* Copyright (c) 1999-2014, Ecole des Mines de Nantes
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of the Ecole des Mines de Nantes nor the
* names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
package solver.variables;
import solver.Configuration;
import solver.Solver;
import solver.constraints.ICF;
import solver.constraints.IntConstraintFactory;
import solver.constraints.real.IntEqRealConstraint;
import solver.exception.SolverException;
import solver.variables.impl.*;
import solver.variables.view.*;
import util.objects.setDataStructures.SetType;
import java.util.Arrays;
* A factory to create variables (boolean, integer, set, graph, task and real) and views (most of them rely on integer variable).
* <br/>
* <p/>
* Note that, for the sack of readability, the Java naming convention is not respected for methods arguments.
* @author Charles Prud'homme, Jean-Guillaume Fages
* @since 18 nov. 2010
public class VariableFactory {
VariableFactory() {
private static final String CSTE_NAME = "cste -- ";
* Provide a minimum value for integer variable lower bound.
* Do not prevent from underflow, but may avoid it, somehow.
public static final int MIN_INT_BOUND = Integer.MIN_VALUE / 100;
* Provide a minimum value for integer variable lower bound.
* Do not prevent from overflow, but may avoid it, somehow.
public static final int MAX_INT_BOUND = Integer.MAX_VALUE / 100;
//TODO : build domain in Variable
* Build a boolean variable, ie domain is [0,1]
* @param NAME name of the variable
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return a BoolVar
public static BoolVar bool(String NAME, Solver SOLVER) {
return new BoolVarImpl(NAME, SOLVER);
* Build a boolean variable array, ie each variable's domain is [0,1]
* @param NAME name of the variables
* @param SIZE number of variables
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return an array of BoolVar
public static BoolVar[] boolArray(String NAME, int SIZE, Solver SOLVER) {
BoolVar[] vars = new BoolVar[SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
vars[i] = bool(NAME + "[" + i + "]", SOLVER);
return vars;
* Build a DIM1*DIM2-sized boolean variable matrix
* @param NAME name of the variables
* @param DIM1 number of rows
* @param DIM2 number of columns
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return a BoolVar matrix
public static BoolVar[][] boolMatrix(String NAME, int DIM1, int DIM2, Solver SOLVER) {
BoolVar[][] vars = new BoolVar[DIM1][];
for (int i = 0; i < DIM1; i++) {
vars[i] = boolArray(NAME + "[" + i + "]", DIM2, SOLVER);
return vars;
* Build an integer variable whose domain representation is abstracted by two integers:
* a lower bound and an upper bound.
* <p/> Its initial domain is [MIN,MAX]
* <p/>
* This API automatically selects the way the domain is represented by checking its size and by comparing
* it to {@code Configuration.MAX_DOM_SIZE_FOR_ENUM}:
* a domain size below this value calls {@code VariableFactory.enumerated}, {@code VariableFactory.bounded} otherwise.
* @param NAME name of the variable
* @param MIN initial lower bound
* @param MAX initial upper bound
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return an integer variable with a bounded domain
* @see solver.variables.VariableFactory#bounded(String, int, int, solver.Solver)
* @see solver.variables.VariableFactory#enumerated(String, int, int, solver.Solver)
public static IntVar integer(String NAME, int MIN, int MAX, Solver SOLVER) {
int size = MAX - MIN + 1;
if (size < Configuration.MAX_DOM_SIZE_FOR_ENUM) {
return enumerated(NAME, MIN, MAX, SOLVER);
} else {
return bounded(NAME, MIN, MAX, SOLVER);
* Build and array of bounded variables
* (each variable domain is represented by two integers)
* @param NAME name of the variables
* @param SIZE number of variables
* @param MIN initial lower bound
* @param MAX initial upper bound
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return an array of integer variables with bounded domains
* @see solver.variables.VariableFactory#integer(String, int, int, solver.Solver)
* @see solver.variables.VariableFactory#bounded(String, int, int, solver.Solver)
* @see solver.variables.VariableFactory#enumerated(String, int, int, solver.Solver)
public static IntVar[] integerArray(String NAME, int SIZE, int MIN, int MAX, Solver SOLVER) {
IntVar[] vars = new IntVar[SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
vars[i] = integer(NAME + "[" + i + "]", MIN, MAX, SOLVER);
return vars;
* Build a DIM1*DIM2-sized matrix of bounded variables
* (each variable domain is represented by two integers)
* @param NAME name of the variables
* @param DIM1 number of rows
* @param DIM2 number of columns
* @param MIN initial lower bound
* @param MAX initial upper bound
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return an array of integer variables with bounded domains
* @see solver.variables.VariableFactory#integer(String, int, int, solver.Solver)
* @see solver.variables.VariableFactory#bounded(String, int, int, solver.Solver)
* @see solver.variables.VariableFactory#enumerated(String, int, int, solver.Solver)
public static IntVar[][] integerMatrix(String NAME, int DIM1, int DIM2, int MIN, int MAX, Solver SOLVER) {
IntVar[][] vars = new IntVar[DIM1][];
for (int i = 0; i < DIM1; i++) {
vars[i] = integerArray(NAME + "[" + i + "]", DIM2, MIN, MAX, SOLVER);
return vars;
* Build an integer variable whose domain representation is abstracted by two integers:
* a lower bound and an upper bound.
