package org.epic.debug.db;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.*;
import org.epic.debug.PerlDebugPlugin;
import org.epic.debug.ui.action.ShowVarAddressActionDelegate;
import org.epic.perleditor.PerlEditorPlugin;
import org.epic.perleditor.preferences.PreferenceConstants;
* Abstract base class for objects representing values of PerlVariables.
* @author jploski
public abstract class PerlValue extends DebugElement implements IValue
private static final String DB_DUMP_ENTITY;
private final PerlVariable holder;
DB_DUMP_ENTITY = HelperScript.load("");
protected PerlValue(IDebugTarget target, PerlVariable holder)
throws DebugException
this.holder = holder;
* @return the value to be displayed in the detail section
* of the Variables view
public String getDetailValue() throws DebugException
DumpedEntity entity = this.holder.getDumpedEntity();
if (entity.isCyclicReference()) return "cyclic reference";
if (!(entity.isDefined())) return "undef";
if (entity.getValue() != null) return "'" + entity.getValue() + "'";
if (this.holder.isArray()) return getDetailValueList("[]");
if (this.holder.isHash()) return getDetailValueList("{}");
// no match
return "NA";
* @return the variable which contains this value
public PerlVariable getHolder()
return holder;
* @see org.epic.debug.db.PerlVariable#getReferenceTypeName
public String getReferenceTypeName() throws DebugException
return holder.getReferenceTypeName();
* @return the string displayed for this value in the overview
* section of the Variables view
public String getValueString() throws DebugException
DumpedEntity entity = holder.getDumpedEntity();
String[] refChain = entity.getReferenceChain();
boolean suppressSelfAddress = !ShowVarAddressActionDelegate.getPreferenceValue();
int start = suppressSelfAddress ? 1 : 0;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = start; i < refChain.length; i++)
if (i > start) buf.append("->");
String detail = getDetailValue();
if (detail.length() > 0)
if (buf.length() > 0) buf.append('=');
if (detail.length() > 128)
detail = detail.substring(0, 128) + "...";
return buf.toString();
public abstract IVariable[] getVariables() throws DebugException;
public abstract boolean hasVariables() throws DebugException;
public boolean isAllocated() throws DebugException
return true;
public String getModelIdentifier()
return getDebugTarget().getModelIdentifier();
* Dumps subvariables of the variable which holds this value.
* @param subName name of the subroutine which
* should be invoked
protected String dumpEntity(String subName) throws DebugException
PerlVariable holder = getHolder();
if (!holder.getStackFrame().getThread().isSuspended()) return "";
String code = HelperScript.replace(
"my $offset = " + holder.getStackFrame().getFrameIndex() + ";");
code = HelperScript.replace(
"my $varexpr = <<'EOT';\n" + holder.getExpression() + "\nEOT");
code = HelperScript.replace(
"my $subref = \\&dumpvar_epic::" + subName + ";");
return holder.getDebuggerInterface().eval(code);
catch (IOException e)
throw new DebugException(new Status(
"An error occurred while retrieving variables from the debugger process",
* @return the value string for data structures (ARRAY and HASH) built up from the references it contain
* @throws DebugException
private String getDataStructValueString() throws DebugException
DumpedEntity entity = this.holder.getDumpedEntity();
String[] refChain = entity.getReferenceChain();
boolean suppressSelfAddress = !(ShowVarAddressActionDelegate.getPreferenceValue());
int start = (suppressSelfAddress) ? 1 : 0;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = start; i < refChain.length; ++i)
if (i > start) buf.append("->");
return buf.toString();
* @param braces "{}" or "[]", depending on whether our holder is a hash or array
* @return string representation of the hash or array's contents
private String getDetailValueList(String braces) throws DebugException
IVariable[] ivarArr = getVariables();
if (ivarArr.length == 0) return braces;
if (ivarArr[0] instanceof ArraySlice) return "...";
boolean isHash = braces.charAt(0) == '{';
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
result.append(' ');
if (isHash) HashKeySorter.sort(ivarArr);
int i;
int maxI = Math.min(ivarArr.length, 10); // max 10 elements
for (i = 0; i < maxI; i++)
IVariable iv = ivarArr[i];
IValue value = iv.getValue();
if (isHash) // also display hash keys
result.append(" => ");
if ("SCALAR".equals(iv.getReferenceTypeName())) result.append(value.getValueString());
else if (value instanceof PerlValue) result.append(((PerlValue) value).getDataStructValueString());
if (i < maxI-1) result.append(',');
result.append(' ');
if (i < ivarArr.length) result.append("...");
return result.toString();