package de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2rq.mapgen;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.RDFDatatype;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.TypeMapper;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDatatype;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.DC;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.OWL;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDF;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDFS;
import de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2rq.algebra.AliasMap;
import de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2rq.algebra.Attribute;
import de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2rq.algebra.Join;
import de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2rq.algebra.RelationName;
import de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2rq.dbschema.DatabaseSchemaInspector;
import de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2rq.sql.ConnectedDB;
import de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2rq.sql.types.DataType;
* Generates a D2RQ mapping by introspecting a database schema.
* Result is available as a high-quality Turtle serialization, or
* as a parsed model.
* @author Richard Cyganiak (
public class MappingGenerator {
private final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MappingGenerator.class);
private final static String CREATOR = "D2RQ Mapping Generator";
private final static OutputStream DUMMY_STREAM =
new OutputStream() { public void write(int b) {}};
protected final ConnectedDB database;
protected final DatabaseSchemaInspector schema;
private String mapNamespaceURI;
protected String instanceNamespaceURI;
private String vocabNamespaceURI;
private String driverClass = null;
private Filter filter = Filter.ALL;
protected PrintWriter out = null;
private Model vocabModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
private boolean finished = false;
private boolean generateClasses = true;
private boolean generateLabelBridges = true;
private boolean generateDefinitionLabels = true;
private boolean handleLinkTables = true;
private boolean serveVocabulary = true;
private boolean skipForeignKeyTargetColumns = true;
private URI startupSQLScript;
private Map<String,Object> assignedNames = new HashMap<String,Object>();
public MappingGenerator(ConnectedDB database) {
this.database = database;
schema = database.schemaInspector();
mapNamespaceURI = "#";
instanceNamespaceURI = "";
vocabNamespaceURI = "vocab/";
driverClass = ConnectedDB.guessJDBCDriverClass(database.getJdbcURL());
public void setMapNamespaceURI(String uri) {
this.mapNamespaceURI = uri;
public void setInstanceNamespaceURI(String uri) {
this.instanceNamespaceURI = uri;
public void setVocabNamespaceURI(String uri) {
this.vocabNamespaceURI = uri;
public void setFilter(Filter filter) {
this.filter = filter;
public void setJDBCDriverClass(String driverClassName) {
this.driverClass = driverClassName;
public void setStartupSQLScript(URI uri) {
startupSQLScript = uri;
* @param flag Generate an rdfs:label property bridge based on the PK?
public void setGenerateLabelBridges(boolean flag) {
this.generateLabelBridges = flag;
* @param flag Generate a d2rq:class for every class map?
public void setGenerateClasses(boolean flag) {
this.generateClasses = flag;
* @param flag Handle Link Tables as properties (true) or normal tables (false)
public void setHandleLinkTables(boolean flag) {
this.handleLinkTables = flag;
* @param flag Generate ClassDefinitionLabels and PropertyDefinitionLabels?
public void setGenerateDefinitionLabels(boolean flag) {
this.generateDefinitionLabels = flag;
* @param flag Value for d2rq:serveVocabulary in map:Configuration
public void setServeVocabulary(boolean flag) {
this.serveVocabulary = flag;
public void setSkipForeignKeyTargetColumns(boolean flag) {
skipForeignKeyTargetColumns = flag;
public Model vocabularyModel() {
if (!this.finished) {
return this.vocabModel;
* Returns an in-memory Jena model containing the D2RQ mapping.
* @param baseURI Base URI for resolving relative URIs in the mapping, e.g., map namespace
* @return In-memory Jena model containing the D2RQ mapping
public Model mappingModel(String baseURI) {
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
String mappingAsTurtle = out.toString("UTF-8");
Model result = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); StringReader(mappingAsTurtle), baseURI, "TURTLE");
return result;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("UTF-8 is always supported");
public void writeMapping(OutputStream out) {
try {
Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8");
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
* Writes the D2RQ mapping to a writer. Note that the calling code is
* responsible for closing the writers after use.
