// This file is a component of Lockette for Bukkit, and was written by Acru Jovian.
// Distributed under the The Non-Profit Open Software License version 3.0 (NPOSL-3.0)
// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/NOSL3.0
package org.yi.acru.bukkit.Lockette;
// Imports.
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Effect;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.block.Sign;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.yi.acru.bukkit.PluginCore;
public class Lockette extends PluginCore{
private static Lockette plugin;
private static boolean enabled = false;
private static boolean registered = false;
private final LocketteBlockListener blockListener = new LocketteBlockListener(this);
private final LocketteEntityListener entityListener = new LocketteEntityListener(this);
private final LockettePlayerListener playerListener = new LockettePlayerListener(this);
private final LockettePrefixListener prefixListener = new LockettePrefixListener(this);
private final LocketteWorldListener worldListener = new LocketteWorldListener(this);
protected final LocketteDoorCloser doorCloser = new LocketteDoorCloser(this);
protected static boolean explosionProtectionAll, rotateChests;
protected static boolean adminSnoop, adminBypass, adminBreak;
protected static boolean protectDoors, protectTrapDoors, usePermissions;
protected static boolean directPlacement, colorTags, debugMode;
protected static int defaultDoorTimer;
protected static String broadcastSnoopTarget, broadcastBreakTarget, broadcastReloadTarget;
protected static boolean msgUser, msgOwner, msgAdmin, msgError, msgHelp;
protected static String altPrivate, altMoreUsers, altEveryone, altOperators, altTimer, altFee;
protected static List<Object> customBlockList = null, disabledPluginList = null;
protected static FileConfiguration strings = null;
protected final HashMap<String, Block> playerList = new HashMap<String, Block>();
final static int materialTrapDoor = 96;
final static int materialFenceGate = 107;
public Lockette(){
plugin = this;
public void onLoad(){}
public void onEnable(){
if(enabled) return;
log.info("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Version " + this.getDescription().getVersion() + " is being enabled! Yay! (Core version " + getCoreVersion() + ")");
// Check build version.
final int recBuild = 1846;
final int minBuild = 1846;
int printBuild;
float build = getBuildVersion();
if((build > 399) && (build < 400)) printBuild = (int) ((build - 399) * 100);
else printBuild = (int) build;
//if((printBuild >= 45) && (printBuild <= 49)) log.info("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Ignore the warning about using the stupidly long constructor!");
if(build == 0){
log.warning("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Craftbukkit build unrecognized, please be sure you have build [" + recBuild + "] or greater.");
else if(build < minBuild){
log.severe("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Detected craftbukkit build [" + printBuild + "], but requires requires build [" + minBuild + "] or greater!");
log.severe("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Aborting enable!");
else if(build < recBuild){
log.warning("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Detected craftbukkit build [" + printBuild + "], but the recommended build is [" + recBuild + "] or greater.");
else if((build >= 605) && (build <= 612)){
log.warning("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Detected craftbukkit build [" + printBuild + "], but this build is buggy! Please upgrade to build 617 or greater.");
else if((build >= 685) && (build <= 703)){
log.warning("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Detected craftbukkit build [" + printBuild + "], but this build is buggy! Please upgrade to build 704 or greater.");
log.info("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Detected craftbukkit build [" + printBuild + "] ok.");
// Load properties and strings.
// Load external permission/group plugins.
// Reg us some events yo!
registered = true;
// All done.
log.info("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Ready to protect your containers.");
enabled = true;
public void onDisable(){
if(!enabled) return;
log.info(this.getDescription().getName() + " is being disabled... ;.;");
if(protectDoors || protectTrapDoors){
log.info("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Closing all automatic doors.");
enabled = false;
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String commandLabel, String[] args){
if(!cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("lockette")) return(false);
if(sender instanceof Player) return(true); // Handling in command preprocess for now.
if(args.length == 1){
localizedMessage(null, Lockette.broadcastReloadTarget, "msg-admin-reload");
//String msgString = Lockette.strings.getString("msg-admin-reload");
//selectiveBroadcast(Lockette.broadcastReloadTarget, ChatColor.RED + "Lockette: " + msgString);
else if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("coredump")){
//sender.sendMessage("Lockette: Test");
protected void loadProperties(boolean reload){
log.info("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Reloading plugin configuration files.");
FileConfiguration properties = this.getConfig();
boolean propChanged = true;
//boolean tempBoolean;
msgUser = properties.getBoolean("enable-messages-user", true);
properties.set("enable-messages-user", msgUser);
msgOwner = properties.getBoolean("enable-messages-owner", false);
properties.set("enable-messages-owner", msgOwner);
//msgAdmin = true;
msgAdmin = properties.getBoolean("enable-messages-admin", true);
properties.set("enable-messages-admin", msgAdmin);
msgError = properties.getBoolean("enable-messages-error", true);
properties.set("enable-messages-error", msgError);
msgHelp = properties.getBoolean("enable-messages-help", true);
properties.set("enable-messages-help", msgHelp);
explosionProtectionAll = properties.getBoolean("explosion-protection-all", false);
properties.set("explosion-protection-all", explosionProtectionAll);
rotateChests = properties.getBoolean("enable-chest-rotation", false);
properties.set("enable-chest-rotation", rotateChests);
usePermissions = properties.getBoolean("enable-permissions", false);
properties.set("enable-permissions", usePermissions);
protectDoors = properties.getBoolean("enable-protection-doors", true);
properties.set("enable-protection-doors", protectDoors);
protectTrapDoors = properties.getBoolean("enable-protection-trapdoors", true);
properties.set("enable-protection-trapdoors", protectTrapDoors);
adminSnoop = properties.getBoolean("allow-admin-snoop", false);
properties.set("allow-admin-snoop", adminSnoop);
adminBypass = properties.getBoolean("allow-admin-bypass", true);
properties.set("allow-admin-bypass", adminBypass);
adminBreak = properties.getBoolean("allow-admin-break", true);
properties.set("allow-admin-break", adminBreak);
// Start a scheduled task, for closing doors.
