* Druid - a distributed column store.
* Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Metamarkets Group Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package io.druid.segment.data;
import com.google.common.base.Charsets;
import com.google.common.collect.Ordering;
import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
import com.metamx.common.IAE;
import com.metamx.common.Pair;
import com.metamx.common.guava.CloseQuietly;
import com.metamx.common.logger.Logger;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* A generic, flat storage mechanism. Use static methods fromArray() or fromIterable() to construct. If input
* is sorted, supports binary search index lookups. If input is not sorted, only supports array-like index lookups.
* V1 Storage Format:
* byte 1: version (0x1)
* byte 2 == 0x1 => allowReverseLookup
* bytes 3-6 => numBytesUsed
* bytes 7-10 => numElements
* bytes 10-((numElements * 4) + 10): integers representing *end* offsets of byte serialized values
* bytes ((numElements * 4) + 10)-(numBytesUsed + 2): 4-byte integer representing length of value, followed by bytes for value
public class GenericIndexed<T> implements Indexed<T>, Closeable
private static final Logger log = new Logger(GenericIndexed.class);
private static final byte version = 0x1;
public static final int INITIAL_CACHE_CAPACITY = 16384;
private int indexOffset;
public static <T> GenericIndexed<T> fromArray(T[] objects, ObjectStrategy<T> strategy)
return fromIterable(Arrays.asList(objects), strategy);
public static <T> GenericIndexed<T> fromIterable(Iterable<T> objectsIterable, ObjectStrategy<T> strategy)
Iterator<T> objects = objectsIterable.iterator();
if (!objects.hasNext()) {
final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(0);
return new GenericIndexed<T>(buffer, strategy, true);
boolean allowReverseLookup = true;
int count = 1;
T prevVal = objects.next();
while (objects.hasNext()) {
T next = objects.next();
if (!(strategy.compare(prevVal, next) < 0)) {
allowReverseLookup = false;
if (prevVal instanceof Closeable) {
CloseQuietly.close((Closeable) prevVal);
prevVal = next;
if (prevVal instanceof Closeable) {
CloseQuietly.close((Closeable) prevVal);
ByteArrayOutputStream headerBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4 + (count * 4));
ByteArrayOutputStream valueBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int offset = 0;
try {
for (T object : objectsIterable) {
final byte[] bytes = strategy.toBytes(object);
offset += 4 + bytes.length;
if (object instanceof Closeable) {
CloseQuietly.close((Closeable) object);
catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
ByteBuffer theBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(headerBytes.size() + valueBytes.size());
return new GenericIndexed<T>(theBuffer.asReadOnlyBuffer(), strategy, allowReverseLookup);
private static class SizedLRUMap<K, V> extends LinkedHashMap<K, Pair<Integer, V>>
private final int maxBytes;
private int numBytes = 0;
public SizedLRUMap(int initialCapacity, int maxBytes)
super(initialCapacity, 0.75f, true);
this.maxBytes = maxBytes;
protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<K, Pair<Integer, V>> eldest)
if (numBytes > maxBytes) {
numBytes -= eldest.getValue().lhs;
return true;
return false;
public void put(K key, V value, int size)
final int totalSize = size + 48; // add approximate object overhead
numBytes += totalSize;
super.put(key, new Pair<>(totalSize, value));
public V getValue(Object key)
final Pair<Integer, V> sizeValuePair = super.get(key);
return sizeValuePair == null ? null : sizeValuePair.rhs;
private final ByteBuffer theBuffer;
private final ObjectStrategy<T> strategy;
private final boolean allowReverseLookup;
private final int size;
private final boolean cacheable;
private final ThreadLocal<ByteBuffer> cachedBuffer;
private final ThreadLocal<SizedLRUMap<Integer, T>> cachedValues;
private final int valuesOffset;
ByteBuffer buffer,
ObjectStrategy<T> strategy,
boolean allowReverseLookup
this.theBuffer = buffer;
this.strategy = strategy;
this.allowReverseLookup = allowReverseLookup;
size = theBuffer.getInt();
indexOffset = theBuffer.position();
valuesOffset = theBuffer.position() + (size << 2);
this.cachedBuffer = new ThreadLocal<ByteBuffer>()
protected ByteBuffer initialValue()
return theBuffer.asReadOnlyBuffer();
