package abra;
import static abra.Logger.log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import net.sf.samtools.CigarOperator;
import net.sf.samtools.SAMFileHeader;
import net.sf.samtools.SAMFileReader;
import net.sf.samtools.SAMFileWriter;
import net.sf.samtools.SAMRecord;
import net.sf.samtools.SAMFileReader.ValidationStringency;
* Responsible for adjusting read alignments.
* This class is used by multiple threads simultaneously. Do not store thread
* specific variables as members.
* @author Lisle E. Mose (lmose at unc dot edu)
public class ReadAdjuster {
private int maxMapq;
private ReverseComplementor reverseComplementor = new ReverseComplementor();
private boolean isPairedEnd;
private CompareToReference2 c2r;
private int minInsertLen;
private int maxInsertLen;
private static final String ORIGINAL_ALIGNMENT_TAG = "YO";
public static final String MISMATCHES_TO_CONTIG_TAG = "YM";
public static final String CONTIG_QUALITY_TAG = "YQ";
private static final String CONTIG_ALIGNMENT_TAG = "YA";
public ReadAdjuster(boolean isPairedEnd, int maxMapq, CompareToReference2 c2r, int minInsertLen, int maxInsertLen) {
this.isPairedEnd = isPairedEnd;
this.maxMapq = maxMapq;
this.minInsertLen = minInsertLen;
this.maxInsertLen = maxInsertLen;
this.c2r = c2r;
public void adjustReads(String alignedToContigSam, SAMFileWriter outputSam, boolean isTightAlignment,
String tempDir, SAMFileHeader samHeader) throws IOException {
log("Adjusting reads.");
RealignmentWriter writer = getRealignmentWriter(outputSam, isTightAlignment, tempDir);
SAMFileReader contigReader = new SAMFileReader(new File(alignedToContigSam));
SamStringReader samStringReader = new SamStringReader(samHeader);
for (SAMRecord read : contigReader) {
String origSamStr = read.getReadName();
origSamStr = origSamStr.replace(Sam2Fastq.FIELD_DELIMITER, "\t");
SAMRecord orig;
try {
orig = samStringReader.getRead(origSamStr);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
System.out.println("Error processing: [" + origSamStr + "]");
System.out.println("Contig read: [" + read.getSAMString() + "]");
throw e;
SAMRecord readToOutput = null;
// Only adjust reads that align to contig with no indel and shorter edit distance than the original alignment
String matchingString = read.getReadLength() + "M";
if ((read.getCigarString().equals(matchingString)) &&
(read.getReadUnmappedFlag() == false) &&
(!orig.getCigarString().contains("N")) && // Don't remap introns
(SAMRecordUtils.getEditDistance(read, null) < SAMRecordUtils.getOrigEditDistance(orig)) &&
(!isFiltered(orig))) {
SAMRecord origRead = orig;
String contigReadStr = read.getReferenceName();
int numBestHits = SAMRecordUtils.getIntAttribute(read, "X0");
int numSubOptimalHits = SAMRecordUtils.getIntAttribute(read, "X1");
int totalHits = numBestHits + numSubOptimalHits;
List<HitInfo> bestHits = getBestHits(contigReadStr, samStringReader, read, matchingString);
Map<String, SAMRecord> outputReadAlignmentInfo = convertBestHitsToAlignmentInfo(bestHits, origRead);
readToOutput = getUpdatedReadInfo(outputReadAlignmentInfo, read,
orig, origRead, c2r, totalHits, isTightAlignment);
adjustForStrand(read.getReadNegativeStrandFlag(), orig);
writer.addAlignment(readToOutput, orig);
int realignedCount = writer.flush();
log("Done adjusting reads. Number of reads realigned: " + realignedCount);
private SAMRecord getUpdatedReadInfo(Map<String, SAMRecord> outputReadAlignmentInfo, SAMRecord read,
SAMRecord orig, SAMRecord origRead, CompareToReference2 c2r, int totalHits, boolean isTightAlignment) {
SAMRecord readToOutput = null;
if (outputReadAlignmentInfo.size() == 1) {
readToOutput = outputReadAlignmentInfo.values().iterator().next();
// Check to see if the original read location was in a non-target region.
