* Copyright 2006 The Closure Compiler Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.javascript.jscomp;
import static com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.JSTypeNative.GLOBAL_THIS;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.base.Predicate;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.CodingConvention.SubclassRelationship;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.JSDocInfo;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Node;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Token;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.TokenStream;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.JSType;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.StaticReference;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.StaticScope;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.StaticSlot;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.StaticSourceFile;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.StaticSymbolTable;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Builds a global namespace of all the objects and their properties in
* the global scope. Also builds an index of all the references to those names.
* @author nicksantos@google.com (Nick Santos)
class GlobalNamespace
implements StaticScope<JSType>,
StaticSymbolTable<GlobalNamespace.Name, GlobalNamespace.Ref> {
private AbstractCompiler compiler;
private final Node root;
private final Node externsRoot;
private boolean inExterns;
private Scope externsScope;
private boolean generated = false;
* Each reference has an index in post-order.
* Notice that some nodes are represented by 2 Ref objects, so
* this index is not necessarily unique.
private int currentPreOrderIndex = 0;
/** Global namespace tree */
private List<Name> globalNames = new ArrayList<>();
/** Maps names (e.g. "a.b.c") to nodes in the global namespace tree */
private Map<String, Name> nameMap = new HashMap<>();
* Creates an instance that may emit warnings when building the namespace.
* @param compiler The AbstractCompiler, for reporting code changes
* @param root The root of the rest of the code to build a namespace for.
GlobalNamespace(AbstractCompiler compiler, Node root) {
this(compiler, null, root);
* Creates an instance that may emit warnings when building the namespace.
* @param compiler The AbstractCompiler, for reporting code changes
* @param externsRoot The root of the externs to build a namespace for. If
* this is null, externs and properties defined on extern types will not
* be included in the global namespace. If non-null, it allows
* user-defined function on extern types to be included in the global
* namespace. E.g. String.foo.
* @param root The root of the rest of the code to build a namespace for.
GlobalNamespace(AbstractCompiler compiler, Node externsRoot, Node root) {
this.compiler = compiler;
this.externsRoot = externsRoot;
this.root = root;
boolean hasExternsRoot() {
return externsRoot != null;
public Node getRootNode() {
return root.getParent();
public StaticScope<JSType> getParentScope() {
return null;
public Name getSlot(String name) {
return getOwnSlot(name);
public Name getOwnSlot(String name) {
return nameMap.get(name);
public JSType getTypeOfThis() {
return compiler.getTypeRegistry().getNativeObjectType(GLOBAL_THIS);
public Iterable<Ref> getReferences(Name slot) {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(slot.getRefs());
public StaticScope<JSType> getScope(Name slot) {
return this;
public Iterable<Name> getAllSymbols() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(getNameIndex().values());
private void ensureGenerated() {
if (!generated) {
* Gets a list of the roots of the forest of the global names, where the
* roots are the top-level names.
List<Name> getNameForest() {
return globalNames;
* Gets an index of all the global names, indexed by full qualified name
* (as in "a", "a.b.c", etc.).
Map<String, Name> getNameIndex() {
return nameMap;
* A simple data class that contains the information necessary to inspect
* a node for changes to the global namespace.
static class AstChange {
final JSModule module;
final Scope scope;
final Node node;
AstChange(JSModule module, Scope scope, Node node) {
this.module = module;
this.scope = scope;
this.node = node;
* If the client adds new nodes to the AST, scan these new nodes
* to see if they've added any references to the global namespace.
* @param newNodes New nodes to check.
void scanNewNodes(List<AstChange> newNodes) {
BuildGlobalNamespace builder = new BuildGlobalNamespace();
for (AstChange info : newNodes) {
if (!info.node.isQualifiedName() && !NodeUtil.isObjectLitKey(info.node)) {
scanFromNode(builder, info.module, info.scope, info.node);
private void scanFromNode(
BuildGlobalNamespace builder, JSModule module, Scope scope, Node n) {
// Check affected parent nodes first.
if (n.isName() || n.isGetProp()) {
scanFromNode(builder, module, scope, n.getParent());
builder.collect(module, scope, n);
* Builds the namespace lazily.
private void process() {
if (externsRoot != null) {
inExterns = true;
NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, externsRoot, new BuildGlobalNamespace());
inExterns = false;
NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, root, new BuildGlobalNamespace());
generated = true;
* Determines whether a name reference in a particular scope is a global name
* reference.
