* Copyright (c) 1999-2014, Ecole des Mines de Nantes
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of the Ecole des Mines de Nantes nor the
* names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
package solver;
import gnu.trove.map.hash.THashMap;
import gnu.trove.map.hash.TIntObjectHashMap;
import memory.Environments;
import memory.IEnvironment;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import solver.constraints.Constraint;
import solver.constraints.ICF;
import solver.constraints.Propagator;
import solver.constraints.nary.cnf.PropFalse;
import solver.constraints.nary.cnf.PropTrue;
import solver.constraints.nary.cnf.SatConstraint;
import solver.constraints.real.Ibex;
import solver.exception.ContradictionException;
import solver.exception.SolverException;
import solver.explanations.ExplanationEngine;
import solver.objective.ObjectiveManager;
import solver.propagation.IPropagationEngine;
import solver.propagation.NoPropagationEngine;
import solver.propagation.PropagationTrigger;
import solver.propagation.hardcoded.TwoBucketPropagationEngine;
import solver.search.loop.ISearchLoop;
import solver.search.loop.SearchLoop;
import solver.search.loop.monitors.ISearchMonitor;
import solver.search.measure.IMeasures;
import solver.search.measure.MeasuresRecorder;
import solver.search.solution.*;
import solver.search.strategy.ISF;
import solver.search.strategy.strategy.AbstractStrategy;
import solver.variables.*;
import sun.reflect.Reflection;
import util.ESat;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
* The <code>Solver</code> is the header component of Constraint Programming.
* It embeds the list of <code>Variable</code> (and their <code>Domain</code>), the <code>Constraint</code>'s network,
* and a <code>IPropagationEngine</code> to pilot the propagation.<br/>
* <code>Solver</code> includes a <code>AbstractSearchLoop</code> to guide the search loop: apply decisions and propagate,
* run backups and rollbacks and store solutions.
* @author Xavier Lorca
* @author Charles Prud'homme
* @version 0.01, june 2010
* @see solver.variables.Variable
* @see solver.constraints.Constraint
* @since 0.01
public class Solver implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private ExplanationEngine explainer;
* Variables of the solver
Variable[] vars;
int vIdx;
* Constraints of the solver
Constraint[] cstrs;
int cIdx;
public TIntObjectHashMap<IntVar> cachedConstants;
* Environment, based of the search tree (trailing or copying)
final IEnvironment environment;
* Search loop of the solver
protected ISearchLoop search;
protected IPropagationEngine engine;
* Solver's measures
protected final IMeasures measures;
protected ISolutionRecorder solutionRecorder;
* Solver name
protected String name;
* Problem feasbility:
* - UNDEFINED if unknown,
* - TRUE if satisfiable,
* - FALSE if unsatisfiable
ESat feasible = ESat.UNDEFINED;
protected long creationTime;
protected int id = 1;
* Two basic constraints TRUE and FALSE, cached to avoid multiple useless occurrences
public final Constraint TRUE, FALSE;
* Two basic constants ZERO and ONE, cached to avoid multiple useless occurrences.
public final BoolVar ZERO, ONE;
protected SatConstraint minisat;
private Ibex ibex;
* Create a solver object embedding a <code>environment</code>, named <code>name</code> and with the specific set of
* properties <code>solverProperties</code>.
* @param environment a backtracking environment
* @param name a name
public Solver(IEnvironment environment, String name) {
this.name = name;
this.vars = new Variable[32];
vIdx = 0;
this.cstrs = new Constraint[32];
cIdx = 0;
this.environment = environment;
this.measures = new MeasuresRecorder(this); // must be created before calling search loop.
this.search = new SearchLoop(this);
this.explainer = new ExplanationEngine(this);
this.creationTime -= System.nanoTime();
this.cachedConstants = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(16, 1.5f, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
this.engine = NoPropagationEngine.SINGLETON;
ZERO = (BoolVar) VF.fixed(0, this);
ONE = (BoolVar) VF.fixed(1, this);
TRUE = new Constraint("TRUE cstr", new PropTrue(ONE));
FALSE = new Constraint("FALSE cstr", new PropFalse(ZERO));
solutionRecorder = new LastSolutionRecorder(new Solution(), false, this);
* Create a solver object with default parameters.
public Solver() {
* Create a solver object with default parameters, named <code>name</code>.
public Solver(String name) {
this(Environments.DEFAULT.make(), name);
/////////////////////////////////////// GETTERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Returns the unique and internal search loop.
