Package codechicken.nei

Source Code of codechicken.nei.ContainerEnchantmentModifier$EnchantmentHash

package codechicken.nei;

import codechicken.lib.render.CCRenderState;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
import net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
import net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerEnchantment;
import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory;
import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;

import java.util.ArrayList;

* This is crap code, don't ever do this.
public class ContainerEnchantmentModifier extends ContainerEnchantment
    public static class EnchantmentHash
        public EnchantmentHash(Enchantment e, int i, int l) {
            enchantment = e;
            state = i;
            level = l;

        Enchantment enchantment;
        int state;
        int level;

    public ArrayList<EnchantmentHash> slotEnchantment = new ArrayList<EnchantmentHash>();
    int level = 5;

    public int scrollclicky = -1;
    public float scrollpercent;
    public int scrollmousey;
    public float percentscrolled;
    public int relx = 60;
    public int rely = 14;
    public int height = 57;
    public int cwidth = 101;
    public int slotheight = 19;
    public GuiEnchantmentModifier parentscreen;

    public ContainerEnchantmentModifier(InventoryPlayer inventoryplayer, World world, int i, int j, int k) {
        super(inventoryplayer, world, i, j, k);

    public int getNumSlots() {
        return slotEnchantment.size();

    public int getScrollBarHeight() {
        int sbarh = (int) ((height / (float) getContentHeight()) * height);
        if (sbarh > height) {
            return height;
        } else if (sbarh < height / 15) {
            return height / 15;
        } else {
            return sbarh;

    public int getScrollBarWidth() {
        return 7;

    public int getContentHeight() {
        return slotheight * getNumSlots();

    public int getScrolledSlots() {
        int slots = getNumSlots();
        int shownslots = height / slotheight;
        return (int) (percentscrolled * (slots - shownslots) + 0.5F);

    private int getClickedSlot(int mousey) {
        return ((mousey - rely) / slotheight) + getScrolledSlots();

    public void calculatePercentScrolled() {
        int barempty = height - getScrollBarHeight();
        if (scrollclicky >= 0) {
            int scrolldiff = scrollmousey - scrollclicky;
            percentscrolled = scrolldiff / (float) barempty + scrollpercent;
        if (percentscrolled < 0) {
            percentscrolled = 0;
        if (percentscrolled > 1) {
            percentscrolled = 1;
        int sbary = rely + (int) (barempty * percentscrolled + 0.5);
        percentscrolled = (sbary - rely) / (float) barempty;

    public boolean clickScrollBar(int mousex, int mousey, int button) {
        mousex -= parentscreen.guiLeft;
        mousey -= parentscreen.guiTop;

        int barempty = height - getScrollBarHeight();
        int sbary = rely + (int) (barempty * percentscrolled + 0.5);

        if (button == 0 &&
                getScrollBarHeight() < height && //the scroll bar can move (not full length)
                mousex >= relx + cwidth && mousex < relx + cwidth + getScrollBarWidth() &&
                mousey >= rely && mousey < rely + height)//in the scroll pane
            if (mousey < sbary) {
                percentscrolled = (mousey - rely) / (float) barempty;
            } else if (mousey > sbary + getScrollBarHeight()) {
                percentscrolled = (mousey - rely - getScrollBarHeight() + 1) / (float) barempty;
            } else {
                scrollclicky = mousey;
                scrollpercent = percentscrolled;
                scrollmousey = mousey;
            return true;
        return false;

    public void mouseUp(int mousex, int mousey, int button) {
        if (scrollclicky >= 0 && button == 0)//we were scrolling and we released mouse
            scrollclicky = -1;

    public boolean clickButton(int mousex, int mousey, int button) {
        mousex -= parentscreen.guiLeft;
        mousey -= parentscreen.guiTop;
        if (mousex >= relx && mousex < relx + cwidth &&
                mousey >= rely && mousey <= rely + height)//in the box
            int slot = getClickedSlot(mousey);
            if (slot >= getNumSlots()) return false;
            return true;
        return false;

    private void toggleSlotEnchantment(int slot) {
        EnchantmentHash e = slotEnchantment.get(slot);
        if (e.state == 2) {
            NEICPH.sendModifyEnchantment(e.enchantment.effectId, 0, false);
            e.state = 0;
        } else if (e.state == 1) {
        } else {
            NEICPH.sendModifyEnchantment(e.enchantment.effectId, level, true);
            e.state = 2;

    public boolean addEnchantment(int e, int level) {
        if (e < Enchantment.enchantmentsList.length && Enchantment.enchantmentsList[e] != null) {
            ((Slot) inventorySlots.get(0)).getStack().addEnchantment(Enchantment.enchantmentsList[e], level);
            return true;
        return false;

    public void removeEnchantment(int e) {
        ItemStack stack = ((Slot) inventorySlots.get(0)).getStack();
        NBTTagList nbttaglist = stack.getEnchantmentTagList();
        if (nbttaglist != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < nbttaglist.tagCount(); i++) {
                int ID = nbttaglist.getCompoundTagAt(i).getShort("id");
                if (ID == e) {
                    if (nbttaglist.tagCount() == 0)
                    if (stack.getTagCompound().hasNoTags())

    public boolean canInteractWith(EntityPlayer entityplayer) {
        return true;

    public void onCraftMatrixChanged(IInventory iinventory) {
        if (parentscreen != null)

    public void updateEnchantmentOptions(boolean validate) {
        int numoptions = slotEnchantment.size();

