import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.sf.practicalxml.DomUtil;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import eu.ha3.matmos.engine.core.implem.Dynamic;
import eu.ha3.matmos.engine.core.implem.LongFloatSimplificator;
import eu.ha3.matmos.engine.core.implem.SheetEntry;
import eu.ha3.matmos.engine.core.interfaces.Operator;
import eu.ha3.matmos.engine.core.interfaces.SheetIndex;
import eu.ha3.matmos.jsonformat.serializable.expansion.SerialCondition;
import eu.ha3.matmos.jsonformat.serializable.expansion.SerialDynamic;
import eu.ha3.matmos.jsonformat.serializable.expansion.SerialDynamicSheetIndex;
import eu.ha3.matmos.jsonformat.serializable.expansion.SerialEvent;
import eu.ha3.matmos.jsonformat.serializable.expansion.SerialList;
import eu.ha3.matmos.jsonformat.serializable.expansion.SerialMachine;
import eu.ha3.matmos.jsonformat.serializable.expansion.SerialMachineEvent;
import eu.ha3.matmos.jsonformat.serializable.expansion.SerialMachineStream;
import eu.ha3.matmos.jsonformat.serializable.expansion.SerialRoot;
import eu.ha3.matmos.jsonformat.serializable.expansion.SerialSet;
/* x-placeholder */
public class LegacyXMLExpansions_Engine1
private static final String AS_ITEM = "__AS_ITEM";
private static final String AS_BLOCK = "__AS_BLOCK";
private static final String NAME = "name";
private static final String LIST = "list";
private static final String CONDITION = "condition";
private static final String SHEET = "sheet";
private static final String KEY = "key";
private static final String DYNAMICKEY = "dynamickey";
private static final String SYMBOL = "symbol";
private static final String CONSTANT = "constant";
private static final String SET = "set";
private static final String TRUEPART = "truepart";
private static final String FALSEPART = "falsepart";
private static final String EVENT = "event";
private static final String VOLMIN = "volmin";
private static final String VOLMAX = "volmax";
private static final String PITCHMIN = "pitchmin";
private static final String PITCHMAX = "pitchmax";
private static final String METASOUND = "metasound";
private static final String PATH = "path";
private static final String MACHINE = "machine";
private static final String ALLOW = "allow";
private static final String RESTRICT = "restrict";
private static final String DYNAMIC = "dynamic";
private static final String ENTRY = "entry";
private static final String EVENTTIMED = "eventtimed";
private static final String EVENTNAME = "eventname";
private static final String VOLMOD = "volmod";
private static final String PITCHMOD = "pitchmod";
private static final String DELAYSTART = "delaystart";
private static final String DELAYMIN = "delaymin";
private static final String DELAYMAX = "delaymax";
private static final String STREAM = "stream";
//PATH already covered
private static final String VOLUME = "volume";
private static final String PITCH = "pitch";
private static final String FADEINTIME = "fadeintime";
private static final String FADEOUTTIME = "fadeouttime";
private static final String DELAYBEFOREFADEIN = "delaybeforefadein";
private static final String DELAYBEFOREFADEOUT = "delaybeforefadeout";
private static final String ISLOOPING = "islooping";
private static final String ISUSINGPAUSE = "isusingpause";
private Map<String, String> scanDicts;
private SerialRoot root;
public LegacyXMLExpansions_Engine1()
this.scanDicts = new HashMap<String, String>();
this.scanDicts.put("LargeScan", "scan_large");
this.scanDicts.put("LargeScanPerMil", "scan_large_p1k");
this.scanDicts.put("SmallScan", "scan_small");
this.scanDicts.put("SmallScanPerMil", "scan_small_p1k");
this.scanDicts.put("ContactScan", "scan_contact");
public SerialRoot loadXMLtoSerial(Document doc)
this.root = new SerialRoot();
return this.root;
catch (Exception e)
return new SerialRoot();
private String asBlock(int il)
Block block = Block.getBlockById(il);
if (block == null)
return null;
return MAtmosUtility.nameOf(block);
private String asBlock(String longFloatSimplificated)
if (longFloatSimplificated == null)
return null;
Long l = LongFloatSimplificator.longOf(longFloatSimplificated);
if (l == null)
return null;
return asBlock((int) (long) l);
private String asItem(int il)
Item item = Item.getItemById(il);
if (item == null)
return null;
return MAtmosUtility.nameOf(item);
private String asItem(String longFloatSimplificated)