* <p/> Its initial domain is [MIN,MAX]
* @param NAME name of the variable
* @param MIN initial lower bound
* @param MAX initial upper bound
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return an integer variable with a bounded domain
public static IntVar bounded(String NAME, int MIN, int MAX, Solver SOLVER) {
checkIntVar(NAME, MIN, MAX);
if (MIN == MAX) {
return fixed(NAME, MIN, SOLVER);
} else if (MIN == 0 && MAX == 1) {
return new BoolVarImpl(NAME, SOLVER);
} else {
return new IntervalIntVarImpl(NAME, MIN, MAX, SOLVER);
* Build and array of bounded variables
* (each variable domain is represented by two integers)
* @param NAME name of the variables
* @param SIZE number of variables
* @param MIN initial lower bound
* @param MAX initial upper bound
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return an array of integer variables with bounded domains
public static IntVar[] boundedArray(String NAME, int SIZE, int MIN, int MAX, Solver SOLVER) {
IntVar[] vars = new IntVar[SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
vars[i] = bounded(NAME + "[" + i + "]", MIN, MAX, SOLVER);
return vars;
* Build a DIM1*DIM2-sized matrix of bounded variables
* (each variable domain is represented by two integers)
* @param NAME name of the variables
* @param DIM1 number of rows
* @param DIM2 number of columns
* @param MIN initial lower bound
* @param MAX initial upper bound
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return an array of integer variables with bounded domains
public static IntVar[][] boundedMatrix(String NAME, int DIM1, int DIM2, int MIN, int MAX, Solver SOLVER) {
IntVar[][] vars = new IntVar[DIM1][];
for (int i = 0; i < DIM1; i++) {
vars[i] = boundedArray(NAME + "[" + i + "]", DIM2, MIN, MAX, SOLVER);
return vars;
* Build an integer variable whose domain is explicitly represented with a BitSet.
* Its initial domain is {MIN,MIN+1...MAX-1,MAX}
* @param NAME name of the variable
* @param MIN initial lower bound
* @param MAX initial upper bound
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return an integer variable with an enumerated domain
public static IntVar enumerated(String NAME, int MIN, int MAX, Solver SOLVER) {
checkIntVar(NAME, MIN, MAX);
if (MIN == MAX) {
return fixed(NAME, MIN, SOLVER);
} else if (MIN == 0 && MAX == 1) {
return new BoolVarImpl(NAME, SOLVER);
} else {
return new BitsetIntVarImpl(NAME, MIN, MAX, SOLVER);
* Build an array of integer variables whose domains are explicitly represented
* @param NAME name of the variables
* @param SIZE number of variables
* @param MIN initial lower bound
* @param MAX initial upper bound
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return an array of integer variables with enumerated domains
public static IntVar[] enumeratedArray(String NAME, int SIZE, int MIN, int MAX, Solver SOLVER) {
IntVar[] vars = new IntVar[SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
vars[i] = enumerated(NAME + "[" + i + "]", MIN, MAX, SOLVER);
return vars;
* Build a DIM1*DIM2-sized matrix of integer variables whose domains are explicitly represented
* @param NAME name of the variables
* @param DIM1 number of rows
* @param DIM2 number of columns
* @param MIN initial lower bound
* @param MAX initial upper bound
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return a matrix of integer variables with enumerated domains
public static IntVar[][] enumeratedMatrix(String NAME, int DIM1, int DIM2, int MIN, int MAX, Solver SOLVER) {
IntVar[][] vars = new IntVar[DIM1][];
for (int i = 0; i < DIM1; i++) {
vars[i] = enumeratedArray(NAME + "[" + i + "]", DIM2, MIN, MAX, SOLVER);
return vars;
* Build an integer variable whose domain is explicitly represented with a BitSet.