* @return the unique and internal <code>AbstractSearchLoop</code> object.
public ISearchLoop getSearchLoop() {
return search;
* Get the objective manager
public ObjectiveManager getObjectiveManager() {
return this.search.getObjectiveManager();
public AbstractStrategy getStrategy() {
return search.getStrategy();
* Returns the propagation engine used in <code>this</code>.
* @return a propagation engine.
public IPropagationEngine getEngine() {
return engine;
* Returns the array of declared <code>Variable</code> objects defined in this <code>Solver</code>.
* @return array of variables
public Variable[] getVars() {
return Arrays.copyOf(vars, vIdx);
* Returns the number of variables involved in <code>this</code>.
* @return number of variables
public int getNbVars() {
return vIdx;
* Returns the i<sup>th</sup> variables within the array of variables defined in <code>this</code>.
* @param i index of the variables to return.
* @return a variable
public Variable getVar(int i) {
return vars[i];
* Iterate over the variable of <code>this</code> and build an array that contains the IntVar only (<b>excluding</b> BoolVar).
* It also contains FIXED variables and VIEWS, if any.
* @return array of IntVars of <code>this</code>
public IntVar[] retrieveIntVars() {
IntVar[] ivars = new IntVar[vIdx];
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vIdx; i++) {
if ((vars[i].getTypeAndKind() & Variable.KIND) == Variable.INT) {
ivars[k++] = (IntVar) vars[i];
return Arrays.copyOf(ivars, k);
* Iterate over the variable of <code>this</code> and build an array that contains the BoolVar only.
* It also contains FIXED variables and VIEWS, if any.
* @return array of BoolVars of <code>this</code>
public BoolVar[] retrieveBoolVars() {
BoolVar[] bvars = new BoolVar[vIdx];
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vIdx; i++) {
if ((vars[i].getTypeAndKind() & Variable.KIND) == Variable.BOOL) {
bvars[k++] = (BoolVar) vars[i];
return Arrays.copyOf(bvars, k);
* Iterate over the variable of <code>this</code> and build an array that contains the SetVar only.
* It also contains FIXED variables and VIEWS, if any.
* @return array of SetVars of <code>this</code>
public SetVar[] retrieveSetVars() {
SetVar[] bvars = new SetVar[vIdx];
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vIdx; i++) {
if ((vars[i].getTypeAndKind() & Variable.KIND) == Variable.SET) {
bvars[k++] = (SetVar) vars[i];
return Arrays.copyOf(bvars, k);
* Iterate over the variable of <code>this</code> and build an array that contains the RealVar only.
* It also contains FIXED variables and VIEWS, if any.
* @return array of RealVars of <code>this</code>
public RealVar[] retrieveRealVars() {
RealVar[] bvars = new RealVar[vIdx];
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vIdx; i++) {
if ((vars[i].getTypeAndKind() & Variable.KIND) == Variable.REAL) {
bvars[k++] = (RealVar) vars[i];
return Arrays.copyOf(bvars, k);
* Returns the array of declared <code>Constraint</code> objects defined in this <code>Solver</code>.
* @return array of constraints
public Constraint[] getCstrs() {
return Arrays.copyOf(cstrs, cIdx);
* Return the number of constraints declared in <code>this</code>.
* @return number of constraints.
public int getNbCstrs() {
return cIdx;
* Return the name, if any, of <code>this</code>.
public String getName() {
return name;
* Return the backtracking environment of <code>this</code>.
public IEnvironment getEnvironment() {
return environment;
* Return a reference to the measures recorder.
* This enables to get, for instance, the number of solutions found, time count, etc.
public IMeasures getMeasures() {
return measures;
* Return the explanation engine plugged into <code>this</code>.
public ExplanationEngine getExplainer() {
return explainer;
* Return the solution recorder
public ISolutionRecorder getSolutionRecorder() {
return solutionRecorder;
/////////////////////////////////////// SETTERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Override the default search loop to use in <code>this</code>.
* @param searchLoop the search loop to use
public void set(ISearchLoop searchLoop) {
this.search = searchLoop;
* Override the default search strategies to use in <code>this</code>.
* In case many strategies are given, they will be called in sequence:
* The first strategy in parameter is first called to compute a decision, if possible.
