* See COPYING for license information.
package com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException;
import org.apache.commons.codec.EncoderException;
import org.apache.commons.codec.net.URLCodec;
import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrTokenizer;
import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpException;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpDelete;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpHead;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut;
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils;
import org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionManager;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.SchemeRegistry;
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity;
import org.apache.http.entity.FileEntity;
import org.apache.http.entity.InputStreamEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.JSONValue;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles.wrapper.RequestEntityWrapper;
* A client for Cloud Files. Here follows a basic example of logging in, creating a container and an
* object, retrieving the object, and then deleting both the object and container. For more examples,
* see the code in com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles.sample, which contains a series of examples.
* <pre>
* // Create the client object for username "jdoe", password "johnsdogsname".
* FilesClient myClient = FilesClient("jdoe", "johnsdogsname");
* // Log in (<code>login()</code> will return false if the login was unsuccessful.
* assert(myClient.login());
* // Make sure there are no containers in the account
* assert(myClient.listContainers.length() == 0);
* // Create the container
* assert(myClient.createContainer("myContainer"));
* // Now we should have one
* assert(myClient.listContainers.length() == 1);
* // Upload the file "alpaca.jpg"
* assert(myClient.storeObject("myContainer", new File("alapca.jpg"), "image/jpeg"));
* // Download "alpaca.jpg"
* FilesObject obj = myClient.getObject("myContainer", "alpaca.jpg");
* byte data[] = obj.getObject();
* // Clean up after ourselves.
* // Note: Order here is important, you can't delete non-empty containers.
* assert(myClient.deleteObject("myContainer", "alpaca.jpg"));
* assert(myClient.deleteContainer("myContainer");
* </pre>
* @see com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles.sample.FilesCli
* @see com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles.sample.FilesAuth
* @see com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles.sample.FilesCopy
* @see com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles.sample.FilesList
* @see com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles.sample.FilesRemove
* @see com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles.sample.FilesMakeContainer
* @author lvaughn
public class FilesClient
public static final String VERSION = "v1";
private String username = null;
private String password = null;
private String account = null;
private String authenticationURL;
private int connectionTimeOut;
private String authToken = null;
private boolean isLoggedin = false;
private boolean useETag = true;
private boolean snet = false;
private List<FilesRegion> regions = new ArrayList<FilesRegion>();
private FilesRegion currentRegion = null;
private HttpClient client = null;
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FilesClient.class);
* @param client The HttpClient to talk to Swift
* @param username The username to log in to
* @param password The password
* @param account The Cloud Files account to use
* @param connectionTimeOut The connection timeout, in ms.
public FilesClient(HttpClient client, String username, String password, String authUrl, String account, int connectionTimeOut) {
this.client = client;
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
this.account = account;
if(authUrl == null) {
authUrl = FilesUtil.getProperty("auth_url");
if(account != null && account.length() > 0) {
this.authenticationURL = authUrl + VERSION + "/" + account + FilesUtil.getProperty("auth_url_post");
else {
this.authenticationURL = authUrl;
this.connectionTimeOut = connectionTimeOut;
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("UserName: " + this.username);
logger.debug("AuthenticationURL: " + this.authenticationURL);
logger.debug("ConnectionTimeOut: " + this.connectionTimeOut);
* @param username The username to log in to
* @param password The password
* @param account The Cloud Files account to use
* @param connectionTimeOut The connection timeout, in ms.
public FilesClient(String username, String password, String authUrl, String account, final int connectionTimeOut)
this(new DefaultHttpClient() {
protected HttpParams createHttpParams() {
BasicHttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(params, connectionTimeOut);
params.setParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
return params;
protected ClientConnectionManager createClientConnectionManager() {
SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry();
new Scheme("http", 80, PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory()));
new Scheme("https", 443, SSLSocketFactory.getSocketFactory()));
return new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(createHttpParams(), schemeRegistry);
}, username, password, authUrl, account, connectionTimeOut);
* This method uses the default connection time out of CONNECTON_TIMEOUT. If <code>account</code>
* is null, "Mosso Style" authentication is assumed, otherwise standard Cloud Files authentication is used.
* @param username
* @param password
* @param authUrl
public FilesClient(String username, String password, String authUrl)
this (username, password, authUrl, null, FilesUtil.getIntProperty("connection_timeout"));
* Mosso-style authentication (No accounts).
* @param username Your CloudFiles username
* @param apiAccessKey Your CloudFiles API Access Key
public FilesClient(String username, String apiAccessKey)
this (username, apiAccessKey, null, null, FilesUtil.getIntProperty("connection_timeout"));
//logger.debug("LGV:" + client.getHttpConnectionManager());
* This method uses the default connection time out of CONNECTON_TIMEOUT and username, password,
* and account from FilesUtil
public FilesClient()
this (FilesUtil.getProperty("username"),
* Returns the Account associated with the URL
* @return The account name
public String getAccount()
return account;
* Set the Account value and reassemble the Authentication URL.
* @param account
public void setAccount(String account)
this.account = account;
if (account != null && account.length() > 0) {
this.authenticationURL = FilesUtil.getProperty("auth_url")+VERSION+"/"+account+FilesUtil.getProperty("auth_url_post");
else {
this.authenticationURL = FilesUtil.getProperty("auth_url");
* Log in to CloudFiles. This method performs the authentication and sets up the client's internal state.
* @return true if the login was successful, false otherwise.
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
public boolean login() throws IOException, HttpException
HttpPost method = new HttpPost(authenticationURL);
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
// method.setHeader(FilesUtil.getProperty("auth_user_header", FilesConstants.X_STORAGE_USER_DEFAULT),
// username);
// method.setHeader(FilesUtil.getProperty("auth_pass_header", FilesConstants.X_STORAGE_PASS_DEFAULT),
// password);
JSONObject creds = new JSONObject();
creds.put("username", username);
creds.put("key", password);
JSONObject auth = new JSONObject();
auth.put("credentials", creds);
String json = JSONValue.toJSONString(auth);
HttpEntity entity = new ByteArrayEntity(json.getBytes("UTF-8"));
method.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.loginSuccess())
isLoggedin = true;
authToken = response.getAuthToken();
//logger.debug("storageURL: " + getStorageURL());
logger.debug("authToken: " + authToken);
//logger.debug("cdnManagementURL:" + getCdnManagementURL());
logger.debug("ConnectionManager:" + client.getConnectionManager());
return this.isLoggedin;
* Log in to CloudFiles. This method performs the authentication and sets up the client's internal state.
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
public boolean login(String authToken, String storageURL, String cdnManagmentUrl) throws IOException, HttpException
isLoggedin = true;
FilesRegion region = new FilesRegion("", storageURL, cdnManagmentUrl, true);
currentRegion = region;
this.authToken = authToken;
return true;
* List all of the containers available in an account, ordered by container name.
* @return null if the user is not logged in or the Account is not found. A List of FSContainers with all of the containers in the account.
* if there are no containers in the account, the list will be zero length.
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was another error in the request to the server.
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException The client's login was invalid.
public List<FilesContainerInfo> listContainersInfo() throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesException
return listContainersInfo(-1, null);
* List the containers available in an account, ordered by container name.
* @param limit The maximum number of containers to return. -1 returns an unlimited number.
* @return null if the user is not logged in or the Account is not found. A List of FSContainers with all of the containers in the account.
* if there are no containers in the account, the list will be zero length.
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was another error in the request to the server.
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException The client's login was invalid.
public List<FilesContainerInfo> listContainersInfo(int limit) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesException
return listContainersInfo(limit, null);
* List the containers available in an account, ordered by container name.
* @param limit The maximum number of containers to return. -1 returns an unlimited number.
* @param marker Return containers that occur after this lexicographically.
* @return null if the user is not logged in or the Account is not found. A List of FSContainers with all of the containers in the account.
