* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client;
import com.google.gwt.cell.client.AbstractCell;
import com.google.gwt.cell.client.TextCell;
import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyCodes;
import com.google.gwt.safehtml.shared.SafeHtmlBuilder;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel;
import com.google.gwt.view.client.ListDataProvider;
import com.google.gwt.view.client.TreeViewModel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Tests for {@link CellTree}.
public class CellTreeTest extends AbstractCellTreeTestBase {
public CellTreeTest() {
public void testRefreshEmptyNode() {
// An empty data provider.
final ListDataProvider<String> provider = new ListDataProvider<String>();
TreeViewModel model = new TreeViewModel() {
public NodeInfo<?> getNodeInfo(Object value) {
TextCell cell = new TextCell();
return new DefaultNodeInfo<String>(provider, cell);
public boolean isLeaf(Object value) {
return false;
// Create the tree.
CellTree tree = createAbstractCellTree(model, null);
// Refresh the empty list.
* Test that CellTree handles rendering the same content, but with a different
* underlying value.
public void testRenderSameContent() {
final AbstractCell<Integer> intCell = new AbstractCell<Integer>() {
public void render(Context context, Integer value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
sb.append(value % 10); // Render the units digit only.
// Create a data provider for the root node.
final ListDataProvider<Integer> root = new ListDataProvider<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
TreeViewModel model = new TreeViewModel() {
public NodeInfo<?> getNodeInfo(Object value) {
if (value == null) {
// Return the root node.
return new DefaultNodeInfo<Integer>(root, intCell);
} else {
// Return a child node.
return new DefaultNodeInfo<String>(new ListDataProvider<String>(), new TextCell());
public boolean isLeaf(Object value) {
return false;
CellTree tree = createAbstractCellTree(model, null);
// Open the first child.
TreeNode rootNode = tree.getRootTreeNode();
assertEquals(1, rootNode.getChildValue(1));
TreeNode child1 = rootNode.setChildOpen(1, true);
// Replace all values in the list.
List<Integer> oldData = root.getList();
List<Integer> newData = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int l : oldData) {
newData.add(l + 100); // renders the same as the current value.
// Child1 is closed and destroyed.
* Test that replacing a subset of children updates both the TreeNode value
* and the underlying DOM correctly.
public void testReplaceChildren() {
CellTree cellTree = (CellTree) tree;
TreeNode root = cellTree.getRootTreeNode();
// Open a couple of child nodes.
TreeNode a = root.setChildOpen(0, true);
TreeNode b = root.setChildOpen(1, true);
assertEquals("a", a.getValue());
assertEquals("ab", a.getChildValue(1));
assertEquals("b", b.getValue());
assertEquals("bc", b.getChildValue(2));
// Replace "b" with a "new" value.
model.getRootDataProvider().getList().set(1, "new");
TreeNode newNode = root.setChildOpen(1, true);
assertEquals("a", a.getValue());
assertEquals("ab", a.getChildValue(1));
assertEquals("new", newNode.getValue());
assertEquals("newc", newNode.getChildValue(2));
// Check the underlying DOM values.
CellTreeNodeView<?> aImpl = cellTree.rootNode.getChildNode(0);
CellTreeNodeView<?> newNodeImpl = cellTree.rootNode.getChildNode(1);
assertEquals("a", aImpl.getCellParent().getInnerText());
assertEquals(10, aImpl.ensureChildContainer().getChildCount());
assertEquals("new", newNodeImpl.getCellParent().getInnerText());
public void testAriaSelectedAndExpanded() {
CellTree cellTree = (CellTree) tree;
TreeNode root = cellTree.getRootTreeNode();
TreeNode newNode = root.setChildOpen(1, true);
root.setChildOpen(1, true);
CellTreeNodeView<?> newNodeImpl = cellTree.rootNode.getChildNode(1);
assertEquals("true", newNodeImpl.getElement().getAttribute("aria-selected"));
// Check aria-expanded on open
assertEquals("true", newNodeImpl.getElement().getAttribute("aria-expanded"));
// Check aria-expanded on close
root.setChildOpen(1, false);
newNodeImpl = cellTree.rootNode.getChildNode(1);
assertEquals("false", newNodeImpl.getElement().getAttribute("aria-expanded"));
root.setChildOpen(1, true);
newNodeImpl = cellTree.rootNode.getChildNode(1);
assertEquals("false", newNodeImpl.getElement().getAttribute("aria-selected"));
public void testSetDefaultNodeSize() {
CellTree cellTree = (CellTree) tree;
TreeNode root = cellTree.getRootTreeNode();
assertEquals(10, root.getChildCount());
TreeNode b = root.setChildOpen(1, true);
assertEquals(10, b.getChildCount());
// Change the default size.