* @param out Stream for writing data to the file or console
public void writeMapping(Writer out) {
this.out = new PrintWriter(out);
this.out.println("@prefix map: <" + this.mapNamespaceURI + "> .");
this.out.println("@prefix db: <" + this.instanceNamespaceURI + "> .");
this.out.println("@prefix vocab: <" + this.vocabNamespaceURI + "> .");
this.out.println("@prefix rdf: <> .");
this.out.println("@prefix rdfs: <> .");
this.out.println("@prefix xsd: <> .");
this.out.println("@prefix d2rq: <> .");
this.out.println("@prefix jdbc: <> .");
if (!serveVocabulary) {
List<RelationName> tableNames = new ArrayList<RelationName>();
for (RelationName tableName: schema.listTableNames(filter.getSingleSchema())) {
if (!filter.matches(tableName)) {"Skipping table " + tableName);
}"Filter '" + filter + "' matches " + tableNames.size() + " total tables");
for (RelationName tableName: tableNames) {
if (handleLinkTables && isLinkTable(tableName)) {
} else {
this.out = null;
this.finished = true;
private void writeConfiguration() {"Generating d2rq:Configuration instance");
this.out.println(configIRITurtle() + " a d2rq:Configuration;");
this.out.println("\td2rq:serveVocabulary false.");
private void writeDatabase() {"Generating d2rq:Database instance");
this.out.println(databaseIRITurtle() + " a d2rq:Database;");
this.out.println("\td2rq:jdbcDriver \"" + this.driverClass + "\";");
this.out.println("\td2rq:jdbcDSN \"" + database.getJdbcURL() + "\";");
if (database.getUsername() != null) {
this.out.println("\td2rq:username \"" + database.getUsername() + "\";");
if (database.getPassword() != null) {
this.out.println("\td2rq:password \"" + database.getPassword() + "\";");
if (startupSQLScript != null) {
out.println("\td2rq:startupSQLScript <" + startupSQLScript + ">;");
Properties props = database.vendor().getDefaultConnectionProperties();
for (Object property: props.keySet()) {
String value = props.getProperty((String) property);
this.out.println("\tjdbc:" + property + " \"" + value + "\";");
this.out.flush(); // Let a tail see that we're working
public void writeTable(RelationName tableName) {"Generating d2rq:ClassMap instance for table " + tableName.qualifiedName());
this.out.println("# Table " + tableName);
List<Attribute> identifierColumns = identifierColumns(tableName);
boolean hasIdentifier = !identifierColumns.isEmpty();
this.out.println(classMapIRITurtle(tableName) + " a d2rq:ClassMap;");
this.out.println("\td2rq:dataStorage " + databaseIRITurtle() + ";");
if (hasIdentifier) {
writeEntityIdentifier(tableName, identifierColumns);
} else {
if (generateClasses) {
this.out.println("\td2rq:class " + vocabularyIRITurtle(tableName) + ";");
if (generateDefinitionLabels) {
this.out.println("\td2rq:classDefinitionLabel \"" + tableName + "\";");
if (generateLabelBridges && hasIdentifier) {
writeLabelBridge(tableName, identifierColumns);
List<Join> foreignKeys = schema.foreignKeys(tableName, DatabaseSchemaInspector.KEYS_IMPORTED);
for (Attribute column: filter(schema.listColumns(tableName), false, "property bridge")) {
if (skipForeignKeyTargetColumns && isInForeignKey(column, foreignKeys)) continue;
for (Join fk: foreignKeys) {
if (!filter.matches(fk.table1()) || !filter.matches(fk.table2()) ||
!filter.matchesAll(fk.attributes1()) || !filter.matchesAll(fk.attributes2())) {"Skipping foreign key: " + fk);
// Let a tail see that we're working and ensure that every table that did
// NOT generate an exception is actually saved...
