* Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package java.util;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.JsDate;
import java.io.Serializable;
* Represents a date and time.
public class Date implements Cloneable, Comparable<Date>, Serializable {
* Encapsulates static data to avoid Date itself having a static initializer.
private static class StringData {
public static final String[] DAYS = {
"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"};
public static final String[] MONTHS = {
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct",
"Nov", "Dec"};
public static long parse(String s) {
double parsed = JsDate.parse(s);
if (Double.isNaN(parsed)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return (long) parsed;
// CHECKSTYLE_OFF: Matching the spec.
public static long UTC(int year, int month, int date, int hrs, int min,
int sec) {
return (long) JsDate.UTC(year + 1900, month, date, hrs, min, sec, 0);
* Ensure a number is displayed with two digits.
* @return a two-character base 10 representation of the number
protected static String padTwo(int number) {
if (number < 10) {
return "0" + number;
} else {
return String.valueOf(number);
* Package private factory for JSNI use, to allow cheap creation of dates from
* doubles.
static Date createFrom(double milliseconds) {
return new Date(milliseconds, false);
* JavaScript Date instance.
private final JsDate jsdate;
public Date() {
jsdate = JsDate.create();
public Date(int year, int month, int date) {
this(year, month, date, 0, 0, 0);
public Date(int year, int month, int date, int hrs, int min) {
this(year, month, date, hrs, min, 0);
public Date(int year, int month, int date, int hrs, int min, int sec) {
jsdate = JsDate.create();
jsdate.setFullYear(year + 1900, month, date);
jsdate.setHours(hrs, min, sec, 0);
public Date(long date) {
jsdate = JsDate.create(date);
public Date(String date) {
* For use by {@link #createFrom(double)}, should inline away.
Date(double milliseconds, boolean dummyArgForOverloadResolution) {
jsdate = JsDate.create(milliseconds);
public boolean after(Date when) {
return getTime() > when.getTime();
public boolean before(Date when) {
return getTime() < when.getTime();
public Object clone() {
return new Date(getTime());
public int compareTo(Date other) {
return Long.compare(getTime(), other.getTime());
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return ((obj instanceof Date) && (getTime() == ((Date) obj).getTime()));
public int getDate() {
return jsdate.getDate();
public int getDay() {
return jsdate.getDay();
public int getHours() {
return jsdate.getHours();
public int getMinutes() {
return jsdate.getMinutes();
public int getMonth() {
return jsdate.getMonth();
public int getSeconds() {
return jsdate.getSeconds();
public long getTime() {
return (long) jsdate.getTime();
public int getTimezoneOffset() {
return jsdate.getTimezoneOffset();
public int getYear() {
return jsdate.getFullYear() - 1900;
public int hashCode() {
long time = getTime();
return (int) (time ^ (time >>> 32));
public void setDate(int date) {
int hours = jsdate.getHours();
public void setHours(int hours) {
public void setMinutes(int minutes) {
int hours = getHours() + minutes / 60;
public void setMonth(int month) {
int hours = jsdate.getHours();
public void setSeconds(int seconds) {
int hours = getHours() + seconds / (60 * 60);
public void setTime(long time) {
public void setYear(int year) {
int hours = jsdate.getHours();
jsdate.setFullYear(year + 1900);
public String toGMTString() {
return jsdate.getUTCDate() + " " + StringData.MONTHS[jsdate.getUTCMonth()]
+ " " + jsdate.getUTCFullYear() + " " + padTwo(jsdate.getUTCHours())
+ ":" + padTwo(jsdate.getUTCMinutes()) + ":"
+ padTwo(jsdate.getUTCSeconds()) + " GMT";
public String toLocaleString() {
return jsdate.toLocaleString();
public String toString() {
// Compute timezone offset. The value that getTimezoneOffset returns is
// backwards for the transformation that we want.
int offset = -jsdate.getTimezoneOffset();
String hourOffset = ((offset >= 0) ? "+" : "") + (offset / 60);
String minuteOffset = padTwo(Math.abs(offset) % 60);
return StringData.DAYS[jsdate.getDay()] + " "
+ StringData.MONTHS[jsdate.getMonth()] + " " + padTwo(jsdate.getDate())
+ " " + padTwo(jsdate.getHours()) + ":" + padTwo(jsdate.getMinutes())
+ ":" + padTwo(jsdate.getSeconds()) + " GMT" + hourOffset
+ minuteOffset + " " + jsdate.getFullYear();
private static final long ONE_HOUR_IN_MILLISECONDS = 60 * 60 * 1000;
* Some browsers have the following behavior:
* // Assume a U.S. time zone with daylight savings
* // Set a non-existent time: 2:00 am Sunday March 8, 2009
* var date = new Date(2009, 2, 8, 2, 0, 0);
* var hours = date.getHours(); // returns 1
* The equivalent Java code will return 3.
* // Assume a U.S. time zone with daylight savings
* // Set to an ambiguous time: 1:30 am Sunday November 1, 2009
* var date = new Date(2009, 10, 1, 1, 30, 0);
* var nextHour = new Date(date.getTime() + 60*60*1000);
* var hours = nextHour.getHours(); // returns 1
* The equivalent Java code will return 2.
* To compensate, fixDaylightSavings adjusts the date to match Java semantics.
* Detects if the requested time falls into a non-existent time range due to local time advancing
* into daylight savings time or is ambiguous due to going out of daylight savings. If so, adjust
* accordingly.
private void fixDaylightSavings(int requestedHours) {
int hours = jsdate.getHours();
if ((hours % 24) != (requestedHours % 24)) {
// Hours passed to the constructor don't match the hours in the created JavaScript Date; this
// might be due either because they are outside 0-24 range, there was overflow from
// minutes:secs:millis or because we are in the situation GAP and has to be fixed.
JsDate copy = JsDate.create(jsdate.getTime());
copy.setDate(copy.getDate() + 1);
int timeDiff = jsdate.getTimezoneOffset() - copy.getTimezoneOffset();
// If the time zone offset is changing, advance the hours and
// minutes from the initially requested time by the change amount
if (timeDiff > 0) {
// The requested time falls into a non-existent time range due to
// local time advancing into daylight savings time. If so, push the requested
// time forward out of the non-existent range.
int timeDiffHours = timeDiff / 60;
int timeDiffMinutes = timeDiff % 60;
int day = jsdate.getDate();
int badHours = jsdate.getHours();
if (badHours + timeDiffHours >= 24) {
JsDate newTime = JsDate.create(jsdate.getFullYear(), jsdate.getMonth(),
day, requestedHours + timeDiffHours, jsdate.getMinutes() + timeDiffMinutes,
jsdate.getSeconds(), jsdate.getMilliseconds());
// Check for situation OVERLAP by advancing the clock by 1 hour and see if getHours() returns
// the same.
double originalTimeInMillis = jsdate.getTime();
jsdate.setTime(originalTimeInMillis + ONE_HOUR_IN_MILLISECONDS);
if (hours != jsdate.getHours()) {
// We are not in the duplicated hour, so revert the change.