree = tryFoldParseNumber(subtree, functionNameString,
return subtree;
* @return The lowered string Node.
private Node tryFoldStringToLowerCase(Node subtree, Node stringNode) {
// From Rhino, NativeString.java. See ECMA
String lowered = stringNode.getString().toLowerCase(ROOT_LOCALE);
Node replacement = IR.string(lowered);
subtree.getParent().replaceChild(subtree, replacement);
return replacement;
* @return The upped string Node.
private Node tryFoldStringToUpperCase(Node subtree, Node stringNode) {
// From Rhino, NativeString.java. See ECMA
String upped = stringNode.getString().toUpperCase(ROOT_LOCALE);
Node replacement = IR.string(upped);
subtree.getParent().replaceChild(subtree, replacement);
return replacement;
* @param input string representation of a number
* @return string with leading and trailing zeros removed
private static String normalizeNumericString(String input) {
if (input == null || input.isEmpty()) {
return input;
int startIndex = 0, endIndex = input.length() - 1;
// Remove leading zeros
while (startIndex < input.length() && input.charAt(startIndex) == '0' &&
input.charAt(startIndex) != '.') {
// Remove trailing zeros only after the decimal
if (input.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
while (endIndex >= 0 && input.charAt(endIndex) == '0') {
if (input.charAt(endIndex) == '.') {
if (startIndex >= endIndex) {
return input;
return input.substring(startIndex, endIndex + 1);
* Try to evaluate parseInt, parseFloat:
* parseInt("1") -> 1
* parseInt("1", 10) -> 1
* parseFloat("1.11") -> 1.11
private Node tryFoldParseNumber(
Node n, String functionName, Node firstArg) {
boolean isParseInt = functionName.equals("parseInt");
Node secondArg = firstArg.getNext();
// Second argument is only used as the radix for parseInt
int radix = 0;
if (secondArg != null) {
if (!isParseInt) {
return n;
// Third-argument and non-numeric second arg are problematic. Discard.
if (secondArg.getNext() != null || !secondArg.isNumber()) {
return n;
} else {
double tmpRadix = secondArg.getDouble();
if (tmpRadix != (int) tmpRadix) {
return n;
radix = (int) tmpRadix;
if (radix < 0 || radix == 1 || radix > 36) {
return n;
// stringVal must be a valid string.
String stringVal = null;
Double checkVal;
if (firstArg.isNumber()) {
checkVal = NodeUtil.getNumberValue(firstArg);
if (!(radix == 0 || radix == 10) && isParseInt) {
//Convert a numeric first argument to a different base
stringVal = String.valueOf(checkVal.intValue());
} else {
// If parseFloat is called with a numeric argument,
// replace it with just the number.
// If parseInt is called with a numeric first argument and the radix
// is 10 or omitted, just replace it with the number
Node numericNode;
if (isParseInt) {
numericNode = IR.number(checkVal.intValue());
} else {
numericNode = IR.number(checkVal);
n.getParent().replaceChild(n, numericNode);
return numericNode;
} else {
stringVal = NodeUtil.getStringValue(firstArg);
if (stringVal == null) {
return n;
//Check that the string is in a format we can recognize
checkVal = NodeUtil.getStringNumberValue(stringVal);
if (checkVal == null) {
return n;
stringVal = NodeUtil.trimJsWhiteSpace(stringVal);
if (stringVal.isEmpty()) {
return n;
Node newNode;
if (stringVal.equals("0")) {
// Special case for parseInt("0") or parseFloat("0")
newNode = IR.number(0);
} else if (isParseInt) {
if (radix == 0 || radix == 16) {
if (stringVal.length() > 1 &&
stringVal.substring(0, 2).equalsIgnoreCase("0x")) {
radix = 16;
stringVal = stringVal.substring(2);
} else if (radix == 0) {
// if a radix is not specified or is 0 and the most
// significant digit is "0", the string will parse
// with a radix of 8 on some browsers, so leave
// this case alone. This check does not apply in
// script mode ECMA5 or greater
if (!isEcmaScript5OrGreater() &&
stringVal.substring(0, 1).equals("0")) {
return n;
radix = 10;
int newVal = 0;
try {
newVal = Integer.parseInt(stringVal, radix);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return n;
newNode = IR.number(newVal);
} else {
String normalizedNewVal = "0";
try {
double newVal = Double.parseDouble(stringVal);
newNode = IR.number(newVal);
normalizedNewVal = normalizeNumericString(String.valueOf(newVal));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return n;
// Make sure that the parsed number matches the original string
// This prevents rounding differences between the Java implementation
// and native script.
