package cofh.plugin;
import cofh.CoFHCore;
import cofh.core.util.CoreUtils;
import cofh.lib.util.helpers.StringHelper;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.command.PlayerNotFoundException;
public class ForgeIRC {
public static List<String> onMessage(String n, String u, String h, String d, String m) {
//n = colorNick(n, u, h);
if (CoreUtils.isServer()) {
String[] v = m.split(" ", 3);
if (v[0].equals("!tps")) {
return commandTps(v);
return null;
static String colorNick(String n, String u, String h) {
if (n.toLowerCase().equals("zeldokavira") || n.toLowerCase().equals("zeldo")) {
return StringHelper.WHITE + n + StringHelper.END;
if (n.toLowerCase().equals("kinglemmingcofh") || n.toLowerCase().equals("kinglemming") || n.toLowerCase().equals("king_lemming")) {
return StringHelper.BLUE + n + StringHelper.END;
if (n.toLowerCase().equals("jadedcat")) {
return StringHelper.PURPLE + n + StringHelper.END;
if (n.toLowerCase().equals("morvelaira")) {
return StringHelper.PINK + n + StringHelper.END;
return n;
public static List<String> onMessage(String s, String d, String m) {
return null;
/* TPS */
private static DecimalFormat floatfmt = new DecimalFormat("##0.00");
//private static final int MAX_TPS = 20;
//private static final int MIN_TICKMS = 50;
public static List<String> commandTps(String[] arguments) {
LinkedList<String> toReturn = new LinkedList<String>();
if (arguments.length < 2) {
double tps = getTps(null);
double tickms = getTickMs(null);
toReturn.add("Overall: " + floatfmt.format(tps) + " TPS/" + floatfmt.format(tickms) + "MS (" + (int) (tps / 20.0D * 100.0D) + "%)");
for (World world : CoFHCore.server.worldServers) {
tps = getTps(world);
tickms = getTickMs(world);
toReturn.add(world.provider.getDimensionName() + " [" + world.provider.dimensionId + "]: " + floatfmt.format(tps) + " TPS/"
+ floatfmt.format(tickms) + "MS (" + (int) (tps / 20.0D * 100.0D) + "%)");
} else if (arguments[1].toLowerCase().charAt(0) == 'o') {
double tickms = getTickMs(null);
double tps = getTps(null);
toReturn.add("Overall server tick");
toReturn.add(StringHelper.END + StringHelper.END + StringHelper.END + "TPS: " + floatfmt.format(tps) + " TPS of " + floatfmt.format(20L) + " TPS ("
+ (int) (tps / 20.0D * 100.0D) + "%)");
toReturn.add(StringHelper.END + StringHelper.END + StringHelper.END + "Tick time: " + floatfmt.format(tickms) + " ms of " + floatfmt.format(50L)
+ " ms");
} else if (arguments[1].toLowerCase().charAt(0) == 'a') {
double tickms = getTickMs(null);
double tps = getTps(null);
toReturn.add("Overall server tick");
toReturn.add(StringHelper.END + StringHelper.END + StringHelper.END + "TPS: " + floatfmt.format(tps) + " TPS of " + floatfmt.format(20L) + " TPS ("
+ (int) (tps / 20.0D * 100.0D) + "%)");
toReturn.add(StringHelper.END + StringHelper.END + StringHelper.END + "Tick time: " + floatfmt.format(tickms) + " ms of " + floatfmt.format(50L)
+ " ms");
int loadedChunks = 0;
int entities = 0;
int te = 0;
int worlds = 0;
for (World world : CoFHCore.server.worldServers) {
loadedChunks += world.getChunkProvider().getLoadedChunkCount();
entities += world.loadedEntityList.size();
te += world.loadedTileEntityList.size();
worlds += 1;
toReturn.add(StringHelper.END + StringHelper.END + StringHelper.END + "Total Loaded Worlds/Chunks: " + worlds + "/" + loadedChunks);
toReturn.add(StringHelper.END + StringHelper.END + StringHelper.END + "Total Entities/TileEntities: " + entities + "/" + te);
} else {
int dim = 0;
try {
dim = Integer.parseInt(arguments[1]);
} catch (Throwable e) {
return toReturn;
World world = CoFHCore.server.worldServerForDimension(dim);
if (world == null) {
throw new PlayerNotFoundException("World not found", new Object[0]);
double tickms = getTickMs(world);
double tps = getTps(world);
toReturn.add("World " + world.provider.dimensionId + ": " + world.provider.getDimensionName() + " - Loaded chunks: "
+ world.getChunkProvider().getLoadedChunkCount());
toReturn.add(StringHelper.END + StringHelper.END + StringHelper.END + "TPS: " + floatfmt.format(tps) + "/" + floatfmt.format(20L) + " TPS ("
+ (int) (tps / 20.0D * 100.0D) + "%) - Tick: " + floatfmt.format(tickms) + " ms of " + floatfmt.format(50L) + " ms");
toReturn.add(StringHelper.END + StringHelper.END + StringHelper.END + "Entities: " + world.loadedEntityList.size() + " - Tile entities: "
+ world.loadedTileEntityList.size());
return toReturn;
private static double getTickTimeSum(long[] times) {
long timesum = 0L;
if (times == null) {
return 0.0D;
for (int i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {
timesum += times[i];
return timesum / times.length;
private static double getTickMs(World world) {
return getTickTimeSum(world == null ? CoFHCore.server.tickTimeArray : (long[]) CoFHCore.server.worldTickTimes.get(Integer
.valueOf(world.provider.dimensionId))) * 1.0E-006D;
private static double getTps(World world) {
double tps = 1000.0D / getTickMs(world);
return tps > 20.0D ? 20.0D : tps;
/* END TPS */