* This file is part of the SimpleSpleef bukkit plugin.
* Copyright (C) 2011 Maximilian Kalus
* See http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/simple-spleef/
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package de.beimax.simplespleef.statistics;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import de.beimax.simplespleef.SimpleSpleef;
import de.beimax.simplespleef.game.Game;
import de.beimax.simplespleef.game.Spleefer;
* Saves statistics to a flat file in the plugin directory
* @author mkalus
public class FileStatisticsModule implements StatisticsModule {
* statistics reference (YAML)
protected YamlConfiguration statistics;
* file reference
protected File statisticsFile;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see de.beimax.simplespleef.statistics.StatisticsModule#initialize()
public void initialize() throws Exception {
statisticsFile = new File(SimpleSpleef.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), "statistics.yml");
// does the file exist - no
if (!statisticsFile.exists()) {
SimpleSpleef.log.info("[SimpleSpleef] Using flat file statistics - creating new file.");
statistics = new YamlConfiguration();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
SimpleSpleef.log.severe("[SimpleSpleef] Could not create statistics file. Error: " + e.getMessage());
} else { // load file
statistics = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(statisticsFile);
if (statistics == null)
throw new Exception("Could not load YAML file " + statisticsFile + ".");
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see de.beimax.simplespleef.statistics.StatisticsModule#playerWonGame(org.bukkit.entity.Player, de.beimax.simplespleef.game.Game)
public void playerWonGame(Player player, Game game) {
String key = "players." + player.getName() + ".";
// increase win counter
int gamesCount = statistics.getInt(key + "gamesWon", 0) + 1;
statistics.set(key + "gamesWon", gamesCount);
// increase arena winner count
String gkey = "arenas." + game.getId() + ".players." + player.getName() + ".gamesWon";
int arenaWon = statistics.getInt(gkey, 0) + 1;
statistics.set(gkey, arenaWon);
// add last game activity entry
statistics.set(key + "lastGameTick", game.getStartTime());
// save statistics
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see de.beimax.simplespleef.statistics.StatisticsModule#playerLostGame(org.bukkit.entity.Player, de.beimax.simplespleef.game.Game)
public void playerLostGame(Player player, Game game) {
String key = "players." + player.getName() + ".";
// increase win counter
int gamesCount = statistics.getInt(key + "gamesLost", 0) + 1;
statistics.set(key + "gamesLost", gamesCount);
// increase arena loser count
String gkey = "arenas." + game.getId() + ".players." + player.getName() + ".gamesLost";
int arenaLost = statistics.getInt(gkey, 0) + 1;
statistics.set(gkey, arenaLost);
// add last game activity entry
statistics.set(key + "lastGameTick", game.getStartTime());
// save statistics
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see de.beimax.simplespleef.statistics.StatisticsModule#gameStarted(de.beimax.simplespleef.game.Game)
public void gameStarted(Game game) {
String key = "arenas." + game.getId() + ".";
// increase game counter
int gamesCount = statistics.getInt(key + "gamesCount", 0) + 1;
statistics.set(key + "gamesCount", gamesCount);
// number of players in last game
int playersCount = game.getSpleefers().get().size();
statistics.set(key + "lastGamePlayers", playersCount);
// get total players
int totalPlayers = statistics.getInt(key + "gamesTotalPlayers");
// add to total players and set average number of players
statistics.set(key + "gamesTotalPlayers", totalPlayers + playersCount);
//statistics.set(key + "gamesAveragePlayers", ((double) (totalPlayers + playersCount)) / (double) gamesCount);
// add last game started entry
statistics.set(key + "lastGameStartedAt", game.getStartTime());
// reset last game finished (still in progress)
statistics.set(key + "lastGameFinishedAt", -1);
// increase game counter for players
for (Spleefer spleefer : game.getSpleefers().get()) {
String pkey = "players." + spleefer.getPlayer().getName() + ".";
