* Copyright 2006-2007 Columbia University.
* This file is part of MEAPsoft.
* MEAPsoft is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* MEAPsoft is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MEAPsoft; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
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* See the file "COPYING" for the text of the license.
package com.meapsoft.featextractors;
import java.util.Arrays;
import com.meapsoft.MEAPUtil;
import com.meapsoft.FeatExtractor;
import com.meapsoft.RingMatrix;
import com.meapsoft.STFT;
* Averages all spectral frames together into a single feature vector
* and then converts the vector into a 12-bin chroma
* Based on AvgMelSpec by Mike Mandel
* @author Dan Ellis (dpwe@ee.columbia.edu)
public class AvgChroma extends FeatureExtractor {
// earliest FFT bin to use
static final int FIRSTBAND = 3;
protected double[][] chromaWts;
protected double[] linSpec;
protected int N, outDim;
// #define CHROMA_LOG2 (0.69314718055995)
public double hz2octs(double fq) {
return Math.log(fq / 440.0)/0.69314718055995;
// Default constructor
public AvgChroma() {
this(FeatExtractor.nfft/2+1, 12, FeatExtractor.feSamplingRate);
public AvgChroma(int N, int outDim, double sampleRate) {
this.N = N;
this.outDim = outDim;
linSpec = new double[N];
chromaWts = new double[outDim][N];
// Create the chroma inner products
double bin2hz = sampleRate / (2*(N-1));
for (int i = FIRSTBAND; i < N; ++i) {
double tot = 0;
// 1/12 = 1 semi = 0.083333
//double binwidth = max(0.08333333, hz2octs(bin2hz*(i+1)) - hz2octs(bin2hz*(i-1)))/2;
double binwidth = hz2octs(bin2hz*(i+1)) - hz2octs(bin2hz*(i-1));
if ( binwidth < 0.083333)
binwidth = 0.083333;
binwidth /= 4;
double binocts = hz2octs(bin2hz*i);
// fade out bins above 1 kHz
double binwt = 1.0;
if (bin2hz*i > 1000)
binwt = Math.exp( -(bin2hz*i - 1000)/500);
for (int j = 0; j < outDim; ++j) {
double bindelta = binocts - (((double)j)/outDim);
bindelta = bindelta - Math.rint(bindelta);
chromaWts[j][i] = binwt*Math.exp(-0.5*Math.pow(bindelta/binwidth,2));
tot = tot + chromaWts[j][i];
// Normalize energy distribution from each fft bin
for (int j = 0; j < outDim; ++j) {
chromaWts[j][i] /= tot;
public double[] features(STFT stft, long startFrame, int length) {
int boff = 0;
double[] chromSpec = new double[boff + outDim];
double[] curFrame;
double sum = 0;
double sum2 = 0;
boolean recalculateSTFT = stft.getRows() != N;
RingMatrix newstft = null;
// keep the same number of frames as in stft
newstft = STFT.getSTFT(stft.getSamples(startFrame, startFrame+length), (N-1)*2, stft.nhop);
length = newstft.getColumns();
// intialize average to 0
Arrays.fill(linSpec, 0);
// collect average linear spectrum
for(int frame=0; frame<length; frame++) {
curFrame = stft.getFrame(startFrame+frame);
curFrame = newstft.getColumn(frame);
if(curFrame != null)
for(int band=0; band<linSpec.length; band++)
linSpec[band] += Math.pow(10,curFrame[band]/10) / length;
// // convert log magnitude to linear magnitude for binning
//for(int band=0; band<linSpec.length; band++)
// //linSpec[band] = Math.exp(linSpec[band]);
// linSpec[band] = Math.pow(10,linSpec[band]/10);
// matrix multiply to find bins
for(int bin=0; bin<outDim; bin++) {
double val = 0;
for(int band=FIRSTBAND; band<linSpec.length; band++) {
val += linSpec[band] * chromaWts[bin][band];
chromSpec[boff+bin] = val;
sum += val;
sum2 += val*val;
// chroma vectors have unit norm
double mean = sum/outDim;
double sd = Math.sqrt( sum2/outDim - Math.pow(mean,2));
double rms = Math.sqrt(sum2/outDim);
for(int bin=0; bin<outDim; bin++) {
// chromSpec[boff+bin] = (chromSpec[boff+bin] - mean)/ sd;
chromSpec[boff+bin] = chromSpec[boff+bin]/rms;
if (boff > 0) {
// calculate complex average chroma
double re = 0, im = 0;
for (int bin = 0; bin < outDim; ++bin) {
re = re + chromSpec[boff+bin] * Math.cos(6.28318531*bin/outDim);
im = im + chromSpec[boff+bin] * Math.sin(6.28318531*bin/outDim);
double meanchrom = outDim * (Math.atan2(im, re) / 6.28318531);
// atan2 returns -pi..pi
// fold back to +ve octave
if (meanchrom < 0)
meanchrom += outDim;
chromSpec[0] = meanchrom;
return chromSpec;
public String description()
return "12-dimensional vector of energy distribution across each semitone of the octave.";