* Its initial domain is VALUES
* @param NAME name of the variable
* @param VALUES initial domain
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return an integer variable with an enumerated domain, initialized to VALUES
public static IntVar enumerated(String NAME, int[] VALUES, Solver SOLVER) {
VALUES = sortIfNot(VALUES.clone());
checkIntVar(NAME, VALUES[0], VALUES[VALUES.length - 1]);
if (VALUES.length == 1) {
return fixed(NAME, VALUES[0], SOLVER);
} else {
int gap = VALUES[VALUES.length - 1] - VALUES[0];
if (gap > 30 && gap / VALUES.length > 5) {
return new BitsetArrayIntVarImpl(NAME, VALUES, SOLVER);
} else {
return new BitsetIntVarImpl(NAME, VALUES, SOLVER);
* Build an integer variable array with enumerated domains.
* Each domain is initialized to VALUE
* @param NAME name of the variables
* @param SIZE number of variables
* @param VALUES initial domain
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return an integer variable array with enumerated domains initialized to VALUES
public static IntVar[] enumeratedArray(String NAME, int SIZE, int[] VALUES, Solver SOLVER) {
IntVar[] vars = new IntVar[SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
vars[i] = enumerated(NAME + "[" + i + "]", VALUES, SOLVER);
return vars;
* Build a DIM1*DIM2-sized matrix of integer variables with enumerated domains.
* Each domain is initialized to VALUE
* @param NAME name of the variables
* @param DIM1 number of rows
* @param DIM2 number of columns
* @param VALUES initial domain
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return an integer variable matrix with enumerated domains initialized to VALUES
public static IntVar[][] enumeratedMatrix(String NAME, int DIM1, int DIM2, int[] VALUES, Solver SOLVER) {
IntVar[][] vars = new IntVar[DIM1][];
for (int i = 0; i < DIM1; i++) {
vars[i] = enumeratedArray(NAME + "[" + i + "]", DIM2, VALUES, SOLVER);
return vars;
* Build a real variable with a bounded domain initialized to [MIN,MAX]
* @param NAME name of the variable
* @param MIN initial lower bound
* @param MAX initial upper bound
* @param PRECISION double precision (e.g., 0.00001d)
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return a real variable with a bounded domain initialized to [MIN,MAX]
public static RealVar real(String NAME, double MIN, double MAX, double PRECISION, Solver SOLVER) {
checkRealVar(NAME, MIN, MAX);
return new RealVarImpl(NAME, MIN, MAX, PRECISION, SOLVER);
* Build a SIZE-sized array of real variables.
* Each domain is initialized to [MIN,MAX]
* @param NAME name of the variables
* @param SIZE number of variables
* @param MIN initial lower bound
* @param MAX initial upper bound
* @param PRECISION double precision (e.g., 0.00001d)
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return a real variable array with bounded domains initialized to [MIN,MAX]
public static RealVar[] realArray(String NAME, int SIZE, double MIN, double MAX, double PRECISION, Solver SOLVER) {
RealVar[] vars = new RealVar[SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
vars[i] = real(NAME + "[" + i + "]", MIN, MAX, PRECISION, SOLVER);
return vars;
* Build a DIM1*DIM2-sized matrix of real variables.
