* Copyright 2006-2007 Columbia University.
* This file is part of MEAPsoft.
* MEAPsoft is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* MEAPsoft is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MEAPsoft; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA
* See the file "COPYING" for the text of the license.
package com.meapsoft;
import gnu.getopt.Getopt;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
import javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException;
import com.meapsoft.featextractors.AvgMelSpec;
import com.meapsoft.featextractors.FeatureExtractor;
import com.meapsoft.featextractors.MetaFeatureExtractor;
* Program that extracts features from the chunks listed in the input files.
* @author Ron Weiss (ronw@ee.columbia.edu)
public class FeatExtractor extends MEAPUtil
// Files to use
private FeatFile[] featFiles;
private FeatFile outFile = null;
// all of our feature extractors...
private Vector featExts;
// and their associated weights
private Vector featExtWeights;
// names of our feature extractors
private String feat_names = "";
// should this FeatExtractor clear any non meta features?
private boolean clearNonMetaFeatures = true;
public static final int feSamplingRate = 22050;
// big enough to get good frequency resolution for AvgChroma
public static int nfft = 1024;
public static int nhop = 256;
// if this buffer is smaller than a chunk's length, that chunk's
// features not be calculated correctly
// Doulgas upped this to from 2000 to 4000. Shouldn't this be dynamic
// or set depending on the input .seg file?
// yes, now we're setting this dynamically in setup()
private int stftBufferSize = 4000;
* FeatExtractor constructor. If no extractors is empty, defaults to
* AvgMelSpec.
public FeatExtractor(String infile, String outfile, Vector extractors)
this(new FeatFile(infile), new FeatFile(outfile), extractors);
* FeatExtractor constructor. If no extractors is empty, defaults to
* AvgMelSpec.
public FeatExtractor(FeatFile infile, FeatFile outfile, Vector extractors)
this((FeatFile[]) null, outfile, extractors);
featFiles = new FeatFile[1];
featFiles[0] = infile;
//System.out.println("FeatExtractor constructor. outfile: " + outfile.filename + " infile: " + infile.filename);
* FeatExtractor constructor. If no extractors is empty, defaults to
* AvgMelSpec.
public FeatExtractor(FeatFile[] infiles, FeatFile outfile, Vector extractors)
featFiles = infiles;
outFile = outfile;
featExts = extractors;
if (extractors.size() == 0)
extractors.add(new AvgMelSpec());
public void printUsageAndExit()
.println("Usage: FeatExtractor [-options] file1.feat file2.feat ... \n\n"
+ " where options include:\n"
+ " -o output_file append features into output file (defaults to input file)\n"
+ " -w winSize set STFT window size in seconds (defaults to "
+ getWindowSize()
+ ")\n"
+ " -o hopSize set STFT hop size in seconds (defaults to "
+ getHopSize() + ")" + "");
* FeatExtractor constructor. Parses command line arguments
public FeatExtractor(String[] args)
if (args.length == 0)
// Parse arguments
String argString = "f:o:w:h:";
featExts = parseFeatureExtractor(args, argString);
Getopt opt = new Getopt("FeatExtracter", args, argString);
int c = -1;
while ((c = opt.getopt()) != -1)
switch (c)
case 'o':
outFile = new FeatFile(opt.getOptarg());
case 'h':
case 'w':
case 'f': // already handled above
case '?':
System.out.print("getopt() returned " + c + "\n");
// parse arguments
int ind = opt.getOptind();
if (ind > args.length)
featFiles = new FeatFile[args.length - ind];
for (int i = ind; i < args.length; i++)
featFiles[i - ind] = new FeatFile(args[i]);
// What are the feature names?
for (int i = 0; i < featExts.size(); i++)
feat_names += featExts.get(i).getClass().getName() + " ";
// chop off last space
feat_names = feat_names.substring(0, feat_names.length() - 1);
public void setup() throws IOException, ParserException
double longestChunk = 0.0;
//System.out.println("featFiles[0].filename: " + featFiles[0].filename);
//System.out.println("featFiles.length: " + featFiles.length);
for (int i = 0; i < featFiles.length; i++)
if (!featFiles[i].haveReadFile)
List chunks = featFiles[i].chunks;
int numChunks = chunks.size();
//System.out.println("numChunks: " + numChunks);
for (int j = 0; j < numChunks; j++)
FeatChunk fC = (FeatChunk)chunks.get(j);
double length = fC.length;
if (length > longestChunk)
longestChunk = length;
//System.out.println("i: " + i + " j: " + j + " length: " + length + " longest: " + longestChunk);
stftBufferSize = (int) ((longestChunk * samplingRate)/nhop);
//really short chunks can generate zero length buffers because of int rounding above!
if (stftBufferSize < 10)
stftBufferSize = 10;
//System.out.println("longestChunk: " + longestChunk + " stftBufferSize: " + stftBufferSize);
* Where the magic happens. Extract features from featFiles.
public FeatFile[] processFeatFiles() throws IOException,
for (int i = 0; i < featFiles.length; i++)
return featFiles;
* Where the magic happens. Extract features from file.