* @param name A variable or property name (e.g. "a" or "a.b.c.d")
* @param s The scope in which the name is referenced
* @return Whether the name reference is a global name reference
private boolean isGlobalNameReference(String name, Scope s) {
String topVarName = getTopVarName(name);
return isGlobalVarReference(topVarName, s);
* Gets the top variable name from a possibly namespaced name.
* @param name A variable or qualified property name (e.g. "a" or "a.b.c.d")
* @return The top variable name (e.g. "a")
private static String getTopVarName(String name) {
int firstDotIndex = name.indexOf('.');
return firstDotIndex == -1 ? name : name.substring(0, firstDotIndex);
* Determines whether a variable name reference in a particular scope is a
* global variable reference.
* @param name A variable name (e.g. "a")
* @param s The scope in which the name is referenced
* @return Whether the name reference is a global variable reference
private boolean isGlobalVarReference(String name, Scope s) {
Scope.Var v = s.getVar(name);
if (v == null && externsScope != null) {
v = externsScope.getVar(name);
return v != null && !v.isLocal();
* Gets whether a scope is the global scope.
* @param s A scope
* @return Whether the scope is the global scope
private static boolean isGlobalScope(Scope s) {
return s.getParent() == null;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Builds a tree representation of the global namespace. Omits prototypes.
private class BuildGlobalNamespace implements NodeTraversal.Callback {
BuildGlobalNamespace() {
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {}
/** Collect the references in pre-order. */
public boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
// If we are traversing the externs, then we save a pointer to the scope
// generated by them, so that we can do lookups in it later.
if (externsRoot != null && n == externsRoot) {
externsScope = t.getScope();
collect(t.getModule(), t.getScope(), n);
return true;
public void collect(JSModule module, Scope scope, Node n) {
Node parent = n.getParent();
String name;
boolean isSet = false;
Name.Type type = Name.Type.OTHER;
boolean isPropAssign = false;
switch (n.getType()) {
case Token.GETTER_DEF:
case Token.SETTER_DEF:
case Token.STRING_KEY:
// This may be a key in an object literal declaration.
name = null;
if (parent != null && parent.isObjectLit()) {
name = getNameForObjLitKey(n);
if (name == null) {
isSet = true;
switch (n.getType()) {
case Token.STRING_KEY:
type = getValueType(n.getFirstChild());
case Token.GETTER_DEF:
type = Name.Type.GET;
case Token.SETTER_DEF:
type = Name.Type.SET;
throw new IllegalStateException("unexpected:" + n);
case Token.NAME:
// This may be a variable get or set.
if (parent != null) {
switch (parent.getType()) {
case Token.VAR:
isSet = true;
Node rvalue = n.getFirstChild();
type = rvalue == null ? Name.Type.OTHER : getValueType(rvalue);
case Token.ASSIGN:
if (parent.getFirstChild() == n) {
isSet = true;
type = getValueType(n.getNext());
case Token.GETPROP:
case Token.FUNCTION:
Node gramps = parent.getParent();
if (gramps == null || NodeUtil.isFunctionExpression(parent)) {
isSet = true;
type = Name.Type.FUNCTION;
case Token.CATCH:
case Token.INC:
case Token.DEC:
isSet = true;
type = Name.Type.OTHER;
if (NodeUtil.isAssignmentOp(parent) &&
parent.getFirstChild() == n) {
isSet = true;
type = Name.Type.OTHER;
name = n.getString();
case Token.GETPROP:
// This may be a namespaced name get or set.
if (parent != null) {
switch (parent.getType()) {
case Token.ASSIGN:
if (parent.getFirstChild() == n) {
isSet = true;
type = getValueType(n.getNext());
isPropAssign = true;
case Token.INC:
case Token.DEC:
isSet = true;
type = Name.Type.OTHER;
case Token.GETPROP:
if (NodeUtil.isAssignmentOp(parent) &&
parent.getFirstChild() == n) {
isSet = true;
type = Name.Type.OTHER;
name = n.getQualifiedName();
if (name == null) {
// We are only interested in global names.
if (!isGlobalNameReference(name, scope)) {
if (isSet) {
if (isGlobalScope(scope)) {
handleSetFromGlobal(module, scope, n, parent, name, isPropAssign, type);
} else {
handleSetFromLocal(module, scope, n, parent, name);
} else {
handleGet(module, scope, n, parent, name);
* Gets the fully qualified name corresponding to an object literal key,
* as long as it and its prefix property names are valid JavaScript
* identifiers. The object literal may be nested inside of other object
* literals.
