Package com.imaginea.mongodb.controllers

Source Code of com.imaginea.mongodb.controllers.CollectionController

* Copyright (c) 2011 Imaginea Technologies Private Ltd.
* Hyderabad, India
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.imaginea.mongodb.controllers;

import com.imaginea.mongodb.exceptions.ErrorCodes;
import com.imaginea.mongodb.exceptions.InvalidHTTPRequestException;
import com.mongodb.Mongo;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.util.Set;

* Defines resources for performing create/drop operations on collections
* present inside databases in Mongo we are currently connected to. Also provide
* resources to get list of all collections in a database present in mongo and
* also statistics of a particular collection.
* <p/>
* These resources map different HTTP requests made by the client to access these
* resources to services file which performs these operations. The resources
* also form a JSON response using the output received from the services files.
* GET and POST request resources for collections are defined here. For PUT and
* DELETE functionality , a POST request with an action parameter taking values
* PUT and DELETE is made.
* @author Rachit Mittal
* @since 4 July 2011
public class CollectionController extends BaseController {
    private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CollectionController.class);

     * Maps GET Request to get list of collections inside databases present in
     * mongo db to a service function that returns the list. Also forms the JSON
     * response for this request and sent it to client. In case of any exception
     * from the service files an error object if formed.
     * @param dbName             Name of database
     * @param selectedCollection Name of selected Collection
     * @param connectionId       Mongo Db Configuration provided by user to connect to.
     * @param request            Get the HTTP request context to extract session parameters
     * @return String of JSON Format with list of all collections.
    public String isCappedCollection(@PathParam("dbName") final String dbName, @PathParam("collectionName") final String selectedCollection,
                                     @QueryParam("connectionId") final String connectionId, @Context final HttpServletRequest request) {

        String response = new ResponseTemplate().execute(logger, connectionId, request, new ResponseCallback() {
            public Object execute() throws Exception {
                Mongo mongoInstance = AuthServiceImpl.getInstance().getMongoInstance(connectionId);
                return mongoInstance.getDB(dbName).getCollection(selectedCollection).isCapped();
        return response;

     * Maps GET Request to get list of collections inside databases present in
     * mongo db to a service function that returns the list. Also forms the JSON
     * response for this request and sent it to client. In case of any exception
     * from the service files an error object if formed.
     * @param dbName       Name of database
     * @param connectionId Mongo Db Configuration provided by user to connect to.
     * @param request      Get the HTTP request context to extract session parameters
     * @return String of JSON Format with list of all collections.
    public String getCollList(@PathParam("dbName") final String dbName, @QueryParam("connectionId") final String connectionId, @Context final HttpServletRequest request) {

        String response = new ResponseTemplate().execute(logger, connectionId, request, new ResponseCallback() {
            public Object execute() throws Exception {
                CollectionService collectionService = new CollectionServiceImpl(connectionId);
                return collectionService.getCollList(dbName);
        return response;

     * Maps POST Request to perform create/drop on collections inside databases
     * present in mongo db to a service function that returns the list. Also
     * forms the JSON response for this request and sent it to client. In case
     * of any exception from the service files an error object if formed.
     * @param dbName             Name of Database
     * @param isCapped           Specify if the collection is capped
     * @param capSize            Specify the capSize of collection
     * @param maxDocs            specify maximum no of documents in the collection
     * @param selectedCollection Name of collection for which to perform create/drop operation
     *                           depending on action parameter
     * @param action             Query Parameter with value PUT for identifying a create
     *                           database request and value DELETE for dropping a database.
     * @param request            Get the HTTP request context to extract session parameters
     * @param connectionId       MongoDB Configuration provided by user to connect to.
     * @return String with status of operation performed.
    public String postCollRequest(@PathParam("dbName") final String dbName, @PathParam("collectionName") final String selectedCollection,
                                  @FormParam("newCollName") final String newCollName, @FormParam("updateColl") final String updateColl,
                                  @FormParam("isCapped") final String isCapped, @FormParam("capSize") final int capSize,
                                  @FormParam("maxDocs") final int maxDocs, @FormParam("autoIndexId") final String autoIndexId,
                                  @QueryParam("connectionId") final String connectionId, @QueryParam("action") final String action,
                                  @Context final HttpServletRequest request) {

        if (action == null) {
            InvalidHTTPRequestException e = new InvalidHTTPRequestException(ErrorCodes.ACTION_PARAMETER_ABSENT, "ACTION_PARAMETER_ABSENT");
            return formErrorResponse(logger, e);

        String response = new ResponseTemplate().execute(logger, connectionId, request, new ResponseCallback() {
            public Object execute() throws Exception {
                CollectionService collectionService = new CollectionServiceImpl(connectionId);
                String status = null;
                RequestMethod method = null;
                for (RequestMethod m : RequestMethod.values()) {
                    if ((m.toString()).equals(action)) {
                        method = m;
                switch (method) {
                    case PUT: {
                        if (updateColl.equals("false")) {
                            status = collectionService.insertCollection(dbName, newCollName, (isCapped != null && isCapped.equals("on")), capSize, maxDocs, (autoIndexId != null && autoIndexId.equals("on")));
                        } else {
                            status = collectionService.updateCollection(dbName, selectedCollection, newCollName, (isCapped != null && isCapped.equals("on")), capSize, maxDocs, (autoIndexId != null && autoIndexId.equals("on")));
                    case DELETE: {
                        status = collectionService.deleteCollection(dbName, selectedCollection);
                    default: {
                        status = "Action parameter value is wrong";
                return status;
        return response;

Related Classes of com.imaginea.mongodb.controllers.CollectionController

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