* Copyright 2012 The Closure Compiler Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.javascript.jscomp;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.NodeTraversal.AbstractPostOrderCallback;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.NodeTraversal.ScopedCallback;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.Scope.Var;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.JSDocInfo;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.JSDocInfo.Visibility;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Node;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Token;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.FunctionType;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.JSType;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.JSTypeRegistry;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.ObjectType;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.UnionType;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
* Check to ensure there exists a path to dispose of each eventful object
* created.
* An eventful class is any class that derives from goog.events.EventHandler
* or (in aggressive mode) is disposable and disposes of an eventful class when
* it is disposed (see http://research.google.com/pubs/pub40738.html).
* This pass is heuristic based and should not be used for any check
* of pass/fail testing. The pass traverses the AST and marks as errors
* cases where an eventful object is allocated but a dispose call is not found.
* It only tracks eventful objects that has a easily identifiable static name,
* i.e., objects assigned to arrays, returned from functions or captured in
* closures are not considered. It simply tries to see if there exists a call to
* a dispose method in the AST for every object seen as eventful.
* This compiler pass uses the inferred types and hence either type checking or
* type inference needs to be enabled.
// TODO(user): Pass needs to be updated for listenable interfaces.
public class CheckEventfulObjectDisposal implements CompilerPass {
static final DiagnosticType EVENTFUL_OBJECT_NOT_DISPOSED =
"eventful object created should be\n" +
" * registered as disposable, or\n" +
" * explicitly disposed of");
static final DiagnosticType EVENTFUL_OBJECT_PURELY_LOCAL =
"a purely local eventful object cannot be disposed of later");
"private eventful object overwritten in subclass cannot be properly "
+ "disposed of");
static final DiagnosticType UNLISTEN_WITH_ANONBOUND =
"an unlisten call with an anonymous or bound function does not result "
+ "in the event being unlisted to");
* Policies to determine the disposal checking level.
public enum DisposalCheckingPolicy {
* Don't check any disposal.
* Default/conservative disposal checking.
* Aggressive disposal checking.
// Seed types
private static final String DISPOSABLE_INTERFACE_TYPE_NAME =
private static final String EVENT_HANDLER_TYPE_NAME =
private JSType googDisposableInterfaceType;
private JSType googEventsEventHandlerType;
// Eventful types
private Set<JSType> eventfulTypes;
* Dispose methods is a map of types to maps from property/function name
* to argument disposed/all arguments disposed. The key is used to filter
* the dispose calls checked against. That is, the pass considers all dispose
* calls of classes a class is derived from and not merely those in the map
* of its given type.
* Note: it is assumed that at most one string match will occur per
* disposeMethod call.
private Map<JSType, Map<String, List<Integer>>> disposeCalls;
* Constant used to signify all arguments of method/function
* should be marked as disposed.
public static final int DISPOSE_ALL = -1;
* Constant used to signify that object on which this method is called,
* will itself get disposed of.
public static final int DISPOSE_SELF = -2;
private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
private final JSTypeRegistry typeRegistry;
// At the moment only ALLOCATED and POSSIBLY_DISPOSED are used
private enum SeenType {
// Combine the state and allocation site of eventful objects
private static class EventfulObjectState {
public SeenType seen;
public Node allocationSite;
* The disposal checking policy used.
private final DisposalCheckingPolicy checkingPolicy;
* Eventize DAG represented using adjacency lists.
private Map<String, Set<String>> eventizes;
* Maps from eventful object name to state.
private static Map<String, EventfulObjectState> eventfulObjectMap;
public CheckEventfulObjectDisposal(AbstractCompiler compiler,
DisposalCheckingPolicy checkingPolicy) {
this.compiler = compiler;
this.checkingPolicy = checkingPolicy;
this.typeRegistry = compiler.getTypeRegistry();
* Add a new call that is used to dispose an JS object.
