package com.rhizomatiks.bvh;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.core.PMatrix3D;
import processing.core.PVector;
public class BvhParser {
private Boolean _motionLoop;
private int _currentFrame = 0;
private List<BvhLine> _lines;
private int _currentLine;
private BvhBone _currentBone;
private BvhBone _rootBone;
private List<List<Float>> _frames;
private int _nbFrames;
private float _frameTime;
private List<BvhBone> _bones;
public BvhParser()
_motionLoop = true;
* if set to True motion will loop at end
public Boolean getMotionLoop()
return _motionLoop;
* set Loop state
* @param value
public void setMotionLoop(Boolean value)
_motionLoop = value;
* to string
* @return
public String toStr()
return _rootBone.structureToString();
* get frame total
* @return
public int getNbFrames()
return _nbFrames;
* get bones list
* @return
public List<BvhBone> getBones()
return _bones;
* call before parse BVH
* create array instance
* and setloopstatus true
public void init()
_bones = new ArrayList<BvhBone>();
_motionLoop = true;
* go to the frame at index
public void moveFrameTo(int __index)
if(__index >= _nbFrames)
_currentFrame = _nbFrames-1;//last frame
while (__index >= _nbFrames)
__index -= _nbFrames;
_currentFrame = __index; //looped frame
* go to millisecond of the BVH
* @param mills millisecond
* @param loopSec the default loopsec for
public void moveMsTo( int mills )
float frameTime = _frameTime * 1000;
int curFrame = (int)(mills / frameTime);
moveFrameTo( curFrame );
public void update()
update( getBones().get(0) );
protected void update(BvhBone bone )
PMatrix3D m = new PMatrix3D();
m.translate(bone.getXposition(), bone.getYposition(), bone.getZposition());
m.translate(bone.getOffsetX(), bone.getOffsetY(), bone.getOffsetZ());
bone.global_matrix = m;
if (bone.getParent() != null && bone.getParent().global_matrix != null)
m.mult(new PVector(), bone.getAbsPosition());
if (bone.getChildren().size() > 0)
for (BvhBone child : bone.getChildren())
m.translate(bone.getEndOffsetX(), bone.getEndOffsetY(), bone.getEndOffsetZ());
m.mult(new PVector(), bone.getAbsEndPosition());
private void _updateFrame()
if (_currentFrame >= _frames.size()) return;
List<Float> frame = _frames.get(_currentFrame);
int count = 0;
for (float n : frame)
BvhBone bone = _getBoneInFrameAt(count);
String prop = _getBonePropInFrameAt(count);
if(bone != null) {
Method getterMethod;
try {
getterMethod = bone.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("set".concat(prop), new Class[]{float.class});
getterMethod.invoke(bone, n);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
System.err.println("ERROR WHILST GETTING FRAME - 1");
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
System.err.println("ERROR WHILST GETTING FRAME - 2");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
System.err.println("ERROR WHILST GETTING FRAME - 3");
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
System.err.println("ERROR WHILST GETTING FRAME - 4");
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
System.err.println("ERROR WHILST GETTING FRAME - 5");
private String _getBonePropInFrameAt(int n)
int c = 0;
for (BvhBone bone : _bones)
if (c + bone.getNbChannels() > n)
n -= c;
return bone.getChannels().get(n);
c += bone.getNbChannels();
return null;
private BvhBone _getBoneInFrameAt( int n)
int c = 0;
for (BvhBone bone : _bones)
c += bone.getNbChannels();
if ( c > n )
return bone;
return null;
public void parse(String[] srces)
String[] linesStr = srces;
// liste de BvhLines
_lines = new ArrayList<BvhLine>();
for ( String lineStr : linesStr)
_lines.add(new BvhLine(lineStr));
_currentLine = 1;
_rootBone = _parseBone();
// center locs
//_rootBone.offsetX = _rootBone.offsetY = _rootBone.offsetZ = 0;
private void _parseFrames()
int currentLine = _currentLine;
for (; currentLine < _lines.size(); currentLine++)
if(_lines.get(currentLine).getLineType() == BvhLine.MOTION) break;
if ( _lines.size() > currentLine)
currentLine++; //Frames
_nbFrames = _lines.get(currentLine).getNbFrames();
currentLine++; //FrameTime
_frameTime = _lines.get(currentLine).getFrameTime();
_frames = new ArrayList<List<Float>>();
for (; currentLine < _lines.size(); currentLine++)
private BvhBone _parseBone()
//_currentBone is Parent
BvhBone bone = new BvhBone( _currentBone );
bone.setName( _lines.get(_currentLine)._boneName ); //1
// +2 OFFSET
_currentLine++; // 2 {
_currentLine++; // 3 OFFSET
bone.setOffsetX( _lines.get(_currentLine).getOffsetX() );