if(protectDoors || protectTrapDoors){
log.severe("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Failed to register door closing task!");
else doorCloser.stop();
directPlacement = properties.getBoolean("enable-quick-protect", true);
properties.set("enable-quick-protect", directPlacement);
colorTags = properties.getBoolean("enable-color-tags", true);
properties.set("enable-color-tags", colorTags);
// Don't write this option back out if it doesn't exist, and write a warning if it is enabled.
debugMode = properties.getBoolean("enable-debug", false);
if(debugMode) log.warning("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Debug mode is enabled, so Lockette chests are NOT secure.");
//directPlacement = true;
// = properties.getBoolean("", true);
//properties.set("", );
//tempBoolean = properties.getBoolean("use-whitelist", false);
//tempBoolean = properties.getBoolean("lock-all-chests", true);//rename
//tempBoolean = properties.getBoolean("test-bool", true);
//properties.set("test-bool", tempBoolean);
defaultDoorTimer = properties.getInt("default-door-timer", -1);
if(defaultDoorTimer == -1){
defaultDoorTimer = 0;
properties.set("default-door-timer", defaultDoorTimer);
propChanged = true;
// Customizable protected block list.
customBlockList = (List<Object>) properties.getList("custom-lockable-block-list");
if(customBlockList == null){
customBlockList = new ArrayList<Object>(3);
properties.set("custom-lockable-block-list", customBlockList);
propChanged = true;
log.info("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Custom lockable block list: " + customBlockList.toString());
// Customizable disabled plugin link list.
disabledPluginList = (List<Object>) properties.getList("linked-plugin-ignore-list");
if(disabledPluginList == null){
disabledPluginList = new ArrayList<Object>(1);
properties.set("linked-plugin-ignore-list", disabledPluginList);
propChanged = true;
log.info("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Ignoring linked plugins: " + disabledPluginList.toString());
broadcastSnoopTarget = properties.getString("broadcast-snoop-target");
if(broadcastSnoopTarget == null){
broadcastSnoopTarget = "[Everyone]";
properties.set("broadcast-snoop-target", broadcastSnoopTarget);
propChanged = true;
broadcastBreakTarget = properties.getString("broadcast-break-target");
if(broadcastBreakTarget == null){
broadcastBreakTarget = "[Everyone]";
properties.set("broadcast-break-target", broadcastBreakTarget);
propChanged = true;
broadcastReloadTarget = properties.getString("broadcast-reload-target");
if(broadcastReloadTarget == null){
broadcastReloadTarget = "[Operators]";
properties.set("broadcast-reload-target", broadcastReloadTarget);
propChanged = true;
String stringsFileName = properties.getString("strings-file-name");
if((stringsFileName == null) || stringsFileName.isEmpty()){
stringsFileName = "strings-en.yml";
properties.set("strings-file-name", stringsFileName);
propChanged = true;
loadStrings(reload, stringsFileName);
protected void loadStrings(boolean reload, String fileName){
boolean stringChanged = false;
String tempString;
File stringsFile = new File(getDataFolder(), fileName);
// Close the strings file if already loaded.
if(strings != null){
// Should automatically garbage collect.
strings = null;
// Load the strings file.
strings = new YamlConfiguration();
catch(InvalidConfigurationException ex){
log.warning("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Error loading " + fileName + ": " + ex.getMessage());
loadStrings(reload, "strings-en.yml");
else log.warning("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Returning to default strings.");
catch(Exception ex){}
// To remove French tags from the default strings file, and to not save to alternate strings files.
boolean original = false;
original = true;
strings.set("language", "English");
// Force to be first.
catch(Exception ex){}
strings.set("author", "Acru");
strings.set("editors", "");
strings.set("version", 0);
// Report language.
tempString = strings.getString("language");
if((tempString == null) || tempString.isEmpty()){
log.info("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Loading strings file " + fileName);
else log.info("[" + getDescription().getName() + "] Loading strings file for " + tempString + " by " + strings.getString("author"));
// Load in the alternate sign strings.
altPrivate = strings.getString("alternate-private-tag");
if((altPrivate == null) || altPrivate.isEmpty() || (original && altPrivate.equals("Priv�"))){
altPrivate = "Private";
strings.set("alternate-private-tag", altPrivate);
altPrivate = "["+altPrivate+"]";
altMoreUsers = strings.getString("alternate-moreusers-tag");
if((altMoreUsers == null) || altMoreUsers.isEmpty() || (original && altMoreUsers.equals("Autre Noms"))){
altMoreUsers = "More Users";
strings.set("alternate-moreusers-tag", altMoreUsers);
stringChanged = true;
altMoreUsers = "["+altMoreUsers+"]";
altEveryone = strings.getString("alternate-everyone-tag");
if((altEveryone == null) || altEveryone.isEmpty() || (original && altEveryone.equals("Tout le Monde"))){
altEveryone = "Everyone";
strings.set("alternate-everyone-tag", altEveryone);
stringChanged = true;
altEveryone = "["+altEveryone+"]";
altOperators = strings.getString("alternate-operators-tag");
if((altOperators == null) || altOperators.isEmpty() || (original && altOperators.equals("Op�rateurs"))){
altOperators = "Operators";
strings.set("alternate-operators-tag", altOperators);
stringChanged = true;
altOperators = "["+altOperators+"]";
altTimer = strings.getString("alternate-timer-tag");
if((altTimer == null) || altTimer.isEmpty() || (original && altTimer.equals("Minuterie"))){
altTimer = "Timer";
strings.set("alternate-timer-tag", altTimer);
stringChanged = true;
altFee = strings.getString("alternate-fee-tag");
if((altFee == null) || altFee.isEmpty()){
altFee = "Fee";
strings.set("alternate-fee-tag", altFee);
stringChanged = true;
// Check all the message strings.
