* Copyright 2014 OpenRQ Team
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.fec.openrq;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import net.fec.openrq.decoder.SourceBlockDecoder;
import net.fec.openrq.decoder.SourceBlockState;
import net.fec.openrq.parameters.FECParameters;
import net.fec.openrq.parameters.ParameterChecker;
import net.fec.openrq.util.collection.BitSetIterators;
import net.fec.openrq.util.collection.ImmutableList;
import net.fec.openrq.util.io.ByteBuffers.BufferType;
import net.fec.openrq.util.linearalgebra.matrix.ByteMatrix;
import net.fec.openrq.util.rq.SystematicIndices;
final class ArraySourceBlockDecoder implements SourceBlockDecoder {
// requires valid arguments
static ArraySourceBlockDecoder newDecoder(
ArrayDataDecoder dataDecoder,
final byte[] array,
int arrayOff,
FECParameters fecParams,
int sbn,
int symbOver)
ImmutableList<ArraySourceSymbol> sourceSymbols = DataUtils.partitionSourceBlock(
new DataUtils.SourceSymbolSupplier<ArraySourceSymbol>() {
public ArraySourceSymbol get(int off, @SuppressWarnings("unused") int esi, int T) {
return ArraySourceSymbol.newSymbol(array, off, T);
return new ArraySourceBlockDecoder(dataDecoder, sbn, sourceSymbols, symbOver);
private final ArrayDataDecoder dataDecoder;
private final int sbn;
private final SymbolsState symbolsState;
private ArraySourceBlockDecoder(
ArrayDataDecoder dataDecoder,
int sbn,
ImmutableList<ArraySourceSymbol> sourceSymbols,
int symbOver)
this.dataDecoder = Objects.requireNonNull(dataDecoder);
this.sbn = sbn;
this.symbolsState = new SymbolsState(sourceSymbols, symbOver);
private FECParameters fecParameters() {
return dataDecoder.fecParameters();
private int K() {
return symbolsState.K();
public ArrayDataDecoder dataDecoder() {
return dataDecoder;
public int sourceBlockNumber() {
return sbn;
public int numberOfSourceSymbols() {
return K();
public boolean containsSourceSymbol(int esi) {
try {
return symbolsState.containsSourceSymbol(esi);
finally {
public boolean containsRepairSymbol(int esi) {
try {
return symbolsState.containsRepairSymbol(esi);
finally {
public boolean isSourceBlockDecoded() {
try {
return symbolsState.isSourceBlockDecoded();
finally {
public SourceBlockState latestState() {
try {
return symbolsState.sourceBlockState();
finally {
public Set<Integer> missingSourceSymbols() {
try {
return getMissingSourceSymbols();
finally {
public Set<Integer> availableRepairSymbols() {
try {
return getAvailableRepairSymbols();
finally {
public SBDInfo information() {
try {
return SBDInfo.newInformation(
finally {
public SourceBlockState putEncodingPacket(EncodingPacket packet) {
// other than a different SBN, this method assumes a correct encoding packet
if (packet.sourceBlockNumber() != sourceBlockNumber()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("the provided packet is not compatible with this source block");
try {
if (!symbolsState.isSourceBlockDecoded()) { // do nothing if already decoded
final ByteBuffer symbols = packet.symbols();
final int esi = packet.encodingSymbolID();
boolean putNewSymbol = false;
// put symbol data
switch (packet.symbolType()) {
case SOURCE:
for (int i = 0; i < packet.numberOfSymbols(); i++) {
putNewSymbol |= putSourceData(esi + i, symbols, SourceSymbolDataType.TRANSPORT);
case REPAIR:
for (int i = 0; i < packet.numberOfSymbols(); i++) {
putNewSymbol |= putRepairData(esi + i, symbols);
throw new AssertionError("unknown enum value");
// 1. don't bother if no new symbols were added
// 2. the addition of a source symbol may have decoded the source block
// 3. enough (source/repair) symbols may have been received for a decode to start
if (putNewSymbol &&
!symbolsState.isSourceBlockDecoded() &&
return symbolsState.sourceBlockState();
finally {
public int symbolOverhead() {
try {
return symbolsState.symbolOverhead();
finally {
public void setSymbolOverhead(int symbOver) {
if (symbOver < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("symbol overhead must be non-negative");
try {
finally {
private void checkSourceSymbolESI(int esi) {
if (esi < 0 || esi >= K()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid encoding symbol ID");
