* Copyright 2014 OpenRQ Team
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.fec.openrq;
import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import net.fec.openrq.util.array.ArrayIO;
import net.fec.openrq.util.datatype.UnsignedTypes;
import net.fec.openrq.util.io.ExtraChannels;
import net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.LinearAlgebra;
import net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.matrix.ByteMatrices;
import net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.matrix.ByteMatrix;
import net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.matrix.dense.RowIndirected2DByteMatrix;
import net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.serialize.DeserializationException;
import net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.vector.ByteVector;
import net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.vector.dense.BasicByteVector;
import net.fec.openrq.util.math.OctetOps;
final class ISDOps {
static ISDOperation newPhase1Operation(byte srcMult, int srcRow, int dstRow) {
return new SymbolAddition(srcMult, srcRow, dstRow);
static ISDOperation newPhase2Operation(ByteMatrix A, int fromRow, int toRow, int fromCol, int toCol, int[] d) {
return new ReduceMatrixToRowEchelon(A, fromRow, toRow, fromCol, toCol, d);
static ISDOperation newPhase3Operation(ByteMatrix X, int Xrows, int Xcols, int[] d) {
return new MatrixVectorMultiplication(X, Xrows, Xcols, d);
static ISDOperation newPhase4Operation(byte srcMult, int srcRow, int dstRow) {
return new SymbolAddition(srcMult, srcRow, dstRow);
static ISDOperation newPhase5_1Operation(byte beta, int row) {
return new SymbolBetaDivision(beta, row);
static ISDOperation newPhase5_2Operation(byte srcMult, int srcRow, int dstRow) {
return new SymbolAddition(srcMult, srcRow, dstRow);
static ISDOperation newReorderOperation(int L, int[] c, int[] d) {
return new SymbolReordering(L, c, d);
static ISDOperation readOperation(ReadableByteChannel ch) throws EOFException, IOException {
final byte idByte = ExtraChannels.readByte(ch);
if (OpID.isInvalidByte(idByte)) throw new IOException("unknown operation ID");
switch (OpID.fromByte(idByte)) {
return SymbolAddition.deserializeFromChannel(ch);
return SymbolBetaDivision.deserializeFromChannel(ch);
return ReduceMatrixToRowEchelon.deserializeFromChannel(ch);
return MatrixVectorMultiplication.deserializeFromChannel(ch);
return SymbolReordering.deserializeFromChannel(ch);
// should never happen
throw new AssertionError("unknown enum type");
private static enum OpID {
private static byte toByte(OpID t) {
return (byte)t.ordinal();
private static OpID fromByte(byte b) {
return values()[UnsignedTypes.getUnsignedByte(b)];
private static boolean isInvalidByte(byte b) {
final int unsigned = UnsignedTypes.getUnsignedByte(b);
return unsigned < 0 || values().length <= unsigned;
private static final class SymbolAddition implements ISDOperation {
static SymbolAddition deserializeFromChannel(ReadableByteChannel ch) throws IOException {
final byte srcMult = ExtraChannels.readByte(ch);
final int srcRow = ExtraChannels.readInt(ch);
final int dstRow = ExtraChannels.readInt(ch);
return new SymbolAddition(srcMult, srcRow, dstRow);
private final byte srcMult;
private final int srcRow;
private final int dstRow;
SymbolAddition(byte srcMult, int srcRow, int dstRow) {
this.srcMult = srcMult;
this.srcRow = srcRow;
this.dstRow = dstRow;
public byte[][] apply(byte[][] D) {
OctetOps.vectorVectorAddition(srcMult, D[srcRow], D[dstRow], D[dstRow]);
return D;
public void serializeToChannel(WritableByteChannel ch) throws IOException {
ExtraChannels.writeByte(ch, OpID.toByte(OpID.SYMBOL_ADDITION));
ExtraChannels.writeByte(ch, srcMult);
ExtraChannels.writeInt(ch, srcRow);