* If it cannot provide a new decision, the second strategy is called ...
* and so on, until the last strategy.
* <p/>
* @param strategies the search strategies to use.
public void set(AbstractStrategy... strategies) {
if (strategies == null || strategies.length == 0) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("no search strategy has been specified");
if (strategies.length == 1) {
} else {
* Attach a propagation engine <code>this</code>.
* It overrides the previously defined one, if any.
* @param propagationEngine a propagation strategy
public void set(IPropagationEngine propagationEngine) {
this.engine = propagationEngine;
* Override the explanation engine.
public void set(ExplanationEngine explainer) {
this.explainer = explainer;
* Override the objective manager
public void set(ObjectiveManager om) {
* Override the solution recorder.
* Beware : multiple recorders which restore a solution might create a conflict.
public void set(ISolutionRecorder sr) {
this.solutionRecorder = sr;
* Put a search monitor to react on search events (solutions, decisions, fails, ...)
* @param sm a search monitor to be plugged in the solver
public void plugMonitor(ISearchMonitor sm) {
/////////////////////////////////////// RELATED TO VAR AND CSTR DECLARATION ////////////////////////////////////////
* Link a variable to <code>this</code>.
* This is executed AUTOMATICALLY in variable constructor, so no checked are done on multiple occurrences of
* the very same variable.
* @param variable a newly created variable, not already added
public void associates(Variable variable) {
if (vIdx == vars.length) {
Variable[] tmp = vars;
vars = new Variable[tmp.length * 2];
System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, vars, 0, vIdx);
vars[vIdx++] = variable;
* Unlink the variable from <code>this</code>.
* @param variable
public void unassociates(Variable variable) {
if (variable.getNbProps() > 0) {
throw new SolverException("Try to remove a variable (" + variable.getName() + ")which is still involved in at least one constraint");
int idx = 0;
for (; idx < vIdx; idx++) {
if (variable == vars[idx]) break;
System.arraycopy(vars, idx + 1, vars, idx + 1 - 1, vIdx - (idx + 1));
vars[--vIdx] = null;
* Post permanently a constraint <code>c</code> in the constraints network of <code>this</code>:
* - add it to the data structure,
* - set the fixed idx,
* - checks for restrictions
* @param c a Constraint
public void post(Constraint c) {
_post(true, c);
* Post constraints <code>cs</code> permanently in the constraints network of <code>this</code>:
* - add them to the data structure,
* - set the fixed idx,
* - checks for restrictions
* @param cs Constraints
public void post(Constraint... cs) {
_post(true, cs);
* Post a constraint temporary, that is, it will be unposted upon backtrack.
* @param c constraint to add
public void postTemp(Constraint c) throws ContradictionException {
_post(false, c);
if (engine == NoPropagationEngine.SINGLETON || !engine.isInitialized()) {
throw new SolverException("Try to post a temporary constraint while the resolution has not begun.\n" +
"A call to Solver.post(Constraint) is more appropriate.");
for (Propagator propagator : c.getPropagators()) {
PropagationTrigger.execute(propagator, engine);
* Add constraints to the model.
* @param permanent specify whether the constraints are added permanently (if set to true) or temporary (ie, should be removed on backtrack)
* @param cs list of constraints
private void _post(boolean permanent, Constraint... cs) {
boolean dynAdd = false;
// check if the resolution already started -> if true, dynamic addition
if (engine != NoPropagationEngine.SINGLETON && engine.isInitialized()) {
dynAdd = true;
// then store the constraints
if (cIdx + cs.length >= cstrs.length) {
int nsize = cstrs.length;
while (cIdx + cs.length >= nsize) {
nsize *= 3 / 2 + 1;
Constraint[] tmp = cstrs;
cstrs = new Constraint[nsize];
System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, cstrs, 0, cIdx);
System.arraycopy(cs, 0, cstrs, cIdx, cs.length);
cIdx += cs.length;
// specific behavior for dynamic addition and/or reified constraints
for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
if (dynAdd) {
engine.dynamicAddition(cs[i], permanent);
if (cs[i].isReified()) {
try {
} catch (ContradictionException e) {
throw new SolverException("post a constraint whose reification BoolVar is already set to false: no solution can exist");
* Remove permanently the constraint <code>c</code> from the constraint network.