* @param functionOrMethodName The name or suffix of a function or method
* that disposes of/registers an object as disposable
* @param argumentsThatAreDisposed An array of integers (ideally sorted) that
* specifies the arguments of the function being disposed
private void addDisposeCall(String functionOrMethodName,
List<Integer> argumentsThatAreDisposed) {
String potentiallyTypeName, propertyName;
JSType objectType = null;
int lastPeriod = functionOrMethodName.lastIndexOf('.');
// If function call has a period it is potentially a method function.
if (lastPeriod >= 0) {
potentiallyTypeName = functionOrMethodName.substring(0, lastPeriod).
replaceFirst(".prototype$", "");
propertyName = functionOrMethodName.substring(lastPeriod);
objectType = compiler.getTypeRegistry().getType(potentiallyTypeName);
} else {
propertyName = functionOrMethodName;
// Find or create property map for object type
Map<String, List<Integer>> map = this.disposeCalls.get(objectType);
if (map == null) {
map = Maps.newHashMap();
this.disposeCalls.put(objectType, map);
* If this is a static function call store the full function name,
* else only the method of the object.
if (objectType == null) {
map.put(functionOrMethodName, argumentsThatAreDisposed);
} else {
map.put(propertyName, argumentsThatAreDisposed);
* Initialize disposeMethods map with calls to dispose calls.
private void initializeDisposeMethodsMap() {
this.disposeCalls = Maps.newHashMap();
* Initialize dispose calls map. Checks for:
* - Y.registerDisposable(X)
* (Y has to be of type goog.Disposable)
* - X.dispose()
* - goog.dispose(X)
* - goog.disposeAll(X...)
* - X.removeAll() (X is of type goog.events.EventHandler)
* - Y.add(X...) or Y.push(X)
this.addDisposeCall("goog.dispose", ImmutableList.of(0));
this.addDisposeCall("goog.Disposable.registerDisposable", ImmutableList.of(0));
this.addDisposeCall("goog.disposeAll", ImmutableList.of(DISPOSE_ALL));
this.addDisposeCall("goog.events.EventHandler.removeAll", ImmutableList.of(DISPOSE_SELF));
this.addDisposeCall(".dispose", ImmutableList.of(DISPOSE_SELF));
this.addDisposeCall(".push", ImmutableList.of(0));
this.addDisposeCall(".add", ImmutableList.of(DISPOSE_SELF));
private static Node getBase(Node n) {
Node base = n;
while (base.isGetProp()) {
base = base.getFirstChild();
return base;
* Get the type of the this in the current scope of traversal
private static JSType getTypeOfThisForScope(NodeTraversal t) {
JSType typeOfThis = t.getScopeRoot().getJSType();
if (typeOfThis == null) {
return null;
ObjectType objectType =
return objectType.getTypeOfThis();
* Determines if thisType is possibly a subtype of thatType.
* It differs from isSubtype only in that thisType gets expanded
* if it is a union.
* Common case targeted is a function returning an eventful object
* that may also return a null.
* @param thisType the JSType being tested
* @param thatType the JSType that is possibly a base of thisType
* @return whether thisType is possibly subtype of thatType
private static boolean isPossiblySubtype(JSType thisType, JSType thatType) {
if (thisType == null) {
return false;
JSType type = thisType;
if (type.isUnionType()) {
for (JSType alternate : type.toMaybeUnionType().getAlternates()) {
if (alternate.isSubtype(thatType)) {
return true;
} else {
if (type.isSubtype(thatType)) {
return true;
return false;
private static JSType dereference(JSType type) {
return type == null ? null : type.dereference();
* Create a unique identification string for Node n, or null if function
* called with invalid argument.
* This function is basically used to distinguish between:
* A.B = function() {
* this.eh = new ...
* }
* and
* C.D = function() {
* this.eh = new ...
* }
* As well as
* A.B = function() {
* var eh = new ...
* }
* and
* C.D = function() {
* var eh = new ...