ExtraChannels.writeInt(ch, dstRow);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(srcMult, srcRow, dstRow);
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return other instanceof SymbolAddition && this.equals((SymbolAddition)other);
public boolean equals(SymbolAddition other) {
return (this.srcMult == other.srcMult) &&
(this.srcRow == other.srcRow) &&
(this.dstRow == other.dstRow);
private static final class SymbolBetaDivision implements ISDOperation {
static SymbolBetaDivision deserializeFromChannel(ReadableByteChannel ch) throws IOException {
final byte beta = ExtraChannels.readByte(ch);
final int row = ExtraChannels.readInt(ch);
return new SymbolBetaDivision(beta, row);
private final byte beta;
private final int row;
SymbolBetaDivision(byte beta, int row) {
this.beta = beta;
this.row = row;
public byte[][] apply(byte[][] D) {
OctetOps.valueVectorDivision(beta, D[row], D[row]); // in place division
return D;
public void serializeToChannel(WritableByteChannel ch) throws IOException {
ExtraChannels.writeByte(ch, OpID.toByte(OpID.SYMBOL_BETA_DIVISION));
ExtraChannels.writeByte(ch, beta);
ExtraChannels.writeInt(ch, row);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(beta, row);
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return other instanceof SymbolBetaDivision && this.equals((SymbolBetaDivision)other);
public boolean equals(SymbolBetaDivision other) {
return (this.beta == other.beta) &&
(this.row == other.row);
private static final class ReduceMatrixToRowEchelon implements ISDOperation {
static ReduceMatrixToRowEchelon deserializeFromChannel(ReadableByteChannel ch) throws IOException {
final ByteMatrix A = readMatrix(ch);
final int fromRow = ExtraChannels.readInt(ch);
final int toRow = ExtraChannels.readInt(ch);
final int fromCol = ExtraChannels.readInt(ch);
final int toCol = ExtraChannels.readInt(ch);
final int[] d = readIntArray(ch);
return new ReduceMatrixToRowEchelon(A, fromRow, toRow, fromCol, toCol, d);
private final ByteMatrix A;
private final int fromRow;
private final int toRow;
private final int fromCol;
private final int toCol;
private final int[] d;
ReduceMatrixToRowEchelon(ByteMatrix A, int fromRow, int toRow, int fromCol, int toCol, int[] d) {
this.A = Objects.requireNonNull(A);
this.fromRow = fromRow;
this.toRow = toRow;
this.fromCol = fromCol;
this.toCol = toCol;
this.d = Objects.requireNonNull(d);
private ByteMatrix AMatrix() {
return A.copy();
private int[] dArray() {
return Arrays.copyOf(d, d.length);
public byte[][] apply(byte[][] D) {
MatrixUtilities.reduceToRowEchelonForm(AMatrix(), fromRow, toRow, fromCol, toCol, dArray(), D);
return D;
public void serializeToChannel(WritableByteChannel ch) throws IOException {
ExtraChannels.writeByte(ch, OpID.toByte(OpID.REDUCE_MATRIX_TO_ROW_ECHELON));
writeMatrix(ch, A);
ExtraChannels.writeInt(ch, fromRow);
ExtraChannels.writeInt(ch, toRow);
ExtraChannels.writeInt(ch, fromCol);
ExtraChannels.writeInt(ch, toCol);
writeIntArray(ch, d);
public int hashCode() {
return Arrays.deepHashCode(new Object[] {A, fromRow, toRow, fromCol, toCol, d});
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return other instanceof ReduceMatrixToRowEchelon && this.equals((ReduceMatrixToRowEchelon)other);
public boolean equals(ReduceMatrixToRowEchelon other) {
return (this.A.equals(other.A)) &&
(this.fromRow == other.fromRow) &&
(this.toRow == other.toRow) &&
(this.fromCol == other.fromCol) &&
(this.toCol == other.toCol) &&
(Arrays.equals(this.d, other.d));
private static final class MatrixVectorMultiplication implements ISDOperation {
static MatrixVectorMultiplication deserializeFromChannel(ReadableByteChannel ch) throws IOException {
final ByteMatrix X = readMatrix(ch);
final int Xrows = ExtraChannels.readInt(ch);