assertEquals(5, cellTree.getDefaultNodeSize());
assertEquals(10, b.getChildCount());
TreeNode d = root.setChildOpen(3, true);
assertEquals(5, d.getChildCount());
public void testAriaAttributes() {
CellTree cellTree = (CellTree) tree;
TreeNode rootNode = cellTree.getRootTreeNode();
// Open a child node.
TreeNode aNode = rootNode.setChildOpen(0, true);
// Check role="tree"
assertEquals("tree", cellTree.rootNode.getElement().getAttribute("role"));
// Check 1st level
CellTreeNodeView<?> aView = cellTree.rootNode.getChildNode(0);
CellTreeNodeView<?> bView = cellTree.rootNode.getChildNode(1);
// Check treeitem role, level, posinset, and setsize
assertEquals("treeitem", aView.getElement().getAttribute("role"));
assertEquals("1", aView.getElement().getAttribute("aria-level"));
assertEquals("1", aView.getElement().getAttribute("aria-posinset"));
assertEquals("10", aView.getElement().getAttribute("aria-setsize"));
assertEquals("treeitem", bView.getElement().getAttribute("role"));
assertEquals("1", bView.getElement().getAttribute("aria-level"));
assertEquals("2", bView.getElement().getAttribute("aria-posinset"));
assertEquals("10", bView.getElement().getAttribute("aria-setsize"));
// Check 2nd level
assertTrue(aNode.getChildCount() != 0);
assertEquals(aNode, aView.getTreeNode());
assertTrue(aView.getChildCount() != 0);
CellTreeNodeView<?> aViewChild = aView.getChildNode(0);
// Check treeitem role, level, posinset, and setsize
assertEquals("treeitem", aViewChild.getElement().getAttribute("role"));
assertEquals("2", aViewChild.getElement().getAttribute("aria-level"));
assertEquals("1", aViewChild.getElement().getAttribute("aria-posinset"));
assertEquals("10", aViewChild.getElement().getAttribute("aria-setsize"));
// Check aria-expanded
assertEquals("true", aView.getElement().getAttribute("aria-expanded"));
assertEquals("false", aViewChild.getElement().getAttribute("aria-expanded"));
while (!aNode.isChildLeaf(0)) {
aNode = aNode.setChildOpen(0, true);
aView = aView.getChildNode(0);
assertEquals(aNode, aView.getTreeNode());
assertEquals("", aView.getChildNode(0).getElement().getAttribute("aria-expanded"));
// Change default size and check aria-setsize and aria-posinset
TreeNode cNode = rootNode.setChildOpen(3, true);
CellTreeNodeView<?> cView = cellTree.rootNode.getChildNode(3);
assertEquals(5, cNode.getChildCount());
CellTreeNodeView<?> cViewChildFirst = cView.getChildNode(0);
assertEquals("1", cViewChildFirst.getElement().getAttribute("aria-posinset"));
assertEquals("5", cViewChildFirst.getElement().getAttribute("aria-setsize"));
CellTreeNodeView<?> cViewChildLast = cView.getChildNode(cView.getChildCount() - 1);
assertEquals("5", cViewChildLast.getElement().getAttribute("aria-posinset"));
assertEquals("5", cViewChildLast.getElement().getAttribute("aria-setsize"));
public void testExplicitKeyboardSelection() {
CellTree cellTree = (CellTree) tree;
TreeNode root = cellTree.getRootTreeNode();
final String cellTreeKeyboardSelectedItemStyleName =
// Navigate through tree to level 4 nodes.
