Package net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.matrix

Source Code of net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.matrix.AbstractByteMatrix$AbstractNonZeroIterator

* Copyright 2014 OpenRQ Team
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

* Copyright 2011-2014, by Vladimir Kostyukov and Contributors.
* This file is part of la4j project (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Contributor(s): Evgenia Krivova
* Pavel Kalaidin
* Jakob Moellers
* Ewald Grusk
* Yuriy Drozd
* Maxim Samoylov
* Anveshi Charuvaka
* Todd Brunhoff
package net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.matrix;

import static net.fec.openrq.util.math.OctetOps.aDividedByB;
import static net.fec.openrq.util.math.OctetOps.aMinusB;
import static net.fec.openrq.util.math.OctetOps.aPlusB;
import static net.fec.openrq.util.math.OctetOps.aTimesB;

import java.util.Random;

import net.fec.openrq.util.checking.Indexables;
import net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.factory.Factory;
import net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.matrix.functor.AdvancedMatrixPredicate;
import net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.matrix.functor.MatrixAccumulator;
import net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.matrix.functor.MatrixFunction;
import net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.matrix.functor.MatrixPredicate;
import net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.matrix.functor.MatrixProcedure;
import net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.vector.ByteVector;

public abstract class AbstractByteMatrix implements ByteMatrix {

    private final int rows;
    private final int columns;

    private final Factory factory;

    protected AbstractByteMatrix(Factory factory, int rows, int columns) {

        ensureDimensionsAreCorrect(rows, columns);

        this.factory = factory;

        this.rows = rows;
        this.columns = columns;

    public final byte get(int i, int j) {

        checkBounds(i, j);
        return safeGet(i, j);

    protected abstract byte safeGet(int i, int j);

    public final void set(int i, int j, byte value) {

        checkBounds(i, j);
        safeSet(i, j, value);

    protected abstract void safeSet(int i, int j, byte value);

    public final void update(int i, int j, MatrixFunction function) {

        checkBounds(i, j);
        safeUpdate(i, j, function);

    protected void safeUpdate(int i, int j, MatrixFunction function) {

        safeSet(i, j, function.evaluate(i, j, safeGet(i, j)));

    public void clear() {

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                safeSet(i, j, (byte)0);

    public void clearRow(int i) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = rowIterator(i);
        while (it.hasNext()) {

    public void clearColumn(int j) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = columnIterator(j);
        while (it.hasNext()) {

    public void assign(byte value) {


    public void assignRow(int i, byte value) {

        updateRow(i, ByteMatrices.asConstFunction(value));

    public void assignColumn(int j, byte value) {

        updateColumn(j, ByteMatrices.asConstFunction(value));

    public int rows() {

        return rows;

    public int columns() {

        return columns;

    public ByteVector getRow(int i) {

        return getRow(i, factory);

    public ByteVector getRow(int i, Factory factory) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(i, rows());

        ByteVector result = factory.createVector(columns);

        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroRowIterator(i);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            result.set(it.index(), it.get());

        return result;

    public ByteVector getRow(int i, int fromColumn, int toColumn) {

        return getRow(i, fromColumn, toColumn, factory);

    public ByteVector getRow(int i, int fromColumn, int toColumn, Factory factory) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(i, rows());
        Indexables.checkFromToBounds(fromColumn, toColumn, columns());

        ByteVector result = factory.createVector(toColumn - fromColumn);

        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroRowIterator(i, fromColumn, toColumn);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            result.set(it.index() - fromColumn, it.get());

        return result;

    public ByteVector getColumn(int j) {

        return getColumn(j, factory);

    public ByteVector getColumn(int j, Factory factory) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(j, columns());

        ByteVector result = factory.createVector(rows);

        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroColumnIterator(j);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            result.set(it.index(), it.get());

        return result;

    public ByteVector getColumn(int j, int fromRow, int toRow) {

        return getColumn(j, fromRow, toRow, factory);

    public ByteVector getColumn(int j, int fromRow, int toRow, Factory factory) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(j, columns());
        Indexables.checkFromToBounds(fromRow, toRow, rows());

        ByteVector result = factory.createVector(toRow - fromRow);

        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroColumnIterator(j, fromRow, toRow);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            result.set(it.index() - fromRow, it.get());

        return result;

    public void setRow(int i, ByteVector row) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(i, rows());
        ensureArgumentIsNotNull(row, "vector");

        if (columns != row.length()) {
            fail("Wrong vector length: " + row.length() + ". Should be: " + columns + ".");

        ByteVectorIterator newIt = row.iterator();
        ByteVectorIterator oldIt = rowIterator(i);
        while (newIt.hasNext()) { // && oldIt.hasNext()

    public void setRow(int i, int fromColumn, ByteVector row, int fromIndex, int length) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(i, rows());
        Indexables.checkOffsetLengthBounds(fromColumn, length, columns());
        Indexables.checkOffsetLengthBounds(fromIndex, length, row.length());

