* Copyright 2006 The Closure Compiler Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.javascript.jscomp;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.base.Splitter;
import com.google.common.base.Strings;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.NodeTraversal.AbstractPostOrderCallback;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.IR;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.JSDocInfo;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Node;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Token;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* <p>AliasExternals provides wrappers and aliases for external globals and
* properties to that they can be referenced by their full name only once
* instead of in all use sites.</p>
* <p>The property alias pass creates function wrappers for properties that need
* to be accessed externally. These function wrappers are then used by all
* internal calls to the property, and the names will be compressed during the
* RenamePrototypes step.</p>
* <p>Properties that are accessed externally are either system functions
* (i.e. window.document), or used by JavaScript embedded on a page.</p>
* <p>Properties that are r-values are changed to use array notation with
* a string that has been defined separately and can be compressed
* i.e. document.window -> document[PROP_window].</p>
* <p>Properties that are l-values and can be renamed are renamed to
* SETPROP_prop. I.e. node.innerHTML = '<div>Hello</div>' ->
* SETPROP_innerHTML(node, '<div>hello</div>').</p>
* <p>Properties will only be renamed if they are used more than requiredUsage_
* times, as there is overhead for adding the accessor and mutator functions.
* This is initialized to DEFAULT_REQUIRED_USAGE (=4), but can be
* overridden.</p>
* <p>Certain usages (increment, decrement) won't be addressed, as they would
* require a getprop, setprop, and custom logic, and aren't worth
* optimizing.</p>
* <p>The global alias pass creates aliases for global variables and functions
* that are declared or need to be used externally. These aliases are then used
* throughout the code, and will be compressed during the RenameVars step.</p>
* <p>Globals are aliased by inserting code like "var GLOBAL_window = window;"
* and then replacing all other uses of "window" with "GLOBAL_window."</p>
* <p>Globals that are l-values are not aliased.</p>
class AliasExternals implements CompilerPass {
/** Number of times a property needs to be accessed in order to alias */
private static final int DEFAULT_REQUIRED_USAGE = 4;
/** Number of times a property must be referenced in order to be aliased */
private int requiredUsage = DEFAULT_REQUIRED_USAGE;
/** Minimum property size to be worth renaming */
private static final int MIN_PROP_SIZE = 4;
* The name of the variable used for the "prototype" string value. This is
* special-cased to make deobfuscated stack traces shorter and more readable
* ("$MyClass$$P$$method$" rather than "$MyClass$$$PROP_prototype$method$").
* @see NameAnonymousFunctions
static final String PROTOTYPE_PROPERTY_NAME =
/** Map of all properties that we may be renaming */
private final Map<String, Symbol> props = Maps.newHashMap();
/** Holds the properties that can be renamed to GETPROP_ */
private final List<Node> accessors = Lists.newArrayList();
/** Holds the properties that can be renamed to SETPROP_ */
private final List<Node> mutators = Lists.newArrayList();
* Map of node replacements -
* Identity map because Node implements equals() but not hashCode()
private final Map<Node, Node> replacementMap =
new IdentityHashMap<>();
/** Map of all globals that we may alias */
private final Map<String, Symbol> globals = Maps.newHashMap();
/** Reference to JS Compiler */
private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
/** Reference to module inputs */
private final JSModuleGraph moduleGraph;
/** Root in parse tree for adding generated nodes */
private Node defaultRoot;
/** Root in each module for adding generated nodes, if using modules */
private Map<JSModule, Node> moduleRoots;
* A set of globals that can not be aliased since they may be undefined or
* can cause errors
private final Set<String> unaliasableGlobals = Sets.newHashSet(
// While "arguments" is declared as a global extern, it really only has
// meaning inside function bodies and should not be aliased at a global
// level.
// Eval should not be aliased, per the ECMA-262 spec section
// "NodeFilter" is not defined in IE and throws an error if you try to
// do var foo = NodeFilter.
// Calls to this special function are eliminated by the RenameProperties
// compiler pass.
/** Whitelist of aliasable externs. */
private final Set<String> aliasableGlobals = Sets.newHashSet();
* Creates an instance.
* @param compiler The Compiler
* @param moduleGraph The graph of input modules. May be null. If given, we'll
* try to push aliased externs into the deepest possible module.
AliasExternals(AbstractCompiler compiler, JSModuleGraph moduleGraph) {
this(compiler, moduleGraph, null, null);
* Creates an instance.
* @param compiler The Compiler
* @param moduleGraph The graph of input modules. May be null. If given, we'll
* try to push aliased externs into the deepest possible module.
