package abra;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import net.sf.samtools.SAMFileHeader;
import net.sf.samtools.SAMFileReader;
import net.sf.samtools.SAMRecord;
import net.sf.samtools.SAMFileReader.ValidationStringency;
* Keeps track of current region and provides
* utility methods on reads related to regions.
* @author Lisle E. Mose (lmose at unc dot edu)
public class RegionTracker {
private List<Feature> regions;
private Feature currentRegion;
private Iterator<Feature> regionIter;
private SAMFileHeader header;
public RegionTracker(List<Feature> regions, SAMFileHeader header) {
this.regions = regions;
this.header = header;
public void init() {
regionIter = regions.iterator();
if (regionIter.hasNext()) {
currentRegion =;
public boolean isInRegion(SAMRecord read) {
while ((currentRegion != null) &&
(!currentRegion.overlapsRead(read)) &&
(!isRegionBeyondRead(header, currentRegion, read))) {
if (regionIter.hasNext()) {
currentRegion = (Feature);
} else {
currentRegion = null;
return (currentRegion != null) && (currentRegion.overlapsRead(read));
public List<Feature> identifyTargetRegions(List<String> files, int minBaseQuality,
int readLength, CompareToReference2 c2r) {
Map<String, List<Integer>> locations = new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>();
for (String file : files) {
SAMFileReader reader = new SAMFileReader(new File(file));
header = reader.getFileHeader();
for (SAMRecord read : reader) {
if (isInRegion(read)) {
if (read.getCigarString().contains("I") || read.getCigarString().contains("D")) {
addLocation(read, locations);
} else if (read.getCigarString().contains("S") && c2r.numHighQualityMismatches(read, minBaseQuality) > 1) {
addLocation(read, locations);
return locationsToRegions(locations, readLength);
private List<Feature> locationsToRegions(Map<String, List<Integer>> locations, int readLength) {
List<Feature> regions = new ArrayList<Feature>();
for (String chr : locations.keySet()) {
int prev = -readLength;
int start = -readLength;
List<Integer> positions = locations.get(chr);
for (int pos : positions) {
if (start < 0) {
start = pos;
if (pos < prev+readLength) {
prev = pos;
} else {
if (start > 0) {
int end = prev + 2*readLength;
start = start-readLength;
regions.add(new Feature(chr, start, end));
start = pos;
prev = pos;
regions = RegionLoader.collapseRegions(regions, readLength);
regions = ReAligner.splitRegions(regions);
return regions;
private void addLocation(SAMRecord read, Map<String, List<Integer>> locations) {
if (!locations.containsKey(read.getReferenceName())) {
locations.put(read.getReferenceName(), new ArrayList<Integer>());
private boolean isRegionBeyondRead(SAMFileHeader header, Feature region, SAMRecord read) {
boolean isRegionBeyond = false;
int regionChrIdx = header.getSequenceIndex(region.getSeqname());
int readChrIdx = header.getSequenceIndex(read.getReferenceName());
if (regionChrIdx > readChrIdx) {
isRegionBeyond = true;
} else if (regionChrIdx < readChrIdx) {
isRegionBeyond = false;
} else {
isRegionBeyond = (region.getStart() > read.getAlignmentEnd());
return isRegionBeyond;