* if there are no containers in the account, the list will be zero length.
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was another error in the request to the server.
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException The client's login was invalid.
public List<FilesContainerInfo> listContainersInfo(int limit, String marker) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesException
if (!this.isLoggedin()) {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
HttpGet method = null;
try {
LinkedList<NameValuePair> parameters = new LinkedList<NameValuePair>();
if(limit > 0) {
parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("limit", String.valueOf(limit)));
if(marker != null) {
parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("marker", marker));
parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("format", "xml"));
String uri = makeURI(getStorageURL(), parameters);
method = new HttpGet(uri);
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
method = new HttpGet(uri);
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("Re-login failed", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK)
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document document = builder.parse(response.getResponseBodyAsStream());
NodeList nodes = document.getChildNodes();
Node accountNode = nodes.item(0);
if (! "account".equals(accountNode.getNodeName())) {
logger.error("Got unexpected type of XML");
return null;
ArrayList <FilesContainerInfo> containerList = new ArrayList<FilesContainerInfo>();
NodeList containerNodes = accountNode.getChildNodes();
for(int i=0; i < containerNodes.getLength(); ++i) {
Node containerNode = containerNodes.item(i);
if(!"container".equals(containerNode.getNodeName())) continue;
String name = null;
int count = -1;
long size = -1;
NodeList objectData = containerNode.getChildNodes();
for(int j=0; j < objectData.getLength(); ++j) {
Node data = objectData.item(j);
if ("name".equals(data.getNodeName())) {
name = data.getTextContent();
else if ("bytes".equals(data.getNodeName())) {
size = Long.parseLong(data.getTextContent());
else if ("count".equals(data.getNodeName())) {
count = Integer.parseInt(data.getTextContent());
else {
logger.debug("Unexpected container-info tag:" + data.getNodeName());
if (name != null) {
FilesContainerInfo obj = new FilesContainerInfo(name, count, size);
return containerList;
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT)
return new ArrayList<FilesContainerInfo>();
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND)
throw new FilesNotFoundException("Account not Found", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected Return Code", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected problem, probably in parsing Server XML", ex);
finally {
if (method != null)
* List the containers available in an account.
* @return null if the user is not logged in or the Account is not found. A List of FilesContainer with all of the containers in the account.
* if there are no containers in the account, the list will be zero length.
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was another error in the request to the server.
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException The client's login was invalid.
public List<FilesContainer> listContainers() throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesException
return listContainers(-1, null);
* List the containers available in an account.
* @param limit The maximum number of containers to return. -1 denotes no limit.
* @return null if the user is not logged in or the Account is not found. A List of FilesContainer with all of the containers in the account.
* if there are no containers in the account, the list will be zero length.
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was another error in the request to the server.
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException The client's login was invalid.
public List<FilesContainer> listContainers(int limit) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesException
return listContainers(limit, null);
* List the containers available in an account.
* @param limit The maximum number of containers to return. -1 denotes no limit.
* @param marker Only return containers after this container. Null denotes starting at the beginning (lexicographically).
* @return A List of FilesContainer with all of the containers in the account.
* if there are no containers in the account, the list will be zero length.
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was another error in the request to the server.
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException The client's login was invalid.
public List<FilesContainer> listContainers(int limit, String marker) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
if (!this.isLoggedin()) {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
HttpGet method = null;
try {
LinkedList<NameValuePair> parameters = new LinkedList<NameValuePair>();
if(limit > 0) {
parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("limit", String.valueOf(limit)));
if(marker != null) {
parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("marker", marker));
String uri = parameters.size() > 0 ? makeURI(getStorageURL(), parameters) : getStorageURL();
method = new HttpGet(uri);
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
method = new HttpGet(uri);
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("Re-login failed", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK)
// logger.warn(method.getResponseCharSet());
StrTokenizer tokenize = new StrTokenizer(response.getResponseBodyAsString());
String [] containers = tokenize.getTokenArray();
ArrayList <FilesContainer> containerList = new ArrayList<FilesContainer>();
for(String container : containers) {
containerList.add(new FilesContainer(container, this));
return containerList;
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT)
return new ArrayList<FilesContainer>();
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND)
throw new FilesNotFoundException("Account was not found", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected response from server", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected error, probably parsing Server XML", ex);
finally {
if (method != null) method.abort();
* List all of the objects in a container with the given starting string.
* @param container The container name
* @param startsWith The string to start with
* @param path Only look for objects in this path
* @param limit Return at most <code>limit</code> objects
* @param marker Returns objects lexicographically greater than <code>marker</code>. Used in conjunction with <code>limit</code> to paginate the list.
* @return A list of FilesObjects starting with the given string
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was another error in the request to the server.
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException The client's login was invalid.
public List<FilesObject> listObjectsStartingWith (String container, String startsWith, String path, int limit, String marker) throws IOException, FilesException
return listObjectsStartingWith(container, startsWith, path, limit, marker, null);
* List all of the objects in a container with the given starting string.
* @param container The container name
* @param startsWith The string to start with
* @param path Only look for objects in this path
* @param limit Return at most <code>limit</code> objects
* @param marker Returns objects lexicographically greater than <code>marker</code>. Used in conjunction with <code>limit</code> to paginate the list.
* @param delimter Use this argument as the delimiter that separates "directories"
* @return A list of FilesObjects starting with the given string
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was another error in the request to the server.
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException The client's login was invalid.
public List<FilesObject> listObjectsStartingWith (String container, String startsWith, String path, int limit, String marker, Character delimiter) throws IOException, FilesException
if (!this.isLoggedin()) {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
if (!isValidContainerName(container)) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
HttpGet method = null;
try {
LinkedList<NameValuePair> parameters = new LinkedList<NameValuePair>();
parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair ("format", "xml"));
if (startsWith != null) {
parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair (FilesConstants.LIST_CONTAINER_NAME_QUERY, startsWith)); }
if(path != null) {
parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("path", path));
if(limit > 0) {
parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("limit", String.valueOf(limit)));
if(marker != null) {
parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("marker", marker));
if (delimiter != null) {
parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("delimiter", delimiter.toString()));
String uri = parameters.size() > 0 ? makeURI(getStorageURL() +"/"+sanitizeForURI(container), parameters) : getStorageURL();
method = new HttpGet(uri);
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
method = new HttpGet(uri);
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("Re-login failed", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK)
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document document = builder.parse(response.getResponseBodyAsStream());
NodeList nodes = document.getChildNodes();
Node containerList = nodes.item(0);
if (! "container".equals(containerList.getNodeName())) {
logger.error("Got unexpected type of XML");
return null;
ArrayList <FilesObject> objectList = new ArrayList<FilesObject>();
NodeList objectNodes = containerList.getChildNodes();
for(int i=0; i < objectNodes.getLength(); ++i) {
Node objectNode = objectNodes.item(i);
String nodeName = objectNode.getNodeName();
if(!("object".equals(nodeName) || "subdir".equals(nodeName))) continue;
String name = null;
String eTag = null;
long size = -1;
String mimeType = null;
String lastModified = null;
NodeList objectData = objectNode.getChildNodes();
if ("subdir".equals(nodeName)) {
size = 0;
mimeType = "application/directory";
name = objectNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue();
for(int j=0; j < objectData.getLength(); ++j) {
Node data = objectData.item(j);
if ("name".equals(data.getNodeName())) {
name = data.getTextContent();
else if ("content_type".equals(data.getNodeName())) {
mimeType = data.getTextContent();
else if ("hash".equals(data.getNodeName())) {
eTag = data.getTextContent();
else if ("bytes".equals(data.getNodeName())) {
size = Long.parseLong(data.getTextContent());
else if ("last_modified".equals(data.getNodeName())) {
lastModified = data.getTextContent();
else {
logger.warn("Unexpected tag:" + data.getNodeName());
if (name != null) {
FilesObject obj = new FilesObject(name, container, this);
if (eTag != null) obj.setMd5sum(eTag);
if (mimeType != null) obj.setMimeType(mimeType);
if (size >= 0) obj.setSize(size);
if (lastModified != null) obj.setLastModified(lastModified);
return objectList;
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT)
logger.debug ("Container "+container+" has no Objects");
return new ArrayList<FilesObject>();
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND)
throw new FilesNotFoundException("Container was not found", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected Server Result", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
catch (FilesNotFoundException fnfe) {
throw fnfe;
catch (Exception ex) {
logger.error("Error parsing xml", ex);
throw new FilesException("Error parsing server resposne", ex);
finally {
if (method != null) method.abort();
* List the objects in a container in lexicographic order.