* @param unaliasableGlobals Comma-separated list of additional globals that
* cannot be aliased since they may be undefined or can cause errors
* (e.g. "foo,bar"). May be null or the empty string.
* @param aliasableGlobals Comma-separated list of globals that
* can be aliased. If provided, only this list of globals can be aliased.
AliasExternals(AbstractCompiler compiler, JSModuleGraph moduleGraph,
@Nullable String unaliasableGlobals,
@Nullable String aliasableGlobals) {
this.compiler = compiler;
this.moduleGraph = moduleGraph;
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(unaliasableGlobals) &&
!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(aliasableGlobals)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot pass in both unaliasable and aliasable globals; you must " +
"choose one or the other.");
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(unaliasableGlobals)) {
Iterables.addAll(this.unaliasableGlobals, Splitter.on(',').split(unaliasableGlobals));
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(aliasableGlobals)) {
Iterables.addAll(this.aliasableGlobals, Splitter.on(',').split(aliasableGlobals));
if (moduleGraph != null) {
moduleRoots = Maps.newHashMap();
* Sets the number of times a property needs to be referenced in order to
* create an alias for it.
* @param usage Number of times
public void setRequiredUsage(int usage) {
this.requiredUsage = usage;
* Do all processing on the root node.
public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
defaultRoot = root.getFirstChild();
aliasProperties(externs, root);
aliasGlobals(externs, root);
private void aliasProperties(Node externs, Node root) {
// Get the reserved names, filtered by the whitelist.
NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, externs,
new GetAliasableNames(aliasableGlobals));
props.put("prototype", newSymbolForProperty("prototype"));
// Find the props that can be changed
NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, root, new PropertyGatherer());
// Iterate through the reserved names, decide what to change
// This could have been done during property traversal, but
// This gives opportunity for review & modification if needed
for (Symbol prop : props.values()) {
if (prop.name.length() >= MIN_PROP_SIZE) {
if (prop.accessorCount >= requiredUsage) {
prop.aliasAccessor = true;
if (prop.mutatorCount >= requiredUsage) {
prop.aliasMutator = true;
// Change the references to the property gets
for (Node propInfo : accessors) {
// Change the references to the property sets
for (Node propInfo : mutators) {
// And add the accessor and mutator functions, if needed. Property names are
// grouped together so that the CollapseVariableDeclarations pass can put
// them in a single variable declaration statement.
for (Symbol prop : props.values()) {
if (prop.aliasAccessor) {
addAccessorPropName(prop.name, getAddingRoot(prop.deepestModuleAccess));
for (Symbol prop : props.values()) {
if (prop.aliasMutator) {
addMutatorFunction(prop.name, getAddingRoot(prop.deepestModuleMutate));
* Replaces a GETPROP with array notation, so that
* it can be optimized.
* I.e. prop.length -> prop[PROP_length] -> prop[a];
private void replaceAccessor(Node getPropNode) {
string length
name PROP_length
Node propNameNode = getPropNode.getLastChild();
String propName = propNameNode.getString();
if (props.get(propName).aliasAccessor) {
Node propSrc = getPropNode.getFirstChild();
Node newNameNode =
Node elemNode = IR.getelem(propSrc, newNameNode);
replaceNode(getPropNode.getParent(), getPropNode, elemNode);
* Changes a.prop = b to SETPROP_prop(a, b);
private void replaceMutator(Node getPropNode) {
exprstmt 1
assign 128
NodeTree A
string prop
exprstmt 1
name SETPROP_prop
NodeTree A
Node propNameNode = getPropNode.getLastChild();
Node parentNode = getPropNode.getParent();
Symbol prop = props.get(propNameNode.getString());
if (prop.aliasMutator) {
Node propSrc = getPropNode.getFirstChild();
Node propDest = parentNode.getLastChild();
// Remove the orphaned children
// Create the call GETPROP_prop() node, using the old propSrc as the
// one parameter to GETPROP_prop() call.
Node callName = IR.name(
Node call = IR.call(callName, propSrc, propDest);
call.putBooleanProp(Node.FREE_CALL, true);
// And replace the assign statement with the new call
replaceNode(parentNode.getParent(), parentNode, call);
* Utility function to replace a Node with another node.
* Keeps track of previous replacements so that if you try to replace
* a child of a parent that has changed, it replaces on the new parent
* @param parent Parent of node to be replaced
* @param before Node to be replaced
* @param after Replacement node
private void replaceNode(Node parent, Node before, Node after) {
if (replacementMap.containsKey(parent)) {
parent = replacementMap.get(parent);
parent.replaceChild(before, after);
replacementMap.put(before, after);
* Adds a string that can be used to reference properties by array []
* notation.
