* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 CWI
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* * Jurgen J. Vinju - Jurgen.Vinju@cwi.nl - CWI
package org.rascalmpl.semantics.dynamic;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.IConstructor;
import org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.IList;
import org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.IListWriter;
import org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.ISetWriter;
import org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.ISourceLocation;
import org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.IValue;
import org.eclipse.imp.pdb.facts.type.Type;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.IEvaluator;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.IEvaluatorContext;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.env.Environment;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.matching.BasicBooleanResult;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.matching.ConcreteApplicationPattern;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.matching.ConcreteListPattern;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.matching.ConcreteListVariablePattern;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.matching.ConcreteOptPattern;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.matching.IBooleanResult;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.matching.IMatchingResult;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.matching.LiteralPattern;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.matching.NodePattern;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.matching.SetPattern;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.matching.TypedVariablePattern;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.result.Result;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.staticErrors.UndeclaredVariable;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.staticErrors.UninitializedVariable;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.types.NonTerminalType;
import org.rascalmpl.interpreter.types.RascalTypeFactory;
import org.rascalmpl.values.uptr.Factory;
import org.rascalmpl.values.uptr.ProductionAdapter;
import org.rascalmpl.values.uptr.SymbolAdapter;
import org.rascalmpl.values.uptr.TreeAdapter;
* These classes special case Expression.CallOrTree for concrete syntax patterns
public abstract class Tree {
static public class MetaVariable extends org.rascalmpl.ast.Expression {
private final String name;
private final Type type;
public MetaVariable(IConstructor node, IConstructor symbol, String name) {
this.name = name;
this.type = RTF.nonTerminalType(symbol);
public Type typeOf(Environment env, boolean instantiateTypeParameters, IEvaluator<Result<IValue>> eval) {
return type;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof MetaVariable)) {
return false;
MetaVariable other = (MetaVariable) o;
return name.equals(other.name) && type.equals(other.type);
public int hashCode() {
return 13333331 + 37 * name.hashCode() + 61 * type.hashCode();
public Result<IValue> interpret(IEvaluator<Result<IValue>> eval) {
Result<IValue> variable = eval.getCurrentEnvt().getVariable(name);
if (variable == null) {
throw new UndeclaredVariable(name, this);
if (variable.getValue() == null) {
throw new UninitializedVariable(name, this);
return variable;
public IMatchingResult buildMatcher(IEvaluatorContext ctx) {
IConstructor symbol = ((NonTerminalType) type).getSymbol();
if (SymbolAdapter.isStarList(symbol) || SymbolAdapter.isPlusList(symbol)) {
return new ConcreteListVariablePattern(ctx, this, type, name);
else {
return new TypedVariablePattern(ctx, this, type, name);
static public class Appl extends org.rascalmpl.ast.Expression {
protected final IConstructor production;
protected final java.util.List<org.rascalmpl.ast.Expression> args;
protected final Type type;
protected final boolean constant;
protected final IConstructor node;
public Appl(IConstructor node, java.util.List<org.rascalmpl.ast.Expression> args) {
this.production = TreeAdapter.getProduction(node);
this.type = RascalTypeFactory.getInstance().nonTerminalType(production);