protected void writeEntityIdentifier(RelationName tableName,
List<Attribute> identifierColumns) {
String uriPattern = this.instanceNamespaceURI;
if (tableName.schemaName() != null) {
uriPattern += IRIEncoder.encode(tableName.schemaName()) + "/";
uriPattern += IRIEncoder.encode(tableName.tableName());
for (Attribute column: identifierColumns) {
uriPattern += "/@@" + column.qualifiedName();
if (!schema.columnType(column).isIRISafe()) {
uriPattern += "|urlify";
uriPattern += "@@";
this.out.println("\td2rq:uriPattern \"" + uriPattern + "\";");
protected void writePseudoEntityIdentifier(RelationName tableName) {
writeWarning(new String[]{
"Sorry, I don't know which columns to put into the uriPattern",
" for \"" + tableName + "\" because the table doesn't have a primary key.",
" Please specify it manually."
}, "\t");
writeEntityIdentifier(tableName, Collections.<Attribute>emptyList());
public void writeLabelBridge(RelationName tableName, List<Attribute> labelColumns) {
this.out.println(propertyBridgeIRITurtle(tableName, "label") + " a d2rq:PropertyBridge;");
this.out.println("\td2rq:belongsToClassMap " + classMapIRITurtle(tableName) + ";");
this.out.println("\td2rq:property rdfs:label;");
this.out.println("\td2rq:pattern \"" + labelPattern(tableName.tableName(), labelColumns) + "\";");
public void writeColumn(Attribute column) {
this.out.println(propertyBridgeIRITurtle(column) + " a d2rq:PropertyBridge;");
this.out.println("\td2rq:belongsToClassMap " + classMapIRITurtle(column.relationName()) + ";");
this.out.println("\td2rq:property " + vocabularyIRITurtle(column) + ";");
if (generateDefinitionLabels) {
this.out.println("\td2rq:propertyDefinitionLabel \"" + toLabel(column) + "\";");
this.out.println("\td2rq:column \"" + column.qualifiedName() + "\";");
DataType colType = this.schema.columnType(column);
String xsd = colType.rdfType();
if (xsd != null && !"xsd:string".equals(xsd)) {
// We use plain literals instead of xsd:strings, so skip
// this if it's an xsd:string
this.out.println("\td2rq:datatype " + xsd + ";");
if (colType.valueRegex() != null) {
this.out.println("\td2rq:valueRegex \"" + colType.valueRegex() + "\";");
if (xsd == null) {
createDatatypeProperty(column, null);
} else {
String datatypeURI = xsd.replaceAll("xsd:", XSDDatatype.XSD + "#");
createDatatypeProperty(column, TypeMapper.getInstance().getSafeTypeByName(datatypeURI));
public void writeForeignKey(Join foreignKey) {
RelationName primaryTable = schema.getCorrectCapitalization(foreignKey.table1());
List<Attribute> primaryColumns = foreignKey.attributes1();
RelationName foreignTable = schema.getCorrectCapitalization(foreignKey.table2());
this.out.println(propertyBridgeIRITurtle(primaryColumns, "ref") + " a d2rq:PropertyBridge;");
this.out.println("\td2rq:belongsToClassMap " + classMapIRITurtle(primaryTable) + ";");
this.out.println("\td2rq:property " + vocabularyIRITurtle(primaryColumns) + ";");
this.out.println("\td2rq:refersToClassMap " + classMapIRITurtle(foreignTable) + ";");
AliasMap alias = AliasMap.NO_ALIASES;
// Same-table join? Then we need to set up an alias for the table and join to that
if (foreignKey.isSameTable()) {
String aliasName = foreignTable.qualifiedName().replace('.', '_') + "__alias";
this.out.println("\td2rq:alias \"" + foreignTable.qualifiedName() + " AS " + aliasName + "\";");
alias = AliasMap.create1(foreignTable, new RelationName(null, aliasName));
for (Attribute column: primaryColumns) {
this.out.println("\td2rq:join \"" + column.qualifiedName() + " " + Join.joinOperators[foreignKey.joinDirection()] + " " +
alias.applyTo(foreignKey.equalAttribute(column)).qualifiedName() + "\";");
private void writeLinkTable(RelationName linkTableName) {
List<Join> keys = schema.foreignKeys(linkTableName, DatabaseSchemaInspector.KEYS_IMPORTED);