* PROP_prototype = 'prototype';
* @param propName Name of property
* @param root Root of output tree that function can be added to
private void addAccessorPropName(String propName, Node root) {
* Target:
var 1
name PROP_length
string length
Node propValue = IR.string(propName);
Node propNameNode =
Node var = IR.var(propNameNode);
* Create set property function in JS. Output will be:
* SETPROP_prop(a, b) {a.prop = b;}
* @param propName Name of property
* @param root Root of output tree that function can be added to
private void addMutatorFunction(String propName, Node root) {
function SETPROP_prop
name SETPROP_prop
name a
name b
block 1
return 1
name a
string prop
name b
// Function name node
String functionName = getMutatorFor(propName);
// Function arguments
String localPropName = getMutatorFor(propName) + "$a";
String localValueName = getMutatorFor(propName) + "$b";
// Create the function and append to front of output tree
Node fnNode = IR.function(
IR.paramList(IR.name(localPropName), IR.name(localValueName)),
IR.getprop(IR.name(localPropName), IR.string(propName)),
* Gets a SCRIPT node for code insertion in {@code m} or, if {@code m} is
* empty, in as deep an ancestor module of {@code m} as possible. Returns
* {@code this.defaultRoot} if {@code m} is null.
* @param m The module to find a root in (may be null)
* @return A root node
private Node getAddingRoot(JSModule m) {
if (m != null) {
Node root = moduleRoots.get(m);
if (root != null) {
return root;
root = compiler.getNodeForCodeInsertion(m);
if (root != null) {
moduleRoots.put(m, root);
return root;
return defaultRoot;
* Gets the aliasable names from externs.js
private class GetAliasableNames extends AbstractPostOrderCallback {
private final Set<String> whitelist;
public GetAliasableNames(final Set<String> whitelist) {
this.whitelist = whitelist;
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
switch (n.getType()) {
case Token.GETPROP:
case Token.GETELEM:
Node dest = n.getFirstChild().getNext();
if (dest.isString() &&
(whitelist.isEmpty() || whitelist.contains(dest.getString()))) {
props.put(dest.getString(), newSymbolForProperty(dest.getString()));
* Gets references to all of the replaceable nodes, as well
* as counting the usage for each property name.
private final class PropertyGatherer extends AbstractPostOrderCallback {
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
if (n.isGetProp()) {
Node propNameNode = n.getLastChild();
if (canReplaceWithGetProp(propNameNode, n, parent)) {
String name = propNameNode.getString();
if (canReplaceWithSetProp(propNameNode, n, parent)) {
String name = propNameNode.getString();
* Logic for when a getprop can be replaced.
* Can't alias a call to eval per ECMA-262 spec section
* Can't be an assign -> no a.b = c;
* Can't be inc or dec -> no a.b++; or a.b--;
* Must be a GETPROP (NODE, A) where A is a reserved name
* @param propNameNode Property name node
* @param getPropNode GETPROP node
* @param parent parent node
* @return True if can be replaced
private boolean canReplaceWithGetProp(Node propNameNode, Node getPropNode,
Node parent) {
boolean isCallTarget = (parent.isCall())
&& (parent.getFirstChild() == getPropNode);
boolean isAssignTarget = NodeUtil.isAssignmentOp(parent)
&& (parent.getFirstChild() == getPropNode);
boolean isIncOrDec = (parent.isInc()) ||
return (propNameNode.isString()) && !isAssignTarget
&& (!isCallTarget || !"eval".equals(propNameNode.getString()))
&& !isIncOrDec
&& props.containsKey(propNameNode.getString());
* Logic for whether a setprop can be replaced.
* True if it is target of assign (i.e. foo = A.B), and B is a reserved name
* @param propNameNode Property name node
* @param getPropNode GETPROP node
* @param parent parent node
* @return True if can be replaced
private boolean canReplaceWithSetProp(Node propNameNode, Node getPropNode,
Node parent) {
boolean isAssignTarget = (parent.isAssign())
&& (parent.getFirstChild() == getPropNode);
return (propNameNode.isString()) && isAssignTarget
&& props.containsKey(propNameNode.getString());
* Gets the mutator name for a property.
private static String getMutatorFor(String prop) {
return "SETPROP_" + prop;
* Gets the array notation name for a property.
private static String getArrayNotationNameFor(String prop) {
return "$$PROP_" + prop;
private void aliasGlobals(Node externs, Node root) {
// Find all the extern globals that we should alias
NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, externs, new GetGlobals());
// Find all the globals that can be changed
NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, root, new GlobalGatherer());
// Iterate through the used globals, decide what to change.