statistics.set(pkey + "gamesCount", statistics.getInt(pkey + "gamesCount", 0) + 1);
// add last game activity entry
statistics.set(pkey + "lastGameTick", game.getStartTime());
// increase game counter for player in this arena
pkey = key + pkey + "gamesCount";
statistics.set(pkey, statistics.getInt(pkey, 0) + 1);
// save statistics
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see de.beimax.simplespleef.statistics.StatisticsModule#gameFinished(de.beimax.simplespleef.game.Game)
public void gameFinished(Game game) {
String key = "arenas." + game.getId() + ".";
// add last game started entry
statistics.set(key + "lastGameFinishedAt", game.getFinishTime());
// length of last game
long length = game.getFinishTime() - game.getStartTime();
statistics.set(key + "lastGameLength", length);
// get total length
long totalLength = statistics.getLong(key + "gamesTotalLength");
// add to total length and set average length
statistics.set(key + "gamesTotalLength", totalLength + length);
//int gamesCount = statistics.getInt(key + "gamesCount");
//statistics.set(key + "gamesAverageLength", (totalLength + length) / gamesCount);
// save statistics
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see de.beimax.simplespleef.statistics.StatisticsModule#getStatistics(org.bukkit.entity.Player)
public HashMap<String, Object> getStatistics(String player) {
// get config section
ConfigurationSection playerSection = statistics.getConfigurationSection("players." + player);
// is it null?
if (playerSection == null) return null;
// create hashmap
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// populate with values
map.put("gamesCount", playerSection.getInt("gamesCount", 0));
map.put("gamesLost", playerSection.getInt("gamesLost", 0));
map.put("gamesWon", playerSection.getInt("gamesWon", 0));
map.put("lastGameTick", playerSection.getLong("lastGameTick", -1));
return map;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see de.beimax.simplespleef.statistics.StatisticsModule#getStatistics(de.beimax.simplespleef.game.Game)
public HashMap<String, Object> getStatistics(Game game) {
// get config section
ConfigurationSection arenaSection = statistics.getConfigurationSection("arenas." + game.getId());
// is it null?
if (arenaSection == null) return null;
// create hashmap
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// populate with values
map.put("gamesCount", arenaSection.getInt("gamesCount", 0));
map.put("lastGamePlayers", arenaSection.getInt("lastGamePlayers", 0));
map.put("gamesTotalPlayers", arenaSection.getInt("gamesTotalPlayers", 0));
map.put("lastGameStartedAt", arenaSection.getLong("lastGameStartedAt", 0));
map.put("lastGameFinishedAt", arenaSection.getLong("lastGameFinishedAt", 0));
map.put("lastGameLength", arenaSection.getInt("lastGameLength", 0));
map.put("gamesTotalLength", arenaSection.getInt("gamesTotalLength", 0));
return map;
public List<TopTenEntry> getTopTen() {
return getTopTen("players");
public List<TopTenEntry> getTopTen(Game game) {
return getTopTen("arenas." + game.getId() + ".players");
* actual worker method to get top 10 players
* @param key
* @return
private List<TopTenEntry> getTopTen(String key) {
TreeSet<TopTenEntry> topTenList = new TreeSet<TopTenEntry>(TopTenEntry.getAscendingComparator());
if (statistics == null || statistics.getConfigurationSection(key) == null) return null; // avoid NPEs
// get list of all gamers
for (String playerName : statistics.getConfigurationSection(key).getKeys(false)) {
ConfigurationSection playerSection = statistics.getConfigurationSection(key + "." + playerName);
TopTenEntry topTenEntry = new TopTenEntry();
topTenEntry.player = playerName;
topTenEntry.games = playerSection.getInt("gamesCount", 0);
topTenEntry.lost = playerSection.getInt("gamesLost", 0);
topTenEntry.won = playerSection.getInt("gamesWon", 0);
// get top 10
int count = 0;
LinkedList<TopTenEntry> topten = new LinkedList<TopTenEntry>();
for (TopTenEntry entry : topTenList) {
if (++count >= 10) break;
return topten;
* save statistics to disk
private void saveStatistics() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
SimpleSpleef.log.severe("[SimpleSpleef] Could not save statistics file " + statisticsFile + ". Reason: " + e.getMessage());