* See COPYING for license information.
package com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.StatusLine;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.JSONValue;
public class FilesResponse
private HttpResponse response = null;
private HttpEntity entity = null;
private String authToken = null;
private List<FilesRegion> regions = new ArrayList<FilesRegion>();
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FilesResponse.class);
* @param method The HttpMethod that generated this response
public FilesResponse (HttpResponse response)
this.response = response;
entity = response.getEntity();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug ("Status Line: " + getStatusLine());
Header [] responseHeaders = getResponseHeaders();
for (int i=0; i < responseHeaders.length;i++)
* Checks to see if the user managed to login with their credentials.
* @return true is login succeeded false otherwise
public boolean loginSuccess ()
int statusCode = getStatusCode();
if (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300)
return true;
return false;
* This method makes no assumptions about the user having been logged in. It simply looks for the Storage Token header
* as defined by FilesConstants.X_STORAGE_TOKEN and if this exists it returns its value otherwise the value returned will be null.
* @return null if the user is not logged into Cloud FS or the Storage token
public String getAuthToken ()
//return getResponseHeader(FilesUtil.getProperty("auth_token_name", FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN)).getValue();
if (authToken == null) {
return this.authToken;
* This method makes no assumptions about the user having been logged in. It simply looks for the Storage URL header
* as defined by FilesConstants.X_STORAGE_URL and if this exists it returns its value otherwise the value returned will be null.
* @return null if the user is not logged into Cloud FS or the Storage URL
public String getStorageURL ()
return getResponseHeader(FilesConstants.X_STORAGE_URL).getValue();
* This method makes no assumptions about the user having been logged in. It simply looks for the CDN Management URL header
* as defined by FilesConstants.X_CDN_MANAGEMENT_URL and if this exists it returns its value otherwise the value returned will be null.
* @return null if the user is not logged into Cloud FS or the Storage URL
public String getCDNManagementURL ()
Header header = getResponseHeader(FilesConstants.X_CDN_MANAGEMENT_URL);
return header == null ? null : header.getValue();
* Get the content type
* @return The content type (e.g., MIME type) of the response
public String getContentType ()
return getResponseHeader("Content-Type").getValue();
* Get the content length of the response (as reported in the header)
* @return the length of the content
public String getContentLength ()
Header hdr = getResponseHeader("Content-Length");
if (hdr == null) return "0";
return hdr.getValue();
* The Etag is the same as the objects MD5SUM
* @return The ETAG
public String getETag ()
Header hdr = getResponseHeader(FilesConstants.E_TAG);
if (hdr == null) return null;
return hdr.getValue();
* The last modified header
* @return The last modified header
public String getLastModified ()
return getResponseHeader("Last-Modified").getValue();
* The HTTP headers from the response
* @return The headers
public Header[] getResponseHeaders()
return response.getAllHeaders();
* The HTTP Status line (both the status code and the status message).
* @return The status line
public StatusLine getStatusLine()
return response.getStatusLine();
* Get the HTTP status code
* @return The status code
public int getStatusCode ()
return response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
* Get the HTTP status message
* @return The message portion of the status line
public String getStatusMessage ()
return response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase();
* The HTTP Method (put, get, etc) of the request that generated this response
* @return The method name
/*public String getMethodName ()
return response.getName();
* Returns the response body as text
* @return The response body
* @throws IOException
public String getResponseBodyAsString () throws IOException
return EntityUtils.toString(entity);
* Get the response body as a Stream
* @return An input stream that will return the response body when read
* @throws IOException
public InputStream getResponseBodyAsStream () throws IOException
return entity.getContent();
* Get the body of the response as a byte array
* @return The body of the response.
* @throws IOException
public byte[] getResponseBody () throws IOException
return EntityUtils.toByteArray(entity);
* Returns the specified response header. Note that header-name matching is case insensitive.
* @param headerName - The name of the header to be returned.