for (Symbol global : globals.values()) {
if (global.mutatorCount > 0) {
// We assume that each alias variable will end up compressed to two letter
// names. There is also the overhead of "var xx=<global>;"
int currentBytes = global.name.length() * global.accessorCount;
int aliasedBytes = 8 + global.name.length() + 2 * global.accessorCount;
if (aliasedBytes < currentBytes) {
global.aliasAccessor = true;
// Change the references to the globals
for (Symbol global : globals.values()) {
for (Node globalUse : global.uses) {
if (global.aliasAccessor) {
* Gets the aliasable names from externs.js
private class GetGlobals extends NodeTraversal.AbstractShallowCallback {
private void getGlobalName(NodeTraversal t, Node dest, Node parent) {
if (dest.isName()) {
JSDocInfo docInfo = dest.getJSDocInfo() == null ?
parent.getJSDocInfo() : dest.getJSDocInfo();
boolean aliasable = !unaliasableGlobals.contains(dest.getString()) &&
(docInfo == null || !docInfo.isNoAlias());
if (aliasable) {
String name = dest.getString();
Scope.Var var = t.getScope().getVar(name);
if (var != null && !var.isLocal()) {
globals.put(name, newSymbolForGlobalVar(dest));
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
switch (n.getType()) {
case Token.FUNCTION:
getGlobalName(t, n.getFirstChild(), n);
case Token.VAR:
for (Node varChild = n.getFirstChild();
varChild != null;
varChild = varChild.getNext()) {
getGlobalName(t, varChild, n);
* Gets references to all of the replaceable nodes, as well as counting the
* usage for each global.
private final class GlobalGatherer extends AbstractPostOrderCallback {
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
if (n.isName()) {
String name = n.getString();
Scope.Var var = t.getScope().getVar(name);
// It's ok for var to be null since it won't be in any scope if it's
// an extern
if (var != null && var.isLocal()) {
Symbol global = globals.get(name);
if (global != null) {
// If a variable is declared in both externs and normal source,
// don't alias it.
if (n.getParent().isVar() ||
n.getParent().isFunction()) {
boolean isFirst = parent.getFirstChild() == n;
// If a global is being assigned to or otherwise modified, then we
// don't want to alias it.
// Using "new" with this global is not a mutator, but it's also
// something that we want to avoid when aliasing, since we may be
// dealing with external objects (e.g. ActiveXObject in MSIE)
if ((NodeUtil.isAssignmentOp(parent) && isFirst) ||
(parent.isNew() && isFirst) ||
parent.isInc() ||
parent.isDec()) {
} else {
* Replace uses of a global with its aliased name.
private void replaceGlobalUse(Node globalUse) {
String globalName = globalUse.getString();
if (globals.get(globalName).aliasAccessor) {
globalUse.setString("GLOBAL_" + globalName);
// None of the aliases are marked as @const.
// Because we're reusing the original ref node,
// we need to update it to reflect this.
globalUse.putBooleanProp(Node.IS_CONSTANT_NAME, false);
* Adds an alias variable for the global:
* var GLOBAL_window = window;
* @param global Name of global
* @param root Root of output tree that function can be added to
private void addGlobalAliasNode(Symbol global, Node root) {
* Target:
var 1
name GLOBAL_window
name window
String globalName = global.name;
Node globalValue = IR.name(global.name);
globalValue.putBooleanProp(Node.IS_CONSTANT_NAME, global.isConstant);
Node globalNameNode = IR.name("GLOBAL_" + globalName);
Node var = IR.var(globalNameNode);
private Symbol newSymbolForGlobalVar(Node name) {
return new Symbol(
name.getString(), name.getBooleanProp(Node.IS_CONSTANT_NAME));
private Symbol newSymbolForProperty(String name) {
return new Symbol(name, false);
/** Struct to hold information about properties & usage */
private class Symbol {
public final String name;
public int accessorCount = 0;
public int mutatorCount = 0;
public boolean aliasMutator = false;
public boolean aliasAccessor = false;
public final boolean isConstant;
JSModule deepestModuleAccess = null;
JSModule deepestModuleMutate = null;
List<Node> uses = Lists.newArrayList();
private Symbol(String name, boolean isConstant) {
this.name = name;
this.isConstant = isConstant;
void recordAccessor(NodeTraversal t) {
if (moduleGraph != null) {
deepestModuleAccess = (deepestModuleAccess == null) ?
t.getModule() :
t.getModule(), deepestModuleAccess);
void recordMutator(NodeTraversal t) {
if (moduleGraph != null) {
deepestModuleMutate = (deepestModuleMutate == null) ?
t.getModule() :
t.getModule(), deepestModuleMutate);