* Each domain is initialized to [MIN,MAX]
* @param NAME name of the variables
* @param DIM1 number of rows
* @param DIM2 number of columns
* @param MIN initial lower bound
* @param MAX initial upper bound
* @param PRECISION double precision (e.g., 0.00001d)
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return a real variable matrix with bounded domains initialized to [MIN,MAX]
public static RealVar[][] realMatrix(String NAME, int DIM1, int DIM2, double MIN, double MAX, double PRECISION, Solver SOLVER) {
RealVar[][] vars = new RealVar[DIM1][];
for (int i = 0; i < DIM1; i++) {
vars[i] = realArray(NAME + "[" + i + "]", DIM2, MIN, MAX, PRECISION, SOLVER);
return vars;
* Builds a set variable with an initial domain given by ENVELOP and KERNEL.
* @param NAME name of the variable
* @param ENVELOPE elements potentially in the set
* @param ENV_TYPE type of data structure for storing the envelope
* @param KERNEL elements that must belong to the final set
* @param KER_TYPE type of data structure for storing the kernel
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return a set variable
public static SetVar set(String NAME, int[] ENVELOPE, SetType ENV_TYPE, int[] KERNEL, SetType KER_TYPE, Solver SOLVER) {
* Builds a set variable with an initial domain given by ENVELOP and KERNEL.
* @param NAME name of the variable
* @param ENVELOPE elements potentially in the set
* @param KERNEL elements that must belong to the final set
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return a set variable
public static SetVar set(String NAME, int[] ENVELOPE, int[] KERNEL, Solver SOLVER) {
* Builds a set variable with an initial domain given by ENVELOP and KERNEL.
* @param NAME name of the variable
* @param ENVELOPE elements potentially in the set
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return a set variable
public static SetVar set(String NAME, int[] ENVELOPE, Solver SOLVER) {
return set(NAME, ENVELOPE, SetType.BITSET, new int[]{}, SetType.BITSET, SOLVER);
* Builds a set variable with an initial domain given by
* Uses a BitSet representation for both the envelope and the kernel
* @param NAME name of the variable
* @param MIN_ELEMENT
* @param MAX_ELEMENT
* @param SOLVER solver involving the variable
* @return a set variable
public static SetVar set(String NAME, int MIN_ELEMENT, int MAX_ELEMENT, Solver SOLVER) {
* Build a Task software component (not a variable) which ensures that START + DURATION = END
* @param START IntVar representing the start of the task
* @param DURATION IntVar representing the duration of the task
* @param END IntVar representing the end of the task
* @return A task Object ensuring that START + DURATION = END
public static Task task(IntVar START, IntVar DURATION, IntVar END) {
return new Task(START, DURATION, END);
* Casts VARIABLES into an integer variable array
* @param VARIABLES variables
* @return an IntVar array containing variables in VARIABLES
public static IntVar[] castToIntVar(Variable... VARIABLES) {
IntVar[] ivars = new IntVar[VARIABLES.length];
for (int i = 0; i < VARIABLES.length; i++) {
ivars[i] = (IntVar) VARIABLES[i];
return ivars;
* Inserts VARS into a new DIM1*DIM2-size matrix:
* put variable of VARS[i*DIM2+j] into mat[i][j]
* @param VARS variables
* @param DIM1 number of rows
* @param DIM2 number of columns
* Note that DIM1*DIM2 is supposed to be equal to VARS.length
* @return a matrix representation of VARS
public static IntVar[][] toMatrix(IntVar[] VARS, int DIM1, int DIM2) {
IntVar[][] mat = new IntVar[DIM1][DIM2];
for (int i = 0; i < DIM1; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < DIM2; j++) {
mat[i][j] = VARS[i + j * DIM1];
return mat;
* Checks domain range.