// If so, compare updated NM to ref versus original NM to ref
if ((c2r != null) && (!isImprovedAlignment(readToOutput, orig, c2r))) {
readToOutput = null;
} else {
int origBestHits = SAMRecordUtils.getIntAttribute(readToOutput, "X0");
int origSuboptimalHits = SAMRecordUtils.getIntAttribute(readToOutput, "X1");
// If the read mapped to multiple locations, set mapping quality to zero.
if ((outputReadAlignmentInfo.size() > 1) || (totalHits > 1000)) {
// This must happen prior to updateMismatchAndEditDistance
adjustForStrand(read.getReadNegativeStrandFlag(), readToOutput);
if (readToOutput.getAttribute(ORIGINAL_ALIGNMENT_TAG) != null) {
// HACK: Only add X0 for final alignment. Assembler skips X0 > 1
if (isTightAlignment) {
readToOutput.setAttribute("X0", outputReadAlignmentInfo.size());
} else {
readToOutput.setAttribute("X0", null);
readToOutput.setAttribute("X1", origBestHits + origSuboptimalHits);
// Clear various tags
readToOutput.setAttribute("XO", null);
readToOutput.setAttribute("XG", null);
readToOutput.setAttribute("MD", null);
readToOutput.setAttribute("XA", null);
readToOutput.setAttribute("XT", null);
if (c2r != null) {
updateMismatchAndEditDistance(readToOutput, c2r, origRead);
return readToOutput;
private Map<String, SAMRecord> convertBestHitsToAlignmentInfo(List<HitInfo> bestHits, SAMRecord origRead) {
Map<String, SAMRecord> outputReadAlignmentInfo = new HashMap<String, SAMRecord>();
for (HitInfo hitInfo : bestHits) {
SAMRecord contigRead = hitInfo.getRecord();
int position = hitInfo.getPosition() - 1;
List<ReadBlock> contigReadBlocks = ReadBlock.getReadBlocks(contigRead);
ReadPosition readPosition = new ReadPosition(origRead, position, -1);
SAMRecord updatedRead = updateReadAlignment(contigRead,
contigReadBlocks, readPosition);
if (updatedRead != null) {
if (updatedRead.getReadUnmappedFlag()) {
// If the read's alignment info has been modified, record the original alignment.
if (origRead.getReadUnmappedFlag() ||
!origRead.getReferenceName().equals(updatedRead.getReferenceName()) ||
origRead.getAlignmentStart() != updatedRead.getAlignmentStart() ||
origRead.getReadNegativeStrandFlag() != updatedRead.getReadNegativeStrandFlag() ||
!origRead.getCigarString().equals(updatedRead.getCigarString())) {
if (SAMRecordUtils.isSoftClipEquivalent(origRead, updatedRead)) {
// Restore Cigar and position
// System.out.println("Re-setting [" + updatedRead.getSAMString() + "] --- [" + origRead.getSAMString() + "]");
} else {
String originalAlignment;
if (origRead.getReadUnmappedFlag()) {
originalAlignment = "N/A";
} else {
originalAlignment = origRead.getReferenceName() + ":" + origRead.getAlignmentStart() + ":" +
(origRead.getReadNegativeStrandFlag() ? "-" : "+") + ":" + origRead.getCigarString();
// Read's original alignment position
updatedRead.setAttribute(ORIGINAL_ALIGNMENT_TAG, originalAlignment);
// Mismatches to the contig
updatedRead.setAttribute(MISMATCHES_TO_CONTIG_TAG, hitInfo.getNumMismatches());
// Contig's mapping quality
updatedRead.setAttribute(CONTIG_QUALITY_TAG, hitInfo.getRecord().getMappingQuality());
// Contig's length
// updatedRead.setAttribute("YL", hitInfo.getRecord().getCigar().getReadLength());
// Contig Position + CIGAR
// updatedRead.setAttribute(CONTIG_ALIGNMENT_TAG, contigRead.getReferenceName() + ":" + contigRead.getAlignmentStart() +
// ":" + contigRead.getCigarString());
updatedRead.setAttribute(CONTIG_ALIGNMENT_TAG, contigRead.getStringAttribute("ZZ"));
//TODO: Check strand!!!