this.args = args;
this.constant = false; // TODO! isConstant(args);
this.node = this.constant ? node : null;
ISourceLocation src = TreeAdapter.getLocation(node);
if (src != null) {
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof Appl)) {
return false;
Appl other = (Appl) o;
return production.equals(other.production) && args.equals(other.args);
public int hashCode() {
return 101 + 23 * production.hashCode() + 131 * args.hashCode();
public IConstructor getProduction() {
return production;
public Type _getType() {
return type;
public Type typeOf(Environment env, boolean instantiateTypeParameters, IEvaluator<Result<IValue>> eval) {
return type;
public Result<IValue> interpret(IEvaluator<Result<IValue>> eval) {
if (constant) {
return makeResult(type, node, eval);
// TODO add function calling
IListWriter w = eval.getValueFactory().listWriter(Factory.Tree);
for (org.rascalmpl.ast.Expression arg : args) {
ISourceLocation location = getLocation();
if (location != null) {
java.util.Map<String,IValue> annos = new HashMap<String,IValue>();
annos.put("loc", location);
return makeResult(type, eval.getValueFactory().constructor(Factory.Tree_Appl, annos, production, w.done()), eval);
else {
return makeResult(type, eval.getValueFactory().constructor(Factory.Tree_Appl, production, w.done()), eval);
public IBooleanResult buildBacktracker(IEvaluatorContext eval) {
return new BasicBooleanResult(eval, this);
public IMatchingResult buildMatcher(IEvaluatorContext eval) {
if (constant) {
return new LiteralPattern(eval, this, node);
java.util.List<IMatchingResult> kids = new java.util.ArrayList<IMatchingResult>(args.size());
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i+=2) { // skip layout elements for efficiency
return new ConcreteApplicationPattern(eval, this, kids);
static public class Lexical extends Appl {
public Lexical(IConstructor node, java.util.List<org.rascalmpl.ast.Expression> args) {
super(node, args);
public IMatchingResult buildMatcher(IEvaluatorContext eval) {
if (constant) {
return new LiteralPattern(eval, this, node);
java.util.List<IMatchingResult> kids = new java.util.ArrayList<IMatchingResult>(args.size());
for (org.rascalmpl.ast.Expression arg : args) {
return new ConcreteApplicationPattern(eval, this, kids);
static public class Optional extends Appl {
public Optional(IConstructor node, java.util.List<org.rascalmpl.ast.Expression> args) {
super(node, args);
public IMatchingResult buildMatcher(IEvaluatorContext eval) {
java.util.List<IMatchingResult> kids = new ArrayList<IMatchingResult>(args.size());
if (args.size() == 1) {
return new ConcreteOptPattern(eval, this, kids);
static public class List extends Appl {
private final int delta;
public List(IConstructor node, java.util.List<org.rascalmpl.ast.Expression> args) {
super(node, args);
this.delta = getDelta(production);
public IMatchingResult buildMatcher(IEvaluatorContext eval) {
if (constant) {
return new LiteralPattern(eval, this, node);
java.util.List<IMatchingResult> kids = new java.util.ArrayList<IMatchingResult>(args.size());
for (org.rascalmpl.ast.Expression arg : args) {
return new ConcreteListPattern(eval, this, kids);
public Result<IValue> interpret(IEvaluator<Result<IValue>> eval) {
if (constant) {
return makeResult(type, node, eval);
// TODO add function calling
IListWriter w = eval.getValueFactory().listWriter(Factory.Tree);
for (org.rascalmpl.ast.Expression arg : args) {
ISourceLocation location = getLocation();
if (location != null) {
java.util.Map<String,IValue> annos = new HashMap<String,IValue>();
annos.put("loc", location);
return makeResult(type, eval.getValueFactory().constructor(Factory.Tree_Appl, annos, production, flatten(w.done())), eval);
else {
return makeResult(type, eval.getValueFactory().constructor(Factory.Tree_Appl, production, flatten(w.done())), eval);
private void appendPreviousSeparators(IList args, IListWriter result, int delta, int i, boolean previousWasEmpty) {
if (!previousWasEmpty) {
for (int j = i - delta; j > 0 && j < i; j++) {
private IList flatten(IList args) {
IListWriter result = VF.listWriter(Factory.Args.getElementType());
boolean previousWasEmpty = false;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length(); i+=(delta+1)) {