* }
* Warning: Inheritance is not currently handled.
private static String generateKey(NodeTraversal t, Node n,
boolean noLocalVariables) {
if (n == null) {
return null;
String key;
Node scopeNode = t.getScopeRoot();
if (n.isName()) {
if (noLocalVariables) {
return null;
key = n.getQualifiedName();
if (scopeNode.isFunction()) {
JSType parentScopeType = t.getScope().getParentScope().getTypeOfThis();
* If the locally defined variable is defined within a function, use
* the function name to create ID.
if (!parentScopeType.isGlobalThisType()) {
key = parentScopeType.toString() + "~" + key;
key = NodeUtil.getFunctionName(scopeNode) + "=" + key;
} else {
* Only handle cases such as a.b.c.X and not cases where the
* eventful object is stored in an array or uses a function to
* determine the index.
* Note: Inheritance changes the name that should be returned here
if (!n.isQualifiedName()) {
return null;
key = n.getQualifiedName();
* If it is not a simple variable and doesn't use this, then we assume
* global variable.
Node base = getBase(n);
if (base != null && base.isThis()) {
if (base.getJSType().isUnknownType()) {
// Handle anonymous function created in constructor:
// /**
// * @extends {goog.SubDisposable}
// * @constructor */
// speel.Person = function() {
// this.run = function() {
// this.eh = new goog.events.EventHandler();
// }
key = t.getScope().getParentScope().getTypeOfThis().toString() + "~"
+ key;
} else {
if (n.getFirstChild() == null) {
key = base.getJSType().toString() + "=" + key;
} else {
ObjectType objectType =
if (objectType == null) {
return null;
ObjectType hObjT = objectType;
String propertyName = n.getLastChild().getString();
while (objectType != null) {
hObjT = objectType;
objectType = objectType.getImplicitPrototype();
if (objectType == null) {
if (objectType.getDisplayName().endsWith("prototype")) {
if (!objectType.getPropertyNames().contains(propertyName)) {
key = hObjT.toString() + "=" + key;
return key;
public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
// This pass should not have gotten added in this case
Preconditions.checkArgument(checkingPolicy != DisposalCheckingPolicy.OFF);
// Initialize types
googDisposableInterfaceType =
googEventsEventHandlerType = compiler.getTypeRegistry()
* Required types not found therefore the kind of pattern considered
* will not be found.
if (googEventsEventHandlerType == null ||
googDisposableInterfaceType == null) {
// Seed list of disposable stype
eventfulTypes = new HashSet<>();
// Construct eventizer graph
if (checkingPolicy == DisposalCheckingPolicy.AGGRESSIVE) {
NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, root, new ComputeEventizeTraversal());
* eventfulObjectMap maps a eventful object's "name" to its corresponding
* EventfulObjectState which tracks the state (allocated, disposed of)
* as well as allocation site.
eventfulObjectMap = new HashMap<>();
// Traverse tree
NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, root, new Traversal());
* Scan eventfulObjectMap for allocated eventful objects that
* had no dispose calls.
for (EventfulObjectState e : eventfulObjectMap.values()) {
Node n = e.allocationSite;
if (e.seen == SeenType.ALLOCATED) {
compiler.report(JSError.make(n, EVENTFUL_OBJECT_NOT_DISPOSED));
} else if (e.seen == SeenType.ALLOCATED_LOCALLY &&
checkingPolicy == DisposalCheckingPolicy.AGGRESSIVE) {
compiler.report(JSError.make(n, EVENTFUL_OBJECT_PURELY_LOCAL));
private void computeEventful() {
* Topological order of Eventize DAG
String[] order = new String[eventizes.size()];
* Perform topological sort
int white = 0, gray = 1, black = 2;
int last = eventizes.size() - 1;
Map<String, Integer> color = new HashMap<>();
Stack<String> dfsStack = new Stack<>();
* Initialize color.