* @param container The container name
* @return A list of FilesObjects starting with the given string
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was another error in the request to the server.
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException The client's login was invalid.
public List<FilesObject> listObjects(String container) throws IOException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesException {
return listObjectsStartingWith(container, null, null, -1, null, null);
* List the objects in a container in lexicographic order.
* @param container The container name
* @param delimter Use this argument as the delimiter that separates "directories"
* @return A list of FilesObjects starting with the given string
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was another error in the request to the server.
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException The client's login was invalid.
public List<FilesObject> listObjects(String container, Character delimiter) throws IOException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesException {
return listObjectsStartingWith(container, null, null, -1, null, delimiter);
* List the objects in a container in lexicographic order.
* @param container The container name
* @param limit Return at most <code>limit</code> objects
* @return A list of FilesObjects starting with the given string
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was another error in the request to the server.
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException The client's login was invalid.
public List<FilesObject> listObjects(String container, int limit) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesException {
return listObjectsStartingWith(container, null, null, limit, null, null);
* List the objects in a container in lexicographic order.
* @param container The container name
* @param path Only look for objects in this path
* @return A list of FilesObjects starting with the given string
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was another error in the request to the server.
public List<FilesObject> listObjects(String container, String path) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesException {
return listObjectsStartingWith(container, null, path, -1, null, null);
* List the objects in a container in lexicographic order.
* @param container The container name
* @param path Only look for objects in this path
* @param delimter Use this argument as the delimiter that separates "directories"
* @return A list of FilesObjects starting with the given string
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was another error in the request to the server.
public List<FilesObject> listObjects(String container, String path, Character delimiter) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesException {
return listObjectsStartingWith(container, null, path, -1, null, delimiter);
* List the objects in a container in lexicographic order.
* @param container The container name
* @param path Only look for objects in this path
* @param limit Return at most <code>limit</code> objects
* @param marker Returns objects lexicographically greater than <code>marker</code>. Used in conjunction with <code>limit</code> to paginate the list.
* @return A list of FilesObjects starting with the given string
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was another error in the request to the server.
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException The client's login was invalid.
public List<FilesObject> listObjects(String container, String path, int limit) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesException {
return listObjectsStartingWith(container, null, path, limit, null);
* List the objects in a container in lexicographic order.
* @param container The container name
* @param path Only look for objects in this path
* @param limit Return at most <code>limit</code> objects
* @param marker Returns objects lexicographically greater than <code>marker</code>. Used in conjunction with <code>limit</code> to paginate the list.
* @return A list of FilesObjects starting with the given string
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was another error in the request to the server.
public List<FilesObject> listObjects(String container, String path, int limit, String marker) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesException {
return listObjectsStartingWith(container, null, path, limit, marker);
* List the objects in a container in lexicographic order.
* @param container The container name
* @param limit Return at most <code>limit</code> objects
* @param marker Returns objects lexicographically greater than <code>marker</code>. Used in conjunction with <code>limit</code> to paginate the list.
* @return A list of FilesObjects starting with the given string
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was another error in the request to the server.
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException The client's login was invalid.
public List<FilesObject> listObjects(String container, int limit, String marker) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesException {
return listObjectsStartingWith(container, null, null, limit, marker);
* Convenience method to test for the existence of a container in Cloud Files.
* @param container
* @return true if the container exists. false otherwise.
* @throws IOException
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
public boolean containerExists (String container) throws IOException, HttpException
try {
return true;
catch(FilesException fnfe) {
return false;
* Gets information for the given account.
* @return The FilesAccountInfo with information about the number of containers and number of bytes used
* by the given account.
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was another error in the request to the server.
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException The client's login was invalid.
public FilesAccountInfo getAccountInfo() throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesException
if (this.isLoggedin()) {
HttpHead method = null;
try {
method = new HttpHead(getStorageURL());
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
method = new HttpHead(getStorageURL());
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("Re-login failed", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT)
int nContainers = response.getAccountContainerCount();
long totalSize = response.getAccountBytesUsed();
return new FilesAccountInfo(totalSize,nContainers);
else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected return from server", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
finally {
if (method != null) method.abort();
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
* Get basic information on a container (number of items and the total size).
* @param container The container to get information for
* @return ContainerInfo object of the container is present or null if its not present
* @throws IOException There was a socket level exception while talking to CloudFiles
* @throws HttpException There was an protocol level exception while talking to Cloudfiles
* @throws FilesNotFoundException The container was not found
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException The client was not logged in or the log in expired.
public FilesContainerInfo getContainerInfo (String container) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
if (this.isLoggedin())
if (isValidContainerName(container))
HttpHead method = null;
try {
method = new HttpHead(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
method = new HttpHead(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("Re-login failed", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT)
int objCount = response.getContainerObjectCount();
long objSize = response.getContainerBytesUsed();
return new FilesContainerInfo(container, objCount,objSize);
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND)
throw new FilesNotFoundException("Container not found: " + container, response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected result from server", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
finally {
if (method != null) method.abort();
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
* Creates a container
* @param name The name of the container to be created
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException The client was not property logged in
* @throws FilesInvalidNameException The container name was invalid
public void createContainer(String name) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesException
if (this.isLoggedin())
if (isValidContainerName(name))
HttpPut method = new HttpPut(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(name));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
try {
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
method = new HttpPut(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(name));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("Re-login failed", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CREATED)
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED)
throw new FilesContainerExistsException(name, response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected Response", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
finally {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(name);
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
* Deletes a container
* @param name The name of the container
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException The user is not Logged in
* @throws FilesInvalidNameException The container name is invalid
* @throws FilesNotFoundException The container doesn't exist
* @throws FilesContainerNotEmptyException The container was not empty
public boolean deleteContainer(String name) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesInvalidNameException, FilesNotFoundException, FilesContainerNotEmptyException
if (this.isLoggedin())
if (isValidContainerName(name))
HttpDelete method = new HttpDelete(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(name));
try {
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
method = new HttpDelete(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(name));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("Re-login failed", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT)
logger.debug ("Container Deleted : "+name);
return true;
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND)
logger.debug ("Container does not exist !");
throw new FilesNotFoundException("You can't delete an non-empty container", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CONFLICT)
logger.debug ("Container is not empty, can not delete a none empty container !");
throw new FilesContainerNotEmptyException("You can't delete an non-empty container", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
finally {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(name);
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
return false;
* Enables access of files in this container via the Content Delivery Network.
* @param name The name of the container to enable
* @return The CDN Url of the container
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was an error talking to the CDN Server.
public String cdnEnableContainer(String name) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
String returnValue = null;
if (this.isLoggedin())
if (isValidContainerName(name))
HttpPut method = null;
try {
method = new HttpPut(getCdnManagementURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(name));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
method = new HttpPut(getCdnManagementURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(name));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("Re-login failed", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CREATED || response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED)
returnValue = response.getCdnUrl();
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
logger.warn("Unauthorized access");
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("User not Authorized!",response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected Server Response",response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
finally {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(name);
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
return returnValue;
public String cdnUpdateContainer(String name, int ttl, boolean enabled, boolean retainLogs)
throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
return cdnUpdateContainer(name, ttl, enabled, null, null, retainLogs);
* Enables access of files in this container via the Content Delivery Network.
