* Copyright 2006-2007 Columbia University.
* This file is part of MEAPsoft.
* MEAPsoft is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* MEAPsoft is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MEAPsoft; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA
* See the file "COPYING" for the text of the license.
package com.meapsoft.composers;
import gnu.getopt.Getopt;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import com.meapsoft.EDLChunk;
import com.meapsoft.EDLFile;
import com.meapsoft.FeatChunk;
import com.meapsoft.FeatFile;
import com.meapsoft.ParserException;
* ThresholdComposer selects chunks with feature values falling inside the top
* and bottom thresholds. It then creates an output file composed exclusively of
* either the selected chunks or the not-selected chunks. Try using it on speech
* to eliminate pauses (using ChunkPower), or on pitched sounds to extract
* certain pitch ranges (using AvgPitchSimple). You will probably need to do a
* feature analysis of your file first and then look at the features to get a
* feel for the range of data values. ThresholdComposer only really makes sense
* for one-dimensional features like pitch and power.
* @author Douglas Repetto
public class ThresholdComposer extends Composer
public static String oldDesc = "ThresholdComposer selects chunks with feature values falling inside the top and bottom thresholds. It then creates an output file composed exclusively of either the selected chunks or the not-selected chunks. ThresholdComposer only really makes sense for one-dimensional features like pitch and power.";
String outFileName = "threshold.edl";
FeatFile featFile;
boolean debug = false;
double thresholdTop = 50.0;
double thresholdBottom = 25.0;
boolean insideThreshold = true;
//@mike: empty constructor just to sniff this guy
//please don't call this constructor, it will not work
public ThresholdComposer()
initNameAndDescription("Threshold Composer", new String(oldDesc));
public ThresholdComposer(String featFN, String outFN, double thresholdTop,
double thresholdBottom, boolean insideThreshold)
this(new FeatFile(featFN), new EDLFile(outFN), thresholdTop,
thresholdBottom, insideThreshold);
public ThresholdComposer(FeatFile featFN, EDLFile outFN,
double thresholdTop, double thresholdBottom, boolean insideThreshold)
if (featFN == null || outFN == null)
featFile = featFN;
outFile = outFN;
this.thresholdTop = thresholdTop;
this.thresholdBottom = thresholdBottom;
this.insideThreshold = insideThreshold;
if (outFile == null)
outFile = new EDLFile("");
public void printUsageAndExit()
.println("Usage: ThresholdComposer [-options] features.feat \n\n"
+ " where options include:\n"
+ " -o output_file the file to write the output to (defaults to shuffle.edl)\n"
+ " -t threshold top sets the top threshold\n"
+ " -b threshold bottom sets the bottom threshold\n"
+ " -e exclude chunks inside the thresholds; default is to include chunks\n"
+ " -g debug mode (prints out chunk features on each line of output file)");
public ThresholdComposer(String[] args)
if (args.length == 0)
// Vector features = new Vector();
// Parse arguments
String argString = "o:t:b:e:g";
Getopt opt = new Getopt("ThresholdComposer", args, argString);
int c = -1;
while ((c = opt.getopt()) != -1)
switch (c)
case 'o':
outFileName = opt.getOptarg();
case 't':
thresholdTop = new Double(opt.getOptarg()).doubleValue();
case 'b':
thresholdBottom = new Double(opt.getOptarg()).doubleValue();
case 'e':
insideThreshold = false;
case 'g':
debug = true;
case '?':
System.out.print("getopt() returned " + c + "\n");
// parse arguments
int ind = opt.getOptind();
if (ind > args.length)
featFile = new FeatFile(args[args.length - 1]);
outFile = new EDLFile(outFileName);
System.out.println("Composing " + outFileName + " from "
+ args[args.length - 1] + ".");
public void setup() throws IOException, ParserException
if (!featFile.haveReadFile)
if (featFile.chunks.size() == 0)
throw new ParserException(featFile.filename, "No chunks found");
public EDLFile compose()
Iterator c = featFile.chunks.iterator();
double currTime = 0;
// iterate through all the chunks that the segmenter found
while (c.hasNext())
// your current features chunk
FeatChunk ch = (FeatChunk) c.next();
double[] feats = ch.getFeatures();
// System.out.println("feature[0]: " + feats[0]);
// System.out.println("insideThreshold: " + insideThreshold + "
// thresholdBottom: " + thresholdBottom +
// " thresholdTop: " + thresholdTop);
// sweetspot is area between thresholds
boolean inSweetSpot = false;
// see if we're in the sweet spot
if (feats[0] > thresholdBottom && feats[0] < thresholdTop)
inSweetSpot = true;
// System.out.println("inSweetSpot: " + inSweetSpot);
// if we want chunks that are in the sweetspot
if (inSweetSpot && insideThreshold)
// make a new EDL chunk from the current features chunk
EDLChunk newChunk = new EDLChunk(ch, currTime);
currTime += ch.length;
// System.out.println("inSweetSpot && insideThreshold, so
// writing chunk!");
// if we want chunks that are not in the sweetspot
else if (!inSweetSpot && !insideThreshold)
// make a new EDL chunk from the current features chunk
EDLChunk newChunk = new EDLChunk(ch, currTime);
currTime += ch.length;
// System.out.println("!inSweetSpot && !insideThreshold, so
// writing chunk!");
// else
// System.out.println("not writing chunk!!!");
progress.setValue(progress.getValue() + 1);
// outFile now contains some chunks.
outFile.haveReadFile = true;
return outFile;
public static void main(String[] args)
ThresholdComposer m = new ThresholdComposer(args);
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Done. Took "
+ ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0) + "s");