if (longFloatSimplificated == null)
return null;
Long l = LongFloatSimplificator.longOf(longFloatSimplificated);
if (l == null)
return null;
return asItem((int) (long) l);
private String eltString(String tagName, Element ele)
return textOf(DomUtil.getChild(ele, tagName));
private SerialMachineEvent inscriptXMLeventTimed(Element specs)
SerialMachineEvent sme = new SerialMachineEvent();
String eventname = eltString(EVENTNAME, specs);
String volmod = eltString(VOLMOD, specs);
String pitchmod = eltString(PITCHMOD, specs);
String delaymin = eltString(DELAYMIN, specs);
String delaymax = eltString(DELAYMAX, specs);
String delaystart = eltString(DELAYSTART, specs);
sme.event = eventname;
sme.vol_mod = volmod != null ? Float.parseFloat(volmod) : 1f;
sme.pitch_mod = pitchmod != null ? Float.parseFloat(pitchmod) : 1f;
sme.delay_min = delaymin != null ? Float.parseFloat(delaymin) : 1f; // 1f is dummy
sme.delay_max = delaymax != null ? Float.parseFloat(delaymax) : 1f; // 1f is dummy
sme.delay_start = delaystart != null ? Float.parseFloat(delaystart) : 1f; // 1f is dummy
return sme;
private SerialMachineStream inscriptXMLstream(Element specs, SerialMachine machine)
SerialMachineStream sms = new SerialMachineStream();
String _PATH = eltString(PATH, specs);
String _VOLUME = eltString(VOLUME, specs);
String _PITCH = eltString(PITCH, specs);
String _FADEINTIME = eltString(FADEINTIME, specs);
String _FADEOUTTIME = eltString(FADEOUTTIME, specs);
String _ISLOOPING = eltString(ISLOOPING, specs);
String _ISUSINGPAUSE = eltString(ISUSINGPAUSE, specs);
sms.path = _PATH;
sms.vol = _VOLUME != null ? Float.parseFloat(_VOLUME) : 1f;
sms.pitch = _PITCH != null ? Float.parseFloat(_PITCH) : 1f;
machine.fadein = _FADEINTIME != null ? Float.parseFloat(_FADEINTIME) : 1f; // 1f is dummy
machine.fadeout = _FADEOUTTIME != null ? Float.parseFloat(_FADEOUTTIME) : 1f; // 1f is dummy
machine.delay_fadein = _DELAYBEFOREFADEIN != null ? Float.parseFloat(_DELAYBEFOREFADEIN) : 1f; // 1f is dummy
machine.delay_fadeout = _DELAYBEFOREFADEOUT != null ? Float.parseFloat(_DELAYBEFOREFADEOUT) : 1f; // 1f is dummy
sms.looping = toInt(_ISLOOPING) == 1;
sms.pause = toInt(_ISUSINGPAUSE) == 1;
return sms;
private String nameOf(Element element)
if (element == null)
return null;
Node nameNode = element.getAttributes().getNamedItem(NAME);
if (nameNode == null)
return null;
return nameNode.getNodeValue();
private void parseXMLtoSerial(Document doc) throws XPathExpressionException, DOMException
Element elt = doc.getDocumentElement();
for (Element capsule : DomUtil.getChildren(elt, DYNAMIC))
if (nameOf(capsule) != null)
parseXML_1_dynamic(capsule, nameOf(capsule));
for (Element capsule : DomUtil.getChildren(elt, LIST))
if (nameOf(capsule) != null)
parseXML_2_list(capsule, nameOf(capsule));
for (Element capsule : DomUtil.getChildren(elt, CONDITION))
if (nameOf(capsule) != null)
parseXML_3_condition(capsule, nameOf(capsule));
for (Element capsule : DomUtil.getChildren(elt, SET))
if (nameOf(capsule) != null)
parseXML_4_set(capsule, nameOf(capsule));
for (Element capsule : DomUtil.getChildren(elt, EVENT))
if (nameOf(capsule) != null)
parseXML_5_event(capsule, nameOf(capsule));
for (Element capsule : DomUtil.getChildren(elt, MACHINE))
if (nameOf(capsule) != null)
parseXML_6_machine(capsule, nameOf(capsule));
private void parseXML_1_dynamic(Element capsule, String name)
SerialDynamic dynamic = new SerialDynamic();
for (Element eelt : DomUtil.getChildren(capsule, ENTRY))
SerialDynamicSheetIndex sdsi = new SerialDynamicSheetIndex();
String sheet = eelt.getAttributes().getNamedItem(SHEET).getNodeValue();
String index = textOf(eelt);
if (sheet.contains("Scan"))
index = recomputeBlockName(index);
sheet = recomputeScanSheetName(sheet);
SheetIndex si = new LegacySheetIndex_Engine0to1(sheet, index);
sdsi.sheet = si.getSheet();
sdsi.index = si.getIndex();
this.root.dynamic.put(name, dynamic);
private void parseXML_2_list(Element capsule, String name)
SerialList list = new SerialList();
SerialList asItem = new SerialList();
SerialList asBlock = new SerialList();
for (Element eelt : DomUtil.getChildren(capsule, CONSTANT))
Long l = LongFloatSimplificator.longOf(textOf(eelt));
if (l != null)
int il = (int) (long) l;
if (asBlock(il) != null)
if (asItem(il) != null)
this.root.list.put(name, list);
this.root.list.put(name + AS_BLOCK, asBlock);
this.root.list.put(name + AS_ITEM, asItem);