* @param name The name of the container to enable
* @param ttl How long the CDN can use the content before checking for an update. A negative value will result in this not being changed.
* @param enabled True if this container should be accessible, false otherwise
* @param retainLogs True if cdn access logs should be kept for this container, false otherwise
* @return The CDN Url of the container
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was an error talking to the CDN Service
* @param referrerAcl Unused for now
* @param userAgentACL Unused for now
private String cdnUpdateContainer(String name, int ttl, boolean enabled, String referrerAcl, String userAgentACL, boolean retainLogs)
throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
String returnValue = null;
if (this.isLoggedin())
if (isValidContainerName(name))
HttpPost method = null;
try {
method = new HttpPost(getCdnManagementURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(name));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
// TTL
if (ttl > 0) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_CDN_TTL, Integer.toString(ttl));
// Enabled
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_CDN_ENABLED, Boolean.toString(enabled));
// Log Retention
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_CDN_RETAIN_LOGS, Boolean.toString(retainLogs));
// Referrer ACL
if(referrerAcl != null) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_CDN_REFERRER_ACL, referrerAcl);
// User Agent ACL
if(userAgentACL != null) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_CDN_USER_AGENT_ACL, userAgentACL);
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
new HttpPost(getCdnManagementURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(name));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
// TTL
if (ttl > 0) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_CDN_TTL, Integer.toString(ttl));
// Enabled
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_CDN_ENABLED, Boolean.toString(enabled));
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("Re-login failed", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED)
returnValue = response.getCdnUrl();
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
logger.warn("Unauthorized access");
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("User not Authorized!",response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected Server Response",response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
} finally {
if (method != null) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(name);
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
return returnValue;
* Gets current CDN sharing status of the container
* @param name The name of the container to enable
* @return Information on the container
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was an error talking to the CloudFiles Server
* @throws FilesNotFoundException The Container has never been CDN enabled
public FilesCDNContainer getCDNContainerInfo(String container) throws IOException, FilesNotFoundException, HttpException, FilesException
if (isLoggedin()) {
if (isValidContainerName(container))
HttpHead method = null;
try {
method= new HttpHead(getCdnManagementURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
method= new HttpHead(getCdnManagementURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("Re-login failed", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT)
FilesCDNContainer result = new FilesCDNContainer(response.getCdnUrl());
for (Header hdr : response.getResponseHeaders()) {
String name = hdr.getName().toLowerCase();
if ("x-cdn-enabled".equals(name)) {
else if ("x-log-retention".equals(name)) {
else if ("x-ttl".equals(name)) {
else if ("x-referrer-acl".equals(name)) {
else if ("x-user-agent-acl".equals(name)) {
return result;
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
logger.warn("Unauthorized access");
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("User not Authorized!",response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) {
throw new FilesNotFoundException("Container is not CDN enabled",response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected result from server: ", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
finally {
if (method != null) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
* Gets current CDN sharing status of the container
* @param name The name of the container to enable
* @return Information on the container
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException There was an error talking to the CloudFiles Server
* @throws FilesNotFoundException The Container has never been CDN enabled
public boolean isCDNEnabled(String container) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
if (isLoggedin()) {
if (isValidContainerName(container))
HttpHead method = null;
try {
method= new HttpHead(getCdnManagementURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
method= new HttpHead(getCdnManagementURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("Re-login failed", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT)
for (Header hdr : response.getResponseHeaders()) {
String name = hdr.getName().toLowerCase();
if ("x-cdn-enabled".equals(name)) {
return Boolean.valueOf(hdr.getValue());
throw new FilesException("Server did not return X-CDN-Enabled header: ", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
logger.warn("Unauthorized access");
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("User not Authorized!",response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) {
return false;
else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected result from server: ", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
finally {
if (method != null) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
* Creates a path (but not any of the sub portions of the path)
* @param container The name of the container.
* @param path The name of the Path
* @throws HttpException There was an error at the protocol layer while talking to CloudFiles
* @throws IOException There was an error at the socket layer while talking to CloudFiles
* @throws FilesException There was another error while taking to the CloudFiles server
public void createPath(String container, String path) throws HttpException, IOException, FilesException {
if (!isValidContainerName(container))
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
if (!isValidObjectName(path))
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(path);
storeObject(container, new byte[0], "application/directory", path,
new HashMap<String, String>());
* Create all of the path elements for the entire tree for a given path. Thus, <code>createFullPath("myContainer", "foo/bar/baz")</code>
* creates the paths "foo", "foo/bar" and "foo/bar/baz".
* @param container The name of the container
* @param path The full name of the path
* @throws HttpException There was an error at the protocol layer while talking to CloudFiles
* @throws IOException There was an error at the socket layer while talking to CloudFiles
* @throws FilesException There was another error while taking to the CloudFiles server
public void createFullPath(String container, String path) throws HttpException, IOException, FilesException {
String parts[] = path.split("/");
for(int i=0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int j=0; j <= i; ++j) {
if (sb.length() != 0)
createPath(container, sb.toString());
* Gets the names of all of the containers associated with this account.
* @param limit The maximum number of container names to return
* @return A list of container names
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException
public List<String> listCdnContainers(int limit) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
return listCdnContainers(limit, null);
* Gets the names of all of the containers associated with this account.
* @return A list of container names
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException
public List<String> listCdnContainers() throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
return listCdnContainers(-1, null);
* Gets the names of all of the containers associated with this account.
* @param limit The maximum number of container names to return
* @param marker All of the results will come after <code>marker</code> lexicographically.
* @return A list of container names
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException
public List<String> listCdnContainers(int limit, String marker) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
if (this.isLoggedin())
HttpGet method = null;
try {
LinkedList<NameValuePair> params = new LinkedList<NameValuePair>();
if (limit > 0) {
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("limit", String.valueOf(limit)));
if (marker != null) {
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("marker", marker));
String uri = (params.size() > 0) ? makeURI(getCdnManagementURL(), params) : getCdnManagementURL();
method = new HttpGet(uri);
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
method = new HttpGet(uri);
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("Re-login failed", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK)
StrTokenizer tokenize = new StrTokenizer(response.getResponseBodyAsString());
String [] containers = tokenize.getTokenArray();
List<String> returnValue = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String containerName: containers)
return returnValue;
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
logger.warn("Unauthorized access");
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("User not Authorized!",response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected server response",response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
finally {
if (method != null) method.abort();
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
* Purges all items from a given container from the CDN
* @param container The name of the container
* @param emailAddresses An optional comma separated list of email addresses to be notified when the purge is complete.
* <code>null</code> if desired.
* @throws IOException Error talking to the cdn management server
* @throws HttpException Error with HTTP
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException Log in was not successful, or account is suspended
* @throws FilesException Other error
public void purgeCDNContainer(String container, String emailAddresses) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesException {
if (! isLoggedin) {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
if (!isValidContainerName(container)) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
HttpDelete method = null;
try {
String deleteUri = getCdnManagementURL() + "/" + sanitizeForURI(container);
method = new HttpDelete(deleteUri);
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
if (emailAddresses != null) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_PURGE_EMAIL, emailAddresses);
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
method = new HttpDelete(deleteUri);
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
if (emailAddresses != null) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_PURGE_EMAIL, emailAddresses);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("Re-login failed", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT)
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("User not Authorized!",response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected server response",response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
finally {
if (method != null) method.abort();
* Purges all items from a given container from the CDN
* @param container The name of the container
* @param object The name of the object
* @param emailAddresses An optional comma separated list of email addresses to be notified when the purge is complete.