* Some types are only on one or the other side of the
* inference.
for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> eventizesEntry : eventizes.entrySet()) {
color.put(eventizesEntry.getKey(), white);
for (String s : eventizesEntry.getValue()) {
color.put(s, white);
int indx = 0;
for (String s : eventizes.keySet()) {
while (dfsStack.size() > 0) {
String top = dfsStack.pop();
if (!color.containsKey(top)) {
if (color.get(top) == white) {
color.put(top, gray);
// for v in Adj[s]
if (eventizes.containsKey(top)) {
for (String v : eventizes.get(top)) {
if (color.get(v) == white) {
} else if (color.get(top) == gray && eventizes.containsKey(top)) {
order[last - indx] = top;
color.put(top, black);
* Propagate eventfulness by iterating in topological order
for (String s : order) {
if (eventfulTypes.contains(typeRegistry.getType(s))) {
for (String v : eventizes.get(s)) {
private JSType maybeReturnDisposedType(Node n, boolean checkDispose) {
* Checks for:
* - Y.registerDisposable(X)
* (Y has to be of type goog.Disposable)
* - X.dispose()
* - goog.dispose(X)
* - X.removeAll() (X is of type goog.events.EventHandler)
* - <array>.property(X) or Y.push(X)
Node first = n.getFirstChild();
if (first == null || !first.isQualifiedName()) {
return null;
String property = first.getQualifiedName();
if (property.endsWith(".registerDisposable")) {
* Ensure object is of type disposable
Node base = first.getFirstChild();
JSType baseType = base.getJSType();
if (baseType == null ||
!isPossiblySubtype(baseType, googDisposableInterfaceType)) {
return null;
return n.getLastChild().getJSType();
if (checkDispose) {
if (property.equals("goog.dispose")) {
return n.getLastChild().getJSType();
if (property.endsWith(".dispose")) {
* n -> call
* n.firstChild -> "dispose"
* n.firstChild.firstChild -> object
return n.getFirstChild().getFirstChild().getJSType();
return null;
* Compute eventize relationship graph.
private class ComputeEventizeTraversal extends AbstractPostOrderCallback
implements ScopedCallback {
* Keep track of whether in the constructor or disposal scope.
Stack<Boolean> isConstructorStack;
Stack<Boolean> isDisposalStack;
public ComputeEventizeTraversal() {
isConstructorStack = new Stack<>();
isDisposalStack = new Stack<>();
eventizes = new HashMap<>();
private Boolean inConstructorScope() {
if (isDisposalStack.size() > 0) {
return isConstructorStack.peek();
return null;
private Boolean inDisposalScope() {
if (isDisposalStack.size() > 0) {
return isDisposalStack.peek();
return null;
* Filter types not interested in for eventize graph
private boolean collectorFilterType(JSType type) {
if (type == null) {
return true;
if (type.isEmptyType() ||
type.isUnknownType() ||
!isPossiblySubtype(type, googDisposableInterfaceType)) {
return true;
return false;
* Log that thisType eventizes thatType.
private void addEventize(JSType thisType, JSType thatType) {
if (collectorFilterType(thisType) ||
collectorFilterType(thatType) ||
thisType.isEquivalentTo(thatType)) {
String className = thisType.getDisplayName();
if (thatType.isUnionType()) {
UnionType ut = thatType.toMaybeUnionType();
for (JSType type : ut.getAlternates()) {
if (type.isObject()) {
addEventizeClass(className, type);
} else {
addEventizeClass(className, thatType);
private void addEventizeClass(String className, JSType thatType) {
String propertyJsTypeName = thatType.getDisplayName();
Set<String> eventize = eventizes.get(propertyJsTypeName);
if (eventize == null) {
eventize = new HashSet<>();
eventizes.put(propertyJsTypeName, eventize);
public void enterScope(NodeTraversal t) {
Node n = t.getScopeRoot();
boolean isConstructor = false;
boolean isInDisposal = false;
String functionName = null;
* Scope entered is a function definition
if (n.isFunction()) {
functionName = NodeUtil.getFunctionName(n);
* Skip anonymous functions
if (functionName != null) {
JSDocInfo jsDocInfo = NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(n);
if (jsDocInfo != null) {
* Record constructor of a type