TreeNode l1Node = root.setChildOpen(0, true); // a
CellTreeNodeView<?> l1View = cellTree.rootNode.getChildNode(0);
TreeNode l2Node = l1Node.setChildOpen(0, true); // aa
CellTreeNodeView<?> l2View = l1View.getChildNode(0);
TreeNode l3Node = l2Node.setChildOpen(0, true); // aaa
CellTreeNodeView<?> l3View = l2View.getChildNode(0);
((CellTreeNodeView.TreeNodeImpl) l3Node).flush();
CellTreeNodeView<?> l4View = l3View.getChildNode(0);
// l4Node is leaf, cannot get a reference via setChildOpen except via non-public nodeView
TreeNode l4Node = l4View.getTreeNode(); // aaaa
// Set keyboard selected node to a subtree node, l3Node = first child of l2Node
cellTree.setKeyboardSelectedTreeNode(l2Node, 0, true);
assertEquals(l3View, cellTree.getKeyboardSelectedNode());
assertEquals(l3Node, cellTree.getKeyboardSelectedTreeNode());
.indexOf(cellTreeKeyboardSelectedItemStyleName) >= 0);
// Set keyboard selected node to a leaf node.
cellTree.setKeyboardSelectedTreeNode(l3Node, 0, true);
assertEquals(l4View, cellTree.getKeyboardSelectedNode());
assertEquals(l4Node, cellTree.getKeyboardSelectedTreeNode());
.indexOf(cellTreeKeyboardSelectedItemStyleName) >= 0);
l1Node.setChildOpen(0, false); // close l2node
((CellTreeNodeView.TreeNodeImpl) l1Node).flush();
// Try to select a leaf node in closed subtree
try {
cellTree.setKeyboardSelectedTreeNode(l3Node, 0, true);
fail("should have thrown");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "TreeNode no longer exists.");
// Try to select a subtree node in closed subtree
try {
cellTree.setKeyboardSelectedTreeNode(l2Node, 0, true);
fail("should have thrown");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "TreeNode no longer exists.");
// Still ok to select closed subtree node
cellTree.setKeyboardSelectedTreeNode(l1Node, 0, true);
// Create another tree of same structure
CellTree anotherTree = createAbstractCellTree(model, root.getValue());
l1Node = anotherTree.getRootTreeNode().setChildOpen(0, true); // a
((CellTreeNodeView.TreeNodeImpl) l1Node).flush();
// Now l1Node refers to a subtree node in anotherTree
// Select in the same cell tree is ok
anotherTree.setKeyboardSelectedTreeNode(l1Node, 0, true);
// Select in a different tree will throw exception.
try {
cellTree.setKeyboardSelectedTreeNode(l1Node, 0, true);
fail("should have thrown");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "The tree node does not belong to the tree.");
public void testKeyboardNavigationForUpAndDownKeys() {
CellTree cellTree = (CellTree) tree;
TreeNode root = cellTree.getRootTreeNode();
// Open nodes: a and aj
TreeNode l1Node = root.setChildOpen(0, true); // a
assertEquals(l1Node.getValue(), "a");
TreeNode l2Node = l1Node.setChildOpen(9, true); // aj
assertEquals(l2Node.getValue(), "aj");
// To force tree structure changes (internal flush()).
assertEquals(l2Node.getChildCount(), 10);
// CellTree structure with node 'a' and 'aj' opened.
List<String> expectedNavigationPath = Arrays.asList("a",
"aa", "ab", "ac", "ad", "ae", "af", "ag", "ah", "ai", "aj",
"aja", "ajb", "ajc", "ajd", "aje", "ajf", "ajg", "ajh", "aji", "ajj",
"b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j");
// Default KeyboardSelected is at "a"
assertEquals(cellTree.getKeyboardSelectedTreeNode().getValue(), "a");
int steps = expectedNavigationPath.size() - 1;
assertEquals(expectedNavigationPath, repeatKeyInTree(cellTree, KeyCodes.KEY_DOWN, steps));
assertEquals(expectedNavigationPath, repeatKeyInTree(cellTree, KeyCodes.KEY_UP, steps));
* Repeats a keystroke in the CellTree that contains string values.
* @return the nodes selected before starting and after each keystroke.
private List<String> repeatKeyInTree(CellTree cellTree, int keyCode, int keyCount) {
List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
values.add((String) cellTree.getKeyboardSelectedTreeNode().getValue());
for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) {
values.add((String) cellTree.getKeyboardSelectedTreeNode().getValue());
return values;
protected <T> CellTree createAbstractCellTree(TreeViewModel model, T rootValue) {
return new CellTree(model, rootValue);