// Messages for onBlockPlace.
tempString = strings.getString("msg-user-conflict-door");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-user-conflict-door", "Conflicting door removed!");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-user-illegal");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-user-illegal", "Illegal chest removed!");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-user-resize-owned");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-user-resize-owned", "You cannot resize a chest claimed by ***.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-help-chest");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-help-chest", "Place a sign headed [Private] next to a chest to lock it.");
stringChanged = true;
// Messages for onBlockBreak.
tempString = strings.getString("msg-owner-release");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-owner-release", "You have released a container!");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-admin-release");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-admin-release", "(Admin) @@@ has broken open a container owned by ***!");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-user-release-owned");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-user-release-owned", "You cannot release a container claimed by ***.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-owner-remove");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-owner-remove", "You have removed users from a container!");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-user-remove-owned");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-user-remove-owned", "You cannot remove users from a container claimed by ***.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-user-break-owned");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-user-break-owned", "You cannot break a container claimed by ***.");
stringChanged = true;
// Messages for onBlockDamage.
tempString = strings.getString("msg-user-denied-door");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-user-denied-door", "You don't have permission to use this door.");
stringChanged = true;
// Messages for onBlockRightClick.
tempString = strings.getString("msg-user-touch-fee");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-user-touch-fee", "A fee of ### will be paid to ***, to open.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-user-touch-owned");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-user-touch-owned", "This container has been claimed by ***.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-help-select");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-help-select", "Sign selected, use /lockette <line number> <text> to edit.");
stringChanged = true;
// Messages for onBlockInteract.
tempString = strings.getString("msg-admin-bypass");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-admin-bypass", "Bypassed a door owned by ***, be sure to close it behind you.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-admin-snoop");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-admin-snoop", "(Admin) @@@ has snooped around in a container owned by ***!");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-user-denied");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-user-denied", "You don't have permission to open this container.");
stringChanged = true;
// Messages for onSignChange.
tempString = strings.getString("msg-error-zone");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-error-zone", "This zone is protected by ***.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-error-permission");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-error-permission", "Permission to lock container denied.");
stringChanged = true;
else if(tempString.equals("Permission to lock containers denied.")){
strings.set("msg-error-permission", "Permission to lock container denied.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-error-claim");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-error-claim", "No unclaimed container nearby to make Private!");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-error-claim-conflict");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-error-claim-conflict", "Conflict with an existing protected door.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-admin-claim-error");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-admin-claim-error", "Player *** is not online, be sure you have the correct name.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-admin-claim");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-admin-claim", "You have claimed a container for ***.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-owner-claim");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-owner-claim", "You have claimed a container!");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-error-adduser-owned");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-error-adduser-owned", "You cannot add users to a container claimed by ***.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-error-adduser");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-error-adduser", "No claimed container nearby to add users to!");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-owner-adduser");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-owner-adduser", "You have added users to a container!");
stringChanged = true;
// Messages for onPlayerCommand.
strings.set("msg-help-command1", "&C/lockette <line number> <text> - Edits signs on locked containers. Right click on the sign to edit.");
strings.set("msg-help-command2", "&C/lockette fix - Fixes an automatic door that is in the wrong position. Look at the door to edit.");
strings.set("msg-help-command3", "&C/lockette reload - Reloads the configuration files. Operators only.");
strings.set("msg-help-command4", "&C/lockette version - Reports Lockette version.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-help-command1");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-help-command1", "/lockette reload - Reloads the configuration files.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-help-command2");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-help-command2", "/lockette <line number> <text> - Edits signs on locked containers. Right click on the sign to edit.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-admin-reload");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-admin-reload", "Reloading plugin configuration files.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-error-fix");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-error-fix", "No owned door found.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-error-edit");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-error-edit", "First select a sign by right clicking it.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("msg-owner-edit");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("msg-owner-edit", "Sign edited successfully.");
stringChanged = true;
tempString = strings.getString("");
if(tempString == null){
strings.set("", "");
stringChanged = true;
if(original) if(stringChanged){
catch(Exception ex){}
// Start of public section
public static boolean isProtected(Block block){
if(!enabled) return(false);
int type = block.getTypeId();
if(type == Material.WALL_SIGN.getId()){
Sign sign = (Sign) block.getState();
String text = sign.getLine(0).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", "").toLowerCase();
if(text.equals("[private]") || text.equalsIgnoreCase(altPrivate)){
else if(text.equals("[more users]") || text.equalsIgnoreCase(altMoreUsers)){
Block checkBlock = getSignAttachedBlock(block);
if(checkBlock != null) if(findBlockOwner(checkBlock) != null){
else if(Lockette.findBlockOwner(block) != null) return(true);
public static String getProtectedOwner(Block block){
if(!enabled) return(null);
int type = block.getTypeId();
if(type == Material.WALL_SIGN.getId()){
Sign sign = (Sign) block.getState();
String text = sign.getLine(0).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", "").toLowerCase();
if(text.equals("[private]") || text.equalsIgnoreCase(altPrivate)){
return(sign.getLine(1).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", ""));
else if(text.equals("[more users]") || text.equalsIgnoreCase(altMoreUsers)){
Block checkBlock = getSignAttachedBlock(block);
if(checkBlock != null){
Block signBlock = findBlockOwner(checkBlock);
if(signBlock != null){
sign = (Sign) signBlock.getState();
return(sign.getLine(1).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", ""));
Block signBlock = Lockette.findBlockOwner(block);
if(signBlock != null){
Sign sign = (Sign) signBlock.getState();
return(sign.getLine(1).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", ""));
public static boolean isOwner(Block block, String name){
if(!enabled) return(true);
Block checkBlock = Lockette.findBlockOwner(block);
if(checkBlock == null) return(true);
Sign sign = (Sign) checkBlock.getState();
int length = name.length();
if(length > 15) length = 15;
// Check owner only.