* For example, if called with node {@code n} representing "z" in any of
* the following expressions, the result would be "w.x.y.z":
* <code> var w = {x: {y: {z: 0}}}; </code>
* <code> w.x = {y: {z: 0}}; </code>
* <code> w.x.y = {'a': 0, 'z': 0}; </code>
* @param n A child of an OBJLIT node
* @return The global name, or null if {@code n} doesn't correspond to the
* key of an object literal that can be named
String getNameForObjLitKey(Node n) {
Node parent = n.getParent();
Node gramps = parent.getParent();
if (gramps == null) {
return null;
Node greatGramps = gramps.getParent();
String name;
switch (gramps.getType()) {
case Token.NAME:
// VAR
// NAME (gramps)
// OBJLIT (parent)
// STRING (n)
if (greatGramps == null || !greatGramps.isVar()) {
return null;
name = gramps.getString();
case Token.ASSIGN:
// ASSIGN (gramps)
// OBJLIT (parent)
// STRING (n)
Node lvalue = gramps.getFirstChild();
name = lvalue.getQualifiedName();
case Token.STRING_KEY:
// STRING (gramps)
// OBJLIT (parent)
// STRING (n)
if (greatGramps != null &&
greatGramps.isObjectLit()) {
name = getNameForObjLitKey(gramps);
} else {
return null;
return null;
if (name != null) {
String key = n.getString();
if (TokenStream.isJSIdentifier(key)) {
return name + '.' + key;
return null;
* Gets the type of a value or simple expression.
* @param n An r-value in an assignment or variable declaration (not null)
* @return A {@link Name.Type}
Name.Type getValueType(Node n) {
switch (n.getType()) {
case Token.OBJECTLIT:
return Name.Type.OBJECTLIT;
case Token.FUNCTION:
return Name.Type.FUNCTION;
case Token.OR:
// Recurse on the second value. If the first value were an object
// literal or function, then the OR would be meaningless and the
// second value would be dead code. Assume that if the second value
// is an object literal or function, then the first value will also
// evaluate to one when it doesn't evaluate to false.
return getValueType(n.getLastChild());
case Token.HOOK:
// The same line of reasoning used for the OR case applies here.
Node second = n.getFirstChild().getNext();
Name.Type t = getValueType(second);
if (t != Name.Type.OTHER) {
return t;
Node third = second.getNext();
return getValueType(third);
return Name.Type.OTHER;
* Updates our representation of the global namespace to reflect an
* assignment to a global name in global scope.
* @param module the current module
* @param scope the current scope
* @param n The node currently being visited
* @param parent {@code n}'s parent
* @param name The global name (e.g. "a" or "a.b.c.d")
* @param isPropAssign Whether this set corresponds to a property
* assignment of the form <code>a.b.c = ...;</code>
* @param type The type of the value that the name is being assigned
void handleSetFromGlobal(JSModule module, Scope scope,
Node n, Node parent, String name,
boolean isPropAssign, Name.Type type) {
if (maybeHandlePrototypePrefix(module, scope, n, parent, name)) {
Name nameObj = getOrCreateName(name);
nameObj.type = type;
Ref set = new Ref(module, scope, n, nameObj, Ref.Type.SET_FROM_GLOBAL,
if (isNestedAssign(parent)) {
// This assignment is both a set and a get that creates an alias.
Ref get = new Ref(module, scope, n, nameObj, Ref.Type.ALIASING_GET,
Ref.markTwins(set, get);
} else if (isTypeDeclaration(n, parent)) {
// Names with a @constructor or @enum annotation are always collapsed
* Determines whether a set operation is a constructor or enumeration
* or interface declaration. The set operation may either be an assignment
* to a name, a variable declaration, or an object literal key mapping.
* @param n The node that represents the name being set
* @param parent Parent node of {@code n} (an ASSIGN, VAR, or OBJLIT node)
* @return Whether the set operation is either a constructor or enum
* declaration
private boolean isTypeDeclaration(Node n, Node parent) {
Node valueNode = NodeUtil.getRValueOfLValue(n);
JSDocInfo info = NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(n);
// Heed the annotations only if they're sensibly used.
return info != null && valueNode != null &&
(info.isConstructor() && valueNode.isFunction() ||
info.isInterface() && valueNode.isFunction() ||
info.hasEnumParameterType() && valueNode.isObjectLit());
* Updates our representation of the global namespace to reflect an
* assignment to a global name in a local scope.