* @param c the constraint to remove
public void unpost(Constraint c) {
// 1. look for the constraint c
int idx = 0;
while (idx < cIdx && cstrs[idx] != c) {
// 2. remove it from the network
if (idx < cIdx) {
Constraint cm = cstrs[--cIdx];
cstrs[idx] = cm;
cstrs[cIdx] = null;
// 3. check if the resolution already started -> if true, dynamic deletion
if (engine != NoPropagationEngine.SINGLETON && engine.isInitialized()) {
// 4. remove the propagators of the constraint from its variables
for (Propagator prop : c.getPropagators()) {
for (int v = 0; v < prop.getNbVars(); v++) {
* Return a constraint embedding a minisat solver.
* It is highly recommanded that there is only once instance of this constraint in a solver.
* So a call to this method will create and post the constraint if it does not exist.
* @return the minisat constraint
public SatConstraint getMinisat() {
if (minisat == null) {
minisat = new SatConstraint(this);
return minisat;
/////////////////////////////////////// RELATED TO RESOLUTION //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Returns information on the feasibility of the current problem defined by the solver.
* <p/>
* Possible back values are:
* <br/>- {@link ESat#TRUE}: a solution has been found,
* <br/>- {@link ESat#FALSE}: the CSP has been proven to have no solution,
* <br/>- {@link ESat#UNDEFINED}: no solution has been found so far (within given limits)
* without proving the unfeasibility, though.
* @return an {@link ESat}.
public ESat isFeasible() {
return feasible;
* Changes the current feasibility state of the <code>Solver</code> object.
* <p/>
* <b>Commonly called by the search loop, should not used without any knowledge of side effects.</b>
* @param feasible new state
public void setFeasible(ESat feasible) {
this.feasible = feasible;
* Returns information on the completeness of the search process.
* <p/>
* A call to {@link #isFeasible()} may provide complementary information.
* <p/>
* Possible back values are:
* <p/>
* <br/>- <code>false</code> : the resolution is complete and
* <br/> * {@link #findSolution()}: a solution has been found or the CSP has been proven to be unsatisfiable.
* <br/> * {@link #nextSolution()}: a new solution has been found, or no more solutions exist.
* <br/> * {@link #findAllSolutions()}: all solutions have been found, or the CSP has been proven to be unsatisfiable.
* <br/> * {@link #findOptimalSolution(ResolutionPolicy, solver.variables.IntVar)}: the optimal solution has been found and
* proven to be optimal, or the CSP has been proven to be unsatisfiable.
* <br/>- <code>true</code>: the resolution stopped after reaching a limit.
public boolean hasReachedLimit() {
return search.hasReachedLimit();
* Attempts to find the first solution of the declared problem.
* Then, following solutions can be found using {@link solver.Solver#nextSolution()}.
* <p/>
* An alternative is to call {@link solver.Solver#isFeasible()} which tells, whether or not, a solution has been found.
* @return <code>true</code> if and only if a solution has been found.
public boolean findSolution() {
return measures.getSolutionCount() > 0;
* Once {@link Solver#findSolution()} has been called once, other solutions can be found using this method.
* <p/>
* The search is then resume to the last found solution point.
* @return a boolean stating whereas a new solution has been found (<code>true</code>), or not (<code>false</code>).
public boolean nextSolution() {
long nbsol = measures.getSolutionCount();
return (measures.getSolutionCount() - nbsol) > 0;
* Attempts to find all solutions of the declared problem.
* @return the number of found solutions.
public long findAllSolutions() {
return measures.getSolutionCount();
* Attempts optimize the value of the <code>objective</code> variable w.r.t. to the optimization <code>policy</code>.
* Restores the best solution found so far (if any)
* @param policy optimization policy, among ResolutionPolicy.MINIMIZE and ResolutionPolicy.MAXIMIZE
* @param objective the variable to optimize
public void findOptimalSolution(ResolutionPolicy policy, IntVar objective) {
if (policy == ResolutionPolicy.SATISFACTION) {
throw new SolverException("Solver.findOptimalSolution(...) cannot be called with ResolutionPolicy.SATISFACTION.");
if (objective == null) {
throw new SolverException("No objective variable has been defined");
if (!getObjectiveManager().isOptimization()) {
set(new ObjectiveManager<IntVar, Integer>(objective, policy, true));
set(new LastSolutionRecorder(new Solution(), true, this));
* Attempts optimize the value of the <code>objective</code> variable w.r.t. to the optimization <code>policy</code>.