if(sign.getLine(1).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", "").equals(name.substring(0, length))){
public static boolean isUser(Block block, String name, boolean withGroups){
if(!enabled) return(true);
Block signBlock = Lockette.findBlockOwner(block);
if(signBlock == null) return(true);
// Check main three users.
Sign sign = (Sign) signBlock.getState();
int length = name.length();
String line;
int y;
if(length > 15) length = 15;
for(y = 1; y <= 3; ++y) if(!sign.getLine(y).isEmpty()){
line = sign.getLine(y).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", "");
// Check if the name is there verbatum.
if(line.equalsIgnoreCase(name.substring(0, length))) return(true);
// Check if name is in a group listed on the sign.
if(withGroups) if(plugin.inGroup(block.getWorld(), name, line)) return(true);
// Check for more users.
List<Block> list = Lockette.findBlockUsers(block, signBlock);
int x, count = list.size();
for(x = 0; x < count; ++x){
sign = (Sign) list.get(x).getState();
for(y = 1; y <= 3; ++y) if(!sign.getLine(y).isEmpty()){
line = sign.getLine(y).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", "");
// Check if the name is there verbatum.
if(line.equalsIgnoreCase(name.substring(0, length))) return(true);
// Check if name is in a group listed on the sign.
if(withGroups) if(plugin.inGroup(block.getWorld(), name, line)) return(true);
// User doesn't have permission.
public static boolean isEveryone(Block block){
if(!enabled) return(true);
Block signBlock = Lockette.findBlockOwner(block);
if(signBlock == null) return(true);
// Check main three users.
Sign sign = (Sign) signBlock.getState();
String line;
int y;
for(y = 1; y <= 3; ++y) if(!sign.getLine(y).isEmpty()){
line = sign.getLine(y).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", "");
if(line.equalsIgnoreCase("[Everyone]") || line.equalsIgnoreCase(Lockette.altEveryone)) return(true);
// Check for more users.
List<Block> list = Lockette.findBlockUsers(block, signBlock);
int x, count = list.size();
for(x = 0; x < count; ++x){
sign = (Sign) list.get(x).getState();
for(y = 1; y <= 3; ++y) if(!sign.getLine(y).isEmpty()){
line = sign.getLine(y).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", "");
if(line.equalsIgnoreCase("[Everyone]") || line.equalsIgnoreCase(Lockette.altEveryone)) return(true);
// Everyone doesn't have permission.
// Start of external permissions section
protected boolean pluginEnableOverride(String pluginName){
return(isInList(pluginName, Lockette.disabledPluginList));
protected boolean usingExternalPermissions(){
if(!usePermissions) return(false);
protected boolean usingExternalZones(){
protected String getLocalizedEveryone(){
protected String getLocalizedOperators(){
// Start of utility section
protected void localizedMessage(Player player, String broadcast, String key){
localizedMessage(player, broadcast, key, null, null);
protected void localizedMessage(Player player, String broadcast, String key, String sub){
localizedMessage(player, broadcast, key, sub, null);
protected void localizedMessage(Player player, String broadcast, String key, String sub, String num){
String color = "";
// Filter and color based on message type.
if(broadcast == null) if(!Lockette.msgUser) return;
color = ChatColor.YELLOW.toString();
else if(key.startsWith("msg-owner-")){
if(broadcast == null) if(!Lockette.msgOwner) return;
color = ChatColor.GOLD.toString();
else if(key.startsWith("msg-admin-")){
if(broadcast == null) if(!Lockette.msgAdmin) return;
color = ChatColor.RED.toString();
else if(key.startsWith("msg-error-")){
if(broadcast == null) if(!Lockette.msgError) return;
color = ChatColor.RED.toString();
else if(key.startsWith("msg-help-")){
if(broadcast == null) if(!Lockette.msgHelp) return;
color = ChatColor.GOLD.toString();
// Fetch the requested message string.
String message = strings.getString(key);
if((message == null) || message.isEmpty()) return;
// Do place holder substitution.
message = message.replaceAll("&([0-9A-Fa-f])", "\u00A7$1");
if(sub != null) message = message.replaceAll("\\*\\*\\*", sub + color);
if(num != null) message = message.replaceAll("###", num);
if(player != null) message = message.replaceAll("@@@", player.getName());
// Send out the formatted message.
if(broadcast != null) selectiveBroadcast(broadcast, color + "[Lockette] " + message);
else if(player != null) player.sendMessage(color + "[Lockette] " + message);
// Find the owner for any block.
protected static Block findBlockOwner(Block block){
// Pass to a special version with specific values.
return(findBlockOwner(block, null, false));
// Version for determining if a container is released.