this.cacheable = false;
this.cachedValues = new ThreadLocal<>();
* Creates a copy of the given indexed with the given cache size
* The resulting copy must be closed to release resources used by the cache
GenericIndexed(GenericIndexed<T> other, final int maxBytes)
this.theBuffer = other.theBuffer;
this.strategy = other.strategy;
this.allowReverseLookup = other.allowReverseLookup;
this.size = other.size;
this.indexOffset = other.indexOffset;
this.valuesOffset = other.valuesOffset;
this.cachedBuffer = other.cachedBuffer;
this.cachedValues = new ThreadLocal<SizedLRUMap<Integer, T>>() {
protected SizedLRUMap<Integer, T> initialValue()
log.debug("Allocating column cache of max size[%d]", maxBytes);
return new SizedLRUMap<>(INITIAL_CACHE_CAPACITY, maxBytes);
this.cacheable = strategy instanceof CacheableObjectStrategy;
public Class<? extends T> getClazz()
return strategy.getClazz();
public int size()
return size;
public T get(int index)
if (index < 0) {
throw new IAE("Index[%s] < 0", index);
if (index >= size) {
throw new IAE(String.format("Index[%s] >= size[%s]", index, size));
if(cacheable) {
final T cached = cachedValues.get().getValue(index);
if (cached != null) {
return cached;
// using a cached copy of the buffer instead of making a read-only copy every time get() is called is faster
final ByteBuffer copyBuffer = this.cachedBuffer.get();
final int startOffset;
final int endOffset;
if (index == 0) {
startOffset = 4;
endOffset = copyBuffer.getInt(indexOffset);
} else {
copyBuffer.position(indexOffset + ((index - 1) * 4));
startOffset = copyBuffer.getInt() + 4;
endOffset = copyBuffer.getInt();
if (startOffset == endOffset) {
return null;
copyBuffer.position(valuesOffset + startOffset);
final int size = endOffset - startOffset;
// fromByteBuffer must not modify the buffer limit
final T value = strategy.fromByteBuffer(copyBuffer, size);
if(cacheable) {
cachedValues.get().put(index, value, size);
return value;
public int indexOf(T value)
if (!allowReverseLookup) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Reverse lookup not allowed.");
value = (value != null && value.equals("")) ? null : value;
int minIndex = 0;
int maxIndex = size - 1;
while (minIndex <= maxIndex) {
int currIndex = (minIndex + maxIndex) >>> 1;
T currValue = get(currIndex);
int comparison = strategy.compare(currValue, value);
if (comparison == 0) {
return currIndex;
if (comparison < 0) {
minIndex = currIndex + 1;
} else {
maxIndex = currIndex - 1;
return -(minIndex + 1);
public long getSerializedSize()
return theBuffer.remaining() + 2 + 4 + 4;
public void writeToChannel(WritableByteChannel channel) throws IOException
channel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[]{version, allowReverseLookup ? (byte) 0x1 : (byte) 0x0}));
channel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(Ints.toByteArray(theBuffer.remaining() + 4)));
* The returned GenericIndexed must be closed to release the underlying memory
* @param maxBytes maximum size in bytes of the lookup cache
* @return a copy of this GenericIndexed with a lookup cache.
public GenericIndexed<T> withCache(int maxBytes)
return new GenericIndexed<>(this, maxBytes);
public void close() throws IOException
if(cacheable) {
log.debug("Closing column cache");
public static <T> GenericIndexed<T> read(ByteBuffer buffer, ObjectStrategy<T> strategy)
byte versionFromBuffer = buffer.get();
if (version == versionFromBuffer) {
boolean allowReverseLookup = buffer.get() == 0x1;
int size = buffer.getInt();
ByteBuffer bufferToUse = buffer.asReadOnlyBuffer();
bufferToUse.limit(bufferToUse.position() + size);
return new GenericIndexed<T>(
throw new IAE("Unknown version[%s]", versionFromBuffer);
public static ObjectStrategy<String> stringStrategy = new CacheableObjectStrategy<String>()
public Class<? extends String> getClazz()
return String.class;
public String fromByteBuffer(final ByteBuffer buffer, final int numBytes)
final byte[] bytes = new byte[numBytes];
return new String(bytes, Charsets.UTF_8);
public byte[] toBytes(String val)
if (val == null) {
return new byte[]{};
return val.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8);
public int compare(String o1, String o2)
return Ordering.natural().nullsFirst().compare(o1, o2);
public Iterator<T> iterator()
return IndexedIterable.create(this).iterator();