* <code>null</code> if desired.
* @throws IOException Error talking to the cdn management server
* @throws HttpException Error with HTTP
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException Log in was not successful, or account is suspended
* @throws FilesException Other error
public void purgeCDNObject(String container, String object, String emailAddresses) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesException {
if (! isLoggedin) {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
if (!isValidContainerName(container)) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
HttpDelete method = null;
try {
String deleteUri = getCdnManagementURL() + "/" + sanitizeForURI(container) +"/"+sanitizeAndPreserveSlashes(object);
method = new HttpDelete(deleteUri);
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
if (emailAddresses != null) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_PURGE_EMAIL, emailAddresses);
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
method = new HttpDelete(deleteUri);
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
if (emailAddresses != null) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_PURGE_EMAIL, emailAddresses);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("Re-login failed", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT)
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("User not Authorized!",response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected server response",response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
finally {
if (method != null) method.abort();
* Gets list of all of the containers associated with this account.
* @return A list of containers
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException
public List<FilesCDNContainer> listCdnContainerInfo() throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
return listCdnContainerInfo(-1, null);
* Gets list of all of the containers associated with this account.
* @param limit The maximum number of container names to return
* @return A list of containers
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException
public List<FilesCDNContainer> listCdnContainerInfo(int limit) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
return listCdnContainerInfo(limit, null);
* Gets list of all of the containers associated with this account.
* @param limit The maximum number of container names to return
* @param marker All of the names will come after <code>marker</code> lexicographically.
* @return A list of containers
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException
public List<FilesCDNContainer> listCdnContainerInfo(int limit, String marker) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
if (this.isLoggedin())
HttpGet method = null;
try {
LinkedList<NameValuePair> params = new LinkedList<NameValuePair>();
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("format", "xml"));
if (limit > 0) {
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("limit", String.valueOf(limit)));
if (marker != null) {
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("marker", marker));
String uri = params.size() > 0 ? makeURI(getCdnManagementURL(), params) : getCdnManagementURL();
method = new HttpGet(uri);
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
method = new HttpGet(uri);
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("Re-login failed", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK)
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document document = builder.parse(response.getResponseBodyAsStream());
NodeList nodes = document.getChildNodes();
Node accountNode = nodes.item(0);
if (! "account".equals(accountNode.getNodeName())) {
logger.error("Got unexpected type of XML");
return null;
ArrayList <FilesCDNContainer> containerList = new ArrayList<FilesCDNContainer>();
NodeList containerNodes = accountNode.getChildNodes();
for(int i=0; i < containerNodes.getLength(); ++i) {
Node containerNode = containerNodes.item(i);
if(!"container".equals(containerNode.getNodeName())) continue;
FilesCDNContainer container = new FilesCDNContainer();
NodeList objectData = containerNode.getChildNodes();
for(int j=0; j < objectData.getLength(); ++j) {
Node data = objectData.item(j);
if ("name".equals(data.getNodeName())) {
else if ("cdn_url".equals(data.getNodeName())) {
else if ("cdn_ssl_url".equals(data.getNodeName())) {
else if ("cdn_streaming_url".equals(data.getNodeName())) {
else if ("cdn_enabled".equals(data.getNodeName())) {
else if ("log_retention".equals(data.getNodeName())) {
else if ("ttl".equals(data.getNodeName())) {
else if ("referrer_acl".equals(data.getNodeName())) {
else if ("useragent_acl".equals(data.getNodeName())) {
else {
//logger.warn("Unexpected container-info tag:" + data.getNodeName());
if (container.getName() != null) {
return containerList;
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
logger.warn("Unauthorized access");
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("User not Authorized!",response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected server response",response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
catch (SAXException ex) {
// probably a problem parsing the XML
throw new FilesException("Problem parsing XML", ex);
catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
// probably a problem parsing the XML
throw new FilesException("Problem parsing XML", ex);
finally {
if (method != null) method.abort();
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
* Create a manifest on the server, including metadata
* @param container The name of the container
* @param obj The File containing the file to copy over
* @param contentType The MIME type of the file
* @param name The name of the file on the server
* @param manifest Set manifest content here
* @param callback The object to which any callbacks will be sent (null if you don't want callbacks)
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException
public boolean createManifestObject(String container, String contentType, String name, String manifest, IFilesTransferCallback callback) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
return createManifestObject(container, contentType, name, manifest, new HashMap<String, String>(), callback);
* Create a manifest on the server, including metadata
* @param container The name of the container
* @param obj The File containing the file to copy over
* @param contentType The MIME type of the file
* @param name The name of the file on the server
* @param manifest Set manifest content here
* @param metadata A map with the metadata as key names and values as the metadata values
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException
public boolean createManifestObject(String container, String contentType, String name, String manifest, Map<String,String> metadata) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
return createManifestObject(container, contentType, name, manifest, metadata, null);
* Create a manifest on the server, including metadata
* @param container The name of the container
* @param obj The File containing the file to copy over
* @param contentType The MIME type of the file
* @param name The name of the file on the server
* @param manifest Set manifest content here
* @param metadata A map with the metadata as key names and values as the metadata values
* @param callback The object to which any callbacks will be sent (null if you don't want callbacks)
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException
public boolean createManifestObject(String container, String contentType, String name, String manifest, Map<String,String> metadata, IFilesTransferCallback callback) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
byte[] arr = new byte[0];
if (this.isLoggedin())
String objName = name;
if (isValidContainerName(container) && isValidObjectName(objName))
HttpPut method = null;
try {
method = new HttpPut(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container)+"/"+sanitizeForURI(objName));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.MANIFEST_HEADER, manifest);
ByteArrayEntity entity = new ByteArrayEntity (arr);
method.setEntity(new RequestEntityWrapper(entity, callback));
for(String key : metadata.keySet()) {
// logger.warn("Key:" + key + ":" + sanitizeForURI(metadata.get(key)));
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_OBJECT_META + key, sanitizeForURI(metadata.get(key)));
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
method = new HttpPut(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container)+"/"+sanitizeForURI(objName));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
if (manifest != null){
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.MANIFEST_HEADER, manifest);
entity = new ByteArrayEntity (arr);
method.setEntity(new RequestEntityWrapper(entity, callback));
for(String key : metadata.keySet()) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_OBJECT_META + key, sanitizeForURI(metadata.get(key)));
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("Re-login failed", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CREATED)
return true;
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED)
throw new FilesException("Etag missmatch", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_LENGTH_REQUIRED)
throw new FilesException("Length miss-match", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
throw new FilesException("Unexpected Server Response", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (method != null) method.abort();
if (!isValidObjectName(objName)) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(objName);
else {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
* Store a file on the server
* @param container The name of the container
* @param obj The File containing the file to copy over
* @param contentType The MIME type of the file
* @param name The name of the file on the server
* @return The ETAG if the save was successful, null otherwise
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException
public String storeObjectAs (String container, File obj, String contentType, String name) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
return storeObjectAs(container, obj, contentType, name, new HashMap<String,String>(), null);
* Store a file on the server
* @param container The name of the container
* @param obj The File containing the file to copy over
* @param contentType The MIME type of the file
* @param name The name of the file on the server
* @return The ETAG if the save was successful, null otherwise
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException
public String storeObjectAs (String container, File obj, String contentType, String name, IFilesTransferCallback callback) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
return storeObjectAs(container, obj, contentType, name, new HashMap<String,String>(), callback);
* Store a file on the server, including metadata
* @param container The name of the container
* @param obj The File containing the file to copy over
* @param contentType The MIME type of the file
* @param name The name of the file on the server
* @param metadata A map with the metadata as key names and values as the metadata values
* @return The ETAG if the save was successful, null otherwise
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException
public String storeObjectAs (String container, File obj, String contentType, String name, Map<String,String> metadata) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
return storeObjectAs (container, obj, contentType, name, metadata, null);
* Store a file on the server, including metadata
* @param container The name of the container
* @param obj The File containing the file to copy over
* @param contentType The MIME type of the file
* @param name The name of the file on the server
* @param metadata A map with the metadata as key names and values as the metadata values
* @param metadata The callback object that will be called as the data is sent
* @return The ETAG if the save was successful, null otherwise
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException
public String storeObjectAs (String container, File obj, String contentType, String name, Map<String,String> metadata, IFilesTransferCallback callback) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
if (this.isLoggedin())
if (isValidContainerName(container) && isValidObjectName(name) )
if (!obj.exists())
throw new FileNotFoundException(name + " does not exist");
if (obj.isDirectory())
throw new IOException("The alleged file was a directory");
HttpPut method = null;
try {
method = new HttpPut(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container)+"/"+sanitizeForURI(name));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
if (useETag) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.E_TAG, md5Sum (obj));
method.setEntity( new RequestEntityWrapper(new FileEntity (obj, contentType), callback));
for(String key : metadata.keySet()) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_OBJECT_META + key, sanitizeForURI(metadata.get(key)));
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
method = new HttpPut(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container)+"/"+sanitizeForURI(name));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
if (useETag) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.E_TAG, md5Sum (obj));
method.setEntity( new RequestEntityWrapper(new FileEntity (obj, contentType), callback));
for(String key : metadata.keySet()) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_OBJECT_META + key, sanitizeForURI(metadata.get(key)));
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("Re-login failed", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CREATED)
return response.getResponseHeader(FilesConstants.E_TAG).getValue();
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED)
throw new FilesException("Etag missmatch", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_LENGTH_REQUIRED)
throw new FilesException("Length miss-match", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
throw new FilesException("Unexpected Server Response", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
finally {
if (method != null) method.abort();
if (!isValidObjectName(name)) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(name);
else {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
* Copies the file to Cloud Files, keeping the original file name in Cloud Files.