* @param module The current module
* @param scope The current scope
* @param n The node currently being visited
* @param parent {@code n}'s parent
* @param name The global name (e.g. "a" or "a.b.c.d")
void handleSetFromLocal(JSModule module, Scope scope, Node n, Node parent,
String name) {
if (maybeHandlePrototypePrefix(module, scope, n, parent, name)) {
Name nameObj = getOrCreateName(name);
Ref set = new Ref(module, scope, n, nameObj,
Ref.Type.SET_FROM_LOCAL, currentPreOrderIndex++);
if (isNestedAssign(parent)) {
// This assignment is both a set and a get that creates an alias.
Ref get = new Ref(module, scope, n, nameObj,
Ref.Type.ALIASING_GET, currentPreOrderIndex++);
Ref.markTwins(set, get);
* Updates our representation of the global namespace to reflect a read
* of a global name.
* @param module The current module
* @param scope The current scope
* @param n The node currently being visited
* @param parent {@code n}'s parent
* @param name The global name (e.g. "a" or "a.b.c.d")
void handleGet(JSModule module, Scope scope,
Node n, Node parent, String name) {
if (maybeHandlePrototypePrefix(module, scope, n, parent, name)) {
Ref.Type type = Ref.Type.DIRECT_GET;
if (parent != null) {
switch (parent.getType()) {
case Token.IF:
case Token.INSTANCEOF:
case Token.TYPEOF:
case Token.VOID:
case Token.NOT:
case Token.BITNOT:
case Token.POS:
case Token.NEG:
case Token.CALL:
if (n == parent.getFirstChild()) {
// It is a call target
type = Ref.Type.CALL_GET;
} else if (isClassDefiningCall(parent)) {
type = Ref.Type.DIRECT_GET;
} else {
type = Ref.Type.ALIASING_GET;
case Token.NEW:
type = n == parent.getFirstChild()
case Token.OR:
case Token.AND:
// This node is x or y in (x||y) or (x&&y). We only know that an
// alias is not getting created for this name if the result is used
// in a boolean context or assigned to the same name
// (e.g. var a = a || {}).
type = determineGetTypeForHookOrBooleanExpr(module, scope, parent, name);
case Token.HOOK:
if (n != parent.getFirstChild()) {
// This node is y or z in (x?y:z). We only know that an alias is
// not getting created for this name if the result is assigned to
// the same name (e.g. var a = a ? a : {}).
type = determineGetTypeForHookOrBooleanExpr(module, scope, parent, name);
case Token.DELPROP:
type = Ref.Type.DELETE_PROP;
type = Ref.Type.ALIASING_GET;
handleGet(module, scope, n, parent, name, type);
private boolean isClassDefiningCall(Node callNode) {
CodingConvention convention = compiler.getCodingConvention();
// Look for goog.inherits, goog.mixin
SubclassRelationship classes =
if (classes != null) {
return true;
// Look for calls to goog.addSingletonGetter calls.
String className = convention.getSingletonGetterClassName(callNode);
if (className != null) {
return true;
return false;
* Determines whether the result of a hook (x?y:z) or boolean expression
* (x||y) or (x&&y) is assigned to a specific global name.
* @param module The current module
* @param scope The current scope
* @param parent The parent of the current node in the traversal. This node
* should already be known to be a HOOK, AND, or OR node.