Join join1 = keys.get(0);
Join join2 = keys.get(1);
if (!filter.matches(join1.table1()) || !filter.matches(join1.table2()) ||
!filter.matchesAll(join1.attributes1()) || !filter.matchesAll(join1.attributes2()) ||
!filter.matches(join2.table1()) || !filter.matches(join2.table2()) ||
!filter.matchesAll(join2.attributes1()) || !filter.matchesAll(join2.attributes2())) {"Skipping link table " + linkTableName);
}"Generating d2rq:PropertyBridge instance for table " + linkTableName.qualifiedName());
RelationName table1 = this.schema.getCorrectCapitalization(join1.table2());
RelationName table2 = this.schema.getCorrectCapitalization(join2.table2());
boolean isSelfJoin = table1.equals(table2);
this.out.println("# Table " + linkTableName + (isSelfJoin ? " (n:m self-join)" : " (n:m)"));
this.out.println(propertyBridgeIRITurtle(linkTableName, "link") + " a d2rq:PropertyBridge;");
this.out.println("\td2rq:belongsToClassMap " + classMapIRITurtle(table1) + ";");
this.out.println("\td2rq:property " + vocabularyIRITurtle(linkTableName) + ";");
this.out.println("\td2rq:refersToClassMap " + classMapIRITurtle(table2) + ";");
for (Attribute column: join1.attributes1()) {
Attribute otherColumn = join1.equalAttribute(column);
this.out.println("\td2rq:join \"" + column.qualifiedName() + " " + Join.joinOperators[join1.joinDirection()] + " " + otherColumn.qualifiedName() + "\";");
AliasMap alias = AliasMap.NO_ALIASES;
if (isSelfJoin) {
RelationName aliasName = new RelationName(
null, table2.tableName() + "_" + linkTableName.tableName() + "__alias");
alias = AliasMap.create1(table2, aliasName);
this.out.println("\td2rq:alias \"" + table2.qualifiedName() +
" AS " + aliasName.qualifiedName() + "\";");
for (Attribute column: join2.attributes1()) {
Attribute otherColumn = join2.equalAttribute(column);
this.out.println("\td2rq:join \"" + column.qualifiedName() + " " + Join.joinOperators[join2.joinDirection()] + " " + alias.applyTo(otherColumn).qualifiedName() + "\";");
createLinkProperty(linkTableName, table1, table2);
private void writeWarning(String[] warnings, String indent) {
for (String warning: warnings) {
this.out.println(indent + "# " + warning);
* Returns SCHEMA_TABLE. Except if that string is already taken
* by another table name (or column name); in that case we add
* more underscores until we have no clash.
private String toUniqueString(RelationName table) {
if (table.schemaName() == null) {
return table.tableName();
String separator = "_";
while (true) {
String candidate = table.schemaName() + separator + table.tableName();
if (!assignedNames.containsKey(candidate)) {
assignedNames.put(candidate, table);
return candidate;
if (assignedNames.get(candidate).equals(table)) {
return candidate;
separator += "_";
* Returns TABLE_COLUMN. Except if that string is already taken by
* another column name (e.g., AAA.BBB_CCC and AAA_BBB.CCC would
* result in the same result AAA_BBB_CCC); in that case we add more
* underscores (AAA__BBB_CCC) until we have no clash.
private String toUniqueString(Attribute column) {
String separator = "_";
while (true) {
String candidate = toUniqueString(column.relationName()) + separator + column.attributeName();
if (!assignedNames.containsKey(candidate)) {
assignedNames.put(candidate, column);
return candidate;
if (assignedNames.get(candidate).equals(column)) {
return candidate;
separator += "_";
private String toUniqueString(List<Attribute> columns) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
for (Attribute column: columns) {
result.append("_" + column.attributeName());
return result.toString();
* Presents the IRI given by namespaceIRI + localName in Turtle-compatible
* syntax, either as prefix:localName (if possible), or the full IRI
* surrounded by pointy brackets.