        ByteVectorIterator newIt = row.iterator(fromIndex, fromIndex + length);
        ByteVectorIterator oldIt = rowIterator(i, fromColumn, fromColumn + length);
        while (newIt.hasNext()) { // && oldIt.hasNext()

    public void setColumn(int j, ByteVector column) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(j, columns());
        ensureArgumentIsNotNull(column, "vector");

        if (rows != column.length()) {
            fail("Wrong vector length: " + column.length() + ". Should be: " + rows + ".");

        ByteVectorIterator newIt = column.iterator();
        ByteVectorIterator oldIt = columnIterator(j);
        while (newIt.hasNext()) { // && oldIt.hasNext()

    public void setColumn(int j, int fromRow, ByteVector column, int fromIndex, int length) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(j, columns());
        Indexables.checkOffsetLengthBounds(fromRow, length, rows());
        Indexables.checkOffsetLengthBounds(fromIndex, length, column.length());

        ByteVectorIterator newIt = column.iterator(fromIndex, fromIndex + length);
        ByteVectorIterator oldIt = columnIterator(j, fromRow, fromRow + length);
        while (newIt.hasNext()) { // && oldIt.hasNext()

    public void swapRows(int i, int j) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(i, rows());
        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(j, rows());

        if (i != j) {
            ByteVector ii = getRow(i);
            ByteVector jj = getRow(j);

            setRow(i, jj);
            setRow(j, ii);

    public void swapColumns(int i, int j) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(i, columns());
        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(j, columns());

        if (i != j) {
            ByteVector ii = getColumn(i);
            ByteVector jj = getColumn(j);

            setColumn(i, jj);
            setColumn(j, ii);

    public ByteMatrix transpose() {

        return transpose(factory);

    public ByteMatrix transpose(Factory factory) {


        ByteMatrix result = factory.createMatrix(columns, rows);

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                result.set(j, i, safeGet(i, j));

        return result;

    public ByteMatrix rotate() {

        return rotate(factory);

    public ByteMatrix rotate(Factory factory) {


        ByteMatrix result = factory.createMatrix(columns, rows);

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                result.set(j, rows - 1 - i, safeGet(i, j));

        return result;

    public ByteMatrix power(int n) {

        return power(n, factory);

    public ByteMatrix power(int n, Factory factory) {

        if (n < 0) {
            fail("The exponent should be non-negative: " + n + ".");

        ByteMatrix result = factory.createIdentityMatrix(rows);
        ByteMatrix that = this;

        while (n > 0) {
            if (n % 2 == 1) {
                result = result.multiply(that);

            n /= 2;
            that = that.multiply(that);

        return result;

    public ByteMatrix multiply(byte value) {

        return multiply(value, factory);

    public ByteMatrix multiply(byte value, Factory factory) {


        ByteMatrix result = blank(factory);

        if (value != 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                    result.set(i, j, aTimesB(safeGet(i, j), value));

        return result;

    public ByteVector multiply(ByteVector vector) {

        return multiply(vector, factory);

    public ByteVector multiply(ByteVector vector, Factory factory) {

        ensureArgumentIsNotNull(vector, "vector");

        if (columns != vector.length()) {
            fail("Wrong vector length: " + vector.length() + ". Should be: " + columns + ".");

        ByteVector result = factory.createVector(rows);

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            byte acc = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                final byte prod = aTimesB(safeGet(i, j), vector.get(j));
                acc = aPlusB(acc, prod);

            if (acc != 0) {
                result.set(i, acc);

        return result;

    public ByteMatrix multiply(ByteMatrix matrix) {

        return multiply(matrix, factory);

    public ByteMatrix multiply(ByteMatrix matrix, Factory factory) {

        ensureArgumentIsNotNull(matrix, "matrix");

        if (columns != matrix.rows()) {
            fail("Wrong matrix dimensions: " + matrix.rows() + "x" + matrix.columns() +
                 ". Should be: " + columns + "x_.");

        ByteMatrix result = factory.createMatrix(rows, matrix.columns());

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < result.columns(); j++) {
                byte acc = 0;
                for (int k = 0; k < columns; k++) {
                    final byte prod = aTimesB(safeGet(i, k), matrix.get(k, j));
                    acc = aPlusB(acc, prod);

                if (acc != 0) {
                    result.set(i, j, acc);

        return result;

    public ByteMatrix multiply(
        ByteMatrix matrix,
        int fromThisRow,
        int toThisRow,
        int fromThisColumn,
        int toThisColumn,
        int fromOtherRow,
        int toOtherRow,
        int fromOtherColumn,
        int toOtherColumn)

        return multiply(
            fromThisRow, toThisRow,
            fromThisColumn, toThisColumn,
            fromOtherRow, toOtherRow,
            fromOtherColumn, toOtherColumn,

    public ByteMatrix multiply(
        ByteMatrix matrix,
        int fromThisRow,
        int toThisRow,
        int fromThisColumn,
        int toThisColumn,
        int fromOtherRow,
        int toOtherRow,
        int fromOtherColumn,
        int toOtherColumn,
        Factory factory)