* Finds and stores all optimal solution
* Restores the best solution found so far (if any)
* @param policy optimization policy, among ResolutionPolicy.MINIMIZE and ResolutionPolicy.MAXIMIZE
* @param objective the variable to optimize
* @param twoSteps When set to true it calls two resolution:
* 1) It finds and prove the optimum
* 2) It reset search and enumerates all solutions of optimal cost
* When set to false, it performs only one resolution but which does impose to find strictly
* better solutions. This means it will spend time enumerating intermediary solutions equal to the
* the best cost found so far (but not necessarily optimal).
public void findAllOptimalSolutions(ResolutionPolicy policy, IntVar objective, boolean twoSteps) {
if (twoSteps) {
findOptimalSolution(policy, objective);
if (getMeasures().getSolutionCount() > 0) {
int opt = getObjectiveManager().getBestSolutionValue().intValue();
post(ICF.arithm(objective, "=", opt));
set(new AllSolutionsRecorder(this));
} else {
if (policy == ResolutionPolicy.SATISFACTION) {
throw new SolverException("Solver.findAllOptimalSolutions(...) cannot be called with ResolutionPolicy.SATISFACTION.");
if (objective == null) {
throw new SolverException("No objective variable has been defined");
if (!getObjectiveManager().isOptimization()) {
set(new ObjectiveManager<IntVar, Integer>(objective, policy, false));
set(new BestSolutionsRecorder(objective));
* Attempts optimize the value of the <code>objective</code> variable w.r.t. to the optimization <code>policy</code>.
* Finds and stores all optimal solution
* Restores the best solution found so far (if any)
* @param policy optimization policy, among ResolutionPolicy.MINIMIZE and ResolutionPolicy.MAXIMIZE
* @param objectives the variables to optimize. BEWARE they should all respect the SAME optimization policy
public void findParetoFront(ResolutionPolicy policy, IntVar... objectives) {
if (policy == ResolutionPolicy.SATISFACTION) {
throw new SolverException("Solver.findParetoFront(...) cannot be called with ResolutionPolicy.SATISFACTION.");
if (objectives == null || objectives.length == 0) {
throw new SolverException("No objective variable has been defined");
if (objectives.length == 1) {
throw new SolverException("Only one objective variable has been defined. Pareto is relevant with >1 objective");
// BEWARE the usual optimization manager is only defined for mono-objective optimization
// so we use a satisfaction manager by default (it does nothing)
if (getObjectiveManager().isOptimization()) {
set(new ObjectiveManager<IntVar, Integer>(null, ResolutionPolicy.SATISFACTION, false));
set(new ParetoSolutionsRecorder(policy, objectives));
* Attempts optimize the value of the <code>objective</code> variable w.r.t. to the optimization <code>policy</code>.
* Restores the last solution found so far (if any)
* @param policy optimization policy, among ResolutionPolicy.MINIMIZE and ResolutionPolicy.MAXIMIZE
* @param objective the variable to optimize
public void findOptimalSolution(ResolutionPolicy policy, RealVar objective, double precision) {
if (policy == ResolutionPolicy.SATISFACTION) {
throw new SolverException("Solver.findOptimalSolution(...) can not be called with ResolutionPolicy.SATISFACTION.");
if (objective == null) {
throw new SolverException("No objective variable has been defined");
if (!getObjectiveManager().isOptimization()) {
set(new ObjectiveManager<RealVar, Double>(objective, policy, precision, true));
set(new LastSolutionRecorder(new Solution(), true, this));
* This method should not be called externally. It launches the resolution process.
protected void solve(boolean stopAtFirst) {
if (engine == NoPropagationEngine.SINGLETON) {
this.set(new TwoBucketPropagationEngine(this));
measures.setReadingTimeCount(creationTime + System.nanoTime());
* Propagate constraints and related events through the constraint network until a fix point is find, or a contradiction
* is detected.
* @throws ContradictionException
public void propagate() throws ContradictionException {
if (engine == NoPropagationEngine.SINGLETON) {
this.set(new TwoBucketPropagationEngine(this));
* Return the current state of the CSP.
* <p/>
* Given the current domains, it can return a value among:
* <br/>- {@link ESat#TRUE}: all constraints of the CSP are satisfied for sure,
* <br/>- {@link ESat#FALSE}: at least one constraint of the CSP is not satisfied.