* @param localName is IRI-encoded if necessary
private String toTurtleIRI(String namespaceIRI, String prefix, String localName) {
localName = IRIEncoder.encode(localName);
if (turtleLocalName.matcher(localName).matches()) {
return prefix + ":" + localName;
return "<" + namespaceIRI + localName + ">";
// A conservative pattern for the local part of a Turtle prefixed name.
// If a URI doesn't match, better don't prefix-abbreviate it.
// We could be more aggressive and allow certain Unicode chars and non-trailing periods.
private final static Pattern turtleLocalName =
private String configIRITurtle() {
return "map:Configuration";
private String databaseIRITurtle() {
return "map:database";
private String classMapIRITurtle(RelationName tableName) {
return toTurtleIRI(mapNamespaceURI, "map", toUniqueString(tableName));
private String propertyBridgeIRITurtle(RelationName tableName, String suffix) {
return toTurtleIRI(mapNamespaceURI, "map", toUniqueString(tableName) + "__" + suffix);
private String propertyBridgeIRITurtle(Attribute attribute) {
return toTurtleIRI(mapNamespaceURI, "map", toUniqueString(attribute));
private String propertyBridgeIRITurtle(List<Attribute> attributes, String suffix) {
return toTurtleIRI(mapNamespaceURI, "map", toUniqueString(attributes) + "__" + suffix);
protected String vocabularyIRITurtle(RelationName tableName) {
return toTurtleIRI(vocabNamespaceURI, "vocab", toUniqueString(tableName));
protected String vocabularyIRITurtle(Attribute attribute) {
return toTurtleIRI(vocabNamespaceURI, "vocab", toUniqueString(attribute));
protected String vocabularyIRITurtle(List<Attribute> attributes) {
return toTurtleIRI(vocabNamespaceURI, "vocab", toUniqueString(attributes));
private Resource ontologyResource() {
String ontologyURI = dropTrailingHash(vocabNamespaceURI);
return this.vocabModel.createResource(ontologyURI);
private Resource classResource(RelationName tableName) {
String classURI = this.vocabNamespaceURI + toUniqueString(tableName);
return this.vocabModel.createResource(classURI);
private Resource propertyResource(Attribute column) {
String propertyURI = this.vocabNamespaceURI + toUniqueString(column);
return this.vocabModel.createResource(propertyURI);
private Resource propertyResource(List<Attribute> columns) {
String propertyURI = this.vocabNamespaceURI + toUniqueString(columns);
return this.vocabModel.createResource(propertyURI);
private String toLabel(Attribute column) {
return column.tableName() + " " + column.attributeName();
private String labelPattern(String name, List<Attribute> labelColumns) {
String result = name + " #";
Iterator<Attribute> it = labelColumns.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
result += "@@" + + "@@";
if (it.hasNext()) {
result += "/";
return result;
private List<Attribute> identifierColumns(RelationName tableName) {
List<Attribute> columns = schema.primaryKeyColumns(tableName);
if (filter.matchesAll(columns)) {
return filter(columns, true, "identifier column");
return Collections.<Attribute>emptyList();
protected List<Attribute> filter(List<Attribute> columns, boolean requireDistinct, String reason) {
List<Attribute> result = new ArrayList<Attribute>(columns.size());
for (Attribute column: columns) {
if (!filter.matches(column)) {"Skipping filtered column " + column + " as " + reason);
DataType type = schema.columnType(column);
if (type == null) {
writeWarning(new String[]{
"Skipping column " + column + " as " + reason + ".",
" Its datatype is unknown to D2RQ.",
" You can override the column's datatype using d2rq:xxxColumn and add a property bridge.",
}, "");
if (type.isUnsupported()) {
writeWarning(new String[]{
"Skipping column " + column + " as " + reason + ".",
" Its datatype " + schema.columnType(column) + " cannot be mapped to RDF."
}, "");
if (requireDistinct && !type.supportsDistinct()) {
writeWarning(new String[]{
"Skipping column " + column + " as " + reason + ".",
" Its datatype " + schema.columnType(column) + " does not support DISTINCT."