IConstructor tree = (IConstructor) args.get(i);
if (TreeAdapter.isList(tree) && ProductionAdapter.shouldFlatten(production, TreeAdapter.getProduction(tree))) {
IList nestedArgs = TreeAdapter.getArgs(tree);
if (nestedArgs.length() > 0) {
appendPreviousSeparators(args, result, delta, i, previousWasEmpty);
else {
previousWasEmpty = true;
else {
appendPreviousSeparators(args, result, delta, i, previousWasEmpty);
previousWasEmpty = false;
return result.done();
private int getDelta(IConstructor prod) {
IConstructor rhs = ProductionAdapter.getType(prod);
if (SymbolAdapter.isIterPlusSeps(rhs) || SymbolAdapter.isIterStarSeps(rhs)) {
return SymbolAdapter.getSeparators(rhs).length();
return 0;
static public class Amb extends org.rascalmpl.ast.Expression {
private final Type type;
private final java.util.List<org.rascalmpl.ast.Expression> alts;
private final boolean constant;
protected final IConstructor node;
public Amb(IConstructor node, java.util.List<org.rascalmpl.ast.Expression> alternatives) {
this.type = RascalTypeFactory.getInstance().nonTerminalType(node);
this.alts = alternatives;
this.constant = false; // TODO! isConstant(alternatives);
this.node = this.constant ? node : null;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof Amb)) {
return false;
Amb other = (Amb) o;
return node.equals(other.node);
public int hashCode() {
return node.hashCode();
public Result<IValue> interpret(IEvaluator<Result<IValue>> eval) {
if (constant) {
return makeResult(type, node, eval);
// TODO: add filtering semantics, function calling
ISetWriter w = eval.getValueFactory().setWriter(Factory.Tree);
for (org.rascalmpl.ast.Expression a : alts) {
return makeResult(type, eval.getValueFactory().constructor(Factory.Tree_Amb, (IValue) w.done()), eval);
public Type typeOf(Environment env, boolean instantiateTypeParameters, IEvaluator<Result<IValue>> eval) {
return type;
public IBooleanResult buildBacktracker(IEvaluatorContext eval) {
return new BasicBooleanResult(eval, this);
public IMatchingResult buildMatcher(IEvaluatorContext eval) {
if (constant) {
return new LiteralPattern(eval, this, node);
java.util.List<IMatchingResult> kids = new java.util.ArrayList<IMatchingResult>(alts.size());
for (org.rascalmpl.ast.Expression arg : alts) {
IMatchingResult setMatcher = new SetPattern(eval, this, kids);
java.util.List<IMatchingResult> wrap = new ArrayList<IMatchingResult>(1);
Result<IValue> ambCons = eval.getCurrentEnvt().getVariable("amb");
return new NodePattern(eval, this, new LiteralPattern(eval, this, ambCons.getValue()), null, Factory.Tree_Amb, wrap, Collections.<String,IMatchingResult>emptyMap());
static public class Char extends org.rascalmpl.ast.Expression {
private final IConstructor node;
public Char(IConstructor node) {
this.node = node;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof Char)) {
return false;
Char other = (Char) o;
return node.equals(other.node);
public int hashCode() {
return 17 + 37 * node.hashCode();
public Result<IValue> interpret(IEvaluator<Result<IValue>> eval) {
// TODO allow override
return makeResult(Factory.Tree, node, eval);
public IMatchingResult buildMatcher(IEvaluatorContext eval) {
return new LiteralPattern(eval, this, node);
public Type typeOf(Environment env, boolean instantiateTypeParameters, IEvaluator<Result<IValue>> eval) {
return Factory.Tree;
static public class Cycle extends org.rascalmpl.ast.Expression {
private final int length;
private final IConstructor node;
public Cycle(IConstructor node, int length) {
this.length = length;
this.node = node;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof Cycle)) {
return false;
Cycle other = (Cycle) o;
return node.equals(other.node);
public int hashCode() {
return node.hashCode();
public Result<IValue> interpret(IEvaluator<Result<IValue>> eval) {
return makeResult(Factory.Tree, VF.constructor(Factory.Tree_Cycle, node, VF.integer(length)), eval);
public IMatchingResult buildMatcher(IEvaluatorContext eval) {
return new LiteralPattern(eval, this, VF.constructor(Factory.Tree_Cycle, node, VF.integer(length)));
public Type typeOf(Environment env, boolean instantiateTypeParameters, IEvaluator<Result<IValue>> eval) {
return Factory.Tree;