        ensureArgumentIsNotNull(matrix, "matrix");
        Indexables.checkFromToBounds(fromThisRow, toThisRow, rows);
        Indexables.checkFromToBounds(fromThisColumn, toThisColumn, columns);
        Indexables.checkFromToBounds(fromOtherRow, fromOtherRow, matrix.rows());
        Indexables.checkFromToBounds(fromOtherColumn, toOtherColumn, matrix.columns());

        if ((toThisColumn - fromThisColumn) != (toOtherRow - fromOtherRow)) {
            fail("Wrong matrix dimensions: " +
                 (toOtherRow - fromOtherRow) + "x" + (toOtherColumn - fromOtherColumn) +
                 ". Should be: " + (toThisColumn - fromThisColumn) + "x_.");

        ByteMatrix result = factory.createMatrix(toThisRow - fromThisRow, toOtherColumn - fromOtherColumn);

        for (int i = fromThisRow; i < toThisRow; i++) {
            for (int j = fromOtherColumn; j < toOtherColumn; j++) {
                byte acc = 0;
                for (int k = fromThisColumn; k < toThisColumn; k++) {
                    final byte prod = aTimesB(safeGet(i, k), matrix.get(k, j));
                    acc = aPlusB(acc, prod);

                if (acc != 0) {
                    result.set(i - fromThisRow, j - fromOtherColumn, acc);

        return result;

    public ByteVector multiplyRow(int i, ByteMatrix matrix) {

        return multiplyRow(i, matrix, factory);

    public ByteVector multiplyRow(int i, ByteMatrix matrix, Factory factory) {

        ensureArgumentIsNotNull(matrix, "matrix");

        if (columns != matrix.rows()) {
            fail("Wrong matrix dimensions: " + matrix.rows() + "x" + matrix.columns() +
                 ". Should be: " + columns + "x_.");

        ByteVector result = factory.createVector(matrix.columns());

        for (int j = 0; j < matrix.columns(); j++) {
            byte acc = 0;

            ByteVectorIterator it = rowIterator(i);
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                final byte prod = aTimesB(it.get(), matrix.get(it.index(), j));
                acc = aPlusB(acc, prod);

            result.set(j, acc);

        return result;

    public ByteVector multiplyRow(int i, ByteMatrix matrix, int fromColumn, int toColumn) {

        return multiplyRow(i, matrix, fromColumn, toColumn, factory);

    public ByteVector multiplyRow(int i, ByteMatrix matrix, int fromColumn, int toColumn, Factory factory) {

        ensureArgumentIsNotNull(matrix, "matrix");
        Indexables.checkFromToBounds(fromColumn, toColumn, columns());

        if ((toColumn - fromColumn) != matrix.rows()) {
            fail("Wrong matrix dimensions: " + matrix.rows() + "x" + matrix.columns() +
                 ". Should be: " + (toColumn - fromColumn) + "x_.");

        ByteVector result = factory.createVector(matrix.columns());

        for (int j = 0; j < matrix.columns(); j++) {
            byte acc = 0;

            ByteVectorIterator it = rowIterator(i, fromColumn, toColumn);
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                final byte prod = aTimesB(it.get(), matrix.get(it.index() - fromColumn, j));
                acc = aPlusB(acc, prod);

            result.set(j, acc);

        return result;

    public ByteMatrix subtract(byte value) {

        return subtract(value, factory);

    public ByteMatrix subtract(ByteMatrix matrix) {

        return subtract(matrix, factory);

    public ByteMatrix subtract(byte value, Factory factory) {


        ByteMatrix result = blank(factory);

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                result.set(i, j, aMinusB(safeGet(i, j), value));

        return result;

    public ByteMatrix subtract(ByteMatrix matrix, Factory factory) {

        ensureArgumentIsNotNull(matrix, "matrix");

        if (rows != matrix.rows() || columns != matrix.columns()) {
            fail("Wrong matrix dimensions: " + matrix.rows() + "x" + matrix.columns() +
                 ". Should be: " + rows + "x" + columns + ".");

        ByteMatrix result = blank(factory);

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                result.set(i, j, aMinusB(safeGet(i, j), matrix.get(i, j)));

        return result;

    public ByteMatrix add(byte value) {

        return add(value, factory);

    public ByteMatrix add(byte value, Factory factory) {


        ByteMatrix result = blank(factory);

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                result.set(i, j, aPlusB(safeGet(i, j), value));

        return result;

    public ByteMatrix add(ByteMatrix matrix) {

        return add(matrix, factory);

    public ByteMatrix add(ByteMatrix matrix, Factory factory) {

        ensureArgumentIsNotNull(matrix, "matrix");

        if (rows != matrix.rows() || columns != matrix.columns()) {
            fail("Wrong matrix dimensions: " + matrix.rows() + "x" + matrix.columns() +
                 ". Should be: " + rows + "x" + columns + ".");

        ByteMatrix result = blank(factory);