}, "");
return result;
* A table T is considered to be a link table if it has exactly two
* foreign key constraints, and the constraints reference other
* tables (not T), and the constraints cover all columns of T,
* and there are no foreign keys from other tables pointing to this table
public boolean isLinkTable(RelationName tableName) {
List<Join> foreignKeys = schema.foreignKeys(tableName, DatabaseSchemaInspector.KEYS_IMPORTED);
if (foreignKeys.size() != 2) return false;
List<Join> exportedKeys = schema.foreignKeys(tableName, DatabaseSchemaInspector.KEYS_EXPORTED);
if (!exportedKeys.isEmpty()) return false;
List<Attribute> columns = schema.listColumns(tableName);
Iterator<Join> it = foreignKeys.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Join fk =;
if (fk.isSameTable()) return false;
return columns.isEmpty();
private boolean isInForeignKey(Attribute column, List<Join> foreignKeys) {
for (Join fk: foreignKeys) {
if (fk.containsColumn(column)) return true;
return false;
private void initVocabularyModel() {
this.vocabModel.setNsPrefix("rdf", RDF.getURI());
this.vocabModel.setNsPrefix("rdfs", RDFS.getURI());
this.vocabModel.setNsPrefix("owl", OWL.getURI());
this.vocabModel.setNsPrefix("dc", DC.getURI());
this.vocabModel.setNsPrefix("xsd", XSDDatatype.XSD + "#");
this.vocabModel.setNsPrefix("", this.vocabNamespaceURI);
Resource r = ontologyResource();
r.addProperty(RDF.type, OWL.Ontology);
r.addProperty(OWL.imports, this.vocabModel.getResource(dropTrailingHash(DC.getURI())));
r.addProperty(DC.creator, CREATOR);
private void createVocabularyClass(RelationName tableName) {
Resource r = classResource(tableName);
r.addProperty(RDF.type, RDFS.Class);
r.addProperty(RDF.type, OWL.Class);
r.addProperty(RDFS.label, tableName.qualifiedName());
r.addProperty(RDFS.isDefinedBy, ontologyResource());
private void createDatatypeProperty(Attribute column, RDFDatatype datatype) {
Resource r = propertyResource(column);
r.addProperty(RDF.type, RDF.Property);
r.addProperty(RDFS.label, toUniqueString(column));
r.addProperty(RDFS.domain, classResource(column.relationName()));
r.addProperty(RDFS.isDefinedBy, ontologyResource());
r.addProperty(RDF.type, OWL.DatatypeProperty);
if (datatype != null) {
r.addProperty(RDFS.range, this.vocabModel.getResource(datatype.getURI()));
private void createObjectProperty(Join join) {
Resource r = propertyResource(join.attributes1());
r.addProperty(RDF.type, RDF.Property);
r.addProperty(RDF.type, OWL.ObjectProperty);
r.addProperty(RDFS.label, toUniqueString(join.attributes1()));
r.addProperty(RDFS.domain, classResource(schema.getCorrectCapitalization(join.table1())));
r.addProperty(RDFS.range, classResource(schema.getCorrectCapitalization(join.table2())));
r.addProperty(RDFS.isDefinedBy, ontologyResource());
private void createLinkProperty(RelationName linkTableName, RelationName fromTable, RelationName toTable) {
String propertyURI = this.vocabNamespaceURI + linkTableName;
Resource r = this.vocabModel.createResource(propertyURI);
r.addProperty(RDF.type, RDF.Property);
r.addProperty(RDF.type, OWL.ObjectProperty);
r.addProperty(RDFS.label, linkTableName.qualifiedName());
r.addProperty(RDFS.domain, classResource(fromTable));
r.addProperty(RDFS.range, classResource(toTable));
r.addProperty(RDFS.isDefinedBy, ontologyResource());
private String dropTrailingHash(String uri) {
if (!uri.endsWith("#")) {
return uri;
return uri.substring(0, uri.length() - 1);