/* Copyright 2013 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved. */
package abra;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import net.sf.samtools.Cigar;
import net.sf.samtools.CigarElement;
import net.sf.samtools.CigarOperator;
import net.sf.samtools.SAMRecord;
* Represents a Block of a read. i.e. A Cigar of 15M5I30M would be represented
* by 3 ReadBlocks.
* @author Lisle E. Mose (lmose at unc dot edu)
public class ReadBlock {
private int readStart;
private int referenceStart;
private int length;
private CigarOperator type;
ReadBlock(int readStart, int referenceStart, int length, CigarOperator type) {
this.readStart = readStart;
this.referenceStart = referenceStart;
this.length = length;
this.type = type;
public int getReadStart() {
return readStart;
public int getReferenceStart() {
return referenceStart;
public int getReferenceStop() {
//TODO: This doesn't appear to be correct for delete block type
return referenceStart + length - 1;
public int getLength() {
return length;
public void setLength(int length) {
this.length = length;
public void setReferenceStart(int referenceStart) {
this.referenceStart = referenceStart;
public int getReferenceLength() {
int refLength = 0;
if (type != CigarOperator.D) {
refLength = length;
return refLength;
public CigarOperator getType() {
return type;
* Returns a ReadBlock as a subset of this readblock
public ReadBlock getSubBlock(int accumulatedLength, int positionInRead, int maxLength) {
// zero base + zero base - 1 base + 1 = zero base
int positionInBlock = positionInRead + accumulatedLength - readStart + 1;
if ((type == CigarOperator.N) || (type == CigarOperator.D)) {
// Intron / Deletion: return entire block
return new ReadBlock(accumulatedLength+1, referenceStart + positionInBlock, length-positionInBlock, type);
} else if (type == CigarOperator.S) {
// Soft clipped blocks begin at next block's referenceStart. No need to change it.
return new ReadBlock(accumulatedLength+1, referenceStart, Math.min(maxLength, length - positionInBlock), type);
} else {
return new ReadBlock(accumulatedLength+1, referenceStart + positionInBlock, Math.min(maxLength, length - positionInBlock), type);
public static String toCigarString(List<ReadBlock> blocks) {
StringBuffer cigar = new StringBuffer();
for (ReadBlock block : blocks) {
return cigar.toString();
public static int getTotalLength(Collection<ReadBlock> blocks) {
int length = 0;
for (ReadBlock block : blocks) {
if (block.getType() != CigarOperator.D) {
length += block.getLength();
return length;
//TODO - Move elsewhere and make non-static
public static List<ReadBlock> getReadBlocks(SAMRecord read) {
final Cigar cigar = read.getCigar();
if (cigar == null) return Collections.emptyList();
final List<ReadBlock> readBlocks = new ArrayList<ReadBlock>();
int readBase = 1;
int refBase = read.getAlignmentStart();
for (final CigarElement e : cigar.getCigarElements()) {
readBlocks.add(new ReadBlock(readBase, refBase, e.getLength(), e.getOperator()));
int[] basePositions = updateBasePositions(readBase, refBase, e.getOperator(), e.getLength());
readBase = basePositions[0];
refBase = basePositions[1];
return Collections.unmodifiableList(readBlocks);
private static int[] updateBasePositions(int readBase, int refBase, CigarOperator operator, int elemLength) {
switch (operator) {
// case H : break; // ignore hard clips
// case P : break; // ignore pads
case S : readBase += elemLength;
// System.out.println(read.getReadName());
break; // soft clip read bases
case N : refBase += elemLength; break; // reference skip
case D : refBase += elemLength; break;
case I : readBase += elemLength; break;
case M :
// case EQ :
// case X :
final int length = elemLength;
readBase += length;
refBase += length;
default : throw new IllegalStateException(
"Case statement didn't deal with cigar op: " + operator);
return new int[] { readBase, refBase };
public static void fillToLength(List<ReadBlock> blocks, int readLength) {
int cigarLength = ReadBlock.getTotalLength(blocks);
if (cigarLength < readLength) {
ReadBlock lastBlock = blocks.get(blocks.size() - 1);
if ((lastBlock.getType() == CigarOperator.M) ||
(lastBlock.getType() == CigarOperator.S)) {
// Last block is M or S, so extend it.
lastBlock.setLength(lastBlock.getLength() + readLength - cigarLength);
} else {
// Last block is not M or S. Add a new M block.
int[] basePositions = updateBasePositions(lastBlock.getReadStart(), lastBlock.getReferenceStart(), lastBlock.getType(), lastBlock.getLength());
int readStart = basePositions[0];
int refStart = basePositions[1];
blocks.add(new ReadBlock(readStart, refStart, readLength-cigarLength, CigarOperator.M));