String readAlignmentInfo = updatedRead.getReferenceName() + "_" + updatedRead.getAlignmentStart() + "_" +
if (!outputReadAlignmentInfo.containsKey(readAlignmentInfo)) {
outputReadAlignmentInfo.put(readAlignmentInfo, updatedRead);
return outputReadAlignmentInfo;
private List<HitInfo> getBestHits(String contigReadStr, SamStringReader samStringReader,
SAMRecord read, String matchingString) {
List<HitInfo> bestHits = new ArrayList<HitInfo>();
contigReadStr = contigReadStr.substring(contigReadStr.indexOf('~')+1);
contigReadStr = contigReadStr.replace('~', '\t');
SAMRecord contigRead = samStringReader.getRead(contigReadStr);
int bestMismatches = SAMRecordUtils.getIntAttribute(read, "XM");
// Filter this hit if it aligns past the end of the contig
// Must use cigar length instead of read length, because the
// the contig read bases are not loaded.
if (read.getAlignmentEnd() <= contigRead.getCigar().getReadLength()) {
HitInfo hit = new HitInfo(contigRead, read.getAlignmentStart(),
read.getReadNegativeStrandFlag() ? '-' : '+', bestMismatches);
int numBestHits = SAMRecordUtils.getIntAttribute(read, "X0");
int numSubOptimalHits = SAMRecordUtils.getIntAttribute(read, "X1");
int totalHits = numBestHits + numSubOptimalHits;
if ((totalHits > 1) && (totalHits < 1000)) {
// Look in XA tag.
String alternateHitsStr = (String) read.getAttribute("XA");
if (alternateHitsStr == null) {
String msg = "best hits = " + numBestHits + ", but no XA entry for: " + read.getSAMString();
} else {
String[] alternates = alternateHitsStr.split(";");
for (int i=0; i<alternates.length-1; i++) {
String[] altInfo = alternates[i].split(",");
String altContigReadStr = altInfo[0];
char strand = altInfo[1].charAt(0);
int position = Integer.parseInt(altInfo[1].substring(1));
String cigar = altInfo[2];
int mismatches = Integer.parseInt(altInfo[3]);
if ((cigar.equals(matchingString)) && (mismatches < bestMismatches)) {
System.out.println("MISMATCH_ISSUE: " + read.getSAMString());
if ((cigar.equals(matchingString)) && (mismatches == bestMismatches)) {
altContigReadStr = altContigReadStr.substring(altContigReadStr.indexOf('~')+1);
altContigReadStr = altContigReadStr.replace('~', '\t');
contigRead = samStringReader.getRead(altContigReadStr);
// Filter this hit if it aligns past the end of the contig
// Must use cigar length instead of read length, because the
// the contig read bases are not loaded.
if ((position + read.getReadLength()) <= contigRead.getCigar().getReadLength()) {
HitInfo hit = new HitInfo(contigRead, position, strand, mismatches);
return bestHits;
private void updateMismatchAndEditDistance(SAMRecord read, CompareToReference2 c2r, SAMRecord origRead) {
if (read.getAttribute(ORIGINAL_ALIGNMENT_TAG) != null) {
int numMismatches = c2r.numMismatches(read);
int numIndelBases = SAMRecordUtils.getNumIndelBases(read);
read.setAttribute("XM", numMismatches);
read.setAttribute("NM", numMismatches + numIndelBases);
read.setMappingQuality(calcMappingQuality(read, origRead));
private int calcMappingQuality(SAMRecord read, SAMRecord origRead) {
int mapq = 0;
// Need original read here because updated read has already had 0x04 flag unset.
if ((origRead.getReadUnmappedFlag()) || (read.getMappingQuality() > 0)) {
int contigQuality = (Integer) read.getAttribute(CONTIG_QUALITY_TAG);
int quality = Math.min(contigQuality, this.maxMapq);
int mismatchesToContig = (Integer) read.getAttribute(MISMATCHES_TO_CONTIG_TAG);
quality -= mismatchesToContig * 5;
mapq = Math.max(quality, 1);
return mapq;
private boolean isImprovedAlignment(SAMRecord read, SAMRecord orig, CompareToReference2 c2r) {
boolean isImproved = false;
Integer yr = orig.getIntegerAttribute("YR");
if ((yr != null) && (yr == 1)) {
// Original alignment was outside of target region list.