* @param name A name that is already known to be global in the current
* scope (e.g. "a" or "a.b.c.d")
* @return The expression's get type, either {@link Ref.Type#DIRECT_GET} or
* {@link Ref.Type#ALIASING_GET}
Ref.Type determineGetTypeForHookOrBooleanExpr(
JSModule module, Scope scope, Node parent, String name) {
Node prev = parent;
for (Node anc : parent.getAncestors()) {
switch (anc.getType()) {
case Token.INSTANCEOF:
case Token.EXPR_RESULT:
case Token.VAR:
case Token.IF:
case Token.WHILE:
case Token.FOR:
case Token.TYPEOF:
case Token.VOID:
case Token.NOT:
case Token.BITNOT:
case Token.POS:
case Token.NEG:
return Ref.Type.DIRECT_GET;
case Token.HOOK:
if (anc.getFirstChild() == prev) {
return Ref.Type.DIRECT_GET;
case Token.ASSIGN:
if (!name.equals(anc.getFirstChild().getQualifiedName())) {
return Ref.Type.ALIASING_GET;
case Token.NAME: // a variable declaration
if (!name.equals(anc.getString())) {
return Ref.Type.ALIASING_GET;
case Token.CALL:
if (anc.getFirstChild() != prev) {
return Ref.Type.ALIASING_GET;
case Token.DELPROP:
return Ref.Type.DELETE_PROP;
prev = anc;
return Ref.Type.ALIASING_GET;
* Updates our representation of the global namespace to reflect a read
* of a global name.
* @param module The current module
* @param scope The current scope
* @param n The node currently being visited
* @param parent {@code n}'s parent
* @param name The global name (e.g. "a" or "a.b.c.d")
* @param type The reference type
void handleGet(JSModule module, Scope scope, Node n, Node parent,
String name, Ref.Type type) {
Name nameObj = getOrCreateName(name);
// No need to look up additional ancestors, since they won't be used.
new Ref(module, scope, n, nameObj, type, currentPreOrderIndex++));
* Updates our representation of the global namespace to reflect a read
* of a global name's longest prefix before the "prototype" property if the
* name includes the "prototype" property. Does nothing otherwise.
* @param module The current module
* @param scope The current scope
* @param n The node currently being visited
* @param parent {@code n}'s parent
* @param name The global name (e.g. "a" or "a.b.c.d")
* @return Whether the name was handled
boolean maybeHandlePrototypePrefix(JSModule module, Scope scope,
Node n, Node parent, String name) {
// We use a string-based approach instead of inspecting the parse tree
// to avoid complexities with object literals, possibly nested, beneath
// assignments.
int numLevelsToRemove;
String prefix;
if (name.endsWith(".prototype")) {
numLevelsToRemove = 1;
prefix = name.substring(0, name.length() - 10);
} else {
int i = name.indexOf(".prototype.");
if (i == -1) {
return false;
prefix = name.substring(0, i);
numLevelsToRemove = 2;
i = name.indexOf('.', i + 11);
while (i >= 0) {
i = name.indexOf('.', i + 1);
if (parent != null && NodeUtil.isObjectLitKey(n)) {
// Object literal keys have no prefix that's referenced directly per
// key, so we're done.
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < numLevelsToRemove; i++) {
parent = n;
n = n.getFirstChild();
handleGet(module, scope, n, parent, prefix, Ref.Type.PROTOTYPE_GET);
return true;
* Determines whether an assignment is nested (i.e. whether its return
* value is used).
* @param parent The parent of the current traversal node (not null)
* @return Whether it appears that the return value of the assignment is
* used
boolean isNestedAssign(Node parent) {
return parent.isAssign() &&
* Gets a {@link Name} instance for a global name. Creates it if necessary,
* as well as instances for any of its prefixes that are not yet defined.
* @param name A global name (e.g. "a", "a.b.c.d")
* @return The {@link Name} instance for {@code name}
Name getOrCreateName(String name) {
Name node = nameMap.get(name);
if (node == null) {
int i = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (i >= 0) {
String parentName = name.substring(0, i);
Name parent = getOrCreateName(parentName);
node = parent.addProperty(name.substring(i + 1), inExterns);
} else {
node = new Name(name, null, inExterns);
nameMap.put(name, node);
return node;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* A name defined in global scope (e.g. "a" or "a.b.c.d"). These form a tree.
* As the parse tree traversal proceeds, we'll discover that some names
* correspond to JavaScript objects whose properties we should consider
* collapsing.