if (jsDocInfo.isConstructor()) {
isConstructor = true;
* Initialize eventizes relationship
if (t.getScope() != null &&
t.getScope().getTypeOfThis() != null) {
ObjectType objectType = ObjectType.cast(t.getScope()
* Eventize due to inheritance
while (objectType != null) {
objectType = objectType.getImplicitPrototype();
if (objectType == null) {
if (objectType.getDisplayName().endsWith("prototype")) {
* Don't add transitive eventize edges here, it will be
* taken care of in computeEventful
* Indicate within a disposeInternal member
if (functionName.endsWith(".disposeInternal")) {
isInDisposal = true;
} else {
public void exitScope(NodeTraversal t) {
* Is the current node a call to goog.events.unlisten
private void isGoogEventsUnlisten(Node n) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(n.getChildCount() > 3);
Node listener = n.getChildAtIndex(3);
Node objectWithListener = n.getChildAtIndex(1);
if (!objectWithListener.isQualifiedName()) {
if (listener.isFunction()) {
* Anonymous function
compiler.report(JSError.make(n, UNLISTEN_WITH_ANONBOUND));
} else if (listener.isCall()) {
if (!listener.getFirstChild().isQualifiedName()) {
* Anonymous function
compiler.report(JSError.make(n, UNLISTEN_WITH_ANONBOUND));
} else if (listener.getFirstChild().matchesQualifiedName("goog.bind")) {
* Using goog.bind to unlisten
compiler.report(JSError.make(n, UNLISTEN_WITH_ANONBOUND));
private void visitCall(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
Node functionCalled = n.getFirstChild();
if (functionCalled == null ||
!functionCalled.isQualifiedName()) {
JSType typeOfThis = getTypeOfThisForScope(t);
if (typeOfThis == null) {
* Class considered eventful if there is an unlisten call in the
* disposal.
if (functionCalled.matchesQualifiedName("goog.events.unlisten")) {
if (inDisposalScope()) {
if (inDisposalScope() &&
functionCalled.matchesQualifiedName("goog.events.removeAll")) {
* If member with qualified name gets disposed of when this class
* gets disposed, consider the member type as an eventizer of this
* class.
JSType disposedType = maybeReturnDisposedType(n, inDisposalScope());
if (!collectorFilterType(disposedType)) {
addEventize(getTypeOfThisForScope(t), disposedType);
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
switch (n.getType()) {
case Token.CALL:
visitCall(t, n);
private class Traversal extends AbstractPostOrderCallback
implements ScopedCallback {
* Checks if the input node correspond to the creation of an eventful object
private boolean createsEventfulObject(Node n) {
Node first = n.getFirstChild();
JSType type = n.getJSType();
if (first == null ||
!first.isQualifiedName() ||
type.isEmptyType() ||
type.isUnknownType()) {
return false;
boolean isOfTypeNeedingDisposal = false;
for (JSType disposableType : eventfulTypes) {
if (type.isSubtype(disposableType)) {
isOfTypeNeedingDisposal = true;
return isOfTypeNeedingDisposal;
* This function traverses the current scope to see if a locally
* defined eventful object is assigned to a live-out variable.
* Note: This function could be called multiple times to traverse
* the same scope if multiple local eventful objects are created in the
* scope.
private Node localEventfulObjectAssign(
NodeTraversal t, Node propertyNode) {
Node parent;
if (!t.getScope().isGlobal()) {
* In function
parent = NodeUtil.getFunctionBody(t.getScopeRoot());
} else {
* In global scope
parent = t.getScopeRoot().getFirstChild();
* Check to see if locally created EventHandler is assigned to field
for (Node sibling : parent.children()) {
if (sibling.isExprResult()) {
Node assign = sibling.getFirstChild();
if (assign.isAssign()) {
// assign.getLastChild().isEquivalentTo(propertyNode) did not work
if (propertyNode.matchesQualifiedName(assign.getLastChild())) {
if (!assign.getFirstChild().isName()) {
return assign.getFirstChild();
* Eventful object created and assigned to a local variable which is not
* assigned to another variable in a way to allow disposal.