* <br/>- {@link ESat#UNDEFINED}: neither satisfiability nor unsatisfiability could be proven so far.
* <p/>
* Presumably, not all variables are instantiated.
public ESat isSatisfied() {
int OK = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < cIdx; c++) {
ESat satC = cstrs[c].isSatisfied();
if (ESat.FALSE == satC) {
if (LoggerFactory.getLogger("solver").isErrorEnabled()) {
LoggerFactory.getLogger("solver").error("FAILURE >> {} ({})", cstrs[c].toString(), satC);
return ESat.FALSE;
} else if (ESat.TRUE == satC) {
if (OK == cIdx) {
return ESat.TRUE;
} else {
return ESat.UNDEFINED;
* Return a string describing the CSP defined in <code>this</code>.
public String toString() {
StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(256);
st.append(String.format("\n Solver %s\n", name));
st.append(String.format("\n[ %d vars -- %d cstrs ]\n", vIdx, cIdx));
st.append(String.format("Feasability: %s\n", feasible));
st.append("== variables ==\n");
for (int v = 0; v < vIdx; v++) {
st.append("== constraints ==\n");
for (int c = 0; c < cIdx; c++) {
return st.toString();
//////////////////////////////////////////// RELATED TO I/O ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Kicks off the serialization mechanism and flatten the {@code solver} into the given {@code file}.
* @param solver to flatten
* @param file scope file
* @throws java.io.IOException if an I/O exception occurs.
public static void writeInFile(final Solver solver, final File file) throws IOException {
FileOutputStream fos;
ObjectOutputStream out;
fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
out = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
* Kicks off the serialization mechanism and flatten the {@code model} into a file
* in the default temporary-file directory.
* @param solver to flatten
* @return output file
* @throws IOException if an I/O exception occurs.
public static File writeInFile(final Solver solver) throws IOException {
final File file = File.createTempFile("SOLVER_", ".ser");
FileOutputStream fos;
ObjectOutputStream out;
fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
out = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
return file;
* Restore flatten {@link Solver} from the given {@code file}.
* @param file input file
* @return a {@link Solver}
* @throws IOException if an I/O exception occurs.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException if wrong flattened object.
public static Solver readFromFile(final String file) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
FileInputStream fis;
ObjectInputStream in;
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
in = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
final Solver model = (Solver) in.readObject();
return model;
* Duplicate the model declares within <code>this</code>, ie only variables and constraints.
* Some parameters are reset to default value: search loop (set to binary), explanation engine (set to NONE),
* propagation engine (set to NONE), objective manager (set to SAT), solution recorder (set to LastSolutionRecorder) and
* feasibility (set to UNDEFINED).
* The search strategies and search monitors are simply not reported in the copy.
* <p/>
* Note that a new instance of the environment is made, preserving the initial choice.
* <p/>
* Duplicating a solver is only possible before any resolution process began.
* This is a strong restriction which may be removed in the future.
* Indeed, duplicating a solver should only be considered while dealing with multi-threading.
* @return a copy of <code>this</code>
* @throws solver.exception.SolverException if the search has already begun.
public Solver duplicateModel() {
if (environment.getWorldIndex() > 0) {
throw new SolverException("Duplicating a solver cannot be achieved once the resolution has begun.");
// Create a fresh solver
Solver clone;
try {
clone = new Solver(this.environment.getClass().newInstance(), this.name);
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new SolverException("The current solver cannot be duplicated:\n" + e.getMessage());
THashMap<Object, Object> identitymap = new THashMap<>();
// duplicate variables
for (int i = 0; i < this.vIdx; i++) {
this.vars[i].duplicate(clone, identitymap);
// duplicate constraints
for (int i = 0; i < this.cIdx; i++) {
this.cstrs[i].duplicate(clone, identitymap);
//TODO How to deal with temporary constraints ?
clone.post((Constraint) identitymap.get(this.cstrs[i]));
return clone;
* <b>This methods should not be called by the user.</b>
public int getNbIdElt() {
return id;
* <b>This methods should not be called by the user.</b>
public int nextId() {
return id++;
* Get the ibex reference
* Creates one if none
* @return the ibex reference
public Ibex getIbex() {
if (ibex == null) ibex = new Ibex();
return ibex;