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                result.set(i, j, aPlusB(safeGet(i, j), matrix.get(i, j)));

        return result;

    public ByteMatrix divide(byte value) {

        return divide(value, factory);

    public ByteMatrix divide(byte value, Factory factory) {


        ByteMatrix result = blank(factory);

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                result.set(i, j, aDividedByB(safeGet(i, j), value));

        return result;

    public void divideInPlace(byte value) {

        if (value != 1) {
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                    safeSet(i, j, aDividedByB(safeGet(i, j), value));

    public void divideRowInPlace(int i, byte value) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(i, rows());

        if (value != 1) {
            ByteVectorIterator it = rowIterator(i);
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                it.set(aDividedByB(it.get(), value));

    public void divideRowInPlace(int i, byte value, int fromColumn, int toColumn) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(i, rows());
        Indexables.checkFromToBounds(fromColumn, toColumn, columns());

        if (value != 1) {
            ByteVectorIterator it = rowIterator(i, fromColumn, toColumn);
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                it.set(aDividedByB(it.get(), value));

    public void divideColumnInPlace(int j, byte value) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(j, columns());

        if (value != 1) {
            ByteVectorIterator it = columnIterator(j);
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                it.set(aDividedByB(it.get(), value));

    public void divideColumnInPlace(int j, byte value, int fromRow, int toRow) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(j, columns());
        Indexables.checkFromToBounds(fromRow, toRow, rows());

        if (value != 1) {
            ByteVectorIterator it = columnIterator(j, fromRow, toRow);
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                it.set(aDividedByB(it.get(), value));

    public byte trace() {

        byte result = 0;

        final int fence = Math.min(rows, columns);
        for (int i = 0; i < fence; i++) {
            result = aPlusB(result, safeGet(i, i));

        return result;

    public byte diagonalProduct() {

        byte result = 1;

        final int fence = Math.min(rows, columns);
        for (int i = 0; i < fence; i++) {
            result = aTimesB(result, safeGet(i, i));

        return result;

    public byte product() {

        return fold(ByteMatrices.asProductAccumulator((byte)1));

    public ByteMatrix hadamardProduct(ByteMatrix matrix) {

        return hadamardProduct(matrix, factory);

    public ByteMatrix hadamardProduct(ByteMatrix matrix, Factory factory) {

        ensureArgumentIsNotNull(matrix, "matrix");

        if ((columns != matrix.columns()) || (rows != matrix.rows())) {
            fail("Wrong matrix dimensions: " + matrix.rows() + "x" + matrix.columns() +
                 ". Should be: " + rows + "x" + columns + ".");

        ByteMatrix result = factory.createMatrix(rows, columns);

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                result.set(i, j, aTimesB(matrix.get(i, j), safeGet(i, j)));

        return result;

    public byte sum() {

        return fold(ByteMatrices.asSumAccumulator((byte)0));

    public ByteMatrix blank() {

        return blank(factory);

    public ByteMatrix blank(Factory factory) {


        return factory.createMatrix(rows, columns);

    public ByteMatrix copy() {

        return copy(factory);

    public ByteMatrix copy(Factory factory) {


        return factory.createMatrix(this);

    public ByteMatrix resize(int rows, int columns) {

        return resize(rows, columns, factory);

    public ByteMatrix resizeRows(int rows) {

        return resize(rows, columns, factory);

    public ByteMatrix resizeRows(int rows, Factory factory) {

        return resize(rows, columns, factory);

    public ByteMatrix resizeColumns(int columns) {

        return resize(rows, columns, factory);

    public ByteMatrix resizeColumns(int columns, Factory factory) {

        return resize(rows, columns, factory);

    public ByteMatrix resize(int rows, int columns, Factory factory) {


        ByteMatrix result = factory.createMatrix(rows, columns);

        for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(rows, this.rows); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < Math.min(columns, this.columns); j++) {
                result.set(i, j, safeGet(i, j));

        return result;

    public ByteMatrix shuffle() {

        return shuffle(factory);

    public ByteMatrix shuffle(Factory factory) {


        ByteMatrix result = copy(factory);

        // Conduct Fisher-Yates shuffle
        Random rnd = new Random();

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                int ii = rnd.nextInt(rows - i) + i;
                int jj = rnd.nextInt(columns - j) + j;

                byte a = result.get(ii, jj);
                result.set(ii, jj, result.get(i, j));
                result.set(i, j, a);

        return result;

    public ByteMatrix slice(
        int fromRow,
        int fromColumn,
        int untilRow,
        int untilColumn)

        return slice(fromRow, fromColumn, untilRow, untilColumn, factory);

    public ByteMatrix slice(
        int fromRow,
        int fromColumn,
        int untilRow,
        int untilColumn,
        Factory factory)

        Indexables.checkFromToBounds(fromRow, untilRow, rows());
        Indexables.checkFromToBounds(fromColumn, untilColumn, columns());