* @param container The name of the container to place the file in
* @param obj The File to transfer
* @param contentType The file's MIME type
* @return The ETAG if the save was successful, null otherwise
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException
public String storeObject (String container, File obj, String contentType) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
return storeObjectAs(container, obj, contentType, obj.getName());
* Store a file on the server, including metadata
* @param container The name of the container
* @param obj The File containing the file to copy over
* @param contentType The MIME type of the file
* @param name The name of the file on the server
* @param metadata A map with the metadata as key names and values as the metadata values
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException
public boolean storeObject(String container, byte obj[], String contentType, String name, Map<String,String> metadata) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
return storeObject(container, obj, contentType, name, metadata, null);
* Store a file on the server, including metadata
* @param container The name of the container
* @param obj The File containing the file to copy over
* @param contentType The MIME type of the file
* @param name The name of the file on the server
* @param metadata A map with the metadata as key names and values as the metadata values
* @param callback The object to which any callbacks will be sent (null if you don't want callbacks)
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException
public boolean storeObject(String container, byte obj[], String contentType, String name, Map<String,String> metadata, IFilesTransferCallback callback) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
if (this.isLoggedin())
String objName = name;
if (isValidContainerName(container) && isValidObjectName(objName))
HttpPut method = null;
try {
method = new HttpPut(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container)+"/"+sanitizeForURI(objName));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
if (useETag) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.E_TAG, md5Sum (obj));
ByteArrayEntity entity = new ByteArrayEntity (obj);
method.setEntity(new RequestEntityWrapper(entity, callback));
for(String key : metadata.keySet()) {
// logger.warn("Key:" + key + ":" + sanitizeForURI(metadata.get(key)));
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_OBJECT_META + key, sanitizeForURI(metadata.get(key)));
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
method = new HttpPut(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container)+"/"+sanitizeForURI(objName));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
if (useETag) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.E_TAG, md5Sum (obj));
entity = new ByteArrayEntity (obj);
method.setEntity(new RequestEntityWrapper(entity, callback));
for(String key : metadata.keySet()) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_OBJECT_META + key, sanitizeForURI(metadata.get(key)));
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("Re-login failed", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CREATED)
return true;
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED)
throw new FilesException("Etag missmatch", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_LENGTH_REQUIRED)
throw new FilesException("Length miss-match", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
throw new FilesException("Unexpected Server Response", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (method != null) method.abort();
if (!isValidObjectName(objName)) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(objName);
else {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
* Store a file on the server, including metadata, with the contents coming from an input stream. This allows you to
* not know the entire length of your content when you start to write it. Nor do you have to hold it entirely in memory
* at the same time.
* @param container The name of the container
* @param data Any object that implements InputStream
* @param contentType The MIME type of the file
* @param name The name of the file on the server
* @param metadata A map with the metadata as key names and values as the metadata values
* @param callback The object to which any callbacks will be sent (null if you don't want callbacks)
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException
public String storeStreamedObject(String container, InputStream data, String contentType, String name, Map<String,String> metadata) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
if (this.isLoggedin())
String objName = name;
if (isValidContainerName(container) && isValidObjectName(objName))
HttpPut method = new HttpPut(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container)+"/"+sanitizeForURI(objName));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
InputStreamEntity entity = new InputStreamEntity(data, -1);
for(String key : metadata.keySet()) {
// logger.warn("Key:" + key + ":" + sanitizeForURI(metadata.get(key)));
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_OBJECT_META + key, sanitizeForURI(metadata.get(key)));
try {
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CREATED)
return response.getResponseHeader(FilesConstants.E_TAG).getValue();
else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected result", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
finally {
if (!isValidObjectName(objName)) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(objName);
else {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
* @param container The name of the container
* @param name The name of the object
* @param entity The name of the request entity (make sure to set the Content-Type
* @param metadata The metadata for the object
* @param md5sum The 32 character hex encoded MD5 sum of the data
* @return The ETAG if the save was successful, null otherwise
* @throws IOException There was a socket level exception talking to CloudFiles
* @throws HttpException There was a protocol level error talking to CloudFiles
* @throws FilesException There was an error talking to CloudFiles.
public String storeObjectAs(String container, String name, HttpEntity entity, Map<String,String> metadata, String md5sum) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesException
if (this.isLoggedin())
String objName = name;
if (isValidContainerName(container) && isValidObjectName(objName))
HttpPut method = new HttpPut(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container)+"/"+sanitizeForURI(objName));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
if (useETag && md5sum != null) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.E_TAG, md5sum);
for(String key : metadata.keySet()) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_OBJECT_META + key, sanitizeForURI(metadata.get(key)));
try {
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
method = new HttpPut(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container)+"/"+sanitizeForURI(objName));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
for(String key : metadata.keySet()) {
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_OBJECT_META + key, sanitizeForURI(metadata.get(key)));
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CREATED)
return response.getResponseHeader(FilesConstants.E_TAG).getValue();
else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected result", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
finally {
if (!isValidObjectName(objName)) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(objName);
else {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
* This method copies the object found in the source container with the
* source object name to the destination container with the destination
* object name.