public FeatFile processFeatFile(FeatFile f) throws IOException,
FeatFile file = (FeatFile) f.clone();
// keep track of our progress in extracting features from this FeatFile:
progress.setMaximum(file.chunks.size() * featExts.size());
STFT stft = null;
boolean wroteFeatDesc = false;
String lastAudioFile = "";
file.chunks = new Vector(file.chunks);
Iterator c = file.chunks.iterator();
// System.out.println("doing regular feature extractors...");
while (c.hasNext())
FeatChunk ch = (FeatChunk) c.next();
// let's get some new features
if (!ch.srcFile.equals(lastAudioFile))
AudioReader reader = AudioReaderFactory.getAudioReader(
ch.srcFile, format);
stft = new STFT(reader, nfft, nhop, stftBufferSize);
lastAudioFile = ch.srcFile;
// compute features from the STFT
ListIterator i = featExts.listIterator();
while (i.hasNext())
FeatureExtractor fe = (FeatureExtractor) i.next();
// we don't want to run meta feature extractors yet!
if (!(fe instanceof MetaFeatureExtractor))
//System.out.println("\ndoing: " + fe.description().substring(0,30));
long chunkStartFrame = stft.seconds2fr(ch.startTime);
int nframes = (int) stft.seconds2fr(ch.length);
long chunkEndFrame = chunkStartFrame + nframes;
// make sure stft contains valid data for us.
long lastFrame = stft.getLastFrameAddress();
int numFramesToRead = 0;
int framesRead = -1;
if (chunkStartFrame > lastFrame)
numFramesToRead = (int) (chunkStartFrame - lastFrame + nframes + 1);
framesRead = stft.readFrames(numFramesToRead);
//System.out.println("chunkStartFrame > lastFrame");
else if (chunkEndFrame > lastFrame)
numFramesToRead = (int) (chunkEndFrame - lastFrame + 1);
framesRead = stft.readFrames(numFramesToRead);
//System.out.println("chunkEndFrame > lastFrame");
//System.out.println("chunkStartFrame: " + chunkStartFrame + " nframes: " + nframes +
// " chunkEndFrame: " + chunkEndFrame + " numFramesToRead: " + numFramesToRead +
// " framesRead: " + framesRead + " lastFrame: " + lastFrame);
double[] feats = fe.features(stft, (int) chunkStartFrame,
nframes, true);
// what features are we adding?
if (!wroteFeatDesc)
String fullName = fe.getClass().getName();
//System.out.println("fullName: " + fullName);
String[] nameParts = fullName.split("\\.");
String featString = nameParts[nameParts.length - 1] + "("
+ feats.length + ") ";
//System.out.println("featString: " + featString);
if (featExtWeights != null)
int idx = i.nextIndex() - 1;
if (idx < featExtWeights.size())
featString = featExtWeights.get(idx) + "*"
+ featString;
progress.setValue(progress.getValue() + 1);
wroteFeatDesc = true;
// now do meta feature extractors
boolean descriptionsCleared = false;
ListIterator i = featExts.listIterator();
while (i.hasNext())
FeatureExtractor fe = (FeatureExtractor) i.next();
if (fe instanceof MetaFeatureExtractor)
if (!descriptionsCleared)
if (clearNonMetaFeatures)
descriptionsCleared = true;
// this obliterates any other features
((MetaFeatureExtractor) fe)
.features(file, clearNonMetaFeatures);
// what features are we adding?
String featString = fe.getClass().getName() + "(" + 1 + ") ";
if (featExtWeights != null)
int idx = i.nextIndex() - 1;
if (idx < featExtWeights.size())
featString = featExtWeights.get(idx) + "*" + featString;
progress.setValue(progress.getValue() + 1);
if (outFile != null)
outFile.featureDescriptions = new Vector(file.featureDescriptions);
// outFile now contains some chunks.
outFile.haveReadFile = true;
return file;
* Set everything up, process input, and write output.
public void run()
catch (Exception e)
FeatFile fn = outFile;
// process supplied files
for (int i = 0; i < featFiles.length; i++)
if (outFile == null)
fn = featFiles[i];
if (verbose)
System.out.println("Extracting features (" + feat_names
+ ") from " + featFiles[i].filename + " to "
+ fn.filename + ".");
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
FeatFile f = processFeatFile(featFiles[i]);
if (writeMEAPFile)
catch (Exception e)
if (verbose)
System.out.println("Done. Took "
+ ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0)
+ "s");
* Set weights associated with the different FeatureExtractors used by this
* object.
public void setFeatureExtractorWeights(Vector v)
featExtWeights = v;
* Should this FeatExtractor clear any non meta features?
public void setClearNonMetaFeatures(boolean clearNonMF)
clearNonMetaFeatures = clearNonMF;
* Set the STFT window size for the feature extractors to use.
* @param winSize -
* window size in seconds
public void setWindowSize(double winSize)
nfft = (int) (winSize * feSamplingRate);
nfft = (int) (winSize);
System.out.println("window size = " + winSize + ", nfft = " + nfft);
* Set the STFT hop size for the feature extractors to use.
* @param hopSize -
* hop size in seconds
public void setHopSize(double hopSize)
nhop = (int) (hopSize * feSamplingRate);
nhop = (int) (hopSize);
System.out.println("hop size = " + hopSize + ", nhop = " + nhop);
* Get the STFT window size used by the feature extractors.
public double getWindowSize()
return (double) nfft / feSamplingRate;
* Get the STFT hop size used by the feature extractors.
public double getHopSize()
return (double) nhop / feSamplingRate;
public static void main(String[] args)
FeatExtractor o2or = new FeatExtractor(args);
o2or.verbose = true;