* Copyright 2009 The Closure Compiler Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.javascript.jscomp;
import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.base.Splitter;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.IR;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.JSDocInfo;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Node;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Token;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* Creates an externs file containing all exported symbols and properties
* for later consumption.
* @author dcc@google.com (Devin Coughlin)
final class ExternExportsPass extends NodeTraversal.AbstractPostOrderCallback
implements CompilerPass {
/** The exports found. */
private final List<Export> exports;
/** A map of all assigns to their parent nodes. */
private final Map<String, Node> definitionMap;
/** The parent compiler. */
private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
/** The AST root which holds the externs generated. */
private final Node externsRoot;
/** A mapping of internal paths to exported paths. */
private final Map<String, String> mappedPaths;
/** A list of exported paths. */
private final Set<String> alreadyExportedPaths;
/** A list of function names used to export symbols. */
private List<String> exportSymbolFunctionNames;
/** A list of function names used to export properties. */
private List<String> exportPropertyFunctionNames;
private abstract class Export {
protected final String symbolName;
protected final Node value;
Export(String symbolName, Node value) {
this.symbolName = symbolName;
this.value = value;
* Generates the externs representation of this export and appends
* it to the externsRoot AST.
void generateExterns() {
appendExtern(getExportedPath(), getValue(value));
* Returns the path exported by this export.
abstract String getExportedPath();
* Appends the exported function and all paths necessary for the path to be
* declared. For example, for a property "a.b.c", the initializers for
* paths "a", "a.b" will be appended (if they have not already) and a.b.c
* will be initialized with the exported version of the function:
* <pre>
* var a = {};
* a.b = {};
* a.b.c = function(x,y) { }
* </pre>
void appendExtern(String path, Node valueToExport) {
List<String> pathPrefixes = computePathPrefixes(path);
for (int i = 0; i < pathPrefixes.size(); ++i) {
String pathPrefix = pathPrefixes.get(i);
/* The complete path (the last path prefix) must be emitted and
* it gets initialized to the externed version of the value.
boolean isCompletePathPrefix = (i == pathPrefixes.size() - 1);
boolean skipPathPrefix = pathPrefix.endsWith(".prototype")
|| (alreadyExportedPaths.contains(pathPrefix)
&& !isCompletePathPrefix);
if (!skipPathPrefix) {
Node initializer;
/* Namespaces get initialized to {}, functions to
* externed versions of their value, and if we can't
* figure out where the value came from we initialize
* it to {}.
* Since externs are always exported in sorted order,
* we know that if we export a.b = function() {} and later
* a.b.c = function then a.b will always be in alreadyExportedPaths
* when we emit a.b.c and thus we will never overwrite the function
* exported for a.b with a namespace.
if (isCompletePathPrefix && valueToExport != null) {
if (valueToExport.isFunction()) {
initializer = createExternFunction(valueToExport);
} else {
initializer = createExternObjectLit(valueToExport);
} else {
initializer = IR.empty();
appendPathDefinition(pathPrefix, initializer);
* Computes a list of the path prefixes constructed from the components
* of the path.
* <pre>
* E.g., if the path is:
* "a.b.c"
* then then path prefixes will be
* ["a","a.b","a.b.c"]:
* </pre>
private List<String> computePathPrefixes(String path) {
List<String> pieces = Splitter.on('.').splitToList(path);
List<String> pathPrefixes = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) {
pathPrefixes.add(Joiner.on(".").join(Iterables.limit(pieces, i + 1)));
return pathPrefixes;
private void appendPathDefinition(String path, Node initializer) {
Node pathDefinition;
if (!path.contains(".")) {
if (initializer.isEmpty()) {
pathDefinition = IR.var(IR.name(path));
} else {
pathDefinition = NodeUtil.newVarNode(path, initializer);
} else {
Node qualifiedPath = NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, path);
if (initializer.isEmpty()) {
pathDefinition = NodeUtil.newExpr(qualifiedPath);
} else {
pathDefinition = NodeUtil.newExpr(
IR.assign(qualifiedPath, initializer));
* Given a function to export, create the empty function that
* will be put in the externs file. This extern function should have
* the same type as the original function and the same parameter
* name but no function body.
* We create a warning here if the the function to export is missing
* parameter or return types.
private Node createExternFunction(Node exportedFunction) {
Node paramList = NodeUtil.getFunctionParameters(exportedFunction)
// Use the original parameter names so that the externs look pretty.