* Throws an exception if wrong range definition
* @param NAME name of the variable
* @param MIN lower bound of the domain
* @param MAX upper bound of the domain
private static void checkIntVar(String NAME, int MIN, int MAX) {
if (MIN - Integer.MIN_VALUE == 0 || MAX - Integer.MAX_VALUE == 0) {
throw new SolverException(NAME + ": consider reducing the bounds to avoid unexpected results");
if (MAX < MIN) {
throw new SolverException(NAME + ": wrong domain definition, lower bound > upper bound");
* Sorts the input array if it is not already sorted,
* and removes multiple occurrences of the same value
* @param values
* @return a sorted array containing each value of values exactly once
private static int[] sortIfNot(int[] values) {
int n = values.length;
boolean sorted = true;
boolean noDouble = true;
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1 && sorted; i++) {
if (values[i] > values[i + 1]) {
sorted = false;
noDouble = false;// cannot be sure
if (values[i] == values[i + 1]) {
noDouble = false;
if (!sorted) {
if (!noDouble) {
int nbVals = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
assert values[i] <= values[i + 1];
if (values[i] < values[i + 1]) {
if (nbVals < n) {
int[] correctValues = new int[nbVals];
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
if (values[i] < values[i + 1]) {
correctValues[idx++] = values[i];
correctValues[idx++] = values[n - 1];
return correctValues;
return values;
* Checks domain range.
* Throws an exception if wrong range definition
* @param NAME name of the variable
* @param MIN lower bound of the domain
* @param MAX upper bound of the domain
private static void checkRealVar(String NAME, double MIN, double MAX) {
if (MAX < MIN) {
throw new SolverException(NAME + ": wrong domain definition, lower bound > upper bound");
* Create a specific integer variable whom domain is reduced to the singleton {VALUE}.
* <p/>
* This API does not require any name, a default one will be assigned to the variable.
* Furthermore, the object created will be cached, if not already, to avoid creating multiple occurrence of the
* same "constant" variable.
* <p/>
* If one want to avoid the caching process, the following API should be used:
* VariableFactory#fixed(String NAME, int VALUE, Solver SOLVER)
* @param VALUE the value
* @param SOLVER the solver to build the integer variable in.
public static IntVar fixed(int VALUE, Solver SOLVER) {
* Retrieve the specific zero/false boolvar.
* <p/>
* @param SOLVER the solver to build the integer variable in.
public static BoolVar zero(Solver SOLVER) {
* Retrieve the specific one/true boolvar.
* <p/>
* @param SOLVER the solver to build the integer variable in.
public static BoolVar one(Solver SOLVER) {
return SOLVER.ONE;
* Create a specific integer variable, named NAME whom domain is reduced to the singleton {VALUE}.
* <p/>
* <b>Beware: if the name start with "cste -- ", the resulting variable will be cached.</b>
* @param NAME name of the constant
* @param VALUE its value
* @param SOLVER the solver to build the integer variable in.
public static IntVar fixed(String NAME, int VALUE, Solver SOLVER) {
if (NAME.equals(CSTE_NAME + VALUE) && SOLVER.cachedConstants.containsKey(VALUE)) {
return SOLVER.cachedConstants.get(VALUE);
IntVar cste;
if(VALUE == 0 || VALUE == 1){
cste = new FixedBoolVarImpl(NAME, VALUE, SOLVER);
}else {
cste = new FixedIntVarImpl(NAME, VALUE, SOLVER);
if (NAME.equals(CSTE_NAME + VALUE)) {
SOLVER.cachedConstants.put(VALUE, cste);
return cste;
* get a specific boolean variable, whom domain is reduced to the singleton {VALUE}.
* This variable is unnamed as it is actually a solver constant
* @param VALUE its value
* @param SOLVER the solver to build the integer variable in.
public static IntVar fixed(boolean VALUE, Solver SOLVER) {
if (VALUE) {
return SOLVER.ONE;
} else {
* Create a specific set variable, named NAME whom domain is reduced to the singleton {VALUE}.
* @param NAME name of the constant
* @param VALUE its value, a set of integers (duplicates will be removed)
* @param SOLVER the solver to build the integer variable in.
public static SetVar fixed(String NAME, int[] VALUE, Solver SOLVER) {
return new FixedSetVarImpl(NAME, VALUE, SOLVER);
* Create an offset view based on VAR, such that, the resulting view is defined on VAR + CSTE.
* <p/>
* The resulting IntVar does not have explicit domain: it relies on the domain of VAR for reading and writing operations.
* Any operations on this will transformed to operations on VAR following the offset rules.