        ByteMatrix result = factory.createMatrix(untilRow - fromRow, untilColumn - fromColumn);

        for (int i = fromRow; i < untilRow; i++) {
            for (int j = fromColumn; j < untilColumn; j++) {
                result.set(i - fromRow, j - fromColumn, safeGet(i, j));

        return result;

    public ByteMatrix sliceTopLeft(int untilRow, int untilColumn) {

        return slice(0, 0, untilRow, untilColumn, factory);

    public ByteMatrix sliceTopLeft(int untilRow, int untilColumn, Factory factory) {

        return slice(0, 0, untilRow, untilColumn, factory);

    public ByteMatrix sliceBottomRight(int fromRow, int fromColumn) {

        return slice(fromRow, fromColumn, rows, columns, factory);

    public ByteMatrix sliceBottomRight(int fromRow, int fromColumn, Factory factory) {

        return slice(fromRow, fromColumn, rows, columns, factory);

    public ByteMatrix select(int[] rowIndices, int[] columnIndices) {

        return select(rowIndices, columnIndices, factory);

    public ByteMatrix select(int[] rowIndices, int[] columnIndices, Factory factory) {

        int newRows = rowIndices.length;
        int newCols = columnIndices.length;

        if (newRows == 0 || newCols == 0) {
            fail("No rows or columns selected.");

        ByteMatrix result = factory.createMatrix(newRows, newCols);

        for (int i = 0; i < newRows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < newCols; j++) {
                result.set(i, j, get(rowIndices[i], columnIndices[j])); // use normal get for row/column bounds check

        return result;

    public Factory factory() {

        return factory;

    public boolean isZeroAt(int i, int j) {

        checkBounds(i, j);
        return safeGet(i, j) == 0;

    public boolean nonZeroAt(int i, int j) {

        checkBounds(i, j);
        return safeGet(i, j) != 0;

    public int nonZeros() {

        int nonZeros = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                if (nonZeroAt(i, j)) {

        return nonZeros;

    public int nonZerosInRow(int i) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroRowIterator(i);
        int nonZeros = 0;
        while (it.hasNext()) {

        return nonZeros;

    public int nonZerosInRow(int i, int fromColumn, int toColumn) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroRowIterator(i, fromColumn, toColumn);
        int nonZeros = 0;
        while (it.hasNext()) {

        return nonZeros;

    public int[] nonZeroPositionsInRow(int i) {

        int[] positions = new int[nonZerosInRow(i)];

        int n = 0;
        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroRowIterator(i);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            positions[n++] = it.index();

        return positions;

    public int[] nonZeroPositionsInRow(int i, int fromColumn, int toColumn) {

        int[] positions = new int[nonZerosInRow(i, fromColumn, toColumn)];

        int n = 0;
        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroRowIterator(i, fromColumn, toColumn);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            positions[n++] = it.index();

        return positions;

    public int nonZerosInColumn(int j) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroColumnIterator(j);
        int nonZeros = 0;
        while (it.hasNext()) {

        return nonZeros;

    public int nonZerosInColumn(int j, int fromRow, int toRow) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroColumnIterator(j, fromRow, toRow);
        int nonZeros = 0;
        while (it.hasNext()) {

        return nonZeros;

    public int[] nonZeroPositionsInColumn(int j) {

        int[] positions = new int[nonZerosInColumn(j)];

        int n = 0;
        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroColumnIterator(j);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            positions[n++] = it.index();

        return positions;

    public int[] nonZeroPositionsInColumn(int j, int fromRow, int toRow) {

        int[] positions = new int[nonZerosInColumn(j, fromRow, toRow)];

        int n = 0;
        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroColumnIterator(j, fromRow, toRow);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            positions[n++] = it.index();

        return positions;

    public void each(MatrixProcedure procedure) {

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                procedure.apply(i, j, safeGet(i, j));

    public void eachInRow(int i, MatrixProcedure procedure) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = rowIterator(i);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            procedure.apply(i, it.index(), it.get());

    public void eachInRow(int i, MatrixProcedure procedure, int fromColumn, int toColumn) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = rowIterator(i, fromColumn, toColumn);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            procedure.apply(i, it.index(), it.get());

    public void eachInColumn(int j, MatrixProcedure procedure) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = columnIterator(j);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            procedure.apply(it.index(), j, it.get());

    public void eachInColumn(int j, MatrixProcedure procedure, int fromRow, int toRow) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = columnIterator(j, fromRow, toRow);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            procedure.apply(it.index(), j, it.get());

    public void eachNonZero(MatrixProcedure procedure) {

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                final byte val = safeGet(i, j);
                if (val != 0) {
                    procedure.apply(i, j, val);

    public void eachNonZeroInRow(int i, MatrixProcedure procedure) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroRowIterator(i);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            procedure.apply(i, it.index(), it.get());

    public void eachNonZeroInRow(int i, MatrixProcedure procedure, int fromColumn, int toColumn) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroRowIterator(i, fromColumn, toColumn);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            procedure.apply(i, it.index(), it.get());