// Should return non-null if destroying the block will surely cause the the sign to fall off.
// Okay for trap doors, though could be optimized.
protected static Block findBlockOwnerBreak(Block block){
int type = block.getTypeId();
// Check known block types.
if(type == Material.CHEST.getId()){
return(findBlockOwnerBase(block, null, false, false, false, false, false));
if((type == Material.DISPENSER.getId()) || (type == Material.FURNACE.getId()) || (type == Material.BURNING_FURNACE.getId()) ||
(type == Material.BREWING_STAND.getId()) || Lockette.isInList(type, Lockette.customBlockList)){
return(findBlockOwnerBase(block, null, false, false, false, false, false));
if(Lockette.protectTrapDoors) if(type == Material.TRAP_DOOR.getId()){
return(findBlockOwnerBase(block, null, false, false, false, false, false));
if(Lockette.protectDoors) if((type == Material.WOODEN_DOOR.getId()) || (type == Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK.getId()) || (type == materialFenceGate)){
return(findBlockOwnerBase(block, null, false, true, true, false, false));
Block checkBlock;
// This should be edited if invalid signs can be destroyed..........
checkBlock = findBlockOwnerBase(block, null, false, false, false, false, false);
if(checkBlock != null) return(checkBlock);
// Need to check if there is a trap door attached to the block, and check for a sign attached there.
// This is the bit that could be optimized.
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.NORTH);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.TRAP_DOOR.getId()){
if((checkBlock.getData() & 0x3) == 2){
checkBlock = findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, null, false, false, false, false, false);
if(checkBlock != null) return(checkBlock);
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.EAST);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.TRAP_DOOR.getId()){
if((checkBlock.getData() & 0x3) == 0){
checkBlock = findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, null, false, false, false, false, false);
if(checkBlock != null) return(checkBlock);
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.SOUTH);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.TRAP_DOOR.getId()){
if((checkBlock.getData() & 0x3) == 3){
checkBlock = findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, null, false, false, false, false, false);
if(checkBlock != null) return(checkBlock);
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.WEST);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.TRAP_DOOR.getId()){
if((checkBlock.getData() & 0x3) == 1){
checkBlock = findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, null, false, false, false, false, false);
if(checkBlock != null) return(checkBlock);
// Need to check if there is a door above block, and check for a sign attached there.
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP);
type = checkBlock.getTypeId();
if((type != Material.WOODEN_DOOR.getId()) && (type != Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK.getId()) && (type != materialFenceGate)){
// Handle door above type.
return(findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, null, false, true, true, false, false));
// Version for finding conflicts, when creating a new sign.
// Ignore the sign being made, in case another plugin has set the text of the sign prematurely.
protected static Block findBlockOwner(Block block, Block ignoreBlock, boolean iterateFurther){
int type = block.getTypeId();
Location ignore;
if(ignoreBlock != null) ignore = ignoreBlock.getLocation();
else ignore = null;
// Check known block types.
if(type == Material.CHEST.getId()){
return(findBlockOwnerBase(block, ignore, true, false, false, false, false));
if((type == Material.DISPENSER.getId()) || (type == Material.FURNACE.getId()) || (type == Material.BURNING_FURNACE.getId()) ||
(type == Material.BREWING_STAND.getId()) || Lockette.isInList(type, Lockette.customBlockList)){
return(findBlockOwnerBase(block, ignore, false, false, false, false, false));
if(Lockette.protectTrapDoors) if(type == Material.TRAP_DOOR.getId()){
// Need to check block it is attached to as well as other attached trap doors.
//return(findBlockOwnerBase(block, ignore, false, false, false, false, false));
return(findBlockOwner(getTrapDoorAttachedBlock(block), ignoreBlock, false));
if(Lockette.protectDoors) if((type == Material.WOODEN_DOOR.getId()) || (type == Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK.getId()) || (type == materialFenceGate)){
return(findBlockOwnerBase(block, ignore, true, true, true, true, iterateFurther));
Block checkBlock, result;
// Check base block, as it might have the sign and it isn't checked below.
checkBlock = findBlockOwnerBase(block, ignore, false, false, false, false, false);
if(checkBlock != null) return(checkBlock);
// Need to check if there is a trap door attached to the block, and check for a sign attached there.
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.NORTH);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.TRAP_DOOR.getId()){
if((checkBlock.getData() & 0x3) == 2){
checkBlock = findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, ignore, false, false, false, false, false);
if(checkBlock != null) return(checkBlock);
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.EAST);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.TRAP_DOOR.getId()){
if((checkBlock.getData() & 0x3) == 0){
checkBlock = findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, ignore, false, false, false, false, false);
if(checkBlock != null) return(checkBlock);
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.SOUTH);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.TRAP_DOOR.getId()){
if((checkBlock.getData() & 0x3) == 3){
checkBlock = findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, ignore, false, false, false, false, false);
if(checkBlock != null) return(checkBlock);
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.WEST);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.TRAP_DOOR.getId()){
if((checkBlock.getData() & 0x3) == 1){
checkBlock = findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, ignore, false, false, false, false, false);
if(checkBlock != null) return(checkBlock);
// Don't check the block but check for doors above then below the block, which includes the block.
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP);
type = checkBlock.getTypeId();
if((type == Material.WOODEN_DOOR.getId()) || (type == Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK.getId()) || (type == materialFenceGate)){
// Handle door above type.
result = findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, ignore, true, true, true, true, iterateFurther);
if(result != null) return(result);
// This is needed to protect the other block above double doors.