static class Name implements StaticSlot<JSType> {
enum Type {
private final String baseName;
final Name parent;
List<Name> props;
/** The first global assignment to a name. */
private Ref declaration;
/** All references to a name. This must contain {@code declaration}. */
private List<Ref> refs;
Type type;
private boolean declaredType = false;
private boolean hasDeclaredTypeDescendant = false;
int globalSets = 0;
int localSets = 0;
int aliasingGets = 0;
int totalGets = 0;
int callGets = 0;
int deleteProps = 0;
final boolean inExterns;
JSDocInfo docInfo = null;
Name(String name, Name parent, boolean inExterns) {
this.baseName = name;
this.parent = parent;
this.type = Type.OTHER;
this.inExterns = inExterns;
Name addProperty(String name, boolean inExterns) {
if (props == null) {
props = new ArrayList<>();
Name node = new Name(name, this, inExterns);
return node;
String getBaseName() {
return baseName;
public String getName() {
return getFullName();
String getFullName() {
return parent == null ? baseName : parent.getFullName() + '.' + baseName;
public Ref getDeclaration() {
return declaration;
public boolean isTypeInferred() {
return false;
public JSType getType() {
return null;
void addRef(Ref ref) {
switch (ref.type) {
if (declaration == null) {
declaration = ref;
docInfo = getDocInfoForDeclaration(ref);
case CALL_GET:
throw new IllegalStateException();
void removeRef(Ref ref) {
if (refs != null && refs.remove(ref)) {
if (ref == declaration) {
declaration = null;
if (refs != null) {
for (Ref maybeNewDecl : refs) {
if (maybeNewDecl.type == Ref.Type.SET_FROM_GLOBAL) {
declaration = maybeNewDecl;
switch (ref.type) {
case CALL_GET:
throw new IllegalStateException();
List<Ref> getRefs() {
return refs == null ? ImmutableList.<Ref>of() : refs;
void addRefInternal(Ref ref) {
if (refs == null) {
refs = Lists.newArrayList();
boolean canEliminate() {
if (!canCollapseUnannotatedChildNames() || totalGets > 0) {
return false;
if (props != null) {
for (Name n : props) {
if (!n.canCollapse()) {
return false;
return true;
boolean isSimpleStubDeclaration() {
if (getRefs().size() == 1) {
Ref ref = refs.get(0);
if (ref.node.getParent() != null &&
ref.node.getParent().isExprResult()) {
return true;
return false;
boolean canCollapse() {
return !inExterns && !isGetOrSetDefinition() && (declaredType ||
(parent == null || parent.canCollapseUnannotatedChildNames()) &&
(globalSets > 0 || localSets > 0) &&
deleteProps == 0);
boolean isGetOrSetDefinition() {
return this.type == Type.GET || this.type == Type.SET;
boolean canCollapseUnannotatedChildNames() {
if (type == Type.OTHER || isGetOrSetDefinition()
|| globalSets != 1 || localSets != 0 || deleteProps != 0) {
return false;
// Don't try to collapse if the one global set is a twin reference.
// We could theoretically handle this case in CollapseProperties, but
// it's probably not worth the effort.
if (declaration.getTwin() != null) {
return false;
if (declaredType) {
return true;
// If this is a key of an aliased object literal, then it will be aliased
// later. So we won't be able to collapse its properties.
if (parent != null && parent.shouldKeepKeys()) {
return false;
// If this is aliased, then its properties can't be collapsed either.
if (aliasingGets > 0) {
return false;
return (parent == null || parent.canCollapseUnannotatedChildNames());
/** Whether this is an object literal that needs to keep its keys. */
boolean shouldKeepKeys() {
return type == Type.OBJECTLIT && aliasingGets > 0;
boolean needsToBeStubbed() {
return globalSets == 0 && localSets > 0;
void setDeclaredType() {
declaredType = true;
for (Name ancestor = parent; ancestor != null;
ancestor = ancestor.parent) {
ancestor.hasDeclaredTypeDescendant = true;
boolean isDeclaredType() {
return declaredType;
* Determines whether this name is a prefix of at least one class or enum
* name. Because classes and enums are always collapsed, the namespace will
* have different properties in compiled code than in uncompiled code.
* For example, if foo.bar.DomHelper is a class, then foo and foo.bar are
* considered namespaces.
boolean isNamespace() {
return hasDeclaredTypeDescendant && type == Type.OBJECTLIT;
* Determines whether this is a simple name (as opposed to a qualified
* name).
boolean isSimpleName() {
return parent == null;
@Override public String toString() {
return getFullName() + " (" + type + "): globalSets=" + globalSets +
", localSets=" + localSets + ", totalGets=" + totalGets +
", aliasingGets=" + aliasingGets + ", callGets=" + callGets;
public JSDocInfo getJSDocInfo() {
return docInfo;
* Tries to get the doc info for a given declaration ref.