private void checkRepairSymbolESI(int esi) {
if (esi < K() || esi > ParameterChecker.maxEncodingSymbolID()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid encoding symbol ID");
* ===== Requires locked symbolsState! =====
private Set<Integer> getMissingSourceSymbols() {
if (symbolsState.isSourceBlockDecoded()) {
return Collections.emptySet();
else {
final int numMissing = symbolsState.numMissingSourceSymbols();
// linked hash set preserves insertion ordering (while not being sorted)
final Set<Integer> missingSourceSymbols = new LinkedHashSet<>(numMissing);
for (Integer esi : symbolsState.missingSourceSymbols()) {
return missingSourceSymbols;
* ===== Requires locked symbolsState! =====
private Set<Integer> getAvailableRepairSymbols() {
if (symbolsState.isSourceBlockDecoded()) {
return Collections.emptySet();
else {
// linked hash set preserves insertion ordering (while not being sorted)
return new LinkedHashSet<>(symbolsState.repairSymbolsESIs());
* ===== Requires locked symbolsState! =====
private void decode() {
// generate intermediate symbols -- watch out for decoding failure
final byte[][] intermediate_symbols = generateIntermediateSymbols();
if (intermediate_symbols == null) {
else {
* with the intermediate symbols calculated, one can recover
* every missing source symbol
final int Kprime = SystematicIndices.ceil(K());
// recover missing source symbols
for (int esi : missingSourceSymbols()) {
byte[] sourceSymbol = LinearSystem.enc(
Kprime, intermediate_symbols, new Tuple(Kprime, esi), fecParameters().symbolSize());
// write to data buffer
putSourceData(esi, ByteBuffer.wrap(sourceSymbol), SourceSymbolDataType.CODE);
* ===== Requires locked symbolsState! =====
private final byte[][] generateIntermediateSymbols() {
// constraint matrix parameters
final int Kprime = SystematicIndices.ceil(K());
int Ki = SystematicIndices.getKIndex(Kprime);
int S = SystematicIndices.S(Ki);
int H = SystematicIndices.H(Ki);
int L = Kprime + S + H;
int T = fecParameters().symbolSize();
// number of extra repair symbols to be used for the decoding process
int overhead = symbolsState.numRepairSymbols() - symbolsState.numMissingSourceSymbols();
// number of rows in the decoding matrix
int M = L + overhead;
// generate the original constraint matrix and allocate memory for overhead rows
ByteMatrix A = LinearSystem.generateConstraintMatrix(Kprime, overhead);
// initialize D
byte[][] D = new byte[M][T];
// populate D with the received source symbols
for (int esi : symbolsState.receivedSourceSymbols()) {
symbolsState.getSourceSymbol(esi).getCodeData(ByteBuffer.wrap(D[S + H + esi]));
* for every repair symbol received
* - replace a missing source symbol's decoding matrix line for its corresponding line
* - populate D accordingly
Iterator<Entry<Integer, RepairSymbol>> repairSymbolsIter = symbolsState.repairSymbols().iterator();
// identify missing source symbols and replace their lines with "repair lines"
for (Integer missingSrcESI : missingSourceSymbols()) {
Entry<Integer, RepairSymbol> next = repairSymbolsIter.next();
final int repairESI = next.getKey();
final int repairISI = SystematicIndices.getISI(repairESI, K(), Kprime);
final RepairSymbol repairSymbol = next.getValue();
final int row = S + H + missingSrcESI;
// replace line S + H + missingSrcESI with the line for encIndexes
Set<Integer> indexes = LinearSystem.encIndexes(Kprime, new Tuple(Kprime, repairISI));
A.clearRow(row); // must clear previous data first!
for (Integer col : indexes) {
A.set(row, col, (byte)1);
// fill in missing source symbols in D with the repair symbols
D[row] = repairSymbol.copyOfData(BufferType.ARRAY_BACKED).array();
// insert the values for overhead (repair) symbols
for (int row = L; row < M; row++) {
Entry<Integer, RepairSymbol> next = repairSymbolsIter.next();
final int repairESI = next.getKey();
final int repairISI = SystematicIndices.getISI(repairESI, K(), Kprime);
final RepairSymbol repairSymbol = next.getValue();
// generate the overhead lines
Set<Integer> indexes = LinearSystem.encIndexes(Kprime, new Tuple(Kprime, repairISI));
A.clearRow(row); // must clear previous data first!
