import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.ScaledResolution;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import eu.ha3.matmos.engine.core.implem.Junction;
import eu.ha3.matmos.engine.core.implem.Machine;
import eu.ha3.matmos.engine.core.implem.ProviderCollection;
import eu.ha3.matmos.engine.core.implem.abstractions.Provider;
import eu.ha3.matmos.engine.core.interfaces.Dependable;
import eu.ha3.matmos.engine.core.visualize.Visualized;
public class VisualExpansionDebugging implements SupportsFrameEvents
private final MAtMod mod;
private final String ex;
private int GAP = 10;
public VisualExpansionDebugging(MAtMod mod, String ex)
this.mod = mod;
this.ex = ex;
public void onFrame(float semi)
Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
int fac = new ScaledResolution(mc, mc.displayWidth, mc.displayHeight).getScaleFactor();
float scale = 1f / fac;
GL11.glScalef(scale, scale, 1.0F);
if (!this.mod.getExpansionList().containsKey(this.ex))
IDontKnowHowToCode.warnOnce("Problem getting expansion " + this.ex + " to debug");
ProviderCollection providers = this.mod.getExpansionList().get(this.ex).obtainProvidersForDebugging();
Distances condition = distances(providers.getCondition());
Distances junction = distances(providers.getJunction());
Distances machine = distances(providers.getMachine());
int yyBase = 30;
scrub(condition, 20, yyBase);
scrub(junction, 400, yyBase);
scrub(machine, 600, yyBase);
//link(condition, 0, 0, junction, 40, 0);
//link(junction, 40, 0, machine, 80, 0);
catch (Exception e)
IDontKnowHowToCode.whoops__printExceptionToChat(this.mod.getChatter(), e, this);
private void link(Distances reliables, int xR, int yR, Distances dependables, int xD, int yD)
for (String name : dependables.keySet())
int yDapplied = yD + this.GAP * dependables.get(name);
Dependable dependable = dependables.dependable(name);
if (dependable instanceof Junction)
link(reliables, xR, yR, ((Junction) dependable).getSpecialDependencies("yes"), xD, yDapplied, true);
link(reliables, xR, yR, ((Junction) dependable).getSpecialDependencies("no"), xD, yDapplied, false);
else if (dependable instanceof Machine)
link(reliables, xR, yR, ((Junction) dependable).getSpecialDependencies("allow"), xD, yDapplied, true);
reliables, xR, yR, ((Junction) dependable).getSpecialDependencies("restrict"), xD, yDapplied, false);
private void link(
Distances reliables, int xR, int yR, Collection<String> dependencies, int xD, int yDapplied, boolean right)
for (String dependency : dependencies)
int yRapplied = yR + this.GAP * reliables.get(dependency);
// Equivalent of isOn = isActive; if (!right) isOn = !isOn;
boolean isOn = reliables.visualize(dependency).isActive() == right;
private void scrub(Distances subject, int x, int y)
for (String name : subject.keySet())
Visualized vis = subject.visualize(name);
paint(x, y + subject.get(name) * this.GAP, vis);
private void paint(int x, int y, Visualized vis)
String name = vis.getName();
String feed = vis.getFeed();
boolean isActive = vis.isActive();
Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
FontRenderer fontRenderer = mc.fontRendererObj;
fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(name + "(" + feed + ")", x, y, isActive ? 0x0099FF : 0xFF0000);
public Distances distances(Provider<? extends Visualized> provider)
Distances map = new Distances(provider);
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(provider.keySet());
int i = 0;
for (String name : list)
map.put(name, i);
i = i + 1;
return map;
private class Distances extends TreeMap<String, Integer>
private Provider<? extends Visualized> provider;
public Distances(Provider<? extends Visualized> provider)
this.provider = provider;
public Visualized visualize(String name)
return this.provider.get(name);
public Dependable dependable(String name)
Visualized vis = this.provider.get(name);
if (vis instanceof Dependable)
return (Dependable) vis;
return new DependableNullObject();
* A shortcut so that we don't waste time checking for nulls in case a
* dependable doesn't exist
* @author Hurry
public class DependableNullObject implements Dependable
private Set<String> dep = new HashSet<String>();
public Collection<String> getDependencies()
return this.dep;