private static JSDocInfo getDocInfoForDeclaration(Ref ref) {
if (ref.node != null) {
Node refParent = ref.node.getParent();
switch (refParent.getType()) {
case Token.FUNCTION:
case Token.ASSIGN:
return refParent.getJSDocInfo();
case Token.VAR:
return ref.node == refParent.getFirstChild() ?
refParent.getJSDocInfo() : ref.node.getJSDocInfo();
return null;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* A global name reference. Contains references to the relevant parse tree
* node and its ancestors that may be affected.
static class Ref implements StaticReference<JSType> {
// Note: we are more aggressive about collapsing @enum and @constructor
// declarations than implied here, see Name#canCollapse
enum Type {
ALIASING_GET, // Prevents a name's properties from being collapsed
DIRECT_GET, // Prevents a name from being completely eliminated
CALL_GET, // Prevents a name from being collapsed if never set
DELETE_PROP, // Prevents a name from being collapsed at all.
Node node;
final JSModule module;
final StaticSourceFile source;
final Name name;
final Type type;
final Scope scope;
final int preOrderIndex;
* Certain types of references are actually double-refs. For example,
* var a = b = 0;
* counts as both a "set" of b and an "alias" of b.
* We create two Refs for this node, and mark them as twins of each other.
private Ref twin = null;
* Creates a reference at the current node.
Ref(JSModule module, Scope scope, Node node, Name name, Type type, int index) {
this.node = node;
this.name = name;
this.module = module;
this.source = node.getStaticSourceFile();
this.type = type;
this.scope = scope;
this.preOrderIndex = index;
private Ref(Ref original, Type type, int index) {
this.node = original.node;
this.name = original.name;
this.module = original.module;
this.source = original.source;
this.type = type;
this.scope = original.scope;
this.preOrderIndex = index;
private Ref(Type type, int index) {
this.type = type;
this.module = null;
this.source = null;
this.scope = null;
this.name = null;
this.preOrderIndex = index;
public Node getNode() {
return node;
public StaticSourceFile getSourceFile() {
return source;
public StaticSlot<JSType> getSymbol() {
return name;
JSModule getModule() {
return module;
Ref getTwin() {
return twin;
boolean isSet() {
return type == Type.SET_FROM_GLOBAL || type == Type.SET_FROM_LOCAL;
static void markTwins(Ref a, Ref b) {
(a.type == Type.ALIASING_GET || b.type == Type.ALIASING_GET) &&
(a.type == Type.SET_FROM_GLOBAL || a.type == Type.SET_FROM_LOCAL ||
b.type == Type.SET_FROM_GLOBAL || b.type == Type.SET_FROM_LOCAL));
a.twin = b;
b.twin = a;
* Create a new ref that is the same as this one, but of
* a different class.
Ref cloneAndReclassify(Type type) {
return new Ref(this, type, this.preOrderIndex);
static Ref createRefForTesting(Type type) {
return new Ref(type, -1);
* An experimental compiler pass for tracking what symbols were added/removed
* at each stage of compilation.
* When "global namespace tracker" mode is on, we rebuild the global namespace
* after each pass, and diff it against the last namespace built.
static class Tracker implements CompilerPass {
private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
private final PrintStream stream;
private final Predicate<String> isInterestingSymbol;
private Set<String> previousSymbolsInTree = ImmutableSet.of();
@param stream The stream to print logs to.
* @param isInterestingSymbol A predicate to determine which symbols
* we care about.
Tracker(AbstractCompiler compiler, PrintStream stream,
Predicate<String> isInterestingSymbol) {
this.compiler = compiler;
this.stream = stream;
this.isInterestingSymbol = isInterestingSymbol;
@Override public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
GlobalNamespace namespace = new GlobalNamespace(compiler, externs, root);
Set<String> currentSymbols = Sets.newTreeSet();
for (String name : namespace.getNameIndex().keySet()) {
if (isInterestingSymbol.apply(name)) {
String passName = compiler.getLastPassName();
if (passName == null) {
passName = "[Unknown pass]";
for (String sym : currentSymbols) {
if (!previousSymbolsInTree.contains(sym)) {
stream.println(String.format("%s: Added by %s", sym, passName));
for (String sym : previousSymbolsInTree) {
if (!currentSymbols.contains(sym)) {
stream.println(String.format("%s: Removed by %s", sym, passName));
previousSymbolsInTree = currentSymbols;