String key = generateKey(t, propertyNode, false);
if (key == null) {
return null;
EventfulObjectState e;
if (eventfulObjectMap.containsKey(key)) {
e = eventfulObjectMap.get(key);
if (e.seen == SeenType.ALLOCATED) {
e.seen = SeenType.ALLOCATED_LOCALLY;
} else {
e = new EventfulObjectState();
e.seen = SeenType.ALLOCATED_LOCALLY;
eventfulObjectMap.put(key, e);
e.allocationSite = propertyNode;
return null;
* Record the creation of a new eventful object.
private void visitNew(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
if (!createsEventfulObject(n)) {
* Insert allocation site and construct into eventfulObjectMap
String key;
Node propertyNode;
* Handles (E is an eventful class):
* - object.something = new E();
* - local = new E();
* - var local = new E();
if (parent.isAssign()) {
propertyNode = parent.getFirstChild();
} else {
propertyNode = parent;
key = generateKey(t, propertyNode, false);
if (key == null) {
EventfulObjectState e;
if (eventfulObjectMap.containsKey(key)) {
e = eventfulObjectMap.get(key);
} else {
e = new EventfulObjectState();
e.seen = SeenType.ALLOCATED;
eventfulObjectMap.put(key, e);
e.allocationSite = propertyNode;
* Check if locally defined eventful object is assigned to global variable
* and create an entry mapping to the previous site.
if (propertyNode.isName()) {
Node globalVarNode = localEventfulObjectAssign(t, propertyNode);
if (globalVarNode != null) {
key = generateKey(t, globalVarNode, false);
if (key == null) {
* Local variable is assigned to an array or in a manner requiring
* a function call.
e.seen = SeenType.POSSIBLY_DISPOSED;
eventfulObjectMap.put(key, e);
private void addDisposeArgumentsMatched(Map<String, List<Integer>> map,
Node n, String property, List<Node> foundDisposeCalls) {
for (Map.Entry<String, List<Integer>> disposeCallsEntry : map.entrySet()) {
if (property.endsWith(disposeCallsEntry.getKey())) {
List<Integer> disposeArguments = disposeCallsEntry.getValue();
// Dispose specific arguments only
Node t = n.getNext();
int tsArgument = 0;
for (Integer disposeArgument : disposeArguments) {
switch (disposeArgument) {
// Dispose all arguments
for (Node tt = n.getNext(); tt != null; tt = tt.getNext()) {
// Dispose objects called on
Node calledOn = n.getFirstChild();
// The current item pointed to by t is beyond that requested in
// current array element.
if (tsArgument > disposeArgument) {
t = n.getNext();
tsArgument = 0;
for (; tsArgument < disposeArgument && t != null;
++tsArgument) {
t = t.getNext();
if (tsArgument == disposeArgument && t != null) {
private List<Node> maybeGetValueNodesFromCall(Node n) {
List<Node> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
Node first = n.getFirstChild();
if (first == null || !first.isQualifiedName()) {
return ret;
String property = first.getQualifiedName();
Node base = first.getFirstChild();
JSType baseType = null;
if (base != null) {
baseType = base.getJSType();
for (Map.Entry<JSType, Map<String, List<Integer>>> disposeCallEntry :
disposeCalls.entrySet()) {
JSType key = disposeCallEntry.getKey();
if (key == null ||
(baseType != null && isPossiblySubtype(baseType, key))) {
addDisposeArgumentsMatched(disposeCallEntry.getValue(), first, property, ret);
return ret;
* Look for calls to an eventful object's disposal functions.
* (dispose or removeAll will remove all event listeners from
* an EventHandler).
private void visitCall(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
// Filter the calls to find a "dispose" call
List<Node> variableNodes = maybeGetValueNodesFromCall(n);
for (Node variableNode : variableNodes) {
Preconditions.checkState(variableNode != null);
// Only consider removals on eventful object
boolean isTrackedRemoval = false;
JSType vnType = variableNode.getJSType();
for (JSType type : eventfulTypes) {
if (isPossiblySubtype(vnType, type)) {
isTrackedRemoval = true;
if (!isTrackedRemoval) {
String key = generateKey(t, variableNode, false);
if (key == null) {
eventfulObjectDisposed(t, variableNode);
* Dereference a type, autoboxing it and filtering out null.