* @param VAR an integer variable
* @param CSTE a constant
public static IntVar offset(IntVar VAR, int CSTE) {
if (CSTE == 0) {
return VAR;
if (Configuration.ENABLE_VIEWS) {
return new OffsetView(VAR, CSTE, VAR.getSolver());
} else {
Solver s = VAR.getSolver();
int lb = VAR.getLB() + CSTE;
int ub = VAR.getUB() + CSTE;
String name = "(" + VAR.getName() + "+" + CSTE + ")";
IntVar ov;
if (VAR.hasEnumeratedDomain()) {
ov = enumerated(name, lb, ub, s);
} else {
ov = bounded(name, lb, ub, s);
s.post(ICF.arithm(ov, "-", VAR, "=", CSTE));
return ov;
* Create a kind of clone of VAR (an offset view with CSTE= 0), such that, the resulting view is defined on VAR.
* <p/>
* The resulting IntVar does not have explicit domain: it relies on the domain of VAR for reading and writing operations.
* Any operations on this will transformed to operations on VAR following the offset rules.
* @param VAR an integer variable
public static IntVar eq(IntVar VAR) {
// this part should remain (at least for Propagator.checkVariable())
if ((VAR.getTypeAndKind() & Variable.KIND) == Variable.BOOL) {
return eqbool((BoolVar) VAR);
} else {
return eqint(VAR);
* Create a kind of clone of VAR such that, the resulting view is defined on VAR.
* <p/>
* The resulting BoolVar does not have explicit domain: it relies on the domain of VAR for reading and writing operations.
* Any operations on this will transformed to operations on VAR.
* @param VAR an integer variable
public static BoolVar eq(BoolVar VAR) {
return eqbool(VAR);
private static IntVar eqint(IntVar ivar) {
if (Configuration.ENABLE_VIEWS) {
return new EqView(ivar, ivar.getSolver());
} else {
IntVar ov = ivar.duplicate();
ivar.getSolver().post(ICF.arithm(ov, "=", ivar));
return ov;
private static BoolVar eqbool(BoolVar BOOL) {
if (Configuration.ENABLE_VIEWS) {
return new BoolEqView(BOOL, BOOL.getSolver());
} else {
BoolVar ov = BOOL.duplicate();
BOOL.getSolver().post(ICF.arithm(ov, "=", BOOL));
if (BOOL.hasNot()) {
return ov;
* Create a view over BOOL holding the logical negation of BOOL (ie, ¬BOOL).
* <p/>
* The resulting BoolVar does not have explicit domain: it relies on the domain of BOOL for reading and writing operations.
* Any operations on this will transformed to operations on VAR following the "not" rules.
* @param BOOL a boolean variable.
public static BoolVar not(BoolVar BOOL) {
if (Configuration.ENABLE_VIEWS) {
return new BoolNotView(BOOL, BOOL.getSolver());
} else {
if (BOOL.hasNot()) {
return BOOL.not();
} else {
Solver s = BOOL.getSolver();
BoolVar ov = bool("not(" + BOOL.getName() + ")", s);
s.post(ICF.arithm(ov, "!=", BOOL));
return ov;
* Create a view over VAR holding : −VAR.
* That is if VAR = [a,b], then this = [-b,-a].
* <p/>
* The resulting IntVar does not have explicit domain: it relies on the domain of VAR for reading and writing operations.
* Any operations on this will transformed to operations on VAR following the "minus" rules.
* @param VAR an integer variable
public static IntVar minus(IntVar VAR) {
if (Configuration.ENABLE_VIEWS) {
return new MinusView(VAR, VAR.getSolver());
} else {
Solver s = VAR.getSolver();
int ub = -VAR.getLB();
int lb = -VAR.getUB();
String name = "-(" + VAR.getName() + ")";
IntVar ov;
if (VAR.hasEnumeratedDomain()) {
ov = enumerated(name, lb, ub, s);
} else {
ov = bounded(name, lb, ub, s);
s.post(ICF.arithm(ov, "+", VAR, "=", 0));
return ov;
* Create a view over VAR such that: VAR×CSTE (CSTE>-2).
* <p/>
* <br/>- if CSTE < -1, throws an exception;
* <br/>- if CSTE = -1, returns a minus view;
* <br/>- if CSTE = 0, returns a fixed variable;
* <br/>- if CSTE = 1, returns VAR;
* <br/>- otherwise, returns a scale view;
* <p/>
* The resulting IntVar does not have explicit domain: it relies on the domain of VAR for reading and writing operations.