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN);
type = checkBlock.getTypeId();
if((type == Material.WOODEN_DOOR.getId()) || (type == Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK.getId()) || (type == materialFenceGate)){
// For door below only.
// Don't include the block below door, as a sign there would not protect the target block.
Block checkBlock2 = checkBlock.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN);
type = checkBlock2.getTypeId();
if((type == Material.WOODEN_DOOR.getId()) || (type == Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK.getId()) || (type == materialFenceGate)){
return(findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock2, ignore, true, true, false, true, iterateFurther));
return(findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, ignore, true, true, false, true, iterateFurther));
// Should only be called by the above related functions.
// Should generally not be passed a hinge block, only a known container or door.
private static Block findBlockOwnerBase(Block block, Location ignore, boolean iterate, boolean iterateUp, boolean iterateDown, boolean includeEnds, boolean iterateFurther){
Block checkBlock;
int type;
byte face;
boolean doCheck;
// Check up and down along door surfaces, with a recursive call and iterate false.
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP);
type = checkBlock.getTypeId();
if((type == Material.WOODEN_DOOR.getId()) || (type == Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK.getId()) || (type == materialFenceGate)){
checkBlock = findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, ignore, false, iterateUp, false, includeEnds, false);
else if(includeEnds) checkBlock = findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, ignore, false, false, false, includeEnds, false);
else checkBlock = null;
if(checkBlock != null) return(checkBlock);
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN);
type = checkBlock.getTypeId();
if((type == Material.WOODEN_DOOR.getId()) || (type == Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK.getId()) || (type == materialFenceGate)){
checkBlock = findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, ignore, false, false, iterateDown, includeEnds, false);
else if(includeEnds) checkBlock = findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, ignore, false, false, false, includeEnds, false);
else checkBlock = null;
if(checkBlock != null) return(checkBlock);
// Check around the originating block, in the order NESW.
// If a sign is found and it is not the ignored block, check the text.
// If it is not a sign and iterate is true, do a recursive call with iterate false.
// (Or further, though this currently backtracks slightly.)
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.NORTH);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.WALL_SIGN.getId()){
face = checkBlock.getData();
if(face == 4){
// Ignore a sign being created.
if(ignore == null) doCheck = true;
else if(checkBlock.getLocation().equals(ignore)) doCheck = false;
else doCheck = true;
Sign sign = (Sign) checkBlock.getState();
String text = sign.getLine(0).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", "").toLowerCase();
if(text.equals("[private]") || text.equalsIgnoreCase(altPrivate)) return(checkBlock);
else if(iterate) if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == block.getTypeId()){
checkBlock = findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, ignore, iterateFurther, iterateUp, iterateDown, includeEnds, false);
if(checkBlock != null) return(checkBlock);
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.EAST);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.WALL_SIGN.getId()){
face = checkBlock.getData();
if(face == 2){
// Ignore a sign being created.
if(ignore == null) doCheck = true;
else if(checkBlock.getLocation().equals(ignore)) doCheck = false;
else doCheck = true;
Sign sign = (Sign) checkBlock.getState();
String text = sign.getLine(0).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", "").toLowerCase();
if(text.equals("[private]") || text.equalsIgnoreCase(altPrivate)) return(checkBlock);
else if(iterate) if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == block.getTypeId()){
checkBlock = findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, ignore, iterateFurther, iterateUp, iterateDown, includeEnds, false);
if(checkBlock != null) return(checkBlock);
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.SOUTH);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.WALL_SIGN.getId()){
face = checkBlock.getData();
if(face == 5){
// Ignore a sign being created.
if(ignore == null) doCheck = true;
else if(checkBlock.getLocation().equals(ignore)) doCheck = false;
else doCheck = true;
Sign sign = (Sign) checkBlock.getState();
String text = sign.getLine(0).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", "").toLowerCase();
if(text.equals("[private]") || text.equalsIgnoreCase(altPrivate)) return(checkBlock);
else if(iterate) if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == block.getTypeId()){
checkBlock = findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, ignore, iterateFurther, iterateUp, iterateDown, includeEnds, false);
if(checkBlock != null) return(checkBlock);
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.WEST);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.WALL_SIGN.getId()){
face = checkBlock.getData();
if(face == 3){
// Ignore a sign being created.
if(ignore == null) doCheck = true;
else if(checkBlock.getLocation().equals(ignore)) doCheck = false;
else doCheck = true;
Sign sign = (Sign) checkBlock.getState();
String text = sign.getLine(0).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", "").toLowerCase();
if(text.equals("[private]") || text.equalsIgnoreCase(altPrivate)) return(checkBlock);
else if(iterate) if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == block.getTypeId()){
checkBlock = findBlockOwnerBase(checkBlock, ignore, iterateFurther, iterateUp, iterateDown, includeEnds, false);
if(checkBlock != null) return(checkBlock);
protected static List<Block> findBlockUsers(Block block, Block signBlock){
int type = block.getTypeId();
if(type == Material.CHEST.getId()) return(findBlockUsersBase(block, true, false, false, false, 0));
if(Lockette.protectTrapDoors) if(type == Material.TRAP_DOOR.getId()){
return(findBlockUsersBase(getTrapDoorAttachedBlock(block), false, false, false, true, 0));
if(Lockette.protectDoors) if((type == Material.WOODEN_DOOR.getId()) || (type == Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK.getId()) || (type == materialFenceGate)){
return(findBlockUsersBase(block, true, true, true, false, signBlock.getY()));
return(findBlockUsersBase(block, false, false, false, false, 0));
private static List<Block> findBlockUsersBase(Block block, boolean iterate, boolean iterateUp, boolean iterateDown, boolean traps, int includeYPos){
Block checkBlock;
int type;
byte face;
List<Block> list = new ArrayList<Block>();
// Experimental door code, check up and down.
