* This file is part of the SimpleSpleef bukkit plugin.
* Copyright (C) 2011 Maximilian Kalus
* See http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/simple-spleef/
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package de.beimax.simplespleef.util;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.zip.CRC32;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import de.beimax.simplespleef.SimpleSpleef;
* Config helper/utility class
* @author mkalus
public class ConfigHelper {
* available languages
public final static String[] languagesAvailable = {"en", "de", "pl"};
* Create a new arena configuration section.
* This method does not check if the arena exists already (done in simple speef admin e.g.)!
* Might want to change this in the future...
* @param id lowercase key of arena
* @param name full name
* @return
public boolean createNewArena(String id, String name) {
// get sample config from ressource
try {
// input default file
InputStream is = SimpleSpleef.getPlugin().getResource("config.yml");
YamlConfiguration defConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(is);
// create new configuration section in main config
ConfigurationSection newSection = SimpleSpleef.getPlugin().getConfig().createSection("arenas." + id);
// get default arena
ConfigurationSection section = defConfig.getConfigurationSection("arenas.default");
// copy default to target section
copySection(newSection, section);
newSection.set("name", name); //set new name
// save configuration now
} catch (Exception e) {
SimpleSpleef.log.severe("[SimpleSpleef] Could not load sample arena due to exception: " + e.getMessage());
return false;
return true;
* copy a whole section from a source to a target
* @param target
* @param source
public void copySection(ConfigurationSection target, ConfigurationSection source) {
if (target == null || source == null) return; //no NPEs!
for (String section : source.getKeys(true)) { //copy sections
if (source.isConfigurationSection(section)) {
} else target.set(section, source.get(section));
* Check for the existence of sample_config.yml in the plugin folder and copy it if it is newer/changed
* @return boolean true, if everything went ok
public boolean updateSampleConfig() {
// check, if "sample" config file has to be updated
try {
// output sample file
File file = new File(SimpleSpleef.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), "sample_config.yml");
// input default file
InputStream is = SimpleSpleef.getPlugin().getResource("config.yml");
boolean copyDefault;
if (file.exists()) { // file exists - check crc32 sums of files
if (crc32Sum(new FileInputStream(file)) == crc32Sum(is)) copyDefault = false;
else {
copyDefault = true;
is = SimpleSpleef.getPlugin().getResource("config.yml"); // reopen stream
} else { // file does not exist and can be copied right away
copyDefault = true;
// shall we copy the resource?
if (copyDefault) {
// open output stream
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
int read = 0;
byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
// write input to output stream (aka copy file)
while ((read = is.read(bytes)) != -1) {
out.write(bytes, 0, read);
// close everything
SimpleSpleef.log.info("[SimpleSpleef] Updated sample_config.yml to new version.");
return true;
} catch(Exception e) {
SimpleSpleef.log.warning("[SimpleSpleef] Warning: Could not write sample_config.yml - reason: " + e.getMessage());
return false;
* Calculate crc of input stream - stream is read, but not closed!
* @param is
* @return crc32 sum of stream
* @throws Exception
protected long crc32Sum(InputStream is) throws Exception {
CRC32 crc = new CRC32();
byte[] ba = new byte[(int) is.available()];
return crc.getValue();
* update language files to comply to defaults
public void updateLanguageFiles() {
// load language files one by one
for (String language : ConfigHelper.languagesAvailable) {
// load saved file from data folder
File languageFile = new File(SimpleSpleef.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), "lang_" + language + ".yml");
FileConfiguration languageConfig;
try {
languageConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(languageFile);
} catch (Exception e) {
SimpleSpleef.log.severe("[SimpleSpleef] Could not load language file " + languageFile + "! Please convert it to UTF-8.");
continue; // ignore updating language files
// get default config from resource
InputStream languageConfigStream = SimpleSpleef.getPlugin().getResource("lang_" + language + ".yml");
if (languageConfigStream != null) {
// read into string - this will circumvent breaks in non-UTF-8-environments
YamlConfiguration defConfig = loadUTF8Stream(languageConfigStream, "lang_" + language + ".yml");
// the above is the same as
//YamlConfiguration defConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(languageConfigStream);
// only save...
if (defConfig == null) continue; // errors have been logged already
// update config
languageConfig.options().copyDefaults(true); // copy defaults, too
// force update of admin.help
languageConfig.set("admin.help", defConfig.getString("admin.help"));
try {
// save updated config
} catch (Exception e) {
SimpleSpleef.log.warning("[SimpleSpleef] Warning: Could not write lang_" + language + ".yml - reason: " + e.getMessage());
* Converts stream to YAML configuration - UTF-8 enconded. Will prevent code breaks - fixes very stupid default behaviour of Bukkit
* @param stream
* @param file
* @return
protected YamlConfiguration loadUTF8Stream(InputStream stream, String file) {
// read into string - this will circumvent breaks in non-UTF-8-environments
String config;
try {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream, "UTF-8")); // force UTF-8 => why does Bukkit not do this itself???
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String readLine;
while ((readLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
config = sb.toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
SimpleSpleef.log.severe("[SimpleSpleef] Could not load resource file " + file + "! Reason: " + e.getMessage());
return null;
YamlConfiguration defConfig = new YamlConfiguration();
try {
return defConfig;
} catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) {
SimpleSpleef.log.severe("[SimpleSpleef] Could not convert resource file " + file + " to valid configuration! Reason: " + e.getMessage());
return null;
* update defaults of existig arenas
public void updateDefaults() {
boolean changed = false; // defaults changed?
// get default keys
Set<String> defaultConfigKeys = SimpleSpleef.getPlugin().getConfig().getDefaultSection().getConfigurationSection("arenas.default").getKeys(true);
ConfigurationSection arenas = SimpleSpleef.getPlugin().getConfig().getConfigurationSection("arenas");
for (String arena : arenas.getKeys(false)) {
if (!arena.equalsIgnoreCase("default")) {
// note uppercase arenas
for (char c : arena.toCharArray()) {
if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) {
SimpleSpleef.log.warning("[SimpleSpleef] Arena " + arena + " contains uppercase letters - please use all lowercase letters for the arena id.");
//System.out.println("Arena " + arena + " found!");
ConfigurationSection currentConfig = SimpleSpleef.getPlugin().getConfig().getConfigurationSection("arenas." + arena);
// sanity check - it seems that some users somehow warp their configuration in strange ways...
if (currentConfig == null) {
SimpleSpleef.log.warning("[SimpleSpleef] Arena " + arena + " configuration seems to be broken somehow - no configuration key arenas." + arena + " could be retreived from the config.");
for (String configKey : defaultConfigKeys) {
// ignore sections to avoid exceptions
if (SimpleSpleef.getPlugin().getConfig().isConfigurationSection("arenas.default." + configKey)) continue;
if (!currentConfig.contains(configKey)) {
//System.out.println(configKey + " is missing! Replacing it with default.");
changed = true; // yes, config was changed
// copy default
currentConfig.set(configKey, SimpleSpleef.getPlugin().getConfig().getDefaultSection().get("arenas.default." + configKey));
if (changed) {
SimpleSpleef.log.info("[SimpleSpleef] Updated defaults in some arenas due to config changes.");
SimpleSpleef.getPlugin().saveConfig(); // save config to disk