* Any operations on this will transformed to operations on VAR following the "scale" rules.
* @param VAR an integer variable
* @param CSTE a constant.
public static IntVar scale(IntVar VAR, int CSTE) {
if (CSTE == -1) {
return minus(VAR);
if (CSTE < 0) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("scale required positive coefficient!");
} else {
IntVar var;
if (CSTE == 0) {
var = fixed(0, VAR.getSolver());
} else if (CSTE == 1) {
var = VAR;
} else {
if (Configuration.ENABLE_VIEWS) {
var = new ScaleView(VAR, CSTE, VAR.getSolver());
} else {
Solver s = VAR.getSolver();
int lb = VAR.getLB() * CSTE;
int ub = VAR.getUB() * CSTE;
String name = "(" + VAR.getName() + "*" + CSTE + ")";
IntVar ov;
if (VAR.hasEnumeratedDomain()) {
ov = enumerated(name, lb, ub, s);
} else {
ov = bounded(name, lb, ub, s);
s.post(ICF.times(VAR, CSTE, ov));
return ov;
return var;
* Create a view over VAR such that: |VAR|.
* <p/>
* <br/>- if VAR is already instantiated, returns a fixed variable;
* <br/>- if the lower bound of VAR is greater or equal to 0, returns VAR;
* <br/>- if the upper bound of VAR is less or equal to 0, return a minus view;
* <br/>- otherwise, returns an absolute view;
* <p/>
* The resulting IntVar does not have explicit domain: it relies on the domain of VAR for reading and writing operations.
* Any operations on this will transformed to operations on VAR following the "absolute" rules.
* @param VAR an integer variable.
public static IntVar abs(IntVar VAR) {
if (VAR.isInstantiated()) {
return fixed(Math.abs(VAR.getValue()), VAR.getSolver());
} else if (VAR.getLB() >= 0) {
return VAR;
} else if (VAR.getUB() <= 0) {
return minus(VAR);
} else {
Solver s = VAR.getSolver();
int ub = Math.max(-VAR.getLB(), VAR.getUB());
String name = "|" + VAR.getName() + "|";
IntVar abs;
if (VAR.hasEnumeratedDomain()) {
abs = enumerated(name, 0, ub, s);
} else {
abs = bounded(name, 0, ub, s);
s.post(IntConstraintFactory.absolute(abs, VAR));
return abs;
* Create a real variable based on an integer variable VAR.
* The PRECISION is used to evaluate when the view is instantiated, that is, when
* the size of the domain of the view is strictly less than PRECISION.
* @param VAR an integer variable
* @param PRECISION used to evaluate the instantiation of the view.
public static RealVar real(IntVar VAR, double PRECISION) {
if (Configuration.ENABLE_VIEWS) {
return new RealView(VAR, PRECISION);
} else {
Solver s = VAR.getSolver();
double lb = VAR.getLB();
double ub = VAR.getUB();
RealVar rv = real("(real)" + VAR.getName(), lb, ub, PRECISION, s);
s.post(new IntEqRealConstraint(VAR, rv, PRECISION));
return rv;
* Create an array of real variables based on an array of integer variables VAR.
* The PRECISION is used to evaluate when the view is instantiated, that is, when
* the size of the domain of the view is strictly less than PRECISION.
* @param VARS array of integer variables
* @param PRECISION used to evaluate the instantiation of each view.
* @return
public static RealVar[] real(IntVar[] VARS, double PRECISION) {
RealVar[] reals = new RealVar[VARS.length];
if (Configuration.ENABLE_VIEWS) {
for (int i = 0; i < VARS.length; i++) {
reals[i] = real(VARS[i], PRECISION);
} else {
Solver s = VARS[0].getSolver();
for (int i = 0; i < VARS.length; i++) {
double lb = VARS[i].getLB();
double ub = VARS[i].getUB();
reals[i] = real("(real)" + VARS[i].getName(), lb, ub, PRECISION, s);
s.post(new IntEqRealConstraint(VARS, reals, PRECISION));
return reals;