if (!normalizeNumericString(stringVal).equals(normalizedNewVal)) {
return n;
n.getParent().replaceChild(n, newNode);
return newNode;
* Try to evaluate String.indexOf/lastIndexOf:
* "abcdef".indexOf("bc") -> 1
* "abcdefbc".indexOf("bc", 3) -> 6
private Node tryFoldStringIndexOf(
Node n, String functionName, Node lstringNode, Node firstArg) {
String lstring = NodeUtil.getStringValue(lstringNode);
boolean isIndexOf = functionName.equals("indexOf");
Node secondArg = firstArg.getNext();
String searchValue = NodeUtil.getStringValue(firstArg);
// searchValue must be a valid string.
if (searchValue == null) {
return n;
int fromIndex = isIndexOf ? 0 : lstring.length();
if (secondArg != null) {
// Third-argument and non-numeric second arg are problematic. Discard.
if (secondArg.getNext() != null || !secondArg.isNumber()) {
return n;
} else {
fromIndex = (int) secondArg.getDouble();
int indexVal = isIndexOf ? lstring.indexOf(searchValue, fromIndex)
: lstring.lastIndexOf(searchValue, fromIndex);
Node newNode = IR.number(indexVal);
n.getParent().replaceChild(n, newNode);
return newNode;
* Try to fold an array join: ['a', 'b', 'c'].join('') -> 'abc';
private Node tryFoldArrayJoin(Node n) {
Node callTarget = n.getFirstChild();
if (callTarget == null || !callTarget.isGetProp()) {
return n;
Node right = callTarget.getNext();
if (right != null) {
if (right.getNext() != null || !NodeUtil.isImmutableValue(right)) {
return n;
Node arrayNode = callTarget.getFirstChild();
Node functionName = arrayNode.getNext();
if (!arrayNode.isArrayLit() ||
!functionName.getString().equals("join")) {
return n;
if (right != null && right.isString()
&& ",".equals(right.getString())) {
// "," is the default, it doesn't need to be explicit
String joinString = (right == null) ? "," : NodeUtil.getStringValue(right);
List<Node> arrayFoldedChildren = Lists.newLinkedList();
StringBuilder sb = null;
int foldedSize = 0;
Node prev = null;
Node elem = arrayNode.getFirstChild();
// Merges adjacent String nodes.
while (elem != null) {
if (NodeUtil.isImmutableValue(elem) || elem.isEmpty()) {
if (sb == null) {
sb = new StringBuilder();
} else {
} else {
if (sb != null) {
// + 2 for the quotes.
foldedSize += sb.length() + 2;
sb = null;
foldedSize += InlineCostEstimator.getCost(elem);
prev = elem;
elem = elem.getNext();
if (sb != null) {
// + 2 for the quotes.
foldedSize += sb.length() + 2;
// one for each comma.
foldedSize += arrayFoldedChildren.size() - 1;
int originalSize = InlineCostEstimator.getCost(n);
switch (arrayFoldedChildren.size()) {
case 0:
Node emptyStringNode = IR.string("");
n.getParent().replaceChild(n, emptyStringNode);
return emptyStringNode;
case 1:
Node foldedStringNode = arrayFoldedChildren.remove(0);
if (foldedSize > originalSize) {
return n;
if (!foldedStringNode.isString()) {
// If the Node is not a string literal, ensure that
// it is coerced to a string.
Node replacement = IR.add(
foldedStringNode = replacement;
n.getParent().replaceChild(n, foldedStringNode);
return foldedStringNode;
// No folding could actually be performed.
if (arrayFoldedChildren.size() == arrayNode.getChildCount()) {
return n;
int kJoinOverhead = "[].join()".length();
foldedSize += kJoinOverhead;
foldedSize += (right != null) ? InlineCostEstimator.getCost(right) : 0;
if (foldedSize > originalSize) {
return n;
for (Node node : arrayFoldedChildren) {
return n;
* Try to fold .substr() calls on strings
private Node tryFoldStringSubstr(Node n, Node stringNode, Node arg1) {
int start, length;
String stringAsString = stringNode.getString();
// TODO(nicksantos): We really need a NodeUtil.getNumberValue
// function.
if (arg1 != null && arg1.isNumber()) {
start = (int) arg1.getDouble();
} else {
return n;
Node arg2 = arg1.getNext();
if (arg2 != null) {
if (arg2.isNumber()) {
length = (int) arg2.getDouble();
} else {
return n;
if (arg2.getNext() != null) {
// If we got more args than we expected, bail out.
return n;
} else {
// parameter 2 not passed
length = stringAsString.length() - start;
// Don't handle these cases. The specification actually does
// specify the behavior in some of these cases, but we haven't
// done a thorough investigation that it is correctly implemented
// in all browsers.