* @param sourceContainer of object to copy
* @param sourceObjName of object to copy
* @param destContainer where object copy will be copied
* @param destObjName of object copy
* @return ETAG if successful, else null
* @throws IOException indicates a socket level error talking to CloudFiles
* @throws HttpException indicates a protocol level error talking to CloudFiles
* @throws FilesException indicates an error talking to CloudFiles
public String copyObject(String sourceContainer,
String sourceObjName,
String destContainer,
String destObjName)
throws HttpException, IOException {
String etag = null;
if (this.isLoggedin()) {
if (isValidContainerName(sourceContainer) &&
isValidObjectName(sourceObjName) &&
isValidContainerName(destContainer) &&
isValidObjectName(destObjName)) {
HttpPut method = null;
try {
String sourceURI = sanitizeForURI(sourceContainer) +
"/" + sanitizeForURI(sourceObjName);
String destinationURI = sanitizeForURI(destContainer) +
"/" + sanitizeForURI(destObjName);
method = new HttpPut(getStorageURL() + "/" + destinationURI);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_COPY_FROM, sourceURI);
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
method = new HttpPut(getStorageURL() + "/" + destinationURI);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_COPY_FROM, sourceURI);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CREATED) {
etag = response.getResponseHeader(FilesConstants.E_TAG)
} else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected status from server",
} finally {
if (method != null) {
} else {
if (!isValidContainerName(sourceContainer)) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(sourceContainer);
} else if (!isValidObjectName(sourceObjName)) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(sourceObjName);
} else if (!isValidContainerName(destContainer)) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(destContainer);
} else {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(destObjName);
} else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in",
return etag;
* Delete the given object from it's container.
* @param container The container name
* @param objName The object name
* @return FilesConstants.OBJECT_DELETED
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesException
public void deleteObject (String container, String objName) throws IOException, FilesNotFoundException, HttpException, FilesException
if (this.isLoggedin())
if (isValidContainerName(container) && isValidObjectName(objName))
HttpDelete method = null;
try {
method = new HttpDelete(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container)+"/"+sanitizeForURI(objName));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
method = new HttpDelete(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container)+"/"+sanitizeForURI(objName));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT)
logger.debug ("Object Deleted : "+objName);
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND)
throw new FilesNotFoundException("Object was not found " + objName, response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected status from server", response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
finally {
if (method != null) method.abort();
if (!isValidObjectName(objName)) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(objName);
else {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
* Get an object's metadata
* @param container The name of the container
* @param objName The name of the object
* @return The object's metadata
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException The Client's Login was invalid.
* @throws FilesInvalidNameException The container or object name was not valid
* @throws FilesNotFoundException The file was not found
public FilesObjectMetaData getObjectMetaData (String container, String objName) throws IOException, FilesNotFoundException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesInvalidNameException
FilesObjectMetaData metaData;
if (this.isLoggedin())
if (isValidContainerName(container) && isValidObjectName(objName))
HttpHead method = new HttpHead(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container)+"/"+sanitizeForURI(objName));
try {
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT ||
response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK)
logger.debug ("Object metadata retreived : "+objName);
String mimeType = response.getContentType();
String lastModified = response.getLastModified();
String eTag = response.getETag();
String contentLength = response.getContentLength();
metaData = new FilesObjectMetaData(mimeType, contentLength, eTag, lastModified);
Header [] headers = response.getResponseHeaders();
HashMap<String,String> headerMap = new HashMap<String,String>();
for (Header h: headers)
if ( h.getName().startsWith(FilesConstants.X_OBJECT_META) )
headerMap.put(h.getName().substring(FilesConstants.X_OBJECT_META.length()), unencodeURI(h.getValue()));
if (headerMap.size() > 0)
return metaData;
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND)
throw new FilesNotFoundException("Container: " + container + " did not have object " + objName,
response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
else {
throw new FilesException("Unexpected Return Code from Server",
response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
finally {
if (!isValidObjectName(objName)) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(objName);
else {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
* Get the content of the given object
* @param container The name of the container
* @param objName The name of the object
* @return The content of the object
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException
* @throws FilesInvalidNameException
* @throws FilesNotFoundException
public byte[] getObject (String container, String objName) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesInvalidNameException, FilesNotFoundException
if (this.isLoggedin())
if (isValidContainerName(container) && isValidObjectName(objName))
HttpGet method = new HttpGet(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container)+"/"+sanitizeForURI(objName));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
try {
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK)
logger.debug ("Object data retreived : "+objName);
return response.getResponseBody();
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND)
throw new FilesNotFoundException("Container: " + container + " did not have object " + objName,
response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
finally {
if (!isValidObjectName(objName)) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(objName);
else {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
return null;
* Get's the given object's content as a stream
* @param container The name of the container
* @param objName The name of the object
* @return An input stream that will give the objects content when read from.
* @throws IOException There was an IO error doing network communication
* @throws HttpException There was an error with the http protocol
* @throws FilesAuthorizationException
* @throws FilesNotFoundException The container does not exist
* @throws FilesInvalidNameException
public InputStream getObjectAsStream (String container, String objName) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesInvalidNameException, FilesNotFoundException
if (this.isLoggedin())
if (isValidContainerName(container) && isValidObjectName(objName))
if (objName.length() > FilesConstants.OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH)
logger.warn ("Object Name supplied was truncated to Max allowed of " + FilesConstants.OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH + " characters !");
objName = objName.substring(0, FilesConstants.OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH);
logger.warn ("Truncated Object Name is: " + objName);
HttpGet method = new HttpGet(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container)+"/"+sanitizeForURI(objName));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
method = new HttpGet(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container)+"/"+sanitizeForURI(objName));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK)
logger.info ("Object data retreived : "+objName);
return response.getResponseBodyAsStream();
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND)
throw new FilesNotFoundException("Container: " + container + " did not have object " + objName,
response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (!isValidObjectName(objName)) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(objName);
else {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
return null;
public InputStream getObjectAsRangedStream (String container, String objName, long offset, long length) throws IOException, HttpException, FilesAuthorizationException, FilesInvalidNameException, FilesNotFoundException
if (this.isLoggedin())
if (isValidContainerName(container) && isValidObjectName(objName))
if (objName.length() > FilesConstants.OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH)
logger.warn ("Object Name supplied was truncated to Max allowed of " + FilesConstants.OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH + " characters !");
objName = objName.substring(0, FilesConstants.OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH);
logger.warn ("Truncated Object Name is: " + objName);
HttpGet method = new HttpGet(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container)+"/"+sanitizeForURI(objName));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
if (offset >= 0)
method.setHeader("Range", "bytes="+offset+"-"+length);
method.setHeader("Range", "bytes="+offset+"-");
FilesResponse response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
method = new HttpGet(getStorageURL()+"/"+sanitizeForURI(container)+"/"+sanitizeForURI(objName));
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
response = new FilesResponse(client.execute(method));
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK)
logger.info ("Object data retreived : "+objName);
return response.getResponseBodyAsStream();
else if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND)
throw new FilesNotFoundException("Container: " + container + " did not have object " + objName,
response.getResponseHeaders(), response.getStatusLine());
if (!isValidObjectName(objName)) {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(objName);
else {
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
else {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in", null, null);
return null;
* Utility function to write an InputStream to a file
* @param is
* @param f
* @throws IOException
static void writeInputStreamToFile (InputStream is, File f) throws IOException
BufferedOutputStream bf = new BufferedOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (f));
byte[] buffer = new byte [1024];
int read = 0;
while ((read = is.read(buffer)) > 0)
bf.write(buffer, 0, read);
* Reads an input stream into a stream
* @param is The input stream
* @return The contents of the stream stored in a string.
* @throws IOException
static String inputStreamToString(InputStream stream, String encoding) throws IOException {
char buffer[] = new char[4096];
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(stream, "utf-8"); // For now, assume utf-8 to work around server bug
int nRead = 0;
while((nRead = isr.read(buffer)) >= 0) {
sb.append(buffer, 0, nRead);
return sb.toString();
* Calculates the MD5 checksum of a file, returned as a hex encoded string
* @param f The file
* @return The MD5 checksum, as a base 16 encoded string
* @throws IOException
public static String md5Sum (File f) throws IOException
MessageDigest digest;
try {
digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(f);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int read = 0;
while( (read = is.read(buffer)) > 0)
digest.update(buffer, 0, read);
is.close ();
byte[] md5sum = digest.digest();
BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger(1, md5sum);
// Front load any zeros cut off by BigInteger
String md5 = bigInt.toString(16);
while (md5.length() != 32) {
md5 = "0" + md5;
return md5;
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
logger.fatal("The JRE is misconfigured on this computer", e);
return null;
* Calculates the MD5 checksum of an array of data
* @param data The data to checksum
* @return The checksum, represented as a base 16 encoded string.