    public void eachNonZeroInColumn(int j, MatrixProcedure procedure) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroColumnIterator(j);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            procedure.apply(it.index(), j, it.get());

    public void eachNonZeroInColumn(int j, MatrixProcedure procedure, int fromRow, int toRow) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroColumnIterator(j, fromRow, toRow);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            procedure.apply(it.index(), j, it.get());

    public void update(MatrixFunction function) {

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                safeUpdate(i, j, function);

    public void updateRow(int i, MatrixFunction function) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = rowIterator(i);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            it.set(function.evaluate(i, it.index(), it.get()));

    public void updateRow(int i, MatrixFunction function, int fromColumn, int toColumn) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = rowIterator(i, fromColumn, toColumn);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            it.set(function.evaluate(i, it.index(), it.get()));

    public void updateColumn(int j, MatrixFunction function) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = columnIterator(j);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            it.set(function.evaluate(it.index(), j, it.get()));

    public void updateColumn(int j, MatrixFunction function, int fromRow, int toRow) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = columnIterator(j, fromRow, toRow);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            it.set(function.evaluate(it.index(), j, it.get()));

    public void updateNonZero(MatrixFunction function) {

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                final byte val = safeGet(i, j);
                if (val != 0) {
                    safeSet(i, j, function.evaluate(i, j, val));

    public void updateNonZeroInRow(int i, MatrixFunction function) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroRowIterator(i);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            it.set(function.evaluate(i, it.index(), it.get()));

    public void updateNonZeroInRow(int i, MatrixFunction function, int fromColumn, int toColumn) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroRowIterator(i, fromColumn, toColumn);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            it.set(function.evaluate(i, it.index(), it.get()));

    public void updateNonZeroInColumn(int j, MatrixFunction function) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroColumnIterator(j);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            it.set(function.evaluate(it.index(), j, it.get()));

    public void updateNonZeroInColumn(int j, MatrixFunction function, int fromRow, int toRow) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = nonZeroColumnIterator(j, fromRow, toRow);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            it.set(function.evaluate(it.index(), j, it.get()));

    public byte fold(MatrixAccumulator accumulator) {

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                accumulator.update(i, j, safeGet(i, j));

        return accumulator.accumulate();

    public byte foldRow(int i, MatrixAccumulator accumulator) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = rowIterator(i);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            accumulator.update(i, it.index(), it.get());

        return accumulator.accumulate();

    public ByteVector foldRows(MatrixAccumulator accumulator) {

        ByteVector result = factory.createVector(rows);

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            result.set(i, foldRow(i, accumulator));

        return result;

    public byte foldColumn(int j, MatrixAccumulator accumulator) {

        ByteVectorIterator it = columnIterator(j);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            accumulator.update(it.index(), j, it.get());

        return accumulator.accumulate();

    public ByteVector foldColumns(MatrixAccumulator accumulator) {

        ByteVector result = factory.createVector(columns);

        for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
            result.set(i, foldColumn(i, accumulator));

        return result;

    public byte foldNonZero(MatrixAccumulator accumulator) {

        return accumulator.accumulate();

    public byte foldNonZeroInRow(int i, MatrixAccumulator accumulator) {

        eachNonZeroInRow(i, ByteMatrices.asAccumulatorProcedure(accumulator));
        return accumulator.accumulate();

    public byte foldNonZeroInColumn(int j, MatrixAccumulator accumulator) {

        eachNonZeroInColumn(j, ByteMatrices.asAccumulatorProcedure(accumulator));
        return accumulator.accumulate();

    public ByteVector foldNonZeroInColumns(MatrixAccumulator accumulator) {

        ByteVector result = factory.createVector(columns);

        for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
            result.set(i, foldNonZeroInColumn(i, accumulator));

        return result;

    public ByteVector foldNonZeroInRows(MatrixAccumulator accumulator) {

        ByteVector result = factory.createVector(rows);

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            result.set(i, foldNonZeroInRow(i, accumulator));

        return result;

    public boolean is(MatrixPredicate predicate) {

        boolean result = predicate.test(rows, columns);

        for (int i = 0; result && i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; result && j < columns; j++) {
                result = predicate.test(i, j, safeGet(i, j));

        return result;

    public boolean is(AdvancedMatrixPredicate predicate) {

        return predicate.test(this);

    public boolean non(MatrixPredicate predicate) {

        return !is(predicate);

    public boolean non(AdvancedMatrixPredicate predicate) {

        return !is(predicate);

    public ByteVector toRowVector() {

        return toRowVector(factory);

    public ByteVector toRowVector(Factory factory) {

        return getRow(0, factory);

    public ByteVector toColumnVector() {

        return toColumnVector(factory);

    public ByteVector toColumnVector(Factory factory) {

        return getColumn(0, factory);

    public byte max() {

        return fold(ByteMatrices.mkMaxAccumulator());

    public byte min() {

        return fold(ByteMatrices.mkMinAccumulator());

    public byte maxInRow(int i) {

        return foldRow(i, ByteMatrices.mkMaxAccumulator());