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP);
type = checkBlock.getTypeId();
if((type == Material.WOODEN_DOOR.getId()) || (type == Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK.getId()) || (type == materialFenceGate)){
list.addAll(findBlockUsersBase(checkBlock, false, iterateUp, false, false, includeYPos));
// Limitation for more users sign.
else if(checkBlock.getY() == includeYPos) list.addAll(findBlockUsersBase(checkBlock, false, false, false, false, includeYPos));
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN);
type = checkBlock.getTypeId();
if((type == Material.WOODEN_DOOR.getId()) || (type == Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK.getId()) || (type == materialFenceGate)){
list.addAll(findBlockUsersBase(checkBlock, false, false, iterateDown, false, includeYPos));
// No limitation here.
else list.addAll(findBlockUsersBase(checkBlock, false, false, false, false, includeYPos));
// Check around the originating block, in the order NESW.
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.NORTH);
type = checkBlock.getTypeId();
if(type == Material.WALL_SIGN.getId()){
face = checkBlock.getData();
if(face == 4){
Sign sign = (Sign) checkBlock.getState();
String text = sign.getLine(0).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", "").toLowerCase();
if(text.equals("[more users]") || text.equalsIgnoreCase(altMoreUsers)) list.add(checkBlock);
else if(iterate){
if(type == block.getTypeId()){
list.addAll(findBlockUsersBase(checkBlock, false, iterateUp, iterateDown, false, includeYPos));
else if(traps) if(type == Material.TRAP_DOOR.getId()){
face = checkBlock.getData();
if((face & 3) == 2){
list.addAll(findBlockUsersBase(checkBlock, false, false, false, false, includeYPos));
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.EAST);
type = checkBlock.getTypeId();
if(type == Material.WALL_SIGN.getId()){
face = checkBlock.getData();
if(face == 2){
Sign sign = (Sign) checkBlock.getState();
String text = sign.getLine(0).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", "").toLowerCase();
if(text.equals("[more users]") || text.equalsIgnoreCase(altMoreUsers)) list.add(checkBlock);
else if(iterate){
if(type == block.getTypeId()){
list.addAll(findBlockUsersBase(checkBlock, false, iterateUp, iterateDown, false, includeYPos));
else if(traps) if(type == Material.TRAP_DOOR.getId()){
face = checkBlock.getData();
if((face & 3) == 0){
list.addAll(findBlockUsersBase(checkBlock, false, false, false, false, includeYPos));
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.SOUTH);
type = checkBlock.getTypeId();
if(type == Material.WALL_SIGN.getId()){
face = checkBlock.getData();
if(face == 5){
Sign sign = (Sign) checkBlock.getState();
String text = sign.getLine(0).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", "").toLowerCase();
if(text.equals("[more users]") || text.equalsIgnoreCase(altMoreUsers)) list.add(checkBlock);
else if(iterate){
if(type == block.getTypeId()){
list.addAll(findBlockUsersBase(checkBlock, false, iterateUp, iterateDown, false, includeYPos));
else if(traps) if(type == Material.TRAP_DOOR.getId()){
face = checkBlock.getData();
if((face & 3) == 3){
list.addAll(findBlockUsersBase(checkBlock, false, false, false, false, includeYPos));
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.WEST);
type = checkBlock.getTypeId();
if(type == Material.WALL_SIGN.getId()){
face = checkBlock.getData();
if(face == 3){
Sign sign = (Sign) checkBlock.getState();
String text = sign.getLine(0).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", "").toLowerCase();
if(text.equals("[more users]") || text.equalsIgnoreCase(altMoreUsers)) list.add(checkBlock);
else if(iterate){
if(type == block.getTypeId()){
list.addAll(findBlockUsersBase(checkBlock, false, iterateUp, iterateDown, false, includeYPos));
else if(traps) if(type == Material.TRAP_DOOR.getId()){
face = checkBlock.getData();
if((face & 3) == 1){
list.addAll(findBlockUsersBase(checkBlock, false, false, false, false, includeYPos));
protected static int findChestCountNear(Block block){
return(findChestCountNearBase(block, (byte) 0));
private static int findChestCountNearBase(Block block, byte face){
int count = 0;
Block checkBlock;
if(face != 4){
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.NORTH);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.CHEST.getId()){
if(face == 0) count += findChestCountNearBase(checkBlock, (byte) 5);
if(face != 2){
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.EAST);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.CHEST.getId()){
if(face == 0) count += findChestCountNearBase(checkBlock, (byte) 3);
if(face != 5){
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.SOUTH);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.CHEST.getId()){
if(face == 0) count += findChestCountNearBase(checkBlock, (byte) 4);
if(face != 3){
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.WEST);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.CHEST.getId()){
if(face == 0) count += findChestCountNearBase(checkBlock, (byte) 2);
protected static void rotateChestOrientation(Block block, BlockFace blockFace){
if(block.getTypeId() != Material.CHEST.getId()) return;
if(!rotateChests) if(block.getData() != 0) return;
byte face;
if(blockFace == BlockFace.NORTH) face = 4;
else if(blockFace == BlockFace.EAST) face = 2;
else if(blockFace == BlockFace.SOUTH) face = 5;
else if(blockFace == BlockFace.WEST) face = 3;
else return;
Block checkBlock;
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.NORTH);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.CHEST.getId()){
if((face == 2) || (face == 3)){
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.EAST);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.CHEST.getId()){
if((face == 4) || (face == 5)){
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.SOUTH);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.CHEST.getId()){
if((face == 2) || (face == 3)){
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.WEST);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == Material.CHEST.getId()){
if((face == 4) || (face == 5)){
// Toggle all doors. (Used by rightclick action to get door list.)