* @return The specified response header. If the response contained multiple instances of the header, its values will be combined using the ',' separator as specified by RFC2616.
public Header getResponseHeader(String headerName)
return response.getFirstHeader(headerName);
* Get the number of objects in the header
* @return -1 if the header is not present or the correct value as defined by the header
public int getContainerObjectCount ()
Header contCountHeader = getResponseHeader (FilesConstants.X_CONTAINER_OBJECT_COUNT);
if (contCountHeader != null )
return Integer.parseInt(contCountHeader.getValue());
return -1;
* Get the number of bytes used by the container
* @return -1 if the header is not present or the correct value as defined by the header
public long getContainerBytesUsed ()
Header contBytesUsedHeader = getResponseHeader (FilesConstants.X_CONTAINER_BYTES_USED);
if (contBytesUsedHeader != null )
return Long.parseLong(contBytesUsedHeader.getValue());
return -1;
* Get the number of objects in the header
* @return -1 if the header is not present or the correct value as defined by the header
public int getAccountContainerCount ()
Header contCountHeader = getResponseHeader (FilesConstants.X_ACCOUNT_CONTAINER_COUNT);
if (contCountHeader != null )
return Integer.parseInt(contCountHeader.getValue());
return -1;
* Get the number of bytes used by the container
* @return -1 if the header is not present or the correct value as defined by the header
public long getAccountBytesUsed ()
Header accountBytesUsedHeader = getResponseHeader (FilesConstants.X_ACCOUNT_BYTES_USED);
if (accountBytesUsedHeader != null )
return Long.parseLong(accountBytesUsedHeader.getValue());
return -1;
* Get the URL For a shared container
* @return null if the header is not present or the correct value as defined by the header
public String getCdnUrl ()
Header cdnHeader = getResponseHeader (FilesConstants.X_CDN_URI);
if (cdnHeader != null )
return cdnHeader.getValue();
return null;
* Get the SSL URL For a shared container
* @return null if the header is not present or the correct value as defined by the header
public String getCdnSslUrl ()
Header cdnHeader = getResponseHeader (FilesConstants.X_CDN_SSL_URI);
if (cdnHeader != null )
return cdnHeader.getValue();
return null;
* Get the SSL URL For a shared container
* @return null if the header is not present or the correct value as defined by the header
public String getCdnStreamingUrl ()
Header cdnHeader = getResponseHeader (FilesConstants.X_CDN_Streaming_URI);
if (cdnHeader != null )
return cdnHeader.getValue();
return null;
* Returns the response headers with the given name. Note that header-name matching is case insensitive.
* @param headerName - the name of the headers to be returned.
* @return An array of zero or more headers
public Header[] getResponseHeaders(String headerName)
return response.getHeaders(headerName);
public String getContentEncoding() {
return entity.getContentEncoding().getValue();
public Collection<FilesRegion> getRegions() {
if (authToken == null) {
return regions;
private void parseAuthResponse() {
try {
String jsonString = EntityUtils.toString(this.response.getEntity());
JSONObject json = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(jsonString);
JSONObject auth = (JSONObject) json.get("auth");
JSONObject token = (JSONObject) auth.get("token");
this.authToken = (String) token.get("id");
Map<String, String> cdnUrls = new HashMap<String, String>();
JSONObject serviceCatalog = (JSONObject) auth.get("serviceCatalog");
JSONArray cdnRegions = (JSONArray) serviceCatalog.get("cloudFilesCDN");
for (int i = 0; i < cdnRegions.size(); i++) {
JSONObject cdnRegion = (JSONObject) cdnRegions.get(i);
String regionId = (String) cdnRegion.get("region");
String publicUrl = (String) cdnRegion.get("publicURL");
cdnUrls.put(regionId, publicUrl);
JSONArray filesRegions = (JSONArray) serviceCatalog.get("cloudFiles");
for (int i = 0; i < filesRegions.size(); i++) {
JSONObject filesRegion = (JSONObject) filesRegions.get(i);
String regionId = (String) filesRegion.get("region");
String publicUrl = (String) filesRegion.get("publicURL");
String cdnUrl = cdnUrls.containsKey(regionId) ? cdnUrls.get(regionId) : "";
Boolean v1Default = filesRegion.containsKey("v1Default")
? (Boolean) filesRegion.get("v1Default")
: Boolean.FALSE;
regions.add(new FilesRegion(regionId, publicUrl, cdnUrl, v1Default.booleanValue()));
} catch (Exception e) {