Package micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.recipe

Source Code of micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.recipe.SchematicRegistry

package micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.recipe;

import cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.recipe.SchematicEvent.FlipPage;
import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.recipe.SchematicEvent.Unlock;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class SchematicRegistry
    public static ArrayList<ISchematicPage> schematicRecipes = new ArrayList<ISchematicPage>();

     * Register a new schematic page
    public static void registerSchematicRecipe(ISchematicPage page)
        if (!SchematicRegistry.schematicRecipes.contains(page))

     * Finds the recipe for the given itemstack
     * @param stack the itemstack to be searched with
     * @return the recipe that requires the provided itemstack
    public static ISchematicPage getMatchingRecipeForItemStack(ItemStack stack)
        for (final ISchematicPage schematic : SchematicRegistry.schematicRecipes)
            final ItemStack requiredItem = schematic.getRequiredItem();

            if (requiredItem != null && stack != null && requiredItem.isItemEqual(stack))
                return schematic;

        return null;

     * Finds the recipe for the given recipe ID
     * @param id the ID to be searched with
     * @return the recipe that has and ID equal to the one provided
    public static ISchematicPage getMatchingRecipeForID(int id)
        for (final ISchematicPage schematic : SchematicRegistry.schematicRecipes)
            if (schematic.getPageID() == id)
                return schematic;

        return null;

     * Called when a player unlocks a page. Used internally.
     * @param player the player that unlocked the schematic
     * @param page   the schematic page to be unlocked
    public static void addUnlockedPage(EntityPlayerMP player, ISchematicPage page)
        // Used internally to add page to player's list of unlocked schematics.
        // No need to subscribe to this event Unlock(player, page));

     * Called when a player unlocks a page. Used internally.
     * @param player the player that unlocked the schematic
     * @param stack  the itemstack the player has provided
     * @return the schematic page that was unlocked
    public static ISchematicPage unlockNewPage(EntityPlayerMP player, ItemStack stack)
        if (stack != null)
            final ISchematicPage schematic = SchematicRegistry.getMatchingRecipeForItemStack(stack);

            if (schematic != null)
                SchematicRegistry.addUnlockedPage(player, schematic);

                return schematic;

        return null;

     * Finds the correct schematic when player presses NEXT
     * @param currentIndex the current index of unlocked schematics the player is viewing
     * @return the schematic page that will be shown when the player clicks NEXT
    public static void flipToNextPage(int currentIndex)
        FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().currentScreen = null;

        // Used internally inside Galacticraft to flip to the next page. No need
        // to subscribe to this event. FlipPage(null, currentIndex, 1));

     * Finds the correct schematic when player presses BACK
     * @param currentIndex the current index of unlocked schematics the player is viewing
     * @return the schematic page that will be shown when the player clicks BACK
    public static void flipToLastPage(int currentIndex)
        FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().currentScreen = null;

        // Used internally inside Galacticraft to flip to the last page. No need
        // to subscribe to this event. FlipPage(null, currentIndex, -1));

Related Classes of micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.recipe.SchematicRegistry

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