* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Copyright 2010, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
* full listing of individual contributors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.hibernate.jpamodelgen;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.util.Elements;
import javax.lang.model.util.Types;
import javax.tools.Diagnostic;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.model.MetaEntity;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.util.AccessType;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.util.AccessTypeInformation;
import org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.util.Constants;
* @author Max Andersen
* @author Hardy Ferentschik
* @author Emmanuel Bernard
public final class Context {
private static final String DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE_XML_LOCATION = "/META-INF/persistence.xml";
* Used for keeping track of parsed entities and mapped super classes (xml + annotations).
private final Map<String, MetaEntity> metaEntities = new HashMap<String, MetaEntity>();
* Used for keeping track of parsed embeddable entities. These entities have to be kept separate since
* they are lazily initialized.
private final Map<String, MetaEntity> metaEmbeddables = new HashMap<String, MetaEntity>();
private final Map<String, AccessTypeInformation> accessTypeInformation = new HashMap<String, AccessTypeInformation>();
private final ProcessingEnvironment pe;
private final boolean logDebug;
private final boolean lazyXmlParsing;
private final String persistenceXmlLocation;
private final List<String> ormXmlFiles;
* Whether all mapping files are xml-mapping-metadata-complete. In this case no annotation processing will take
* place.
private Boolean fullyXmlConfigured;
private boolean addGeneratedAnnotation = true;
private boolean addGenerationDate;
private boolean addSuppressWarningsAnnotation;
private AccessType persistenceUnitDefaultAccessType;
public Context(ProcessingEnvironment pe) {
this.pe = pe;
if ( pe.getOptions().get( JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor.PERSISTENCE_XML_OPTION ) != null ) {
String tmp = pe.getOptions().get( JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor.PERSISTENCE_XML_OPTION );
if ( !tmp.startsWith( Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR ) ) {
tmp = Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR + tmp;
persistenceXmlLocation = tmp;
else {
if ( pe.getOptions().get( JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor.ORM_XML_OPTION ) != null ) {
String tmp = pe.getOptions().get( JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor.ORM_XML_OPTION );
ormXmlFiles = new ArrayList<String>();
for ( String ormFile : tmp.split( "," ) ) {
if ( !ormFile.startsWith( Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR ) ) {
ormFile = Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR + ormFile;
ormXmlFiles.add( ormFile );
else {
ormXmlFiles = Collections.emptyList();
lazyXmlParsing = Boolean.parseBoolean( pe.getOptions().get( JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor.LAZY_XML_PARSING ) );
logDebug = Boolean.parseBoolean( pe.getOptions().get( JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor.DEBUG_OPTION ) );
public ProcessingEnvironment getProcessingEnvironment() {
return pe;
public boolean addGeneratedAnnotation() {
return addGeneratedAnnotation;
public void setAddGeneratedAnnotation(boolean addGeneratedAnnotation) {
this.addGeneratedAnnotation = addGeneratedAnnotation;
public boolean addGeneratedDate() {
return addGenerationDate;
public void setAddGenerationDate(boolean addGenerationDate) {
this.addGenerationDate = addGenerationDate;
public boolean isAddSuppressWarningsAnnotation() {
return addSuppressWarningsAnnotation;
public void setAddSuppressWarningsAnnotation(boolean addSuppressWarningsAnnotation) {
this.addSuppressWarningsAnnotation = addSuppressWarningsAnnotation;
public Elements getElementUtils() {
return pe.getElementUtils();
public Types getTypeUtils() {
return pe.getTypeUtils();
public String getPersistenceXmlLocation() {
return persistenceXmlLocation;
public List<String> getOrmXmlFiles() {
return ormXmlFiles;
public boolean containsMetaEntity(String fqcn) {
return metaEntities.containsKey( fqcn );
public MetaEntity getMetaEntity(String fqcn) {
return metaEntities.get( fqcn );
public Collection<MetaEntity> getMetaEntities() {
return metaEntities.values();
public void addMetaEntity(String fqcn, MetaEntity metaEntity) {
metaEntities.put( fqcn, metaEntity );
public boolean containsMetaEmbeddable(String fqcn) {
return metaEmbeddables.containsKey( fqcn );
public MetaEntity getMetaEmbeddable(String fqcn) {
return metaEmbeddables.get( fqcn );
public void addMetaEmbeddable(String fqcn, MetaEntity metaEntity) {
metaEmbeddables.put( fqcn, metaEntity );
public Collection<MetaEntity> getMetaEmbeddables() {
return metaEmbeddables.values();
public void addAccessTypeInformation(String fqcn, AccessTypeInformation info) {
accessTypeInformation.put( fqcn, info );
public AccessTypeInformation getAccessTypeInfo(String fqcn) {
return accessTypeInformation.get( fqcn );
public TypeElement getTypeElementForFullyQualifiedName(String fqcn) {
Elements elementUtils = pe.getElementUtils();
return elementUtils.getTypeElement( fqcn );
public void logMessage(Diagnostic.Kind type, String message) {
if ( !logDebug && type.equals( Diagnostic.Kind.OTHER ) ) {
pe.getMessager().printMessage( type, message );
public boolean isFullyXmlConfigured() {
return Boolean.TRUE == fullyXmlConfigured;
public void mappingDocumentFullyXmlConfigured(boolean fullyXmlConfigured) {
if ( this.fullyXmlConfigured == null ) {
this.fullyXmlConfigured = fullyXmlConfigured;
else {
this.fullyXmlConfigured = this.fullyXmlConfigured && fullyXmlConfigured;
public AccessType getPersistenceUnitDefaultAccessType() {
return persistenceUnitDefaultAccessType;
public void setPersistenceUnitDefaultAccessType(AccessType persistenceUnitDefaultAccessType) {
this.persistenceUnitDefaultAccessType = persistenceUnitDefaultAccessType;
public boolean doLazyXmlParsing() {
return lazyXmlParsing;
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append( "Context" );
sb.append( "{accessTypeInformation=" ).append( accessTypeInformation );
sb.append( ", logDebug=" ).append( logDebug );
sb.append( ", lazyXmlParsing=" ).append( lazyXmlParsing );
sb.append( ", fullyXmlConfigured=" ).append( fullyXmlConfigured );
sb.append( ", ormXmlFiles=" ).append( ormXmlFiles );
sb.append( ", persistenceXmlLocation='" ).append( persistenceXmlLocation ).append( '\'' );
sb.append( '}' );
return sb.toString();