private void parseXML_3_condition(Element capsule, String name)
String sheetNotComputed = eltString(SHEET, capsule);
String indexNotComputed = eltString(KEY, capsule);
String dynamicIndexXX = eltString(DYNAMICKEY, capsule);
String symbol = eltString(SYMBOL, capsule);
String value = eltString(CONSTANT, capsule);
String listValueXX = eltString(LIST, capsule);
boolean dynamic = false;
if (dynamicIndexXX != null)
sheetNotComputed = Dynamic.DEDICATED_SHEET;
indexNotComputed = dynamicIndexXX;
dynamic = true;
if (listValueXX != null)
value = listValueXX;
if (sheetNotComputed.contains("Scan"))
indexNotComputed = recomputeBlockName(indexNotComputed);
sheetNotComputed = recomputeScanSheetName(sheetNotComputed);
SheetIndex si =
!dynamic ? new LegacySheetIndex_Engine0to1(sheetNotComputed, indexNotComputed) : new SheetEntry(
sheetNotComputed, indexNotComputed);
SerialCondition condition = new SerialCondition();
condition.sheet = si.getSheet();
condition.index = si.getIndex();
condition.symbol = Operator.fromSymbol(symbol).getSerializedForm();
condition.value = value;
this.root.condition.put(name, condition);
if (si instanceof LegacySheetIndex_Engine0to1)
if (((LegacySheetIndex_Engine0to1) si).isBlock() && asBlock(value) != null)
SerialCondition condition = new SerialCondition();
condition.sheet = si.getSheet();
condition.index = si.getIndex();
condition.symbol = Operator.fromSymbol(symbol).getSerializedForm();
condition.value = asBlock(value);
this.root.condition.put(name + AS_BLOCK, condition);
if (((LegacySheetIndex_Engine0to1) si).isItem() && asItem(value) != null)
SerialCondition condition = new SerialCondition();
condition.sheet = si.getSheet();
condition.index = si.getIndex();
condition.symbol = Operator.fromSymbol(symbol).getSerializedForm();
condition.value = asItem(value);
this.root.condition.put(name + AS_ITEM, condition);
private void parseXML_4_set(Element capsule, String name)
SerialSet set = new SerialSet();
for (Element eelt : DomUtil.getChildren(capsule, TRUEPART))
for (Element eelt : DomUtil.getChildren(capsule, FALSEPART))
this.root.set.put(name, set);
private void parseXML_5_event(Element capsule, String name)
SerialEvent event = new SerialEvent();
String volmin = eltString(VOLMIN, capsule);
String volmax = eltString(VOLMAX, capsule);
String pitchmin = eltString(PITCHMIN, capsule);
String pitchmax = eltString(PITCHMAX, capsule);
String metasound = eltString(METASOUND, capsule);
event.vol_min = volmin != null ? Float.parseFloat(volmin) : 1f;
event.vol_max = volmax != null ? Float.parseFloat(volmax) : 1f;
event.pitch_min = pitchmin != null ? Float.parseFloat(pitchmin) : 1f;
event.pitch_max = pitchmax != null ? Float.parseFloat(pitchmax) : 1f;
event.distance = metasound != null ? toInt(metasound) : 0;
for (Element eelt : DomUtil.getChildren(capsule, PATH))
this.root.event.put(name, event);
private void parseXML_6_machine(Element capsule, String name)
SerialMachine machine = new SerialMachine();
SerialMachineStream stream = null;
for (Element eelt : DomUtil.getChildren(capsule, STREAM))
stream = inscriptXMLstream(eelt, machine);
if (stream != null)
{ = stream;
machine.delay_fadein = 0f;
machine.delay_fadeout = 0f;
machine.fadein = 0f;
machine.fadeout = 0f;
for (Element eelt : DomUtil.getChildren(capsule, EVENTTIMED))
for (Element eelt : DomUtil.getChildren(capsule, ALLOW))
for (Element eelt : DomUtil.getChildren(capsule, RESTRICT))
this.root.machine.put(name, machine);
private String recomputeBlockName(String index)
Long l = LongFloatSimplificator.longOf(index);
if (l != null && l < 256)
Object o = Block.blockRegistry.getObjectById((int) (long) l);
if (o != null && o instanceof Block)
index = MAtmosUtility.nameOf((Block) o);
System.err.println("??? Failed to convert block with index " + index);
System.err.println("??? Failed to convert block with index " + index + " out of bounds?");
return index;
private String recomputeScanSheetName(String sheet)
if (this.scanDicts.containsKey(sheet))
return this.scanDicts.get(sheet);
System.err.println("Scan sheet has no equivalent: " + this.scanDicts);
return sheet;
private String textOf(Element ele)
if (ele == null || ele.getFirstChild() == null)
return null;
return ele.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
private int toInt(String source)
return Integer.parseInt(source);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
return (int) Float.parseFloat(source);