    public byte minInRow(int i) {

        return foldRow(i, ByteMatrices.mkMinAccumulator());

    public byte maxInColumn(int j) {

        return foldColumn(j, ByteMatrices.mkMaxAccumulator());

    public byte minInColumn(int j) {

        return foldColumn(j, ByteMatrices.mkMinAccumulator());

    public ByteVectorIterator rowIterator(int i) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(i, rows());
        return new RowIterator(i, 0, columns());

    public ByteVectorIterator rowIterator(int i, int fromColumn, int toColumn) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(i, rows());
        Indexables.checkFromToBounds(fromColumn, toColumn, columns());
        return new RowIterator(i, fromColumn, toColumn);

    private final class RowIterator extends AbstractIterator {

         * Requires valid indices.
        RowIterator(int i, int fromColumn, int toColumn) {

            super(i, fromColumn, toColumn);

        protected byte fcGet(int i, int j) {

            return safeGet(i, j);

        protected void fcSet(int i, int j, byte value) {

            safeSet(i, j, value);

    public ByteVectorIterator columnIterator(int j) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(j, columns());
        return new ColumnIterator(j, 0, rows());

    public ByteVectorIterator columnIterator(int j, int fromRow, int toRow) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(j, columns());
        Indexables.checkFromToBounds(fromRow, toRow, rows());
        return new ColumnIterator(j, fromRow, toRow);

    private final class ColumnIterator extends AbstractIterator {

         * Requires valid indices.
        ColumnIterator(int j, int fromRow, int toRow) {

            super(j, fromRow, toRow);

        protected byte fcGet(int j, int i) {

            return safeGet(i, j);

        protected void fcSet(int j, int i, byte value) {

            safeSet(i, j, value);

     * Abstract iterator superclass for both row and column iterator classes.
    private abstract class AbstractIterator extends ByteVectorIterator {

        private final int fixed;
        private int cursor;
        private final int end;

         * Requires valid indices.
        protected AbstractIterator(int fixed, int fromCursor, int toCursor) {

            super(toCursor - fromCursor);

            this.fixed = fixed;
            this.cursor = fromCursor - 1;
            this.end = toCursor;

        protected abstract byte fcGet(int fixed, int cursor);

        protected abstract void fcSet(int fixed, int cursor, byte value);

        public byte get() {

            return fcGet(fixed, cursor);

        public void set(byte value) {

            fcSet(fixed, cursor, value);

        public int index() {

            return cursor;

        public Byte next() {

            return get();

        public boolean hasNext() {

            return cursor + 1 < end;

    public ByteVectorIterator nonZeroRowIterator(final int i) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(i, rows());
        return new NonZeroRowIterator(i, 0, columns());

    public ByteVectorIterator nonZeroRowIterator(final int i, final int fromColumn, final int toColumn) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(i, rows());
        Indexables.checkFromToBounds(fromColumn, toColumn, columns());
        return new NonZeroRowIterator(i, fromColumn, toColumn);

    private final class NonZeroRowIterator extends AbstractNonZeroIterator {

         * Requires valid indices.
        NonZeroRowIterator(int i, int fromColumn, int toColumn) {

            super(i, fromColumn, toColumn);

        protected byte fcGet(int i, int nextJ) {

            return safeGet(i, nextJ);

        protected void fcSet(int i, int nextJ, byte value) {

            safeSet(i, nextJ, value);

        protected boolean fcNonZeroAt(int i, int j) {

            return nonZeroAt(i, j);

    public ByteVectorIterator nonZeroColumnIterator(int j) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(j, columns());
        return new NonZeroColumnIterator(j, 0, rows());

    public ByteVectorIterator nonZeroColumnIterator(int j, int fromRow, int toRow) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(j, columns());
        Indexables.checkFromToBounds(fromRow, toRow, rows());
        return new NonZeroColumnIterator(j, fromRow, toRow);

    private final class NonZeroColumnIterator extends AbstractNonZeroIterator {

         * Requires valid indices.
        NonZeroColumnIterator(int j, int fromRow, int toRow) {

            super(j, fromRow, toRow);

        protected byte fcGet(int j, int nextI) {

            return safeGet(nextI, j);

        protected void fcSet(int j, int nextI, byte value) {

            safeSet(nextI, j, value);

        protected boolean fcNonZeroAt(int j, int i) {

            return nonZeroAt(i, j);

     * Abstract non zero iterator superclass for both row and column non zero iterator classes.
    private abstract class AbstractNonZeroIterator extends ByteVectorIterator {

        private final int fixed;
        private int cursor;
        private final int end;
        private int nextCursor;
        private boolean hasNext;