if ((start + length) > stringAsString.length() ||
(length < 0) ||
(start < 0)) {
return n;
String result = stringAsString.substring(start, start + length);
Node resultNode = IR.string(result);
Node parent = n.getParent();
parent.replaceChild(n, resultNode);
return resultNode;
* Try to fold .substring() calls on strings
private Node tryFoldStringSubstring(Node n, Node stringNode, Node arg1) {
int start, end;
String stringAsString = stringNode.getString();
if (arg1 != null && arg1.isNumber()) {
start = (int) arg1.getDouble();
} else {
return n;
Node arg2 = arg1.getNext();
if (arg2 != null) {
if (arg2.isNumber()) {
end = (int) arg2.getDouble();
} else {
return n;
if (arg2.getNext() != null) {
// If we got more args than we expected, bail out.
return n;
} else {
// parameter 2 not passed
end = stringAsString.length();
// Don't handle these cases. The specification actually does
// specify the behavior in some of these cases, but we haven't
// done a thorough investigation that it is correctly implemented
// in all browsers.
if ((end > stringAsString.length()) ||
(start > stringAsString.length()) ||
(end < 0) ||
(start < 0)) {
return n;
String result = stringAsString.substring(start, end);
Node resultNode = IR.string(result);
Node parent = n.getParent();
parent.replaceChild(n, resultNode);
return resultNode;
* Try to fold .charAt() calls on strings
private Node tryFoldStringCharAt(Node n, Node stringNode, Node arg1) {
int index;
String stringAsString = stringNode.getString();
if (arg1 != null && arg1.isNumber()
&& arg1.getNext() == null) {
index = (int) arg1.getDouble();
} else {
return n;
if (index < 0 || stringAsString.length() <= index) {
// http://es5.github.com/#x15.5.4.4 says "" is returned when index is
// out of bounds but we bail.
return n;
Node resultNode = IR.string(
stringAsString.substring(index, index + 1));
Node parent = n.getParent();
parent.replaceChild(n, resultNode);
return resultNode;
* Try to fold .charCodeAt() calls on strings
private Node tryFoldStringCharCodeAt(Node n, Node stringNode, Node arg1) {
int index;
String stringAsString = stringNode.getString();
if (arg1 != null && arg1.isNumber()
&& arg1.getNext() == null) {
index = (int) arg1.getDouble();
} else {
return n;
if (index < 0 || stringAsString.length() <= index) {
// http://es5.github.com/#x15.5.4.5 says NaN is returned when index is
// out of bounds but we bail.
return n;
Node resultNode = IR.number(stringAsString.charAt(index));
Node parent = n.getParent();
parent.replaceChild(n, resultNode);
return resultNode;
* Support function for jsSplit, find the first occurrence of
* separator within stringValue starting at startIndex.
private static int jsSplitMatch(String stringValue, int startIndex,
String separator) {
if (startIndex + separator.length() > stringValue.length()) {
return -1;
int matchIndex = stringValue.indexOf(separator, startIndex);
if (matchIndex < 0) {
return -1;
return matchIndex;
* Implement the JS String.split method using a string separator.
private String[] jsSplit(String stringValue, String separator, int limit) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(limit >= 0);
Preconditions.checkArgument(stringValue != null);
// For limits of 0, return an empty array
if (limit == 0) {
return new String[0];
// If a separator is not specified, return the entire string as
// the only element of an array.
if (separator == null) {
return new String[] {stringValue};
List<String> splitStrings = Lists.newArrayList();
// If an empty string is specified for the separator, split apart each
// character of the string.
if (separator.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < stringValue.length() && i < limit; i++) {
splitStrings.add(stringValue.substring(i, i + 1));
} else {
int startIndex = 0, matchIndex;
while ((matchIndex =
jsSplitMatch(stringValue, startIndex, separator)) >= 0 &&
splitStrings.size() < limit) {
splitStrings.add(stringValue.substring(startIndex, matchIndex));
startIndex = matchIndex + separator.length();
if (splitStrings.size() < limit) {
if (startIndex < stringValue.length()) {
} else {
return splitStrings.toArray(new String[splitStrings.size()]);
* Try to fold .split() calls on strings
private Node tryFoldStringSplit(Node n, Node stringNode, Node arg1) {
if (late) {
return n;
String separator = null;
String stringValue = stringNode.getString();
// Maximum number of possible splits
int limit = stringValue.length() + 1;
if (arg1 != null) {
if (arg1.isString()) {
separator = arg1.getString();
} else if (!arg1.isNull()) {
return n;
Node arg2 = arg1.getNext();
if (arg2 != null) {
if (arg2.isNumber()) {
limit = Math.min((int) arg2.getDouble(), limit);
if (limit < 0) {
return n;
} else {
return n;
// Split the string and convert the returned array into JS nodes
String[] stringArray = jsSplit(stringValue, separator, limit);
Node arrayOfStrings = IR.arraylit();
for (int i = 0; i < stringArray.length; i++) {
Node parent = n.getParent();
parent.replaceChild(n, arrayOfStrings);
return arrayOfStrings;