final int Xcols = ExtraChannels.readInt(ch);
final int[] d = readIntArray(ch);
return new MatrixVectorMultiplication(X, Xrows, Xcols, d);
private final ByteMatrix X;
private final int Xrows;
private final int Xcols;
private final int[] d;
MatrixVectorMultiplication(ByteMatrix X, int Xrows, int Xcols, int[] d) {
this.X = Objects.requireNonNull(X);
this.Xrows = Xrows;
this.Xcols = Xcols;
this.d = Objects.requireNonNull(d);
public byte[][] apply(byte[][] D) {
ByteMatrix DM = new RowIndirected2DByteMatrix(Xrows, Dcols(D), DShallowCopy(D), d);
for (int row = 0; row < Xrows; row++) {
D[d[row]] = getInnerArray(X.multiplyRow(row, DM, 0, Xcols, LinearAlgebra.BASIC1D_FACTORY));
return D;
private int Dcols(byte[][] D) {
return (D.length == 0) ? 0 : D[0].length;
private byte[][] DShallowCopy(byte[][] D) {
return Arrays.copyOf(D, D.length);
private byte[] getInnerArray(ByteVector v) {
return ((BasicByteVector)v).getInternalArray();
public void serializeToChannel(WritableByteChannel ch) throws IOException {
ExtraChannels.writeByte(ch, OpID.toByte(OpID.MATRIX_VECTOR_MULTIPLICATION));
writeMatrix(ch, X);
ExtraChannels.writeInt(ch, Xrows);
ExtraChannels.writeInt(ch, Xcols);
writeIntArray(ch, d);
public int hashCode() {
return Arrays.deepHashCode(new Object[] {X, Xrows, Xcols, d});
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return other instanceof MatrixVectorMultiplication && this.equals((MatrixVectorMultiplication)other);
public boolean equals(MatrixVectorMultiplication other) {
return (this.X.equals(other.X)) &&
(this.Xrows == other.Xrows) &&
(this.Xcols == other.Xcols) &&
(Arrays.equals(this.d, other.d));
private static final class SymbolReordering implements ISDOperation {
static SymbolReordering deserializeFromChannel(ReadableByteChannel ch) throws IOException {
final int L = ExtraChannels.readInt(ch);
final int[] c = readIntArray(ch);
final int[] d = readIntArray(ch);
return new SymbolReordering(L, c, d);
private final int L;
private final int[] c;
private final int[] d;
SymbolReordering(int L, int[] c, int[] d) {
this.L = L;
this.c = Objects.requireNonNull(c);
this.d = Objects.requireNonNull(d);
public byte[][] apply(byte[][] D) {
final byte[][] C = new byte[L][];
for (int i = 0; i < L; i++) {
C[c[i]] = D[d[i]];
return C;
public void serializeToChannel(WritableByteChannel ch) throws IOException {
ExtraChannels.writeByte(ch, OpID.toByte(OpID.SYMBOL_REORDERING));
ExtraChannels.writeInt(ch, L);
writeIntArray(ch, c);
writeIntArray(ch, d);
public int hashCode() {
return Arrays.deepHashCode(new Object[] {L, c, d});
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return other instanceof SymbolReordering && this.equals((SymbolReordering)other);
public boolean equals(SymbolReordering other) {
return (this.L == other.L) &&
(Arrays.equals(this.c, other.c)) &&
(Arrays.equals(this.d, other.d));
private static void writeMatrix(WritableByteChannel ch, ByteMatrix mat) throws IOException {
private static void writeIntArray(WritableByteChannel ch, int[] array) throws IOException {
ExtraChannels.writeInt(ch, array.length);
ArrayIO.writeInts(ch, array);
private static ByteMatrix readMatrix(ReadableByteChannel ch) throws IOException {
try {
return ByteMatrices.deserializeMatrix(ch);
catch (DeserializationException e) {
throw new IOException("deserialization error: " + e.getMessage());
private static int[] readIntArray(ReadableByteChannel ch) throws IOException {
int[] array = new int[readIntArraySize(ch)];
ArrayIO.readInts(ch, array);
return array;
private static int readIntArraySize(ReadableByteChannel ch) throws IOException {
final int dataLen = ExtraChannels.readInt(ch);
if (dataLen < 0) {
throw new IOException("unexpected negative data length: " + dataLen);
return dataLen;
private ISDOps() {
// not instantiable