package de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2rq;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Collection;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
import de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2rq.parser.MapParser;
import de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2rq.sql.ConnectedDB;
* @author jgarbers
public class DBConnectionTest extends TestCase {
private Model mapModel;
private Collection<Database> databases;
private Database firstDatabase;
private ConnectedDB cdb;
private String simplestQuery;
private String mediumQuery;
private String complexQuery;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
mapModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();, "http://test/", "TURTLE");
MapParser parser = new MapParser(mapModel, null);
databases = parser.parse().databases();
firstDatabase = (Database)databases.iterator().next();
simplestQuery = "SELECT 1;";
// mediumQuery = "SELECT PaperID from papers";
mediumQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT papers.PaperID FROM rel_paper_topic, papers, topics WHERE papers.PaperID=rel_paper_topic.PaperID AND rel_paper_topic.TopicID=topics.TopicID AND topics.TopicID=3 AND rel_paper_topic.RelationType = 1 AND papers.Publish = 1;";
complexQuery = "SELECT T0_Papers.PaperID, T0_Persons.URI, T1_Persons.Email, T1_Persons.URI FROM persons AS T1_Persons, papers AS T0_Papers, rel_person_paper AS T0_Rel_Person_Paper, persons AS T0_Persons WHERE T0_Persons.PerID=T0_Rel_Person_Paper.PersonID AND T0_Papers.PaperID=T0_Rel_Person_Paper.PaperID AND T0_Papers.Publish = 1 AND T0_Persons.URI=T1_Persons.URI AND (NOT (CONCAT('' , CAST(T0_Papers.PaperID AS char) , '') = T0_Persons.URI));";
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
if (cdb != null) cdb.close();
public void testConnections() throws SQLException {
for (Database db: databases) {
cdb = db.connectedDB();
Connection c = cdb.connection();
String result = performQuery(c, simplestQuery); //
assertEquals(result, "1");
private static String performQuery(Connection c, String theQuery) throws SQLException {
String query_results = "";
Statement s;
ResultSet rs;
s = c.createStatement();
rs = s.executeQuery(theQuery);
int col = (rs.getMetaData()).getColumnCount();
while ( {
for (int pos = 1; pos <= col; pos++) {
if (pos>1)
query_results+=" ";
query_results += rs.getString(pos);
} // end while
return query_results;
public Connection manuallyConfiguredConnection() {
String driverClass;
String url;
String name;
String pass;
driverClass = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
url = "jdbc:mysql:///iswc";
name = "root"; // "@localhost";
pass = ""; // "";
Connection c=null;
try {
c = DriverManager.getConnection(url, name, pass);
return c;
} //end try
catch (Exception x) {
return null;
// without declarations in
public void xtestManuallyConfiguredConnection() throws SQLException {
Connection c=manuallyConfiguredConnection();
// String query = simplestQuery;
// String query = "select PaperID from papers";
String query = "SELECT papers.PaperID, papers.Year FROM papers WHERE papers.Year=2002 AND papers.PaperID = 2 AND papers.Publish = 1;";
String query_results = performQuery(c, query);
assertEquals(query_results,"2 2002");
public void testDistinct() throws SQLException {
// there seems to be a problem with MSAccess databases
// when using the DISTINCT keyword, Strings are truncated to 256 chars
cdb = firstDatabase.connectedDB();
Connection c = cdb.connection();
//Connection c=manuallyConfiguredConnection();
String nonDistinct = "SELECT T0_Papers.Abstract FROM papers AS T0_Papers WHERE T0_Papers.PaperID=1 AND T0_Papers.Publish = 1;";
String distinct = "SELECT DISTINCT T0_Papers.Abstract FROM papers AS T0_Papers WHERE T0_Papers.PaperID=1 AND T0_Papers.Publish = 1;";
String distinctResult = performQuery(c, distinct);
String nonDistinctResult = performQuery(c, nonDistinct);
// fails with wrong MSAccess Iswc DB (doc/manual/ISWC.mdb revision < 1.5)
// succeeds with revision 1.5
public void testMedium() throws SQLException {
cdb = firstDatabase.connectedDB();
Connection c = cdb.connection();
//Connection c=manuallyConfiguredConnection(); // 2 is ok, 1 fails
String query = mediumQuery;
String query_results = performQuery(c, query);
// fails with MSAccess
public void testLongComplexSQLQuery() throws SQLException {
cdb = firstDatabase.connectedDB();
Connection c = cdb.connection();
//Connection c=manuallyConfiguredConnection(); // 2 is ok, 1 fails
String query = complexQuery;
try {
performQuery(c, query);
} catch (SQLException e) {
fail("DBConnectionTest.testLong() is known to fail with MSAccess");
} finally {
// assertEquals(query_results,"2 2002");