* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 CWI
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* * Paul Klint - Paul.Klint@cwi.nl - CWI
package org.rascalmpl.library.vis.figure.compose;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import org.rascalmpl.library.vis.figure.Figure;
import org.rascalmpl.library.vis.graphics.GraphicsContext;
import org.rascalmpl.library.vis.properties.Properties;
import org.rascalmpl.library.vis.properties.PropertyManager;
import org.rascalmpl.library.vis.swt.applet.IHasSWTElement;
import org.rascalmpl.library.vis.util.FigureColorUtils;
import org.rascalmpl.library.vis.util.vector.BoundingBox;
import org.rascalmpl.library.vis.util.vector.Dimension;
import org.rascalmpl.library.vis.util.vector.Rectangle;
* Pack a list of elements as dense as possible in a space of given size.
* Pack is implemented using lightmaps as described at http://www.blackpawn.com/texts/lightmaps/
* @author paulk
//TODO: fix me for resizing!
public class Pack extends WidthDependsOnHeight {
Node root;
boolean fits = true;
static protected boolean debug =false;
boolean initialized = false;
BoundingBox oldSize;
public Pack( Figure[] figures, PropertyManager properties) {
super(Dimension.X, figures, properties);
oldSize = new BoundingBox();
* Compare two Figures according to their surface and aspect ratio
* @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object)
public class CompareAspectSize implements Comparator<Figure>{
public int compare(Figure o1, Figure o2) {
BoundingBox lhs = o1.minSize;
BoundingBox rhs = o2.minSize;
double r = (lhs.getY() > lhs.getX()) ? lhs.getY() / lhs.getX() : lhs.getX() / lhs.getY();
double or = (rhs.getY() > rhs.getX()) ? rhs.getY() / rhs.getX() : rhs.getX() / rhs.getY();
if (r < 2.0 && or < 2.0) {
double s = lhs.getX() * lhs.getY();
double os = rhs.getX() * rhs.getY();
return s < os ? 1 : (s == os ? 0 : -1);
return r < or ? 1 : (r == or ? 0 : -1);
public void drawElement(GraphicsContext gc, List<IHasSWTElement> visibleSWTElements){
String message = "Pack: cannot fit!";
gc.fill(FigureColorUtils.figureColor(180, 180, 180));
gc.rect(globalLocation.getX(), globalLocation.getY(), size.getX(), size.getY());
gc.text(message, globalLocation.getX() + size.getX()/2.0 - getTextWidth(message)/2.0, globalLocation.getY() + size.getY()/2.0 );
} else {
super.drawElement(gc, visibleSWTElements);
public void resizeElement(Rectangle view) {
if(size.getX() < minSize.getX()) return;
Node.hgap = prop.getReal(Properties.HGAP);
Node.vgap = prop.getReal(Properties.VGAP);
for(Figure fig : children){
/* double surface = 0;
double maxw = 0;
double maxh = 0;
double ratio = 1;
for(Figure fig : figures){
maxw = Math.max(maxw, fig.minSize.getX());
maxh = Math.max(maxh, fig.minSize.getY());
surface += fig.minSize.getX() * fig.minSize.getY();
ratio = (ratio +fig.minSize.getY()/fig.minSize.getX())/2;
} */
// double opt = FigureApplet.sqrt(surface);
// minSize.setWidth(opt);
// minSize.setHeight(ratio * opt);
//width = opt/maxw < 1.2 ? 1.2f * maxw : 1.2f*opt;
// height = opt/maxh < 1.2 ? 1.2f * maxh : 1.2f*opt;
//if(debug)System.err.printf("pack: ratio=%f, maxw=%f, maxh=%f, opt=%f, width=%f, height=%f\n", ratio, maxw, maxh, opt, minSize.getX(), minSize.getY());
Arrays.sort(children, new CompareAspectSize());
System.err.println("SORTED ELEMENTS!:");
for(Figure v : children){
System.err.printf("\t%s, width=%f, height=%f\n", v, v.minSize.getX(), v.minSize.getY());
int counter = 0;
fits = false;
while(!fits && counter < 300){
fits = true;
//size.setWidth(size.getX() * 1.2f);
//size.setHeight(size.getY() * 1.2f);
root = new Node(0, 0, size.getX(), size.getY());
for(Figure fig : children){
Node nd = root.insert(fig);
if(nd == null){
System.err.printf("**** PACK: NOT ENOUGH ROOM ***** %s %s\n",size,minSize);
fits = false;
size.setY(size.getY() * 1.2);
nd.figure = fig;
//System.out.printf("Fig locatation %s\n",fig.location);
//initialized = true;
class Node {
static double hgap;
static double vgap;
Node lnode;
Node rnode;
Figure figure;
double left;
double top;
double right;
double bottom;
Node (double left, double top, double right, double bottom){
lnode = rnode = null;
figure = null;
this.left = left;
this.top = top;
this.right = right;
this.bottom = bottom;
if(Pack.debug) System.err.printf("Create Node(%f,%f,%f,%f)\n", left, top, right, bottom);
boolean leaf(){
return (lnode == null);
public Node insert(Figure fig){
// String id = fig.prop.getStr(Properties.ID);
//if(Pack.debug)System.err.printf("insert: %s: %f, %f\n", id, fig.minSize.getX(), fig.minSize.getY());
// Not a leaf, try to insert in left child
//if(Pack.debug)System.err.printf("insert:%s in left child\n", id);
Node newNode = lnode.insert(fig);
if(newNode != null){
//if(Pack.debug)System.err.printf("insert: %s in left child succeeded\n", id);
return newNode;
// No room, try it in right child
//if(Pack.debug)System.err.printf("insert: %s in left child failed, try right child\n", id);
return rnode.insert(fig);
// We are a leaf, if there is already a velem return
if(figure != null){
//if(Pack.debug)System.err.printf("insert: %s: Already occupied\n", id);
return null;
double width = right - left;
double height = bottom - top;
// If we are too small return
if(width <= 0.01f || height <= 0.01f)
return null;
double dw = width - fig.minSize.getX();
double dh = height - fig.minSize.getY();
// if(Pack.debug)System.err.printf("%s: dw=%f, dh=%f\n", id, dw, dh);
if ((dw < hgap) || (dh < vgap))
return null;
// If we are exactly right return
if((dw <= 2 * hgap) && (dh <= 2 * vgap)){
//if(Pack.debug)System.err.printf("insert: %s FITS!\n", id);
return this;
// Create two children and decide how to split
if(dw > dh) {
//if(Pack.debug)System.err.printf("%s: case dw > dh\n", id);
lnode = new Node(left, top, left + fig.minSize.getX() + hgap, bottom);
rnode = new Node(left + fig.minSize.getX() + hgap, top, right, bottom);
} else {
//if(Pack.debug)System.err.printf("%s: case dw <= dh\n", id);
lnode = new Node(left, top, right, top + fig.minSize.getY() + vgap);
rnode = new Node(left, top + fig.minSize.getY() + vgap, right, bottom);
// insert the figure in left most child
return lnode.insert(fig);