for (Integer col : indexes) {
A.set(row, col, (byte)1);
// update D with the data for that symbol
D[row] = repairSymbol.copyOfData(BufferType.ARRAY_BACKED).array();
* with the decoding matrix created and vector D populated,
* we have the system of linear equations ready to be solved
try {
return LinearSystem.PInactivationDecoding(A, D, Kprime);
// return MatrixUtilities.gaussElimination(constraint_matrix, D);
catch (SingularMatrixException e) {
return null; // decoding failure
* ===== Requires locked symbolsState! =====
// requires valid ESI
private boolean putSourceData(int esi, ByteBuffer symbolData, SourceSymbolDataType dataType) {
if (symbolsState.containsSourceSymbol(esi)) { // if already received, just advance the buffer position
final int T = fecParameters().symbolSize();
symbolData.position(symbolData.position() + T);
return false;
else {
symbolsState.addSourceSymbol(esi, symbolData, dataType);
return true;
* ===== Requires locked symbolsState! =====
// requires valid ESI
private boolean putRepairData(int esi, ByteBuffer symbolData) {
if (symbolsState.containsRepairSymbol(esi)) { // if already received, just advance the buffer position
final int T = fecParameters().symbolSize();
symbolData.position(symbolData.position() + T);
return false;
else {
// add this repair symbol to the set of received repair symbols
symbolsState.addRepairSymbol(esi, symbolData);
return true;
private static enum SourceSymbolDataType {
private static final class SymbolsState {
private SourceBlockState sbState;
private final ImmutableList<ArraySourceSymbol> sourceSymbols;
private final Map<Integer, RepairSymbol> repairSymbols;
private final BitSet sourceSymbolsBitSet;
private final Iterable<Integer> missingSourceSymbols;
private final Iterable<Integer> receivedSourceSymbols;
private int symbolOverhead;
private final Lock symbolsStateLock;
SymbolsState(ImmutableList<ArraySourceSymbol> sourceSymbols, int symbOver) {
this.sbState = SourceBlockState.INCOMPLETE;
this.sourceSymbols = Objects.requireNonNull(sourceSymbols);
this.repairSymbols = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // preserved receiving ordering
final int K = sourceSymbols.size();
this.sourceSymbolsBitSet = new BitSet(K);
this.missingSourceSymbols = new MissingSourceSymbolsIterable(sourceSymbolsBitSet, K);
this.receivedSourceSymbols = new ReceivedSourceSymbolsIterable(sourceSymbolsBitSet);
this.symbolsStateLock = new ReentrantLock(false); // non-fair lock
int K() {
return sourceSymbols.size();
// Always call this method before accessing the symbols state!
void lock() {
// Always call this method after using the symbols state!
void unlock() {
SourceBlockState sourceBlockState() {
return sbState;
void setSourceBlockDecodingFailure() {
sbState = SourceBlockState.DECODING_FAILURE;
boolean isSourceBlockDecoded() {
return sbState == SourceBlockState.DECODED;
int numMissingSourceSymbols() {
return K() - sourceSymbolsBitSet.cardinality();
// requires valid parameter
boolean containsSourceSymbol(int esi) {
return sourceSymbolsBitSet.get(esi);
// requires valid parameter
void addSourceSymbol(int esi, ByteBuffer symbolData, SourceSymbolDataType dataType) {
putSourceSymbolData(esi, symbolData, dataType);
sourceSymbolsBitSet.set(esi); // mark the symbol as received
sbState = SourceBlockState.INCOMPLETE;
if (numMissingSourceSymbols() == 0) {
sbState = SourceBlockState.DECODED;
repairSymbols.clear(); // free memory
private void putSourceSymbolData(int esi, ByteBuffer symbolData, SourceSymbolDataType dataType) {
switch (dataType) {
case CODE:
throw new AssertionError("unknown enum type");
// requires valid parameter
SourceSymbol getSourceSymbol(int esi) {
return sourceSymbols.get(esi);
Iterable<Integer> missingSourceSymbols() {
return missingSourceSymbols;
Iterable<Integer> receivedSourceSymbols() {
return receivedSourceSymbols;
int numRepairSymbols() {
return repairSymbols.size();
// requires valid parameter
boolean containsRepairSymbol(int esi) {
return !isSourceBlockDecoded() && repairSymbols.containsKey(esi);
* requires valid parameter
* requires !isSourceBlockDecoded()
void addRepairSymbol(int esi, ByteBuffer symbolData) {
repairSymbols.put(esi, RepairSymbol.copyData(symbolData));
sbState = SourceBlockState.INCOMPLETE;
Iterable<Entry<Integer, RepairSymbol>> repairSymbols() {
return repairSymbols.entrySet();
Set<Integer> repairSymbolsESIs() {
return repairSymbols.keySet();
boolean haveEnoughSymbolsToDecode() {
return (sourceSymbolsBitSet.cardinality() + repairSymbols.size()) >= (K() + symbolOverhead);
int symbolOverhead() {
return symbolOverhead;
// requires non-negative parameter
void setSymbolOverhead(int symbOver) {
// the symbol overhead cannot exceed the number of repair symbols
this.symbolOverhead = Math.min(symbOver, ParameterChecker.numRepairSymbolsPerBlock(K()));
private static final class MissingSourceSymbolsIterable implements Iterable<Integer> {
private final BitSet bitSet;
private final int K;
MissingSourceSymbolsIterable(BitSet bitSet, int K) {
this.bitSet = Objects.requireNonNull(bitSet);
this.K = K;
public Iterator<Integer> iterator() {
return BitSetIterators.newFalseIterator(bitSet, K);
private static final class ReceivedSourceSymbolsIterable implements Iterable<Integer> {
private final BitSet bitSet;
ReceivedSourceSymbolsIterable(BitSet bitSet) {
this.bitSet = bitSet;
public Iterator<Integer> iterator() {
return BitSetIterators.newTrueIterator(bitSet);
// ============================= TEST_CODE ============================= //
static SourceBlockState forceDecode(ArraySourceBlockDecoder decoder) {
try {
return decoder.symbolsState.sourceBlockState();
finally {