Package org.redline_rpm

Source Code of org.redline_rpm.Main

package org.redline_rpm;

import org.redline_rpm.header.Architecture;
import org.redline_rpm.header.Os;
import org.redline_rpm.header.RpmType;
import org.redline_rpm.payload.Contents;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

import static org.redline_rpm.header.RpmType.BINARY;
import static org.redline_rpm.header.Architecture.NOARCH;
import static org.redline_rpm.header.Os.LINUX;
import static org.redline_rpm.payload.CpioHeader.DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSION;

* Main entry point for the Redline command line tool. The command line tool
* uses a provided configuration file to generate an RPM file. Execution of this
* tool may be scripted or called from third party software as needed to create
* an RPM file.
public class Main {

  public static void main( String[] args) throws SAXException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException {
    if ( args.length < 1) System.out.println( "Usage: java Main <config> <[file]...>");
    else new Main().run( new File( args[ 0]));

   * Runs the tool using a configuration provided in the given file parameter. The configuration file
   * is expected to be well formed XML conforming to the Redline configuration syntax.
   * @param file the configuration file to use
   * @throws SAXException if the provided file is not well formed XML
   * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if an operation attempted during RPM creation fails due
   * to a missing encryption algorithm
   * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs either in reading the configuration file, reading
   * an input file to the RPM, or during RPM creation
  public void run( File file) throws SAXException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException {
    XmlEditor editor = new XmlEditor(); file);
    run( editor, new File( "."));

   * Runs the tool using a configuration provided in the given configuration and output file.
   * @param editor the XML configuration file, parsed by the XmlEditor utility
   * @param destination the destination file to use in creating the RPM
   * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if an operation attempted during RPM creation fails due
   * to a missing encryption algorithm
   * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs either in reading the configuration file, reading
   * an input file to the RPM, or during RPM creation
  public void run( XmlEditor editor, File destination) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException {
    editor.startPrefixMapping( "", "rpm");
    Contents include = new Contents();

    for ( Node files : editor.findNodes( "rpm:files")) {
      try {
        editor.pushContext( files);
        int permission = editor.getInteger( "@permission", DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSION);
        String parent = editor.getValue( "@parent");
        if ( !parent.endsWith( "/")) parent += "/";
        for ( Node file : editor.findNodes( "rpm:file")) {
          try {
            editor.pushContext( file);
            File source = new File( editor.getValue( "text()"));
            include.addFile( new File( parent, source.getName()).getPath(), source, editor.getInteger( "@permission", permission));
          } finally {
      } finally {
    run( editor, editor.getValue( "rpm:name/text()"), editor.getValue( "rpm:version/text()"), editor.getValue( "rpm:release/text()", "1"), include, destination);

   * Runs the tool using the provided settings.
   * @param editor the XML configuration file, parsed by the XmlEditor utility
   * @param name the name of the RPM file to create
   * @param version the version of the created RPM
   * @param release the release version of the created RPM
   * @param include the contents to include in the generated RPM file
   * @param destination the destination file to use in creating the RPM
   * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if an operation attempted during RPM creation fails due
   * to a missing encryption algorithm
   * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs either in reading the configuration file, reading
   * an input file to the RPM, or during RPM creation
  public void run( XmlEditor editor, String name, String version, String release, Contents include, File destination) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException {
    Builder builder = new Builder();
    builder.setPackage( name, version, release);
    RpmType type = RpmType.valueOf( editor.getValue( "rpm:type", BINARY.toString()));
    builder.setType( type);
    Architecture arch = Architecture.valueOf( editor.getValue( "rpm:architecture", NOARCH.toString()));
    Os os = Os.valueOf( editor.getValue( "rpm:os", LINUX.toString()));
    builder.setPlatform( arch, os);
    builder.setSummary( editor.getValue( "rpm:summary/text()"));
    builder.setDescription( editor.getValue( "rpm:description/text()"));
    builder.setBuildHost( editor.getValue( "rpm:host/text()", InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()));
    builder.setLicense( editor.getValue( "rpm:license/text()"));
    builder.setGroup( editor.getValue( "rpm:group/text()"));
    builder.setPackager( editor.getValue( "rpm:packager/text()", System.getProperty( "")));
    builder.setVendor( editor.getValue( "rpm:vendor/text()", null));
    builder.setUrl( editor.getValue( "rpm:url/text()", null));
    builder.setProvides( editor.getValue( "rpm:provides/text()", name));
    builder.setFiles( include); destination);

Related Classes of org.redline_rpm.Main

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