protected static List<Block> toggleDoors(Block block, Block keyBlock, boolean wooden, boolean trap){
List<Block> list = new ArrayList<Block>();
toggleDoorBase(block, keyBlock, !trap, wooden, list);
if(!wooden) block.getWorld().playEffect(block.getLocation(), Effect.DOOR_TOGGLE, 0);
catch(NoSuchFieldError ex){}
catch(NoSuchMethodError ex){}
catch(NoClassDefFoundError ex){}
// Toggle one door. (Used only by pre-561 builds to fix for bug.)
// Now also used to fix doors.
protected static void toggleSingleDoor(Block block){
int type = block.getTypeId();
//List<Block> list = new ArrayList<Block>();
if((type == Material.WOODEN_DOOR.getId()) || (type == Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK.getId())){
toggleDoorBase(block, null, true, false, null);
else if((type == materialTrapDoor) || (type == materialFenceGate)){
toggleDoorBase(block, null, false, false, null);
// Toggle half door, or trap door. (Used by automatic door closer.)
protected static void toggleHalfDoor(Block block, boolean effect){
int type = block.getTypeId();
//List<Block> list = new ArrayList<Block>();
//toggleDoor(block, null, false, false, null);
if((type == Material.WOODEN_DOOR.getId()) || (type == Material.IRON_DOOR_BLOCK.getId()) || (type == materialTrapDoor) || (type == materialFenceGate)){
block.setData((byte) (block.getData() ^ 4));
if(effect) block.getWorld().playEffect(block.getLocation(), Effect.DOOR_TOGGLE, 0);
catch(NoSuchFieldError ex){}
catch(NoSuchMethodError ex){}
catch(NoClassDefFoundError ex){}
// Main recursive function for toggling a door pair. (No good for trap doors.)
private static void toggleDoorBase(Block block, Block keyBlock, boolean iterateUpDown, boolean skipDoor, List<Block> list){
Block checkBlock;
// Toggle this door.
if(list != null) list.add(block);
if(!skipDoor) block.setData((byte) (block.getData() ^ 4));
// Check up and down.
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == block.getTypeId()) toggleDoorBase(checkBlock, null, false, skipDoor, list);
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == block.getTypeId()) toggleDoorBase(checkBlock, null, false, skipDoor, list);
// Check around the originating block, in the order NESW.
if(keyBlock != null){
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.NORTH);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == block.getTypeId()){
if(((checkBlock.getX() == keyBlock.getX()) && (checkBlock.getZ() == keyBlock.getZ())) ||
((block.getX() == keyBlock.getX()) && (block.getZ() == keyBlock.getZ()))){
toggleDoorBase(checkBlock, null, true, false, list);
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.EAST);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == block.getTypeId()){
if(((checkBlock.getX() == keyBlock.getX()) && (checkBlock.getZ() == keyBlock.getZ())) ||
((block.getX() == keyBlock.getX()) && (block.getZ() == keyBlock.getZ()))){
toggleDoorBase(checkBlock, null, true, false, list);
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.SOUTH);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == block.getTypeId()){
if(((checkBlock.getX() == keyBlock.getX()) && (checkBlock.getZ() == keyBlock.getZ())) ||
((block.getX() == keyBlock.getX()) && (block.getZ() == keyBlock.getZ()))){
toggleDoorBase(checkBlock, null, true, false, list);
checkBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.WEST);
if(checkBlock.getTypeId() == block.getTypeId()){
if(((checkBlock.getX() == keyBlock.getX()) && (checkBlock.getZ() == keyBlock.getZ())) ||
((block.getX() == keyBlock.getX()) && (block.getZ() == keyBlock.getZ()))){
toggleDoorBase(checkBlock, null, true, false, list);
// Start of utility section
protected static int getSignOption(Block signBlock, String tag, String altTag, int defaultValue){
Sign sign = (Sign) signBlock.getState();
// Check main two users.
String line;
int x, y, end, index;
for(y = 2; y <= 3; ++y) if(!sign.getLine(y).isEmpty()){
line = sign.getLine(y).replaceAll("(?i)\u00A7[0-F]", "");
//if(line.isEmpty()) continue;
end = line.length() - 1;
if(end >= 2) if((line.charAt(0) == '[') && (line.charAt(end) == ']')){
index = line.indexOf(":");
if(index == -1){
// No number.
if(line.substring(1, end).equalsIgnoreCase(tag) || line.substring(1, end).equalsIgnoreCase(altTag)){
// Number.
if(line.substring(1, index).equalsIgnoreCase(tag) || line.substring(1, index).equalsIgnoreCase(altTag)){
// Trim junk around the number.
for(x = index; x < end; ++x){
index = x;
for(x = index+1; x < end; ++x){
end = x;
// Try to parse the number, and return the result.
int value = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(index, end));
catch(NumberFormatException ex){
protected static boolean isInList(Object target, List<Object> list){
if(list == null) return(false);
for(int x = 0; x < list.size(); ++x) if(list.get(x).equals(target)) return(true);