// Calc updated edit distance to reference and compare to original
// int origEditDistance = getOrigEditDistance(orig);
// int updatedEditDistance = c2r.numMismatches(read) + getNumIndelBases(read);
double origEditDistance = SAMRecordUtils.getOrigEditDistance(orig);
double updatedEditDistance = c2r.numMismatches(read) + (1.5 * SAMRecordUtils.getNumIndels(read));
isImproved = updatedEditDistance < origEditDistance;
} else {
isImproved = true;
return isImproved;
private void adjustForStrand(boolean readAlreadyReversed, SAMRecord read) {
if ( ((!readAlreadyReversed) && (read.getReadNegativeStrandFlag())) ||
((readAlreadyReversed) && (!read.getReadNegativeStrandFlag())) ){
private SAMRecord updateReadAlignment(SAMRecord contigRead,
List<ReadBlock> contigReadBlocks, ReadPosition orig) {
List<ReadBlock> blocks = new ArrayList<ReadBlock>();
SAMRecord read = SAMRecordUtils.cloneRead(orig.getRead());
int contigPosition = orig.getPosition();
int accumulatedLength = 0;
// read block positions are one based
// ReadPosition is zero based
int totalInsertLength = 0;
for (ReadBlock contigBlock : contigReadBlocks) {
if ((contigBlock.getReadStart() + contigBlock.getReferenceLength()) >= orig
.getPosition() + 1) {
ReadBlock block = contigBlock.getSubBlock(accumulatedLength,
contigPosition, read.getReadLength()
- accumulatedLength);
block.setReferenceStart(block.getReferenceStart() - totalInsertLength);
// If this is an insert, we need to adjust the alignment start
if ((block.getType() == CigarOperator.I) && (block.getLength() != 0)) {
contigPosition = contigPosition - (contigBlock.getLength() - block.getLength());
block.setReferenceStart(block.getReferenceStart() - (contigBlock.getLength() - block.getLength()));
// block = contigBlock.getSubBlock(accumulatedLength,
// contigPosition, read.getReadLength()
// - accumulatedLength);
totalInsertLength += block.getLength();
//TODO: Drop leading and trailing delete blocks
// TODO: Investigate how this could happen
if (block.getLength() != 0) {
if (block.getType() != CigarOperator.D) {
accumulatedLength += block.getLength();
if (accumulatedLength > read.getReadLength()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Accumulated Length: "
+ accumulatedLength
+ " is greater than read length: "
+ read.getReadLength());
if (accumulatedLength == read.getReadLength()) {
if (blocks.size() > 0) {
// If we've aligned past the end of the contig resulting in a short Cigar
// length, append additonal M to the Cigar
ReadBlock.fillToLength(blocks, read.getReadLength());
int newAlignmentStart = blocks.get(0).getReferenceStart();
String newCigar = ReadBlock.toCigarString(blocks);
} else {
// TODO: Investigate how this could happen.
read = null;
return read;
private boolean isFiltered(SAMRecord read) {
return SAMRecordUtils.isFiltered(isPairedEnd, read);
private RealignmentWriter getRealignmentWriter(SAMFileWriter outputReadsBam, boolean isTightAlignment, String tempDir) {
RealignmentWriter writer;
if (isTightAlignment && isPairedEnd) {
writer = new BetaPairValidatingRealignmentWriter(c2r, outputReadsBam, tempDir, minInsertLen, maxInsertLen);
} else {
writer = new SimpleRealignmentWriter(c2r, outputReadsBam, isTightAlignment);
return writer;
static class HitInfo {
private SAMRecord record;
private int position;
private char strand;
private int mismatches;
public HitInfo(SAMRecord record, int position, char strand, int mismatches) {
this.record = record;
this.position = position;
this.strand = strand;
this.mismatches = mismatches;
public SAMRecord getRecord() {
return record;
public int getPosition() {
return position;
public char getStrand() {
return strand;
public boolean isOnNegativeStrand() {
return strand == '-';
public int getNumMismatches() {
return mismatches;