         * Requires valid indices.
        protected AbstractNonZeroIterator(int fixed, int fromCursor, int toCursor) {

            super(toCursor - fromCursor);

            this.fixed = fixed;
            this.cursor = -1;
            this.end = toCursor;
            this.nextCursor = fromCursor;

            findNextNonZero(); // this method initializes nextCursor and hasNext properly

        protected abstract byte fcGet(int fixed, int nextCursor);

        protected abstract void fcSet(int fixed, int nextCursor, byte value);

        protected abstract boolean fcNonZeroAt(int fixed, int cursor);

        public int index() {

            return cursor;

        public byte get() {

            return fcGet(fixed, cursor);

        public void set(byte value) {

            fcSet(fixed, cursor, value);

        public Byte next() {

            cursor = nextCursor - 1;
            return get();

        public boolean hasNext() {

            return hasNext;

        private void findNextNonZero() {

            hasNext = false;
            while (nextCursor < end) {
                hasNext = fcNonZeroAt(fixed, nextCursor++);
                if (hasNext) {

    public void addRowsInPlace(int srcRow, int destRow) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(srcRow, rows());
        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(destRow, rows());

        ByteVectorIterator srcIt = rowIterator(srcRow);
        ByteVectorIterator destIt = rowIterator(destRow);
        while (srcIt.hasNext()) { // && destIt.hasNext()
            destIt.set(aPlusB(srcIt.get(), destIt.get()));

    public void addRowsInPlace(int srcRow, int destRow, int fromColumn, int toColumn) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(srcRow, rows());
        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(destRow, rows());
        Indexables.checkFromToBounds(fromColumn, toColumn, columns());

        ByteVectorIterator srcIt = rowIterator(srcRow, fromColumn, toColumn);
        ByteVectorIterator destIt = rowIterator(destRow, fromColumn, toColumn);
        while (srcIt.hasNext()) { // && destIt.hasNext()
            destIt.set(aPlusB(srcIt.get(), destIt.get()));

    public void addRowsInPlace(byte srcMultiplier, int srcRow, int destRow) {

        if (srcMultiplier != 0) { // if the multiplier is zero, then nothing needs to be added to row2
            if (srcMultiplier == 1) { // if the multiplier is one, then a product is not required
                addRowsInPlace(srcRow, destRow);
            else {
                Indexables.checkIndexBounds(srcRow, rows());
                Indexables.checkIndexBounds(destRow, rows());

                ByteVectorIterator srcIt = rowIterator(srcRow);
                ByteVectorIterator destIt = rowIterator(destRow);
                while (srcIt.hasNext()) { // && destIt.hasNext()
                    final byte prod = aTimesB(srcMultiplier, srcIt.get());
                    destIt.set(aPlusB(prod, destIt.get()));

    public void addRowsInPlace(byte srcMultiplier, int srcRow, int destRow, int fromColumn, int toColumn) {

        if (srcMultiplier != 0) { // if the multiplier is zero, then nothing needs to be added to row2
            if (srcMultiplier == 1) { // if the multiplier is one, then a product is not required
                addRowsInPlace(srcRow, destRow, fromColumn, toColumn);
            else {
                Indexables.checkIndexBounds(srcRow, rows());
                Indexables.checkIndexBounds(destRow, rows());
                Indexables.checkFromToBounds(fromColumn, toColumn, columns());

                ByteVectorIterator srcIt = rowIterator(srcRow, fromColumn, toColumn);
                ByteVectorIterator destIt = rowIterator(destRow, fromColumn, toColumn);
                while (srcIt.hasNext()) { // && destIt.hasNext()
                    final byte prod = aTimesB(srcMultiplier, srcIt.get());
                    destIt.set(aPlusB(prod, destIt.get()));

    public int hashCode() {

        int result = 17;

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                long value = safeGet(i, j);
                result = 37 * result + (int)(value ^ (value >>> 32));

        return result;

    public boolean equals(Object object) {

        if (this == object) {
            return true;

        // instanceof also checks for null
        if (!(object instanceof ByteMatrix)) {
            return false;

        ByteMatrix matrix = (ByteMatrix)object;

        if (rows != matrix.rows() || columns != matrix.columns()) {
            return false;

        boolean result = true;

        for (int i = 0; result && i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; result && j < columns; j++) {
                result = safeGet(i, j) == matrix.get(i, j);

        return result;

    public String toString() {

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        ByteMatrices.printMatrix(this, sb);
        return sb.toString();

    protected void ensureFactoryIsNotNull(Factory factory) {

        ensureArgumentIsNotNull(factory, "factory");

    protected void ensureArgumentIsNotNull(Object argument, String name) {

        if (argument == null) {
            fail("Bad argument: \"" + name + "\" is 'null'.");

    protected void ensureDimensionsAreCorrect(int rows, int columns) {

        if (rows < 0 || columns < 0) {
            fail("Wrong matrix dimensions: " + rows + "x" + columns);
        if (rows == Integer.MAX_VALUE || columns == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
            fail("Wrong matrix dimensions: use 'Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1' instead.");

    protected void fail(String message) {

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

    protected void checkBounds(int row, int column) {

        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(row, rows());
        Indexables.checkIndexBounds(column, columns());

Related Classes of net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.matrix.AbstractByteMatrix$AbstractNonZeroIterator

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