bone.setOffsetY( _lines.get(_currentLine).getOffsetY() );
bone.setOffsetZ( _lines.get(_currentLine).getOffsetZ() );
bone.setnbChannels( _lines.get(_currentLine).getNbChannels() );
bone.setChannels( _lines.get(_currentLine).getChannelsProps() );
// +4 JOINT or End Site or }
while(_currentLine < _lines.size())
String lineType = _lines.get(_currentLine).getLineType();
if ( BvhLine.BONE.equals( lineType ) ) //JOINT or ROOT
BvhBone child = _parseBone(); //generate new BvhBONE
child.setParent( bone );
else if( BvhLine.END_SITE.equals( lineType ) )
_currentLine++; // {
_currentLine++; // OFFSET
bone.setEndOffsetX( _lines.get(_currentLine).getOffsetX() );
bone.setEndOffsetY( _lines.get(_currentLine).getOffsetY() );
bone.setEndOffsetZ( _lines.get(_currentLine).getOffsetZ() );
_currentLine++; //}
_currentLine++; //}
return bone;
else if( BvhLine.BRACE_CLOSED.equals( lineType ) )
return bone; //}
System.out.println("//Something strage");
return bone;
private class BvhLine
public static final String HIERARCHY = "HIERARCHY";
public static final String BONE = "BONE";
public static final String BRACE_OPEN = "BRACE_OPEN";
public static final String BRACE_CLOSED = "BRACE_CLOSED";
public static final String OFFSET = "OFFSET";
public static final String CHANNELS = "CHANNELS";
public static final String END_SITE = "END_SITE";
public static final String MOTION = "MOTION";
public static final String FRAMES = "FRAMES";
public static final String FRAME_TIME = "FRAME_TIME";
public static final String FRAME = "FRAME";
public static final String BONE_TYPE_ROOT = "ROOT";
public static final String BONE_TYPE_JOINT = "JOINT";
private String _lineStr;
private String _lineType;
private String _boneType;
private String _boneName;
private float _offsetX;
private float _offsetY;
private float _offsetZ;
private int _nbChannels;
private List<String> _channelsProps;
private int _nbFrames;
private float _frameTime;
private List<Float> _frames;
public String toString()
return _lineStr;
private void _parse(String __lineStr)
_lineStr = __lineStr;
_lineStr = _lineStr.trim();
_lineStr = _lineStr.replace("\t", "");
_lineStr = _lineStr.replace("\n", "");
_lineStr = _lineStr.replace("\r", "");
String[] words = _lineStr.split(" ");
_lineType = _parseLineType(words);
if ( HIERARCHY.equals(_lineType) )
} else if ( BONE.equals(_lineType) ) {
_boneType = (words[0] == "ROOT") ? BONE_TYPE_ROOT : BONE_TYPE_JOINT;
_boneName = words[1];
} else if ( OFFSET.equals(_lineType) ) {
_offsetX = Float.valueOf(words[1]);
_offsetY = Float.valueOf(words[2]);
_offsetZ = Float.valueOf(words[3]);
} else if ( CHANNELS.equals(_lineType) ) {
_nbChannels = Integer.valueOf(words[1]);
_channelsProps = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < _nbChannels; i++)
} else if (FRAMES.equals(_lineType) ) {
_nbFrames = Integer.valueOf(words[1]);
} else if ( FRAME_TIME.equals(_lineType) ) {
_frameTime = Float.valueOf(words[2]);
} else if ( FRAME.equals(_lineType) ) {
_frames = new ArrayList<Float>();
for (String word : words) _frames.add(Float.valueOf(word));
} else if ( END_SITE.equals(_lineType) ||
BRACE_OPEN.equals(_lineType) ||
BRACE_CLOSED.equals(_lineType) ||
MOTION.equals(_lineType)) {
private String _parseLineType( String[] __words) {
//trace("'" + __words[0] + "' : " + __words[0].length);
if ( "HIERARCHY".equals(__words[ 0 ] ) )
if ( "ROOT".equals(__words[ 0 ] ) ||
"JOINT".equals(__words[ 0 ] ) )
return BONE;
if ( "{".equals(__words[ 0 ] ) )
return BRACE_OPEN;
if ( "}".equals(__words[ 0 ] ) )
if ( "OFFSET".equals(__words[ 0 ] ) )
return OFFSET;
if ( "CHANNELS".equals(__words[ 0 ] ) )
return CHANNELS;
if ( "End".equals(__words[ 0 ] ) )
return END_SITE;
if ( "MOTION".equals(__words[ 0 ] ) )
return MOTION;
if ( "Frames:".equals(__words[ 0 ] ) )
return FRAMES;
if ( "Frame".equals(__words[ 0 ] ) )
return FRAME_TIME;
try {
Float.parseFloat(__words[0]); //check is Parsable
return FRAME;
} catch ( NumberFormatException e) {
return null;
public BvhLine(String __lineStr)
public List<Float> getFrames()
return _frames;
public float getFrameTime()
return _frameTime;
public int getNbFrames()
return _nbFrames;
public List<String> getChannelsProps()
return _channelsProps;
public int getNbChannels()
return _nbChannels;
public float getOffsetZ()
return _offsetZ;
public float getOffsetY()
return _offsetY;
public float getOffsetX()
return _offsetX;
public String getBoneName()
return _boneName;
public String getBoneType()
return _boneType;
public String getLineType()
return _lineType;