* @throws IOException
public static String md5Sum (byte[] data) throws IOException
try {
MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
byte[] md5sum = digest.digest(data);
BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger(1, md5sum);
// Front load any zeros cut off by BigInteger
String md5 = bigInt.toString(16);
while (md5.length() != 32) {
md5 = "0" + md5;
return md5;
catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
logger.fatal("Major problems with your Java configuration", nsae);
return null;
* Encode any unicode characters that will cause us problems.
* @param str
* @return The string encoded for a URI
public static String sanitizeForURI(String str) {
URLCodec codec= new URLCodec();
try {
return codec.encode(str).replaceAll("\\+", "%20");
catch (EncoderException ee) {
logger.warn("Error trying to encode string for URI", ee);
return str;
public static String sanitizeAndPreserveSlashes(String str) {
URLCodec codec= new URLCodec();
try {
return codec.encode(str).replaceAll("\\+", "%20").replaceAll("%2F", "/");
catch (EncoderException ee) {
logger.warn("Error trying to encode string for URI", ee);
return str;
public static String unencodeURI(String str) {
URLCodec codec= new URLCodec();
try {
return codec.decode(str);
catch (DecoderException ee) {
logger.warn("Error trying to encode string for URI", ee);
return str;
* @return The connection timeout used for communicating with the server (in milliseconds)
public int getConnectionTimeOut()
return connectionTimeOut;
* The timeout we will use for communicating with the server (in milliseconds)
* @param connectionTimeOut The new timeout for this connection
public void setConnectionTimeOut(int connectionTimeOut)
this.connectionTimeOut = connectionTimeOut;
* @return The storage URL on the other end of the ReST api
public String getStorageURL()
return (currentRegion == null) ? "" : currentRegion.getStorageUrl(snet);
* @return Get's our storage token.
public String getStorageToken()
return authToken;
* @return Get's our storage token.
public String getAuthToken()
return authToken;
* Has this instance of the client authenticated itself? Note, this does not mean that a call
* right now will work, if the auth token has timed out, you will need to re-auth.
* @return True if we logged in, false otherwise.
public boolean isLoggedin()
return isLoggedin;
* The username we are logged in with.
* @return The username
public String getUserName()
return username;
* Set's the username for this client. Note, setting this after login has no real impact unless the <code>login()</code>
* method is called again.
* @param userName the username
public void setUserName(String userName)
this.username = userName;
* The password the client will use for the login.
* @return The password
public String getPassword()
return password;
* Set's the password for this client. Note, setting this after login has no real impact unless the <code>login()</code>
* method is called again.
* @param password The new password
public void setPassword(String password)
this.password = password;
* The URL we will use for Authentication
* @return The URL (represented as a string)
public String getAuthenticationURL()
return authenticationURL;
* Changes the URL of the authentication service. Note, if one is logged in, this doesn't have an effect unless one calls login again.
* @param authenticationURL The new authentication URL
public void setAuthenticationURL(String authenticationURL)
this.authenticationURL = authenticationURL;
* @return the useETag
public boolean getUseETag() {
return useETag;
* @param useETag the useETag to set
public void setUseETag(boolean useETag) {
this.useETag = useETag;
public void setUserAgent(String userAgent) {
client.getParams().setParameter(HTTP.USER_AGENT, userAgent);
public String getUserAgent() {
return client.getParams().getParameter(HTTP.USER_AGENT).toString();
public static boolean isValidContainerName(String name) {
if (name == null) return false;
int length = name.length();
if (length == 0 || length > FilesConstants.CONTAINER_NAME_LENGTH) return false;
if (name.indexOf('/') != -1) return false;
//if (name.indexOf('?') != -1) return false;
return true;
public static boolean isValidObjectName(String name) {
if (name == null) return false;
int length = name.length();
if (length == 0 || length > FilesConstants.OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH) return false;
//if (name.indexOf('?') != -1) return false;
return true;
* @return the cdnManagementURL
public String getCdnManagementURL() {
return (currentRegion == null) ? "" : currentRegion.getCDNManagementURL();
* @param config
public boolean updateObjectManifest(String container, String object, String manifest) throws FilesAuthorizationException,
HttpException, IOException, FilesInvalidNameException
return updateObjectMetadataAndManifest(container, object, new HashMap<String, String>(), manifest);
* @param config
public boolean updateObjectMetadata(String container, String object,
Map<String,String> metadata) throws FilesAuthorizationException,
HttpException, IOException, FilesInvalidNameException
return updateObjectMetadataAndManifest(container, object, metadata, null);
* @param config
public boolean updateObjectMetadataAndManifest(String container, String object,
Map<String,String> metadata, String manifest) throws FilesAuthorizationException,
HttpException, IOException, FilesInvalidNameException {
FilesResponse response;
if (!isLoggedin) {
throw new FilesAuthorizationException("You must be logged in",
null, null);
if (!isValidContainerName(container))
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(container);
if (!isValidObjectName(object))
throw new FilesInvalidNameException(object);
String postUrl = getStorageURL() + "/"+FilesClient.sanitizeForURI(container) +
HttpPost method = null;
try {
method = new HttpPost(postUrl);
if (manifest != null){
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.MANIFEST_HEADER, manifest);
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
if (!(metadata == null || metadata.isEmpty())) {
for(String key:metadata.keySet())
HttpResponse resp = client.execute(method);
response = new FilesResponse(resp);
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
if(login()) {
method = new HttpPost(postUrl);
method.getParams().setIntParameter("http.socket.timeout", connectionTimeOut);
method.setHeader(FilesConstants.X_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken);
if (!(metadata == null || metadata.isEmpty())) {
for(String key:metadata.keySet())
return true;
} finally {
if (method != null)
private String makeURI(String base, List<NameValuePair> parameters) {
return base + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(parameters, "UTF-8");
*private void setQueryParameters(HttpRequestBase method, List<NameValuePair> parameters) throws FilesException{
URI oldURI = method.getURI();
try {
URI newURI = URIUtils.createURI(oldURI.getScheme(), oldURI.getHost(), -1,
URLEncoder.encode(oldURI.getPath(), "UTF-8"), URLEncodedUtils.format(parameters, "UTF-8"), null);
logger.warn("Old Path: " + oldURI.getPath());
logger.warn("New URI: " + newURI);
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
logger.error("Somehow, we don't have UTF-8, this is quite a surprise", uee);
throw new FilesException("Somehow, we don't have UTF-8, this is quite a surprise", uee);
catch (URISyntaxException use) {
logger.error("Bad Syntax", use);
throw new FilesException("Bad URL Syntax", use);
public void useSnet(){
snet = true;
public void usePublic(){
snet = false;
public boolean usingSnet(){
return snet;
private boolean envSnet(){
if (System.getenv("RACKSPACE_SERVICENET") == null) {
return false;
snet = true;
return true;
public String[] getRegions()
String[] result = new String[regions.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < regions.size(); i++) {
result[i] = regions.get(i).getRegionId();
return result;
public String getCurrentRegion()
return currentRegion == null ? "" : currentRegion.getRegionId();
public void setCurrentRegion(String regionId)
if (null != regionId) {
for (FilesRegion region : regions) {
if (regionId.equals(region.getRegionId())) {
currentRegion = region;
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
public void setDefaultRegion()
for (FilesRegion region : regions) {
if (region.isDefault()) {
currentRegion = region;
if (regions.size() > 0) {
currentRegion = regions.get(0);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No regions");