* From {@link CheckAccessControls}
private JSType dereference(JSType type) {
return type == null ? null : type.dereference();
* Check function definitions to add custom dispose methods.
public void visitFunction(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
JSDocInfo jsDocInfo = NodeUtil.getFunctionJSDocInfo(n);
// Function annotated to dispose of
if (jsDocInfo != null && jsDocInfo.isDisposes()) {
JSType type = n.getJSType();
if (type == null || type.isUnknownType()) {
FunctionType funType = type.toMaybeFunctionType();
Node paramNode = NodeUtil.getFunctionParameters(n).getFirstChild();
List<Integer> positionalDisposedParameters = Lists.newArrayList();
if (jsDocInfo.disposesOf("*")) {
} else {
// Parameter types
int index = 0;
for (Node p : funType.getParameters()) {
// Bail out if the paramNode is not there.
if (paramNode == null) {
if (jsDocInfo.disposesOf(paramNode.getString())) {
paramNode = paramNode.getNext();
* Track assignments to see if a private field is being
* overwritten.
* Assigning to an array element is taken care of by the generateKey
* returning null on array ("complex") variable names.
public void visitAssign(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
Node assignedTo = n.getFirstChild();
JSType assignedToType = assignedTo.getJSType();
if (assignedToType == null || assignedToType.isEmptyType()) {
if (n.getFirstChild().isGetProp()) {
boolean isTrackedAssign = false;
for (JSType disposalType : eventfulTypes) {
if (assignedToType.isSubtype(disposalType)) {
isTrackedAssign = true;
if (!isTrackedAssign) {
JSDocInfo di = n.getJSDocInfo();
ObjectType objectType =
String propertyName = n.getFirstChild().getLastChild().getString();
boolean fieldIsPrivate = (
(di != null) &&
(di.getVisibility() == Visibility.PRIVATE));
* See if field is defined as private in superclass
while (objectType != null) {
di = null;
objectType = objectType.getImplicitPrototype();
if (objectType == null) {
* Skip prototype definitions:
* Don't flag a field declared private in assignment as well
* as in prototype declaration
* Assumption: The inheritance hierarchy is similar to
* class
* class.prototype
* superclass
* superclass.prototype
if (objectType.getDisplayName().endsWith("prototype")) {
di = objectType.getOwnPropertyJSDocInfo(propertyName);
if (di != null) {
if (fieldIsPrivate || di.getVisibility() == Visibility.PRIVATE) {
* Filter out any eventful objects returned.
private void visitReturn(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
Node variableNode = n.getFirstChild();
if (variableNode == null) {
if (!variableNode.isArrayLit()) {
eventfulObjectDisposed(t, variableNode);
} else {
for (Node child : variableNode.children()) {
eventfulObjectDisposed(t, child);
* Mark an eventful object as being disposed.
private void eventfulObjectDisposed(NodeTraversal t, Node variableNode) {
String key = generateKey(t, variableNode, false);
if (key == null) {
EventfulObjectState e = eventfulObjectMap.get(key);
if (e == null) {
e = new EventfulObjectState();
eventfulObjectMap.put(key, e);
e.seen = SeenType.POSSIBLY_DISPOSED;
public void enterScope(NodeTraversal t) {
* Local variables captured in scope are filtered at present.
* LiveVariableAnalysis used to filter such variables.
ControlFlowGraph<Node> cfg = t.getControlFlowGraph();
LiveVariablesAnalysis liveness =
new LiveVariablesAnalysis(cfg, t.getScope(), compiler);
for (Var v : liveness.getEscapedLocals()) {
eventfulObjectDisposed(t, v.getNode());
public void exitScope(NodeTraversal t) {
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
switch (n.getType()) {
case Token.ASSIGN:
visitAssign(t, n);
case Token.CALL:
visitCall(t, n);
case Token.FUNCTION:
visitFunction(t, n);
case Token.NEW:
visitNew(t, n, parent);
case Token.RETURN:
visitReturn(t, n);