        ItemStack toolstack = getSlot(0).getStack();
        if (toolstack == null) {
            percentscrolled = 0;

        Item item = toolstack.getItem();
        int enchantablity = item.getItemEnchantability();
        if (enchantablity == 0 && validate) {
            percentscrolled = 0;

        for (Enchantment e : Enchantment.enchantmentsList) {
            if (e == null || e.type == null || (!e.type.canEnchantItem(item) && validate)) {
            int state = 0;
            int level = -1;
            if (NEIServerUtils.stackHasEnchantment(toolstack, e.effectId)) {
                state = 2;
                level = NEIServerUtils.getEnchantmentLevel(toolstack, e.effectId);
            } else if (NEIServerUtils.doesEnchantmentConflict(NEIServerUtils.getEnchantments(toolstack), e) && validate) {
                state = 1;
            slotEnchantment.add(new EnchantmentHash(e, state, level));
        if (numoptions != slotEnchantment.size()) {
            percentscrolled = 0;

    public void drawSlots(GuiEnchantmentModifier gui) {
        for (int slot = 0; slot < 3; slot++) {
            int shade = 0;
            String text = "";

            int containerslot = slot + getScrolledSlots();
            if (containerslot + 1 > slotEnchantment.size()) {
                shade = 1;
            } else {
                EnchantmentHash e = slotEnchantment.get(containerslot);
                shade = e.state;
                text = e.enchantment.getTranslatedName(e.level == -1 ? level : e.level);
                if ( > 95 && text.contains("Projectile")) {
                    text = text.replace("Projectile", "Proj");
                if ( > 95 && text.contains("Protection")) {
                    text = text.replace("Protection", "Protect");
                if ( > 95 && text.contains("Bane of")) {
                    text = text.replace("Bane of ", "");

            GL11.glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
            if (hasScrollBar()) {
                gui.drawTexturedModalRect(relx, rely + slot * slotheight, 0, gui.ySize + slotheight * shade, cwidth - 30, slotheight);
                gui.drawTexturedModalRect(relx + cwidth - 30, rely + slot * slotheight, cwidth - 23, gui.ySize + slotheight * shade, 30, slotheight);
            } else {
                gui.drawTexturedModalRect(relx, rely + slot * slotheight, 0, gui.ySize + slotheight * shade, cwidth + 7, slotheight);

            gui.getFontRenderer().drawString(text, relx + 4, rely + slot * slotheight + 5, textColourFromState(shade));

    private boolean hasScrollBar() {
        return getNumSlots() > 3;

    public void drawScrollBar(GuiEnchantmentModifier gui) {
        if (!hasScrollBar()) return;

        int sbary = rely + (int) ((height - getScrollBarHeight()) * percentscrolled + 0.5);
        int sbarx = relx + cwidth;

        Gui.drawRect(sbarx, rely, sbarx + getScrollBarWidth(), rely + height, 0xFF202020);//background
        Gui.drawRect(sbarx, sbary, sbarx + getScrollBarWidth(), sbary + getScrollBarHeight(), 0xFF8B8B8B);//corners
        Gui.drawRect(sbarx, sbary, sbarx + getScrollBarWidth() - 1, sbary + getScrollBarHeight() - 1, 0xFFF0F0F0);//topleft up
        Gui.drawRect(sbarx + 1, sbary + 1, sbarx + getScrollBarWidth() - 1, sbary + getScrollBarHeight() - 1, 0xFF555555);//bottom right down
        Gui.drawRect(sbarx + 1, sbary + 1, sbarx + getScrollBarWidth() - 2, sbary + getScrollBarHeight() - 2, 0xFFC6C6C6);//scrollbar

    private int textColourFromState(int shade) {
        switch(shade) {
            case 0: return 0x685e4a;
            case 1: return 0x407f10;
            default: return 0xffff80;

    public void onUpdate(int mousex, int mousey) {

    public void processScrollMouse(int mousey) {
        mousey -= parentscreen.guiTop;

        if (scrollclicky >= 0) {
            int scrolldiff = mousey - scrollclicky;
            int barupallowed = (int) ((height - getScrollBarHeight()) * scrollpercent + 0.5);
            int bardownallowed = (height - getScrollBarHeight()) - barupallowed;

            if (-scrolldiff > barupallowed) {
                scrollmousey = scrollclicky - barupallowed;
            } else if (scrolldiff > bardownallowed) {
                scrollmousey = scrollclicky + bardownallowed;
            } else {
                scrollmousey = mousey;


Related Classes of codechicken.nei.ContainerEnchantmentModifier$EnchantmentHash

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