Node param = paramList.getFirstChild();
while (param != null && param.isName()) {
String originalName = (String) param.getProp(Node.ORIGINALNAME_PROP);
if (originalName != null) {
param = param.getNext();
Node externFunction = IR.function(IR.name(""), paramList, IR.block());
return externFunction;
* Given an object literal to export, create an object lit with all its
* string properties. We don't care what the values of those properties
* are because they are not checked.
private Node createExternObjectLit(Node exportedObjectLit) {
Node lit = IR.objectlit();
// This is an indirect way of telling the typed code generator
// "print the type of this"
lit.setJSDocInfo(new JSDocInfo());
int index = 1;
for (Node child = exportedObjectLit.getFirstChild();
child != null;
child = child.getNext()) {
// TODO(dimvar): handle getters or setters?
if (child.isStringKey()) {
return lit;
* If the given value is a qualified name which refers
* a function or object literal, the node is returned. Otherwise,
* {@code null} is returned.
protected Node getValue(Node qualifiedNameNode) {
String qualifiedName = value.getQualifiedName();
if (qualifiedName == null) {
return null;
Node definitionParent = definitionMap.get(qualifiedName);
if (definitionParent == null) {
return null;
Node definition;
switch (definitionParent.getType()) {
case Token.ASSIGN:
definition = definitionParent.getLastChild();
case Token.VAR:
definition = definitionParent.getLastChild().getLastChild();
case Token.FUNCTION:
if (NodeUtil.isFunctionDeclaration(definitionParent)) {
definition = definitionParent;
} else {
return null;
return null;
if (!definition.isFunction() && !definition.isObjectLit()) {
return null;
return definition;
* A symbol export.
private class SymbolExport extends Export {
public SymbolExport(String symbolName, Node value) {
super(symbolName, value);
String qualifiedName = value.getQualifiedName();
if (qualifiedName != null) {
mappedPaths.put(qualifiedName, symbolName);
String getExportedPath() {
return symbolName;
* A property export.
private class PropertyExport extends Export {
private final String exportPath;
public PropertyExport(String exportPath, String symbolName, Node value) {
super(symbolName, value);
this.exportPath = exportPath;
String getExportedPath() {
// Find the longest path that has been mapped (if any).
List<String> pieces = Splitter.on('.').splitToList(exportPath);
for (int i = pieces.size(); i > 0; i--) {
// Find the path of the current length.
String cPath = Joiner.on(".").join(Iterables.limit(pieces, i));
// If this path is mapped, return the mapped path plus any remaining
// pieces.
if (mappedPaths.containsKey(cPath)) {
String newPath = mappedPaths.get(cPath);
if (i < pieces.size()) {
newPath += "." + Joiner.on(".").join(Iterables.skip(pieces, i));
return newPath + "." + symbolName;
return exportPath + "." + symbolName;
* Creates an instance.
ExternExportsPass(AbstractCompiler compiler) {
this.exports = Lists.newArrayList();
this.compiler = compiler;
this.definitionMap = Maps.newHashMap();
this.externsRoot = IR.block();
this.alreadyExportedPaths = Sets.newHashSet();
this.mappedPaths = Maps.newHashMap();
private void initExportMethods() {
exportSymbolFunctionNames = Lists.newArrayList();
exportPropertyFunctionNames = Lists.newArrayList();
// From Closure:
// goog.exportSymbol = function(publicName, symbol)
// goog.exportProperty = function(object, publicName, symbol)
CodingConvention convention = compiler.getCodingConvention();
// Another common one used inside google:
public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
new NodeTraversal(compiler, this).traverse(root);
// Sort by path length to ensure that the longer
// paths (which may depend on the shorter ones)
// come later.
Set<Export> sorted =
new TreeSet<>(new Comparator<Export>() {
public int compare(Export e1, Export e2) {
return e1.getExportedPath().compareTo(e2.getExportedPath());
for (Export export : sorted) {
* Returns the generated externs.
public String getGeneratedExterns() {
CodePrinter.Builder builder = new CodePrinter.Builder(externsRoot)
return builder.build();
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
switch (n.getType()) {
case Token.NAME:
case Token.GETPROP:
String name = n.getQualifiedName();
if (name == null) {
if (parent.isAssign() || parent.isVar() || parent.isFunction()) {
definitionMap.put(name, parent);
// Only handle function calls. This avoids assignments
// that do not export items directly.
if (!parent.isCall()) {
if (exportPropertyFunctionNames.contains(name)) {
if (exportSymbolFunctionNames.contains(name)) {
private void handleSymbolExport(Node parent) {
// Ensure that we only check valid calls with the 2 arguments
// (plus the GETPROP node itself).
if (parent.getChildCount() != 3) {
Node thisNode = parent.getFirstChild();
Node nameArg = thisNode.getNext();
Node valueArg = nameArg.getNext();
// Confirm the arguments are the expected types. If they are not,
// then we have an export that we cannot statically identify.
if (!nameArg.isString()) {
// Add the export to the list.
this.exports.add(new SymbolExport(nameArg.getString(), valueArg));
private void handlePropertyExport(Node parent) {
// Ensure that we only check valid calls with the 3 arguments
// (plus the GETPROP node itself).
if (parent.getChildCount() != 4) {
Node thisNode = parent.getFirstChild();
Node objectArg = thisNode.getNext();
Node nameArg = objectArg.getNext();
Node valueArg = nameArg.getNext();
// Confirm the arguments are the expected types. If they are not,
// then we have an export that we cannot statically identify.
if (!objectArg.isQualifiedName()) {
if (!nameArg.isString()) {
// Add the export to the list.
new PropertyExport(objectArg.getQualifiedName(),